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Where will you be October 14?

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  • #31
    Thank you both for your thoughts, Elias & Pamela

    Yes, as you know Pamela from our conversations it has been difficult & I have done much agonising about posting this information & the veracity of it.

    All I can say to anyone reading this thread & any information that I put up is to accept that which is resonating with you & feels useful to you & to reject that which isn't.

    Love, Light & Blessings
    Theta Healing
    Paths 2 Potential

    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


    • #32
      For Grace & Pamela

      I was chatting to Grace & artist Pamela (all these Pamela's is confusing) yesterday & they were wanting to know what they could do to help with regard to the coming visitation.

      Well, girls I asked Orion last night so here's his response for you:

      Sept 23rd

      Me: My friends are very excited about this visit Orion & want to know what they can do to help?

      O: Peace be with you, Sharyn. I am here now. Friends can help spread word. Important for as many people as possible to be informed of forthcoming events.

      Fear will prevent people from moving forward.
      Way shown is clear. Essential that people see us coming in Love & Peace to be able to accept the new vibration that will be offered.

      Good to have friends offering to aid you.Pleased that you have taken the step forward & put yourself at risk by coming out in the open. Understand sacrifice made by you.

      All for now, Go in Peace

      Love, Light & Blessings

      Theta Healing
      Paths 2 Potential

      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


      • #33

        I have not posted in many months...I have been following this thread with alot of interest. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us!! I am looking forward to more posts!!



        • #34
          Sharyn I think its wonderful that this has happened to you and you posted it! I can't wait for Oct. 14.

          I know I probably won't be able to see it from Las Vegas, but I will be looking towards the skies definitely on that day. Hopefully it will be recorded and I can watch it.
          With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


          • #35
            SaLuSa 24-September-2008

            SaLuSa 24-September-2008

            Even by your measure of time, there is not long to go before you will get a clear indication of where Humanity is going. There are events that are approaching manifestation that will be the precursor of greater happenings, that shall lead you in a different direction to what you are used to experiencing. You are being helped to break away from the iron grip of the dark forces, and this is vital if you are to tread a different path that shall allow you full expression in the Light. As you rise up from the lower vibrations, so you are creating a new energy field around you, and eventually will be totally protected against intrusions from them.

            The raising up of your consciousness is a process that you can contribute to by being aware of all of your thoughts and actions, ensuring they are of your highest expression. As you progress, you will attract even higher energies to yourself, and in so doing will help others also awaken. Your presence is all that is required to perform this service, on behalf of those who still dwell in the lower vibrations. Some will remain rooted in them and unable to break out. They will not be deserted, but allowed to continue through their freewill choice.

            Part of your reason for coming to Earth was to experience separateness from the Source, and in the end-times that you are now going through to grasp the opportunity to ascend. It is of your choosing, and as your consciousness expands to reveal the truth you must live according to your highest understanding of upliftment. Once you are on the path to Ascension, many dear souls from the Light will accompany you for the remainder of your journey. You have never been alone, but as often as not have been mired in the dark energies and unable to fully respond to the Light.

            This particular period of time is drawing many Beings to Earth, who desire to help you overcome the many obstacles across your path. Rigid belief systems are a major difficulty to overcome, and it is so essential that you allow for other beliefs to expand your understanding. If not, many revelations that are about to enter your consciousness will be missed opportunities to break out of the conditioning that has held you back. Soon for example, there will be irrefutable proof that you are not alone in this Universe. Extraterrestrial craft are no strangers to your Earth, and contact with them is quite normal. What will be different is that the event of the 14th October sighting will happen in such a way that it will be undeniable, and open the door to First Contact.

            From hereon, think in a more expansive way that allows for the unity of Man, and his counterparts from all parts of the Universe. You are All One, and it is time to welcome them to your Earth not as strangers or aliens, but your friends. You are One in the Light of the Source of All Life, and your destiny is to once more to become a pure Being of Light. Without the assistance of your ET friends, Man would have been unable to progress thus far. In time you will understand the truth of their presence, and how they have greatly helped you to evolve according to the Divine Plan that has guided them.

            As we have often informed you, fear is the greatest obstacle to your enlightenment, and your dark forces play upon it. See beyond their attempts to intimidate you, and take your focus away from the activities of the Light. Some events are natural and real enough, and physical changes will continue to take place. However, others are intentionally brought about to continue the assault upon your senses to cause confusion and despair. Look further ahead and see that the present conditions cannot remain much longer, without a major change of direction. The dark is already beginning to implode upon itself, as it has no place whatsoever in the New Age. The Light is rapidly manifesting upon Earth, and drawing ever closer to the moment when the new Earth shall come into being. It will be with all of its glory, fully restored and fit for the sovereign Beings that shall have been lifted up.

            There should be no concern about anything of value that will be left behind, as nothing of the 3rd dimension vibration can take its place in the higher ones. You will eventually use your own powers of creation to bring into being absolutely anything that gives you joy and happiness. There will be no loss to mourn over, and you will enjoy an existence of wonderful peace and great satisfaction in the company of Souls of Light. The times upon Earth will seem distant, and only those moments of utter love and upliftment will remain in your awareness. Think and meditate upon these things, and you will find a certainty within that knows the Truth in this connection.

            We say be aware of what is going on around you, but stand back and deflect the lower energies back to their source by placing the golden white Light around you. Everything is energy, and therefore you have the means to combat any unwelcome energies so that they do not affect you. There will be difficult times ahead but you can soften the blow, if you approach them in the knowing that great changes are coming that will advance you beyond any lasting effect. Everything is happening so quickly with some speed as the new energies begin to manifest the new Earth. It is happening now, and therefore much of the old must make way for it.

            Be of good cheer and help others to overcome their fear, by pointing out that a cleansing is taking place that is necessary to enable the new to manifest. Death and destruction are inevitable, but you will learn that nothing happens by chance. All souls decide how they will leave Earth and they accept it without any trauma or regret, as there is a time set for the completion of each souls life period. One life is but a brief moment of time in the whole scheme and plan for Man. The present one is however most important for those who seek the path of Ascension, and even that is known within the souls subconsciousness and will drive them onwards.

            I am SaLuSa from Sirius and come with greetings from the Galactic Federation, and much joy at the thought of your soon to come experiences of our craft, as they come close to Earth. Our actions are all in the cause of Love and Light and to ensure your safe arrival at journeys end, and Ascension.

            Thank you SaLuSa.

            Mike Quinsey
            Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


            • #36
              Thank you

              Thank you Pamela, Sharyn and all who are sharing here. Sharyn, I am so grateful for your courage to speak up. I am glad to spread the news to those I think will be open to hearing. Some will be eager to hear, others doubting but hopeful.




              • #37
                Thanks for the update Elias!
                Thank you Christine, Nadine & Bobi I still can't quite believe I have done this. I am very much tippy toeing my way through two worlds at the moment, although I have felt like this for some while. My family have no idea that I channel. My husband has gradually become adjusted to my "knowing stuff" & doing strange things ( my theta healing & ME) but if I told him that I was communicating with a being on a light ship, & others, I think that would be a bridge too far for him! He really isn't completely sure what to make of me sometimes these days. I just loaded my messages on my website a couple of days ago, so if he ever comes across them things could get interesting!

                I have told my father & husband that there was a report of a visitation to occur on October 14th & of course they all just think it is me having one of my little peculiarities. They are both open minded about the possibility of other life existing somewhere but they certainly don't think we are going to see it here & certainly not next month.

                Love, Light & Blessings

                Theta Healing
                Paths 2 Potential

                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                • #38
                  Extract from article about Blossom Goodchild by Stepahne Wuttunee -Blossom Goodchild’s Predicted Mass UFO Sighting: Will it Force Disclosure to Occur?

                  To stir the waters even further, consider that the Canadian Prime Minister Mr. Stephen Harper in the last week has called for surprise federal elections to occur on (you guessed it) … October 14th, 2008. According to Mr. Alfred Webre from, world officials are taking the announcement of the arrival of an extraterrestrial spacecraft in our skies seriously, and plans may already be underway to pull public focus away from such a seminal event and place it on more domestic and political issues instead. In this case, the controversy generated by surprise federal elections would tie up Canadian airwaves quite nicely. If extraterrestrials wish for their presence to be known to the world on that day, they would need to account for this type of potential interference, along with one million other variables.

                  Full article can be read here

                  It would be interesting to know if the big push for your $700 billion bail out to be hurried through is also being affected by the awareness of this date. Just wondering

                  Love, Light & Blessings
                  Theta Healing
                  Paths 2 Potential

                  "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                  • #39
                    Blossom Goodchild's Interview

                    This is an interview done with Blossom Goodchild by Mike Quinsey a few days ago. She speaks about how she became involved in channeling in the first place & her experiences with White Cloud. I think around segment 4 she begins to talk about the messages from the Federation of Light. It is worth listening to if you'd like to learn more about her & get a feel for her personality.


                    Part 2

                    Part 3

                    Part 4

                    Part 5

                    Part 6

                    Part 7

                    Part 8

                    Love, Light & Blessings
                    Theta Healing
                    Paths 2 Potential

                    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                    • #40
                      Latest update through Orion

                      Latest channeling that I did my last night as I'm a day ahead of you.

                      24th Sept

                      O: Greetings Sharyn,

                      All is well here. Plan is progressing smoothly & on time. Expect to see visitation as planned.

                      Forces massing now. All will be shown our intent in good time.

                      Images will be projected to undermine us. This will not happen - we are prepared for all eventualities.

                      Mission deemed to be a success when fear is overcome from people here on Earth.

                      The sky is filling with light ships waiting to be activated for duty.

                      Excitement continuing to build. Feel it on your planet also.

                      Me: Is there going to be just the one large light ship? I've read reports of other smaller craft also appearing.

                      O: That is correct. Flotilla in place - many smaller sightings intended

                      You will know truth when you see it

                      I decided to check in this morning because I wasn't 100% sure about last night's message. Sometimes my connection doesn't feel very strong.

                      Sept 25th
                      Me: Did I get this message (last night's) correctly Orion?

                      O: Sharyn, first contact is coming, doubt not. Contact me anytime
                      (I was wondering if this was a convenient time to connect)

                      All is well & above board. You hear us clearly, fear not, do not doubt yourself.

                      Information will be given to you on a as needs basis. For now know that all is well. Much to discuss at a later date closer to time of showing.

                      We support your decision to inform others of our intentions. Information will be provided as required.

                      Go in Love & Peace.

                      Love, Light & Blessings
                      Theta Healing
                      Paths 2 Potential

                      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                      • #41
                        Holy Moly, Sharyn!!!
                        Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                        • #42
                          I Love This!

                          Oh, I Love This thread!

                          Sharyn...Thank you so much for asking Orion what we can do to help! As you, Grace and I discussed, it is wise to send out the intention that people will feel Love and Peace surrounding this event, rather than Fear, and it is good to know that Orion has comfirmed our thoughts on that. Tell him I am sending my Love and Thanks to him during your next "chat" and that I will be happy to have him drop by for some coffe and cake when he finally gets dispached to the planet!

                          I have to tell you that I had a BIG LAUGH when I woke this morning and read your post about when you mentioned the visitation to your husband and father and stated " they all just think it is me having one of my little peculiarities." I can just imagine them exchanging furtive looks with each other over the luncheon table and thinking, "Uh, oh...Here she goes again."

                          I am doing my best to spread the word, but I need to be careful with most people because they will undoubtedly think that I have lost my marbles completely! Since most conversations these days seem to be revolving around the economic crisis here in the States, I have found myself posing a question along these lines... "Oh, wouldn't it be nice if a giant lightship came along and got us all out of this quagmire? And, of course making the point that such beings would be exquisitely loving and peaceful with only the best intentions for mankind. I am finding that those that are normally skeptics about such matters seem to enjoy discussing this possibility, but they are still in the mindset that such an event is a wee bit too unlikely. Still... I figure that getting them to do some thinking on it is only adding positive thoughts to the collective unconscious and, in doing so, will assist our new friends in a successful visitation.

                          I would also like to extend my thanks to Elias, Pamela, Nadine, Christine, Bobi, Grace, Doug and Moria, for their contributions to this thread as well as those of you who are following it and sending YOUR loving and peaceful thoughts to the collective. In doing so, you are greatly assisting in making this monumental event unfold with perfection! May You All Be Blessed. In ALL Ways.

                          With Much Love and Gratitude,

                          Last edited by Pamela; 09-26-2008, 02:49 AM. Reason: spelling
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                          • #43
                            Much Gratitude


                            It is my pleasure to participate in this forum. Your channellings are really interesting Sharyn! There is so much hope, if they show up! And I am looking for the hope, which will cure humanity, not the spaceships in particular. We know that we have protectors in case of a nuclear war, we know that we have lovers watching over us, which are way more powerful technologically than the greedy people ruling this planet. (Of course I know what real power is, which is love)

                            Let's get more hopeful and grateful every day, which is the most important of all.

                            Thank YOU everyone

                            Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                            • #44
                              Asking for permission

                              Hi Sharyn!

                              I wanted to see if I have permission to copy and paste your channellings on some other places on the Internet? I think that these messages are important and many sources makes the info more credible!

                              Your channellings are heartwarming!
                              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                              • #45

                                Originally posted by elias View Post
                                Hi Sharyn!

                                I wanted to see if I have permission to copy and paste your channellings on some other places on the Internet? I think that these messages are important and many sources makes the info more credible!

                                Your channellings are heartwarming!
                                Thanks for your support Elias! Yes, you can pass them on elsewhere. I guess now that I have decided to show myself I might as well get the message out to as many people as possible, if you think what I have to say will be of benefit.

                                Everything is also on my blog now at
                                paths2potential so perhaps you could also include that link for people that want to keep up to date as I will be posting new info there as soon I get it & then here at the forum.

                                Love, Light & Blessings
                                Last edited by Sharyn; 09-28-2008, 08:06 AM.
                                Theta Healing
                                Paths 2 Potential

                                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"

