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Where will you be October 14?

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  • Dark forces

    Hi Jure;

    These are the dark forces I referred to. It was from Atmos on Oct. 13;

    As you might imagine, we have not come thus far to be thwarted by the continued actions of the dark forces
    Pamela,as I have said all I wish on this subject and do not wish to cause you or anyone else anymore anxiety,this will be my final word on it. Anyone may now cheer if you like.

    Last edited by ANTIQUER; 10-23-2008, 07:01 PM.


    • For Our Dear and Wonderful Al...

      Hi Dear Al...

      First off, please forgive me for taking so long to respond to you... You might know that I have been a PATHS representative for a long time and I place a VERY high priority on the needs of my delightful clients. Yesterday was one of those days when there were a few who needed my immediate attention and the pleasure of assisting them took up much of my time, therefore I have been unable to respond to your posts until now.

      Al...I want to THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for your explanation... And I also want to admit that I am a wee bit sensative about my spiritual beliefs and sometimes get my knickers in a twist if I feel that someone might not understand that I have a deep Love of God and that contemplating and resonating to the teachings of Jesus is one of my greatest joys. And...I just wanted to highlight that there ARE different views on the interpretations of the scriptures from the Holy Bible as I didn't want to see a repeat of what happened last summer in the Bible thread. In that case, a certain poster took a rather twisted delight in sparring with you and in doing so, his ego became inflamed to the point of unpleasant vileness... I LOVE this forum very much and I agree with admin about being careful and sensative when posting about religion and politics, so when I felt a little twinge of disconcertion from the "feeling" that your posts evoked within me, I intuited that I wasn't alone and wanted to post the reminder (to ALL) before anyone else came along and started to "lose it" like that other "certain poster" that I speak of.

      Dear Al... I am so very grateful for your post to me and I truly hold much respect for your beliefs and your right to them... The fact that you also have stated here that you respect our beliefs also is so deeply appreciated. For that I wish to give you a BIG Heartfelt Hug! Are you ready, Al? Here it is!!!

      But I do have one favor to ask of you, my friend... If by chance some of these Starship Beings just happen to come a-knocking on your door, PLEASE don't read them the riot act for being late in their arrival, okay? Instead, just ask them in for coffee and cake (keep some on hand just in case...I have this strange feeling that they like cake...) and pick their brains for awhile. See what you can get out of them before you start shaking your finger at them for causing some people that disappointment you speak of... And THEN, before you send them off to my house where they will be guaranteed a fine dinner of home-made pasta topped with basil pesto , immediately report back to us here and tell us EVERYTHING that they said!!!

      Remember my Dear Al...You are very LOVED here on this forum and we are all Blessed to have you with us!

      With Much Love and Gratitude,

      My PATHS Website
      My Art Website
      My Paintings As Prints
      My Facebook


      • Lightship being spotted in Texas

        Check out 10-14-08 - October 14th Light Ship Prediction Event

        Apparently it is in TEXAS right now. Not sure but the site has some interesting new posts. Now, look at the picture I put here of the license plate about 1-2 weeks ago.

        Attached. It think it was a sign.
        Attached Files


        • For anyone who may be interested, Blossom Goodchild has posted two more channelings since Oct 14.

          The first was posted earlier this past week. I guess I should have let everyone know about it, but I was not too sure if anyone was interested. The second she posted today. It appears she plans on continuing her weekly channelings with them.

          To view the channelings, go to Psychic-Blossom Goodchild Sunshine Coast, Direct Voice Channel Psychic Medium and click on Federation of Light, then channelings, then page 6 and you will find them both at the bottom of the page.

          After Oct 14 she started numbering them from #1 again.

          If anyone will like me to copy and paste them here on this thread, let me know and I will be happy to.
          Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


          • Hi Pamela; Glad we're still friends. Do you really wear knickers?

            I think we have the same goals on this forum- to help people. Someone posts in with a problem (spiritual, emotional,physical, financial, etc.) Grace gives them encouragement and corrections , you give them love and sunshine and Paths, I recommend alternative medicine and herbs. Same goal, different routes to get there.

            Of course I know the poster you speak of. Judging from the way he went after me, Kevin, AAron and others the last couple of weeks he was on the forum I think something really bad must have happened in his life at that time. I continue to pray for him.

            Please do me a favor. If you "intuit" a problem with any posting or position of mine please ask about it. I am always happy to offer clarification in order to avoid misunderstandings which can create problems. I do try to be careful, but they can still occur(obviously).

            As for the Starship beings I think them much more likely to stop by your place first, especially after reading your menu for their meal. As I said, I'll gladly admit to being wrong in the face of such insurmountable evidence, and if they were all they claim to be who would not want to meet and talk to them. I am not one to run screaming into the night or start shooting just because some thing appearing a little unusual appeared in my yard or at my door (excluding robbers or earthly home invader types in ski masks). I always have plenty of gourmet coffee(only the best for company, especially after a long trip) and chocolate cookies. Can't have cake, too sweet, messes up my blood sugar.

            I also think if they were to come we would all be so awestruck by them the disappointment would be instantly forgotten. Late? Who would care.

            Well, I need to go replace the lower radiator hose on our car which sprung a major leak today, so bye for now.



            • Bashar on October 14th

              Hi everyone,

              I was thinking that Bashar would like to comment on the event on October 14th. And he did! here is the radio show: Free Online Radio - Internet Talk Radio | BlogTalkRadio

              Enjoy it!!

              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


              • Just a thought!

                Hmmmm... This is just a thought....

                Maybe they did come and the whole world just missed them?

                I was just reading down through this thread today, and what came to my intuition was that everyone seemed focussed on what we believe or our society believes a space ship and space beings should look like???

                My daughter who is now fourteen, is labeled legally blind by the doctors. She can see with very thick glasses or contacts, but is dangerous with them off. The funny thing is that when her glasses are off she can see the spirit world perfectly clear, and just our so called physical world is a complete blur. At the age of six we lived in a house that had an old man that lived in her closet (not in the physical, but spiritual old man). He never came out of her closet, and he would always just smile at her, as he knew she could see him. At my X's house there are a number of spirits that live there and one that is very unhappy there. Izzi knows them all, not litterally as she is friends with them, but she knows them and how they feel, and the likes. But back to the old man in the closet... She was afraid of him, and so she would wake up in the morning and keep her eyes closed till she could find her glasses (anyone with that kind of sight knows to keep glasses in the same spot every night) and put them on before opening her eyes.

                My point is that maybe 20/20 vision is not perfect vision? How many Angels do we walk by on a daily basis and pass up? What other kind of light beings do we pass up on a daily basis? I think it would be easy for the whole world to miss a light ship full of light beings... Just my humble opinion! Personally I did not even look for them... I was busy sitting at the park on the bench at the fairy pond talking to some dragon flies and squirrels and hugging some trees! You all should join me sometime! Al could you bring the gourmet coffee, and Pamela I understand the fairies love pasta and pesto, I make a mean apple pie! Then we can sit quietly and talk with the spirits at the park! We can make it what we like to call a fairy party! But you will have to leave the logic and the 20/20 vision at home!

                Blessings Sallyjane


                • seeing the lightship

                  Hi SallyJane,

                  I had also wondered whether we had all been unaware of the 'showing'. Part of me wondered if we would only be able to see the lightships if we had raised our vibration to ascend duality and incorporate 4D unconditional love.

                  From what Blossom has said, it seems they are still here and will not leave until they have done what they have set out to do. Perhaps its just a matter of time till we are able to 'see'.

                  Last week I was driving my son to school, and I looked up at a cloud formation and thought to myself 'I bet there is a lightship in there'. Just as I said this, my son volunteered from the rear of the car 'look mum, a rainbow'. There were 2 amazing things about this. The first was that my son has autism and rarely volunteers any information like this - he has great difficulty with language. Secondly, I could see no rainbow.
                  I asked him where it was, and he pointed right where I had been looking, and said 'right there'. I still couldnt see it, but accepted that he could, and told him it was a wonderful rainbow and maybe it was a lightship.

                  My son, as a symptom of his 'autism', doesnt understand duality. In fact, he had to be taught his opposites, and he still doesnt understand many emotions. I have thought for quite a while now, and this was validated in the recent Kryon channel, that he is here to raise my vibration, and for me to help raise the vibration of the planet, in order for us all to be able to live and understand and communicate together.

                  Perhaps once I reach his vibration, I will see the 'rainbow' too.

                  love and blessings


                  • Debra

                    What a lovely post! That made my heart sing and lifted me. Thank you for sharing that
                    With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


                    • Debra

                      I read your post to my daughter who said afterwards that when your vibration level raises there will be a kind of healing for your son... She was not sure what healing meant in that, as with her eyes perfect vision by the worlds standards is not really perfect vision. She thought with the higher vibration level would bring a higher amount of connection and communication with your son maybe.

                      I read in one of the books I was reading very recently that souls line up to get to be in a body like your son's with autism or downs syndrom or the like. There is such a blessing that comes from being in one of those bodies and spending a lifetime there. Your son has a very special gift!

                      Love and Blessings Sallyjane


                      • autism, ME and lightships

                        Thank you Christine and Sallyjane for your comments.

                        Sallyjane, than you for your daughter's validation of what I also feel. I have come to the conclusion that my son reflects back to me my own reality. I realise how he makes me accountable for my thoughts and actions, because he picks up on the subtleties of them and brings them right into my face. So, when I see him 'act up', I realise now that it is about me. And so the more I raise my vibration, the more we move toward harmony. And because I am his caregiver, I cannot just run and hide. I must deal with the situation when it is presented, which makes me active in 'working on myself' and raising my vibration. I really enjoy my son - although it was quite a journey getting here.

                        Sallyjane, I noticed you were on the ME formum as well. I used ME to toilet train my son overnight about a year and a half ago. I wrote about it on the ME forum on the matrix site. In fact, when I met Richard at his book signing in San Rafael last year, he suggested I try it on his daughter, who has downs syndrome. I wasnt sure if he was kidding or not.
                        We've since moved to Melbourne.

                        Back to the lightships - I read a wonderful post by Adamu though Zingdad. Its on Sharyn's website, if anyone is interested. It really made so much sense to me.

                        love and blessings


                        • Party

                          Hi! Sally Jane; I like squirrels too. They taste like chicken!

                          Thanks for the invite, but that's a little far to go for a party. Maybe if the starship people come by for a visit to either of us they might give us a free ride?



                          • Hi Al!

                            Sorry for the delayed response, but while you have been tinkering with your radiator hose, I have been spending much time up on a ladder painting the outside of my house, finishing up my newest watercolor, making basil pesto and raking the autumn leaves from my yard that is over 1/3 of an acre! Yeah...I KNOW...More than a woman!!!

                            AND...I am also VERY happy that we are still friends! Also...(as you can see... ) you can count on me to let you know when any clarification is needed!

                            Do you really wear knickers?
                            Oh, my, Dear Al...That's quite the personal question isn't it? all honesty, no I don't...I cannot seem to locate any comfy knickers in this day and age... Instead, I have had to settle for either those nice cotton "Hanes Her Way" ones, or, for summer and special occasions, the ones you can find by scrolling down to the bottom of the "Portfolio 1" page at my watercolor website... Pamela Sweda Watercolors | Home

                            You should have seen the look on my nosy neighbor's face as she was spying through the fence watching while I was snapping the pics for the reference photos for this one!!!

                            But enough about my underwear...

                            I guess that the Starship beings are just going to have to settle for those cookies instead of cake, and since Sallyjane is going to make her apple pie, I am sure they will not miss it! But wait... I don't believe we were planning on EATING those squirrels were we???!!!

                            With Much Love and Gratitude,


                            My PATHS Website
                            My Art Website
                            My Paintings As Prints
                            My Facebook


                            • More Thoughts

                              Hi Al, Pamela, SallyJane, Christine, RealityCheck, Sharyn, et al.

                              Al - Glad you didn't stop posting here!

                              RealityCheck and SallyJane - thanks for sharing about your children - amazingly wonderful!

                              Speaking of Matrix Energetics, I am presently reading the book (takes me a while because I also have vision issues...). In Chapter 4, Richard talks about what we are actually able to see within and without our perceptions of our own reality. He explains that sometimes people, who do not have the proper frame of reference, or who are not used to seeing outside of their belief systems, may not be able to consciously visulaize what is in front of their noses.

                              He uses the example (albeit admittedly a useful fiction) about the Indians who met the first white men to visit North America and how they could not see the ships the men had sailed upon, even though they were anchored just off shore. Except for the tribal shaman, who was used to thinking and seeing outside of the normal belief systems. He saw the water breaking in an odd way, then eventually, he was able to see the ships and teach others to do the same.

                              Perhaps this is what is happening? Anything is possible and the simplist explanation is usually the correct one. So, maybe there is a ship in Texas. And I think if the aliens like cake, they'd probably like cookies too! But picking their brains might be painful for them and get a little messy...

                              Re Pamela's undies - It's worth the scroll!! (luv u wonderwoman!)
                              Last edited by Glenn; 10-30-2008, 03:49 AM.
                              Blessings on the journey, Glenn
                              Handmade Ceramic Gifts


                              • Wow!

                                Hi Pamela;

                                This time I was the one delayed by life in getting back to you. I hope you got finished painting your house. Did you use any of the insulating paint additive from Hy-tech that Kevin mentioned? I only have it on one ceiling so far, but it seems to help. I plan on doing the outside before Thanksgiving and reporting on results.

                                I can sympathize with you on the raking. Our yard is about the same size and surrounded by oak trees. First they shed tons of leaves, usually about December, then millions of acorns about Feb. which stain the driveways when run over. I finally went to a mulching lawn mower which cuts way down on the raking and is better for the grass.

                                WOW! I had no idea you were such an accomplished artist. Your portfolios are GORGEOUS!!! They display such grace, compassion and insight. Your treatment of the water droplets with the reflections in them remind me of some of Salvador Dali's work on display in the museum in St. Petersburg, near where Grace lives.
                                I hope you continue to pass your considerable skills and talent to your students for many more years.

                                I don't think mentioning your undies is getting to personal as you have them on display in your portfolio! But rather than "Hanes Her Way" they look more like Victoria Secret to me, you sly devil you Your neighbor was probably more envious than nosy.

                                As to the squirrels.......not without Grey Poupon!


