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Where will you be October 14?

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  • #61
    Thank you Jimboot!

    One of the other group of beings that I have received some messages from over time make themselves known to me as the Fellowship of Rings.The following is the message I received from them yesterday afternoon. Again, please use your own discernment

    27th Sept
    Greetings Beloved,
    All is well now. Much excitement abounds for your Earth realm to experience. Soon to be known to all, the pleasures that await you all as you take on the vibration of JOY & LOVE at your will. All will be offered up to you to take advantage of - it is for you to decide. Free will prevails in all decisions.

    You are much loved & blessed Earth brothers & sisters. It has pained us to see you so suppressed.

    A momentous decision has been taken to fill your skies with craft to bring to your awareness the existence of our presence. Much has been discussed about this. Know that it shall take place & all doubt will be settled once & for all. YOU are not ALONE & never have been.

    This truth has been suppressed from you over eons of time. The time has come now for the Truth to emerge. Wake up planet Earth & rejoice for the choice is yours to embrace or reject, as you wish. The glory will be in the skies for all to see. This will be irrefutable evidence. Justice will prevail for those who wish to partake of it.

    We caution you to make allowances for your fellow brothers & sisters who are blinded to this reality - LOVE IS FOR ALL.

    We have much pleasure in bringing you this message. We radiate LOVE out to ALL - Blessings to ALL. You are all divinely loved. Know that & be in peace.We are the Fellowship of Rings. Go in peace & prosperity - soon to be available for ALL

    Love, Light & Blessings
    Theta Healing
    Paths 2 Potential

    "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


    • #62
      Love Is All There Is!

      We are an extension of God, as a wave is an extension of the Ocean. There is no separation. The extension of God is what we know as the LIGHT. The feeling of Light is the experience of LOVE. In this projected reality we feel Love but in TRUTH we are the LIGHT, which is more than an experience.

      We are projecting all of this perceived separation. You are there I am here. I drive a car, they drive a light ship. We are all One and the same. We are the LIGHT! In this world we are reflected back what we are. Now we are ready to perceive more of what we are. Infinite Love in this projected reality, and Infinite Light in TRUTH. There is nothing to fear, because there is only LIGHT. WE ARE THE ONE/LIGHT.

      We are at a level of collective consciousness that has sufficiently risen from the belief in Dualism. More of the whole understands the truth that we are ONE.

      With this understanding, we can fully KNOW that anything outside of ourselves in this projected reality is only a reflection of the ONE.

      Fear/Death/Pain/Suffering is only a thought of the MIND. A projection of a split MIND. A belief that the ONE is separate from the WHOLE. If you see something outside of yourself, that you perceive is "not good" simply forgive yourself, and remember the truth of your true nature.

      These are indeed exciting times (BLISSFUL TIMES) because more of the whole are aware of their true divinity. The Human race (the LIGHT) has the same power of God as any other projected Race.

      I am inspired to post this, because I want all of us to stay focused on the TRUTH. We are the ONE the LIGHT.

      Sharyn is able to communicate with anything and everything, because there is no separation. The communication is a reflection of what we are consciously putting our faith in. We are all ready to now bring forth the light that is within. We are ready to experience more of what we are. Our faith in our magnificence and Divinity is consistently growing, as it should, as we are "the only begotten son" of the INFINITE.

      The absolute truth is that all is Perfect, and the illusion, is this projected reality of pain and suffering, due to the belief in separation.

      So thank you Pammie for this Fabulous Thread, but we must all understand that what we "see" or "don't see" in this projected reality is of no importance. What is a Must is to remember who YOU are. The ONE that remembers the Truth has the infinite power to remember for ALL.



      • #63
        travel with the ships???

        Do these beings plan to take any humans with them when they head back to where they came from? There is plenty of eye witnesses and those who have encountered UFOs personally to cause me to ask this question. Would these beings describe themselves as angels or beings from other planets. I have not yet reached an understanding deep within myself that we are one except in the context of being God's Light without the human body but being in human vessels I percieve there is different expressions from each of us. When I had my children come through me, there was no one experiencing that time for me but me. Other women were experiecing their own child birthing. It may be a common experience but we each feel it personally. If all that you share with us here Grace is totally truth, then it would seem we have been living and hearing and believing a lot of misinformation for thousands of years. It's amazing to find out that we lived a life of error. Perhaps I'm being simplistic in my thinking. (Still open for more truth)


        • #64
          Just saw a big fat beautiful rainbow this morning! Lovely way to start the day. Put a smile on my dial
          Stew Art Media


          • #65
            Excellant Question!

            Originally posted by rhozzi View Post
            Do these beings plan to take any humans with them when they head back to where they came from? There is plenty of eye witnesses and those who have encountered UFOs personally to cause me to ask this question. Would these beings describe themselves as angels or beings from other planets. I have not yet reached an understanding deep within myself that we are one except in the context of being God's Light without the human body but being in human vessels I percieve there is different expressions from each of us. When I had my children come through me, there was no one experiencing that time for me but me. Other women were experiecing their own child birthing. It may be a common experience but we each feel it personally. If all that you share with us here Grace is totally truth, then it would seem we have been living and hearing and believing a lot of misinformation for thousands of years. It's amazing to find out that we lived a life of error. Perhaps I'm being simplistic in my thinking. (Still open for more truth)
            Hi Rhozzi,

            What a Fabulous Question! What you and I experience is Self created. We are projecting all of it! Believing in Dualism has given the illusion that we have for thousands of years lived in error. This is Illusion! We are Perfect and Whole period.

            It is not so much misinformation for thousands of years, but more misinterpretation for thousands of years. We have taken on the belief of separation far too long. Now we are more aware than ever, that we are ONE.

            Each and every time a Woman gives birth the "Whole" feels the experience even though it seems that the "i" is the only one that is doing the work. It feels personal because we believe in separation. Yet, built into our DNA this is changing. We evolve because this is reflecting the truth of our Reality. We are Perfection and so we are projecting this perfection.

            The reason that we still see death and destruction is because there are still many that are still choosing to beleive in separation. This must end, and it will. The truth has more power than any illusion.

            The Light is what changes our DNA and is how we evolve. This is "divine intervention" but also our embracing our Truth and Light on a grand scale. We are completely "knowing" who we are. This is DIVINE! This is Perfection.

            If our DNA did not change then we as a species would die out. This is impossible as we as a Race are the LIGHT, and we will ALWAYS in ALL WAYS evolve.

            These Beings, have no power over us, these beings are a projection of US! If you feel fear, then you are already "taken", not by beings but by the ego/mind that will always make you believe you are weak and susceptible to any attack. This is the greatest Illusion of all, that you have no power.

            It is your level of consciousness that empowers you. If you are of a "fear based" mentality then you will attract this, if you work to elevate yourself from fear to a level of "unconditional love" then you will attract great Peace into your life.

            It would not matter what is in your outer world, you would be enveloped in Peace. This is demonstrating Truth and a true expression of your Glory.

            Your physical body is a gift and a blessing. It is a way to express and experience the truth of our divinity which is LOVE. Even though our physical body is only a projection of the TRUTH, it is still a tool/temple for expressing perfection. A way to experience Communion and Unity.

            The main point here Rhozzi is, that I want you to feel Peace. There is nothing more for you to concern yourself with and all you need to express.



            • #66
              Fallowing the

              I ran across this from Elias' invite to Project Avalon... then in that forum Sanat's invite to the "Mathew Books" site....what an adventure this internet is....

              I Read some of Mathews backstory and this particular days "channel"...very interesting. Thought others on this thread might enjoy it too.

              September 24, 2008

              (Mathew covers our awakening to the universal community/sightings... if you scroll down a bit - to sept 11...but the rest is just as interesting and puts more context to Oct 14 ..."the story of the books" up top... explains who Mathew and His mom is.)

              Love Blake
              Last edited by Blake; 09-29-2008, 03:10 AM.


              • #67
                Latest channel from Diane through Mike Quinsey

                Diane 29-September-2008

                Is there anyone who is in doubt that the end times are upon you, as it is clear that the old ways have collapsed and new ways are birthing themselves. There is no going back as you have for far too long made so little progress, and we and many others already on Earth will ensure that the opportunity for change is taken. As always we ask you to be patient, as we cannot fully come into the open until the old regime is removed. However, we shall continue to make our presence know, and as each day passes we are much nearer to making full contact with you.

                Anger grows with the realisation as to what a mess your leaders have created, and it will increase as the ramifications of what they have done becomes known. The banking world has long been at the root of your problems, and financial changes are long overdue. What you are now experiencing has been long foreseen by us, and you will now understand why we have allowed events to materialise for your general benefit. The state of your country had to be seen by you, before a new paradigm could emerge let alone be put in place. Now, it is clearly easier to promote the changes that are necessary to move you forward.

                Our allies are moving into positions of authority, and know what is necessary to launch a new plan for a change of direction. Many dedicated souls are just waiting their opportunity to move into the open, and we shall guide them to a successful conclusion. The Light has broken through the dark consciousness that has filtered through into every branch of your society, and there are changes necessary in almost every institution. None are without their problems that need to be addressed, and they must be reformed if you are to have the basis of a protected free society. It must not only be acknowledged, but also accepted as the basis for ensuring a return to one that puts people first.

                Whatever happens be focussed on the changes that will carry you into a new age, and in this way you will be helping them manifest. This intense period of concern will reveal much that has been covertly taken place, and is only the beginning of truthful revelations about them. Once the truth begins to publicly emerge, the support of the people will move to those souls who speak with truth, and have a mission on Earth to bring you out of the dark. You already identify with them, and do so in spite of the attempts of the media to deny them a platform from which to address you.

                A new society is taking shape very rapidly, but it will be a while before it can fully come into being. These matters do not happen overnight but be assured that the framework is in place. Spirit has not been idle over the years, and has instigated a plan whereby millions of enlightened souls have taken their place amongst you ready for this period of time. You have not been surrounded by so many Lightworkers for such a long time, and they are the silent and unheralded army that have got on with their work that now comes to fruition. The battle is between the Light and dark and as we always delight in telling, there can only ever be one winner. The Light has created exactly what is necessary to lift you up, and has opened the consciousness of many who were imprisoned within their cocoon of darkness.

                Time cannot wait indefinitely for all souls to awaken and that was never expected. However, each and everyone have been lifted up to some degree, and all benefit from being on Earth at this time when a major shift is taking place. It is time for those who have moved into the Light, to make a positive move onto a new pathway that has been opened up leading to Ascension. We are here leading the way, and it is the manifestation of the divine plan for you all that we are now unfolding. Nothing worthwhile is ever gained without effort and determination, and we now look to you to do your part in bringing out the truth of your reality. It is an illusion that is real enough all of the time you feed its energy, but now you must lift it up to a new level that recognises the Oneness and unity of all souls.

                Look at the millions of souls that form our Galactic Federation who serve with Unconditional Love. We are where you are destined to be very soon, and it is a natural progression for those who have moved into the Light, and recognise the God spark within all other souls. Those who choose to remain in your present dimension will be none the less looked after or cherished. We acknowledge your birthright to exercise your freewill at all times, which is why we do not force ourselves upon you. However, there has always been a “correct time” for our plan of First Contact and it is imminent, but first your dark leaders must be removed.

                We are now allowed to play our hand more openly, and if you look back you will realise that it has been very subtle, yet the truth of our coming together and your destiny has come out. There is absolutely nothing to fear, and unwelcome visitors are not allowed to interfere with what is happening on Earth. We are in total control so as to ensure that everything goes ahead as planned. Together we have travelled a long way, and have not done so to allow others to affect the outcome. You are in safe hands and there is nothing the Illuminati can now do to reverse or stall the continued opening of the Ascension pathway, and we know you will achieve success.

                You walk amongst your fellow beings and cannot recognise one against the other, but we see more fully and know exactly who is of the Light. The dark think to fool us, but we know their very thoughts and this is one reason why they cannot last much longer. You would be the first to agree how important it is to maintain your freewill, and this is why even the dark are allowed to experience their own choices. What has changed is your strong emergence into the Light, and having moved into a higher vibration we are allowed to protect you and guide you ever onwards.

                I am Diane from Sirius, and very soon you shall see representatives of the many Star Nations visit Earth. It is time to get to know your loving family from Space who are One with you in many more ways than you are aware.

                Thank you Diane.

                Mike Quinsey.

                New Page 1

                In Safe Hands

                I thought this image was appropriate! I like to add photos to my own blog to break up the text & make them look more interesting. Synchronistically, this was one image that I felt inspired to purchase a few days ago.

                Love, Light & Blessings
                Last edited by Sharyn; 09-29-2008, 11:53 PM. Reason: Add image
                Theta Healing
                Paths 2 Potential

                "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                • #68
                  I just realised that I hadn't posted my last message from Orion in reference to October 14th from a few days ago - my 26th September. So here it is:

                  Sept 26th

                  O:You can hear me now Sharyn, Peace be with you.

                  All is proceeding apace, know all shortly - details will be more forthcoming soon. Do as you wish.Matters will come to a head as there is much disarray in the U.S. Potential for peace to be created if it is the will of the people. No news yet, not permitted to speak.

                  Fear dominates the news on Earth - Love needs to reign supreme. It is essential for the people of Earth to rise above fear & suppression of higher feelings & vibration. Will contact in a few days to greater effect. Plan remains in progress. Higher command getting ready for action. Chain reaction expected to countermand effect of negativity put in place by Governments of your World. Time is drawing near to expose their plans.

                  Love, Light & Blessings
                  Theta Healing
                  Paths 2 Potential

                  "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                  • #69
                    As always, thank you for your post Sharyn with the latest from Mike Quinsey.

                    And I L ve your "in safe hands" image
                    Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century


                    • #70
                      You're welcome Pamela!

                      This has just been released by Blossom -a youtube video she has made to Clarify October 14th

                      Love, Light & Blessings
                      Theta Healing
                      Paths 2 Potential

                      "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                      • #71
                        Grace, what you wrote goes hand in hand with meditation on inner light and sound. This meditation empowers you to go back home! We truly are one!

                        Love and gratitude to all of us and lets see what will happen!
                        Work and live in Slovenia - the country that hasn´t been touched by economic crisis. 10 000+ employees needed


                        • #72
                          Next installment

                          Here’s my latest message received from Orion

                          Sept 30th evening
                          O: Peace be with you, Sharyn. Orion here.
                          Trust all is well with you. Time is in place for earthshift. Look to the skies from now on - earth signals (signals to Earth) will be made in form of arcs across the skies from now on, pictures will be shown to you on Earth.

                          There will be no doubt that we are here. Our presence will be visible for all to see. Intention is clear, we will present a strong showing. Masses are in the sky for all to see, the signals are in place now. Phenonemen occurring as natural sitings as precursor to massive siting of lightship.

                          Much has been prepared, we are anxious to see reaction on Earth. All eventualities catered for.

                          I wanted to receive a bit more clarification on this message so I checked in again in the morning (today).

                          October 1st - morning

                          Me: What did you mean by “natural sitings” - that people would begin seeing smaller space craft or unusual physical signs would show up?

                          O: Both will be available for those looking. Our presence will be detected for those with the knowledge to look at the appropriate time. Many signals are in place & ready. It is intended that all will have a view - globally spread out to ensure our message gets to the multitude. There will be no denying that this visit has taken place. The powers that be will be unable to deny our presence.

                          Lift yourselves up & rejoice for the truth will be known. Mankind is ready for the next step in their evolution, to move forward in love & joy for each other.

                          Be at Peace, Sharyn. Speak soon.

                          I'm not sure what the arcs refer to - It could be in reference to the rainbows that Blossom referred to in her channel but I felt that it was meant to mean something different. I was sensing more like arcs of light or shooting stars so I'd be interested in knowing if anyone sees anything like that appearing.

                          Love, Light & Blessings
                          Theta Healing
                          Paths 2 Potential

                          "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


                          • #73
                            In the sky

                            Sharyn, I don't know if this is of any significance because this probably happens often with falling stars.
                            Last night, 09/29/08 for me, I was leaving the grocery store and went in my car and put the stuff in the passenger seat next to me along with my purse.

                            When I got home I reached for my purse and it wasn't there but I know I put it in the passenger seat cause it's a habit. All that was there was my binder and journal, the bags I bought from the store. So of course I start getting nervous and panicky.

                            I looked everywhere in that car! The back seats, the back floors, the driver side floor ,seat, passenger seat and floor and even the trunk. I started thinking to my soul self why did this happen? This is impossible I know my purse was there. For some reason at that moment I looked up in the sky and saw a falling star. I thought for a brief second what was that for? Is there any relevance with that and my purse? What does it mean? It probably doesn't mean anything! I told myself.

                            I told my boyfriend panicking. So he started looking in the car and couldn't find it either. We went into the house and he told me I might have to drive back to the store and look in the parking lot. I was getting sad and frustrated and then he came back in the house with purse!! We looked everywhere in the car for it!! He said he told himself I'm gonna find it and its gonna be threre and he told me he found it on the passenger floor.

                            This might not be anything but I thought I'd share it with you!!
                            With Infinite Love and Gratitude,


                            • #74
                              Snow Cones

                              Blossom Good Child mentioned the "Snow Cones":
                              Snow Cones and 14th October 2008 - Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums

                              Maybe the arcs be something like that ...

                              This was another interesting cloud formation in Alabama:
                              Last edited by elias; 10-01-2008, 04:30 AM.
                              Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


                              • #75
                                Mike Quinsey's channel from Oct 1

                                SaLuSa 01-October-2008

                                Dear Ones a beautiful wave of Light is sweeping over the Earth and will continue to do so as there is a new awakening, hastened by the emergence of joy and happiness at the first public announcement of our arrival. How much it will reveal is up to your response in the meantime. We not only observe but also register the upsurge of a heightened energy full of expectation as to the future. The chaos now being experienced by you is the period of cleansing that shall see opportunities for a totally new approach to your needs. No longer are the old ways acceptable, and it would be a waste of your energy and resources to resurrect the format upon which your financial markets were based. It will be a time of concern for many of you, but remember that in the long run all of your needs will be satisfied.

                                The suddenness of what is happening has been looming for a long time, and the outcome could no longer be held back. It has come as a great shock to the Illuminati who thought they were still in charge. However, your destiny has been taken out of their hands for some time now, and at last you are beginning to see how the changes are manifesting for your betterment. There are still a few steps to go, and we await the opportunity to promote our allies to the positions of power, but this time they shall be trustworthy, honest and true to the Light within. You have spoken and we of the Light have responded in no uncertain ways, and this is only the beginning of a series of changes that will quickly lead to peace at all levels of your existence. It is now required of you that you support those who are so obviously of the Light, and have already spoken and acted in ways that reveal their true selves.

                                We can clearly see the auric colours that emanate from each of you, and it is your signature showing the level of your spiritual development. The clearer and brighter they are, the more Light you have brought to yourself and you stand as one who has awakened. This energy flows out and about and affects those it comes in contact with, and with it you are helping others to uplift themselves. There is a collective consciousness upon Earth, and we can tell you that it has risen quite noticeably with the announcement connected with the 14th October. It has given people the promise of an event of world-shaking proportions, which has suddenly drawn so many of you together. The details are not so important as the signal it gives out, that your time has arrived to take back your freedom with our help.

                                The focal point for the events that are going to change your lives and way of thinking, are coming through the contact known to you as Blossom Goodchild. Others are also tuning into this energy and picking up similar information, and you can expect it to be supported to a great extent. There will however always be those that have reasons to differ, and we respect their right to interpret matters in their own way. In the ultimate there can only be the one Truth, but it sometimes takes time for it to manifest. Be intuitive and true to Self, and your own judge as to what you believe in, and you will find your place with regards to what is coming. It has to harmonise with your reasoning and if it does not, think clearly as to why not, and try to take an unbiased view of it. This is no time to be narrow-minded and restrict your ability to be open to a new way of thinking.

                                The days of muddled thinking are over, and the truth will come out to the point of changing your life. The changes are to enable you to step right onto the path of Ascension, and in so doing leave the lower vibrations behind. They will no longer serve you any purpose unless you wish to remain within them. Open up to the Light as it is there for every soul to draw unto themselves, it favours no one against another. The Light is already present within you, if not subdued after so many lives where it has been veiled by the darkness created by the dark Ones. Now you can break out of their hold upon you, as the Light permeates every dark corner that remains upon Earth. Do not be put off by those who have doubts, as if you have been blessed by the Light it will have opened your heart centre to the truth.

                                The Galactic Federation are here to help with both your physical and spiritual progress, and ensure the Divine Plan for you is fully revealed and enacted. First Contact is not just a part of it, but a marker that will signal the beginning of the end times. It is a magnificent plan that is flawless and perfect, in its desire to uplift as many souls as possible in the time remaining before Ascension. Many of you have worked so hard over a number of life times, to take this opportunity to leave the 3D reality and the cycle of re-birth. In future you will have no legacy left from it, but will have completed your time in it never to return except by choice. You will be fully released from any outstanding karma, and your lessons will have been considered well learnt.

                                The Cosmos will welcome back those who have ascended, and they will eventually rejoin their particular families within the Star Nations to continue their experience in the higher dimensions. You will not be as you physically see yourself now; it is only a temporary body to house your soul as containment in the lower vibrations. However, it is one that is also your temple for the God spark that has ensured your everlasting connection to the Light. These are truths that people need to recognise, so as to be able to face the changes and release from the bonds with their physical body. Each cell contains a consciousness, and they are also to be uplifted into a higher expression befitting of the higher vibrations.

                                I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and taking a more central role in passing on these messages from the Galactic Federation. The different energies have served their purpose in bringing to you a link with us, and upon our arrival we shall be received as your brothers and sisters and not as strangers. We have always made a peaceful approach to you, and you will feel our joy and happiness to meet you. We pose no threat whatsoever, far from it as we come with Love as messengers from God to fulfil the plan for your Solar System, and the greater plan for its ascension with the Universe. Duality is no longer your pathway; you have reached the point of completion. Enjoy the new reality forming around you now; it brings the Light and Love that is you and will remain so.

                                Thank you SaLuSa.
                                Mike Quinsey.
                                Discover the Single Greatest Health Science Breakthrough of the Century

