I received another message from Orion my last night. I was actually on a skype call very late at night with Pamela V when I realised he was trying to communicate with me. So I put her on hold for a few mins & wrote down the message. I ended up losing contact with him part way through because I lost concentration as I was aware that Pamela was waiting so I ended up getting the second part of the message early the next morning.
Note: A couple of words I have highlighted with a question mark as I didn’t have time to grapple with the finer nuances of the meaning due to the pace of this message.
October 11th evening:
O: Sharyn, much is in readiness now. It is our wish to present you with some information known to no one before. At the start of the offensive jets will fly overhead as a decoy (instigated by the powers that be). This is to deceive the public into thinking an attack is imminent.
DO NOT BE DECEIVED & FALL INTO FEAR. All will be controlled by us, there is no need to panic, stay calm & all will be well.
Am I to know over which country?
This will not be revealed as yet. Tell the public to get used to the idea of a noise roaring from above like power lines zapping in the breeze. ( I have no idea what that means) Signal coming from us is transmitted along electrical? waves. Telepathic signals will be used to convey information.
One interesting thing that occurred was that 10 mins after I received that message I checked this forum & Christian had just posted the following info (bolding is mine)
Although I have no idea if & where the mentioned jet fighters might appear this was an interesting synchronicity & seemed to confirm my message.
Here's the remainder of the message early morning October 12th:
October 12th:
Peace be with you, Sharyn, Orion here. Continuing on from last night I want it to be said this is your choice entirely but yes, this is the message that I intimated would be given to you. The ships in the bay? at Cape Town are there as a defence mechanism.
All will be well, we will allow no harm to take place. Our sophisticated technology is superior to everything you have available here on Earth. We’ve been protecting Earth for a number of years diverting missiles.
In regard to your question was this a coincidence that you received this message - No it wasn’t.
We want all people to know of our presence & be aware that we are not attacking your people. Even though they (the military) will try to engage us to make this look like it.
Our tactics are sound & have been in place for some time now. Fear not, we are looking forward to the day of reckoning when we prove once & for all, for all eyes to see , that we do in fact exist. All lies & deceit fed to the people will be brought forward over time. Consciousness will be raised by this event & it is the purpose of our coming now.
The flow on effects are many & varied. Many ramifications will need to be considered but at all times the well being of the populations on planet Earth is of our first & utmost consideration. We attempt to show you the way to create harmony & peace amongst yourselves, the environment & the planet.
I reiterate - PEACE BE WITH YOU, PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND, STAY IN TRUST & ALL WILL BE WELL. Go into your heartspace, it is for each & every one of you to decide & ask yourself if you are ready to receive the gift that we come to offer in goodwill & joy. No force or pressure will be brought to bear on anyone. Freewill is always respected.
There is much love amongst us all here for all of you on Earth. No one is less important than the other. All are loved equally & valued for their commitment for being here now. Each person has chosen their own specific task? for being here.
Trust in the message, Go in Peace,
P.S Thanks for posting Blossom's latest message Pamela!
Love, Light & Blessings
Note: A couple of words I have highlighted with a question mark as I didn’t have time to grapple with the finer nuances of the meaning due to the pace of this message.
October 11th evening:
O: Sharyn, much is in readiness now. It is our wish to present you with some information known to no one before. At the start of the offensive jets will fly overhead as a decoy (instigated by the powers that be). This is to deceive the public into thinking an attack is imminent.
DO NOT BE DECEIVED & FALL INTO FEAR. All will be controlled by us, there is no need to panic, stay calm & all will be well.
Am I to know over which country?
This will not be revealed as yet. Tell the public to get used to the idea of a noise roaring from above like power lines zapping in the breeze. ( I have no idea what that means) Signal coming from us is transmitted along electrical? waves. Telepathic signals will be used to convey information.
One interesting thing that occurred was that 10 mins after I received that message I checked this forum & Christian had just posted the following info (bolding is mine)
Possible location
This is a post from a guy named Walter at Galactic Federation of Light Yahoo Group.
__________________________________________________ ___________________
I've been watching the speculation on the appearance of the GFL ship with interest,
as the 'jigsaw' that Blossom mentions unfolds. To my mind, there is only one place
on Earth where the jigsaw pieces all fit together nicely - Cape Town, South Africa.
Why ?
1. Cape Town is in the southern hemisphere;
2. "Alabama" :- a 'renegade' Confederate ship that raided the oceans during the American Civil War, regularly called at Cape Town harbour, South Africa, to replenish victuals. The Alabama is recorded in the anals of South African history in the form of a song : "Daar kom die Alabama", which is sung to this day by locals on every festive occasion in Cape Town, but especially during New Year celebrations;
3. "Table" :- Table Mountain in Cape Town is a world famous "landmark" and also an energy portal.
4. "Diamonds" :- South Africa has been world famous for its diamonds "forever".
5. "Rainbow" :- South Africa is known by all who know it well as the "Rainbow Nation".
6. Last, but not least :- Cape Town is the seat of Parliament and therefore the "heart" of a nation that has set a shining example for the whole world, in its peaceful TRANSITION from a dark, controlled mentality of the
apartheid era, to a Light filled society. As in all nations, the struggle in SA between dark and Light continues, but with luminaries such as Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and many other "shining examples" of the Light, (both male and female), the South African nation continues to progress peacefully into the Light.
Another "coincidence" - the US Navy has docked in Cape Town this past week with one of its nuclear powered aircraft carriers and other naval vessels for the first time in DECADES !! This - ostensibly to "learn" some "tricks" from the SA Navy ?!! This surely must be a thinly disguised joke !! How transparent the cabal is..........!!
- a cat amongst the pidgeons.....................?? Just a thought.
__________________________________________________ ___________________
And btw, I just felt a shake here in Puerto Rico. There was a 6.1 Magnitude tremor on Santa Cruz Island (near P.R.)
This is a post from a guy named Walter at Galactic Federation of Light Yahoo Group.
__________________________________________________ ___________________
I've been watching the speculation on the appearance of the GFL ship with interest,
as the 'jigsaw' that Blossom mentions unfolds. To my mind, there is only one place
on Earth where the jigsaw pieces all fit together nicely - Cape Town, South Africa.
Why ?
1. Cape Town is in the southern hemisphere;
2. "Alabama" :- a 'renegade' Confederate ship that raided the oceans during the American Civil War, regularly called at Cape Town harbour, South Africa, to replenish victuals. The Alabama is recorded in the anals of South African history in the form of a song : "Daar kom die Alabama", which is sung to this day by locals on every festive occasion in Cape Town, but especially during New Year celebrations;
3. "Table" :- Table Mountain in Cape Town is a world famous "landmark" and also an energy portal.
4. "Diamonds" :- South Africa has been world famous for its diamonds "forever".
5. "Rainbow" :- South Africa is known by all who know it well as the "Rainbow Nation".
6. Last, but not least :- Cape Town is the seat of Parliament and therefore the "heart" of a nation that has set a shining example for the whole world, in its peaceful TRANSITION from a dark, controlled mentality of the
apartheid era, to a Light filled society. As in all nations, the struggle in SA between dark and Light continues, but with luminaries such as Desmond Tutu, Nelson Mandela and many other "shining examples" of the Light, (both male and female), the South African nation continues to progress peacefully into the Light.
Another "coincidence" - the US Navy has docked in Cape Town this past week with one of its nuclear powered aircraft carriers and other naval vessels for the first time in DECADES !! This - ostensibly to "learn" some "tricks" from the SA Navy ?!! This surely must be a thinly disguised joke !! How transparent the cabal is..........!!
- a cat amongst the pidgeons.....................?? Just a thought.
__________________________________________________ ___________________
And btw, I just felt a shake here in Puerto Rico. There was a 6.1 Magnitude tremor on Santa Cruz Island (near P.R.)
Although I have no idea if & where the mentioned jet fighters might appear this was an interesting synchronicity & seemed to confirm my message.
Here's the remainder of the message early morning October 12th:
October 12th:
Orion, sorry about last night - I lost concentration when I had Pamela on the call. I have a couple of questions. Is this the message that you told me previously that I would receive where I would have to Trust what I was given? There was a post that appeared on the forum 10 minutes after I received your message. This wasn’t a coincidence was it?
Peace be with you, Sharyn, Orion here. Continuing on from last night I want it to be said this is your choice entirely but yes, this is the message that I intimated would be given to you. The ships in the bay? at Cape Town are there as a defence mechanism.
All will be well, we will allow no harm to take place. Our sophisticated technology is superior to everything you have available here on Earth. We’ve been protecting Earth for a number of years diverting missiles.
In regard to your question was this a coincidence that you received this message - No it wasn’t.
We want all people to know of our presence & be aware that we are not attacking your people. Even though they (the military) will try to engage us to make this look like it.
Our tactics are sound & have been in place for some time now. Fear not, we are looking forward to the day of reckoning when we prove once & for all, for all eyes to see , that we do in fact exist. All lies & deceit fed to the people will be brought forward over time. Consciousness will be raised by this event & it is the purpose of our coming now.
The flow on effects are many & varied. Many ramifications will need to be considered but at all times the well being of the populations on planet Earth is of our first & utmost consideration. We attempt to show you the way to create harmony & peace amongst yourselves, the environment & the planet.
Is there anything else you wish to add?
I reiterate - PEACE BE WITH YOU, PEACE FOR ALL MANKIND, STAY IN TRUST & ALL WILL BE WELL. Go into your heartspace, it is for each & every one of you to decide & ask yourself if you are ready to receive the gift that we come to offer in goodwill & joy. No force or pressure will be brought to bear on anyone. Freewill is always respected.
There is much love amongst us all here for all of you on Earth. No one is less important than the other. All are loved equally & valued for their commitment for being here now. Each person has chosen their own specific task? for being here.
Trust in the message, Go in Peace,
P.S Thanks for posting Blossom's latest message Pamela!

Love, Light & Blessings
