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Where will you be October 14?

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  • Jure,

    I agree, the latest video was overwhelming evidence. Let's see what happens! I am only being prepared not to get disappointed if nothing happens.

    Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


    • Today's channeling from Mike Quinsey

      Diane 08-October-2008

      Please resist looking back at what were by contrast with today happier times. Of course you have felt more comfortable and settled at different periods of your life. However, you were always destined to experience more chaos and threats to your well being, as the Illuminati planned to strip you of your freedom. To loosen their powerful hold is no easy challenge but as you see it is now falling apart, at the very time they expected to gain more world domination. What is in store for you now bears little resemblance to life under the old Laws, and its restraints that have eroded your rights little by little until you have very few left. You seek fairness and justice, and conditions that take away the worries that plague decent people trying to make a comfortable life for themselves and their families. You should not be in poverty or lack the fundamental rights of access to assistance in such areas as housing and health. All of this will be placed on a new level through the fair distribution of wealth, and our assistance to enable your needs to be met very quickly.

      Almost at a stroke our coming will release so much anxiety over your future. You will soon learn of our plan and understand how it will change your lives, and give you what you should have had many years ago. You have been deliberately kept down, and subjected to all manner of events intended to make you reliant upon your Government. They have far from alleviated any condition that was causing you concern, but rather exacerbated the situation for their own ends. Your country is now bankrupt yet at one time it was extremely wealthy, but your wealth has been channelled into the families who have controlled your lives. Through manipulation and covert actions they have kept you in need, and at the same time spent your hard earnt dollars on war and politics to gain world control. Their actions are no longer secret but even so you will be shocked to learn the extent of their power, and the draconian and fearful measures they have used.

      Some people have been easily fooled, and there remains a difficult period during which we will have to provide much evidence of what has been taking place in your name. That will not tax our ability to do so, and we shall make the truth known on a world-wide basis. Your media will be unable to stifle or hide the truth, and they have been as a guilty as anyone at hiding it. In the future your leaders will be chosen for their honesty and integrity, and their spiritual awareness. They will speak openly and truthfully and shall intuitively know what is needed. Our presence will be as ones who assist in ensuring the new plan eventually works for all people wherever they are, and equality will be our byword as the standards of your lives are raised up. So many problems will be overcome in the first few months of our contact with you.

      Once your day-to-day worries are removed, you will find more time to understand the needs of your spiritual self and you shall also be helped in these matters. After all, the main reason we come to you is to make preparations for Ascension, and it requires that you lift yourselves up to levels that will enable this process to take place for you. So many of you have moved onto this path through your dedication and understanding of the task, whilst others are unsure and seek guidance. Ascension has nothing to do with religion as such, and people of all denominations can be prepared for it. You need the desire and knowledge of what it means, and how you can release yourselves from a mindset that can hold you back.

      Ascension is every bit about God and the Divine Plan for your upliftment. It has to said that while every effort will be made to give each of you an opportunity to be part of it, without a fundamental belief in a greater intelligence that guides Humankind it will be difficult to move forward. As we often point out, within the plan for Man there is even so a freewill element that makes it your choice as to where you go from here. One thing is certain, that one has to made before the end of this cycle, as the old paradigm is no longer applicable. If you feel that you are ready live by the application of Love and Light and have accepted the Oneness of all life, you are certainly ready to take the path to Ascension. Intuitively you should know what best suits you for your continuing evolution. There is no disgrace in preferring to continue your experiences in this dimension, as each of you have been given unlimited time to go exactly where your needs take you. You are immortal and have infinite life, and whatever you choose you shall be loved and treasured as are all souls.

      In the Divine Plan much emphasis has been placed on giving you an opportunity to ease yourselves into the higher vibrations, and increasingly the Earth has been bathed in them for this reason. It is an awakening process open to each and every one of you, so that none shall be denied the chance to ascend. As your consciousness grows so you will gravitate towards the ways of one who has found the Path of Light. If you are not ready for it, you will simply remain with your beliefs that your present reality is sufficient for you. There is no pushing or pressure to bring you into greater awareness, but any steps in that direction will serve you well in the future. In the ultimate you will one day ascend, as that is your divine future, and encoded within you.

      Be assured Dear Ones that what we are doing is for your upliftment and that of Mother Earth, and it is our choice to serve others throughout the Universe. We serve you by serving the Will of God, and God’s energy permeates All That Is. You are as much a part of God as all other life forms, and in that you have your undeniable link with everything that exists. On Earth you have endured lives that have trailed the depths of darkness, but now you can leave it all behind if you so desire. We could quite correctly say that you have the chance of a lifetime to move on, and encourage you all to seriously consider the wonderful plan placed before you. Trust in the Father of Humanity who loves you beyond words, and has opened the way for your release from the dark energies.

      I am Diane from Sirius and soon we shall be with you on Earth, an occasion we very much look forward to with great joy and happiness. You need us to help you through the end times of this Cycle of Duality, and that we shall do with great love for you all.

      Thank you Diane.
      Mike Quinsey.
      Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


      • Thanks for your thoughts, Elias. Yes, well I have to say there are many forums where I wouldn't post the information that I am receiving. It would be rather a waste of time as I have no intention of trying to argue "my case" & convince others of what they need or should believe.

        I would just hope that people would read the information that is presented in Blossom's channels
        , or in fact read widely on the subject so that they can make an informed decision as to what resonates as truth for them, whichever way that happens to be.

        I have done a quick flit around & looked at a few forums & there seems to be a lot of people who are locked into fear mode & only too ready to judge Blossom & channelers in general, without even having read anything beyond the original message, let alone the numerous different views expressed by different channels. So a lot of misinformation is being expressed.

        All I can do is continue to stand in my own truth which is that I know the energy of the messages that I am receiving & reading from other channelers.I know absolutely that these Beings only have our welfare at heart & feel great love for us, they have no intention of "saving us" or overtaking us. They are coming to assist us & will not override anyone's free will.

        Love, Light & Blessings
        Theta Healing
        Paths 2 Potential

        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


        • Aaron & Pamela V

          Originally posted by Aaron View Post

          Very interesting video - looking forward to October 14th. I'm excited to have anything happen that has the possibility of bringing mankind together.

          Aaron, I can't wait! It will certainly hold great promise for doing that. I still can't really comprehend what it is likely to mean though on a world wide scale. I just hope that I get to see something over here in Australia.

          Pamela, thanks for posting Mike Quinsey's latest channel. I actually thought I had already posted it here. I told you that I'm running in circles trying to keep up with posting on my blog & the couple of forums that I'm a member of. In fact, I've just realised that I haven't posted a couple of my last messages from a couple of days ago here. Off to do it now.
          Love, Light & Blessings
          Theta Healing
          Paths 2 Potential

          "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


          • I've been a bit tired over the past few days so I haven't really tried much to receive any messages.I assumed Orion will contact me if there is anything of note to pass on.

            Just a quick note from Orion that I did on my 6th October.

            Oct 6th:
            O: Orion here, Sharyn. I can speak to you now, connection made. This morning not at liberty to speak as duties prevailed (I had tried earlier).
            Excitement for mission is mounting. It is paramount that you all stay in Trust & search for your Truth. All will be revealed.

            Time is nigh for the unveiling, it won't be long now. The task is for all to see as they wish. It matters not.

            & a nice, feel good one from The Fellowship of Rings

            Sharyn, Peace be with you Beloved. We come to greet you with blessings.

            We are the Fellowship of Rings, known to you as this for ease of discussion & communication.
            We pour forth our Love to you & mankind in this moment of time.Great changes are in place, fortuitous goals will be met by mankind.

            Ease your way through this passage of time with grace & compassion. Hold all judgement until knowledge of this day (Oct 14th) has passed. Much will be brought forward on this day. Joyous communication will be available for all if so willed. Contemplation of this matter will ensure success for those who choose it to be so.

            Uphold this day in your hearts for great blessings of peace are possible never before seen on planet Earth. Cherish these moments in the lead up to this event. Everlasting peace is within your grasp & admittance to wider family.

            Embrace the Love felt for you All by us. We are the Fellowship of Rings,

            Go in Peace & Love

            Love, Light & Blessings

            Theta Healing
            Paths 2 Potential

            "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


            • Exciting!


              I must admit that this is very exciting ... and I am on for the excitement. Earth will change forever! I put this subject on joke, sometimes, because I know that many will not believe it, I only make a joke of it, so that if this event happens, people would have some background about this event.

              I certainly hope for this event, because it will change MY LIFE forever too, and I will have no need to convince anyone that we are not alone in the universe! You know ego suggests that we are God's chosen beings and the supreme beings in the universe, but when we find out we have brothers and sisters elsewhere, then we might ask, what is their religion?!

              Or maybe some will start finding a way to turn them into their religion.

              Deep respect ...

              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


              • First Contact E-Book

                I thought you guys might enjoy this e-book on the First Contact, it is really good: Contact, An adventure awaits you | Kontakt, Ett äventyr väntar dig

                I found a link to it from this site WELCOME TO TIME WAVE 2012 which has tons of info compiled about this event and 2012-related topics in general.

                April's Readings

                Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing
                Izza B


                • Some interesting new info on 10-14-08 - October 14th Light Ship Prediction Event: Spacecraft Cloud Wakes Uncovered by NASA Environmental Satelite!

                  *Nevermind the link. They took it out after a short while. Maybe NASA saw it.
                  Last edited by Christianbest; 10-08-2008, 10:26 PM.


                  • If this is not ment to be only a spiritual sighting I ll be out there with my camera to document this event.
                    Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


                    • A triangle

                      I was looking for the clouds in Google earth today and a triangle of a height of around 1000km attracted my attention near the south pole, thought to share.
                      Attached Files
                      Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                      • Another interesting analysis

                        A satelite glitch...Are you sure?

                        It's been since the beginning of October since we have seen these so-called "shape glitches" that the skeptics prefer to call them. Yet we are seeing similarities in other satelite images other than from Google Earth. There's no question now that this is far more than just a simple glitch. But what does it mean?

                        - Is something being covered up that somebody doesn't want us to see?
                        - Is it indeed an anomaly we are seeing from a spacecraft?
                        - Why are the shapes so perfectly proportioned?

                        The Current Google Earth Image:

                        The idea of the "diamonds" reference could play a potential role here. With current estimated measurement using Google Earth, this "diamond" spans well over 4000 miles from tip to tip vertically:

                        Are we sure this is only going to be a one mile spacecraft, a 2000 mile spacecraft, a 4000 mile spacecraft? Regardless of what various channellers, UFO abductees and psychics have said, the size has always been generated within a state of flux. My friends, we may have no idea of the size of the vessel until October 14th.

                        But as I've said before, in all the times I've used Google Earth, nothing like this has ever appeared before. It's something we just shouldn't throw on the backburner. This should be investigated and should have a close eye kept on it on a day to day basis until the 14th.

                        Only 5 more days until those who believe (myself included) see for themselves, and the skeptics will see the very thing they thought they would have never of seen in this lifetime.


                        UPDATE: I found this post in the comments rather interesting. A poster named "lilrose" stated the following:

                        "Brad, thanks, for this, I know someone who worked for NATO and defense department... they told me that The Department of Defense gets first dibs on what goes out on all satellite images and if there is anything there that they do not want us to see, they are blocked out 'for security reasons'. So no matter where the images are coming from... whatever it is they do not want us to see is blocked off. It has nothing to do with putting together 'snapshots' from previous days, or angles of the satellite images... these shapes were not there previously and they take photos daily and they have the technology to cover the whole globe. There is a coverup."

                        I have a strong feeling that lilrose is correct. Like I've said guys. I've used Google Earth in the past, and nothing like this has ever come up before. People can offer their 'explanations' about multiple photos causing shapes and bla, bla, bla, bla...I'm not buying it. This is a strange phenomenon that is happening on Google Earth, and on other satelites as well...And it's not going to get dismissed.We really need to not throw this aside and say, "oh, well it's just a glitch." I think with this being the 8th day of these occurences, a mere 'glitch' is definitely irrational thinking.

                        Another clue lilrose stated was about Blossom's book named "Snapshot." And she had no idea why it's called that. It has also been stated that Blossom's wikipedia page is gone as well. And still no forms of blip within the main media on this at all. Guys, wake up and smell the cover up coffee.

                        info from Brad's Blog

                        P.S thanks for the link, April. It looks interesting, I'll have to check it out as soon as I have caught up a bit.
                        Love, Light & Blessings
                        Theta Healing
                        Paths 2 Potential

                        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                        • Thanks, this is a really cool post
                          Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


                          • Blossom Goodchild's wikipedia page removed.. hmm. I stress Blossom is not going through an easy time. It could be a reason to why she has not posted any channelings.

                            May God give her strength.


                            • North Pole and South Pole Clouds


                              Some interesting anomalies are happening also near the south pole today. As This afternoon i checked Google earth and the total cloud information for the south hemisphere was disabled, with two BIG RED Xs on the Globe!

                              Later I took another snapshot, showing two triangles, near the south pole. The upper one was present earlier this morning, but the other one is new and is bigger around 2000km

                              Interesting, nevertheless.

                              Attached Files
                              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                              • That's weird about the cover up. I mean if they were going to go through all that, why not just make it so nothing looked strange at all?

                                Keep your mind on the aether

