Before, I did an audio entrainment on higher frequencies, its stimulating. And because of the speed of my brainwave generated, there's a pressure in my head, especially like in medulla area.
Some of my notes, hope it helps:
41.1Hz, 58.9Hz-unclogging nasal passage
75.9 sleepy?
91.7Hz-some high,
151.8 unclogging/energy, felt-focused, deep breathing
On psychotronic device I had experience a stimulating effect as well. The frequency that I used was around 20Khz.
Haven't tried it. You can experiment it when you finally decide for me to do your psychotronic device, if you are still considering.
Radionic devices are good for this purpose and similar look up my posts on radionics. But few throw away their secret, no, let me rephrase that, "they don't tell their secrets" This is a very valuable knowledge just to be thrown away on public forums. But if there's a will there's a way
It's because making a tutorial is not that simple and you know I have some priorities. I am thinking a lot to develop many things and you know this re our exchange emails. And I did mention "if you could wait for a little longer", I should not have said that
Hope that helps you
Originally posted by timh651
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Some of my notes, hope it helps:
41.1Hz, 58.9Hz-unclogging nasal passage
75.9 sleepy?
91.7Hz-some high,
151.8 unclogging/energy, felt-focused, deep breathing
On psychotronic device I had experience a stimulating effect as well. The frequency that I used was around 20Khz.
Originally posted by timh651
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Originally posted by timh651
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Originally posted by timh651
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Hope that helps you
