I call this an event because well I am still unsure as to what exactly was. It appeared to be a complex array of a number of psychic phenomenon include remote viewing, trance or possesion. I have always been able to create and move this stuff since a teen. I was never quite sure of what it was but sought of new it wasnt normal.
This stuff has a certain nature. It is by default oscilatting but in one spot. I say it is oscillating because its fineness can change change based on it frequency. As a small frequency it acts like large bubbles in water and at a high frequency it acts like a cloth. It prefers to move over my body however I can explode it off into my surroundings. Under cotton sheets you can feel it press against the sheets. It can cause muscle contractions which are very different from normal muscle contractions. For the muscle contractions to occur I have to push the stuff into a small area at which point in reaches a certain density and the muscle controls all in one moment all together. The stuff is very different from the extremely light stuff you use when with holding breath and when rotating the psi wheel. As a comparison the light stuff feels like a vacuum while the heavy stuff has manifested.
As a teen I use to be into the occult big time at which time I lived in NZ. I would do all the normal stuff like meditation, rituals. I was never very good at mediation back then. Though I did achieve good results in remote viewing. For those in the know when you receive information it occurs in a blink of an eye, but at the same you receive massive amounts of information. Interesting and annoying as it would interupt sometimes the thing I was doing.
I had decided that I wanted to attract this certain female which I had never met, and new nothing about. Go figure the logic of a teenager. Anyhow for two nights in a row I would sit down for half an hour and medite if you can call it that. The proces was basically putting myself in her bed, telling her to come to me, and making the heavy stuff. My coincidence it turned out that the person I saw in the bed was actually the person I was trying attract that I had never met. In my occult working I always new that It was working when my nose would run like crazy and the candles would explode. On the second day I carried out the meditation and then layed down to relax which was very silly. Any how heres me relaxing and there is the screem like a woman. So horrific like out of a movie horror. Then suddenly I was seeing through the eyes of a crow at this time was still in flight and who had just landed on the tree outside my room. Now you got to understand that in NZ we dont have crows as far as I know any way. Next thing I was being sucked under into a trance like nothing I have ever felt before even today no trance has matched it. I managed to pull myself out of it with allot of struggle. Thats what you get when you have an ill defined goal.
The next day I had an appointment to see an occult head to see if I could join his group. I told him about the experience and he did not seem to believe me. This is what I have found that allot of these so called occult groups or people are just role playing. They mistake imagination for working psychic phenomenon. In my experience when doing anything psychic related it is anything but suttle and in fact is more like getting kicked in the head.
For along time I had felt guilty about what I did and in fact basically put an end to my using it. At the rate I was going I was more likely to do harm than good.
This stuff has a certain nature. It is by default oscilatting but in one spot. I say it is oscillating because its fineness can change change based on it frequency. As a small frequency it acts like large bubbles in water and at a high frequency it acts like a cloth. It prefers to move over my body however I can explode it off into my surroundings. Under cotton sheets you can feel it press against the sheets. It can cause muscle contractions which are very different from normal muscle contractions. For the muscle contractions to occur I have to push the stuff into a small area at which point in reaches a certain density and the muscle controls all in one moment all together. The stuff is very different from the extremely light stuff you use when with holding breath and when rotating the psi wheel. As a comparison the light stuff feels like a vacuum while the heavy stuff has manifested.
As a teen I use to be into the occult big time at which time I lived in NZ. I would do all the normal stuff like meditation, rituals. I was never very good at mediation back then. Though I did achieve good results in remote viewing. For those in the know when you receive information it occurs in a blink of an eye, but at the same you receive massive amounts of information. Interesting and annoying as it would interupt sometimes the thing I was doing.
I had decided that I wanted to attract this certain female which I had never met, and new nothing about. Go figure the logic of a teenager. Anyhow for two nights in a row I would sit down for half an hour and medite if you can call it that. The proces was basically putting myself in her bed, telling her to come to me, and making the heavy stuff. My coincidence it turned out that the person I saw in the bed was actually the person I was trying attract that I had never met. In my occult working I always new that It was working when my nose would run like crazy and the candles would explode. On the second day I carried out the meditation and then layed down to relax which was very silly. Any how heres me relaxing and there is the screem like a woman. So horrific like out of a movie horror. Then suddenly I was seeing through the eyes of a crow at this time was still in flight and who had just landed on the tree outside my room. Now you got to understand that in NZ we dont have crows as far as I know any way. Next thing I was being sucked under into a trance like nothing I have ever felt before even today no trance has matched it. I managed to pull myself out of it with allot of struggle. Thats what you get when you have an ill defined goal.
The next day I had an appointment to see an occult head to see if I could join his group. I told him about the experience and he did not seem to believe me. This is what I have found that allot of these so called occult groups or people are just role playing. They mistake imagination for working psychic phenomenon. In my experience when doing anything psychic related it is anything but suttle and in fact is more like getting kicked in the head.
For along time I had felt guilty about what I did and in fact basically put an end to my using it. At the rate I was going I was more likely to do harm than good.