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Direct Physical Experience

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  • Direct Physical Experience

    I was just wondering if there is anyone here who has had direct physical experience and is not just a groupy of someone else. Its just i see allot of such and such says this will happen on this date, and from this date on according to such and such this is going to be easier to achieve.
    Is there anyone here with unusual talents and i dont mean being able to twitch your noise while downing a glass of milk, or being able rattle of some generic information and call it a premanition.

  • #2
    Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
    I was just wondering if there is anyone here who has had direct physical experience and is not just a groupy of someone else. Its just i see allot of such and such says this will happen on this date, and from this date on according to such and such this is going to be easier to achieve.
    Is there anyone here with unusual talents and i dont mean being able to twitch your noise while downing a glass of milk, or being able rattle of some generic information and call it a premanition.

    Are you asking about ANY personal physical experience that is "paranormal"? Or did you have a specific type of experience that you are asking about?


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    • #3
      Direct Experience

      Yes I should have been clearer. I meant kick in the head paranormal and not subtle could have been chance.


      • #4
        Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
        Yes I should have been clearer. I meant kick in the head paranormal and not subtle could have been chance.
        I am sure that many have had but might be hesitant to share...might have been ridiculed by previous sharing of paranormal experiences.

        I know that I AM hesitant to share all of the ones I have had for concern of some thinking that I am "crazy".

        But here goes with a few-

        I have seen with my own eyes (and others that were with me saw the same thing) orange orbs floating in the air, and moving from spot to spot. They were about 6-8 inches in diameter.

        I have seen these on many occasions. But everytime was on a particular piece of land in Maui.

        I have TRV'd thousands of times. When one TRV's a few times and gets information, yes it could be labeled a coincidence, but thousands upon thousands of times and getting information that later was verified to be accurate, and when I TRV'd there was NO NORMAL WAY FOR ME TO KNOW THE INFORMATION...this goes beyond any mathematical possibility of coincidence.

        I will share a few instances of working with the local Police Department.

        (on all these, I did NOT know what the subject was that I was TRVING, I did NOT EVEN know it was for the Police Department. All I had was two 4 digit numbers and my TRV skill)

        1. There was a death that was tentatively ruled accidental. They (the police detective) wanted to know if it was accidental, and if it was not, they wanted to know who committed the murder.

        I gave them information that told them unequivocally that it was one person killing another. I also gave them information specifically identifying who the murderer was AND WHY they killed the person.

        The detective took the information, confronted the killer with it, it was so detailed that the killer thought they had more than just TRV data (which is not accepted in a court) and wrote a full confession as part of "cutting a deal". He was convicted and sentenced for the murder in court.

        2. Documents from an ongoing police investigation were printed in the local newspaper. The detective wanted to know who had given the documents to the newspaper reporter.

        I provided information identifying the person. This identifying information only fit ONE person that had access to the file. The person (who WAS a police officer) was confronted with the TRV data and confessed.

        There are literally thousands more examples, but that gives an idea.

        Another paranormal experience was speaking with a demon. This was decades ago. The short version is that I was speaking with a person...but it was not the human being that I was speaking with, it was another entity, which I know to be a demon. This entity, that was speaking thru this human being, knew things that were not possible for the human being (which I had never before met) to know, and MORE IMPORTANTLY to this conversation of paranormal, the voice this entity spoke with could in NO WAY be construed to be human. Yes, it did sound like what you hear in some movies. ONLY this person had no equipment with which to distort his voice. It was definitely a paranormal experience.

        I have had MANY more paranormal experiences, some of which could be rationalized away, others which can not.


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        • #5

          i know i have shared about mine
          i hear what your saying and yes it is true many aren't open about these things
          it would have been in one of my first posts.. perhaps the first fifty...
          and perhaps calling it "chance" is just a way to doubt what we know happened or are of afraid of.

          Why do you ask
          have you had one yourself?
          or are you kinda skeptical... yet have somethig knudging you to know more???
          just wondering..

          PS.. there are groupies here??? where.. i thought they only went with
          Last edited by Adrienne; 11-12-2008, 06:51 AM.
          Matrix Energetics Sessions-Private message me


          • #6
            cable box turning channels by itself

            There are many other things but here is one that would fit into a "paranormal" category with physical substance.

            About 1991 or so, I was living at my parents house and it was a duplex converted into a single house. I was in one living room watching TV, while one of my best friend's from HS (going to college with me there)...was in the other "living room" on the computer.

            I was on the couch watching the tv...was watching CHEERS..the popular tv show. The cable box was an old analog turn dial type with a switch on top to switch from A to B and that switch was NOT easy to move to the left and right and the dial required actual muscular effort to literally required a little umph to move it back and forth. It was on something like 8A.

            As I was enjoying the show and my friend was on the other side, the wall was cut out so he could see everything in my room, the dial spun around about a dozen times and the switch on top moved from A to B. It stopped on some public service announcement channel but I was so shocked I didn't pay attention to the content.

            I shocked me so bad, my heart was racing and had goose bumps so hard they were about to pop...I was shaking so bad I almost had tears coming down my face. I looked over at my friend who suddenly turned because he thought I was turning the dial like and looked over to see what the heck I was doing that for...and saw I was sitting on the other side of the room on the couch in shock....staring at him wondering what the just happened.

            I asked him if he heard what I heard and saw and he said yes but thought I did it until he looked over to see me sitting on the couch.

            If it was a digital box, I understand CB radio communications from trucks could have triggered a channel change, etc... and all other possible explanations...BUT on this ANALOG turn dial box with a switch on top, NONE of these explanations fit.

            Some rubber band belt inside did not break and it spun around, etc... and I could come up with many explanations but they would all be so ridiculously irrelevant I won't.

            It ABSOLUTELY was something profound, non-physical that I could see, had an effect on our physical reality, etc... the first thing I thought was that it was some ghost playing games or really trying to get my attention. There were MANY incidents like this with other things in this house going on.

            Anyway, I saw that with my own eyes and it is NOT explained by any skeptical happened period.

            What was it? I don't know but it is definitely paranormal.
            Last edited by Aaron; 11-12-2008, 07:58 AM.
            Aaron Murakami

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            • #7

              Wow kevin thats awesome stuff. I love hearing stuff like that. It connects you more with it. I always think of it as micro inititations, of course it helps allot more if your there so that psychic mind can be exposed to the experience and so reproduce it more easily. This is one of the great dificulties i find with pk stuff is that it is difficult to produce something that you have seen produced. That is you rarely know when your on the right track. This is where the simple toys like the Egely wheel, random number generators, come in big time. What i have found though is that they all have that same fealing of being spaceless, timeless, open, enthusiastic, which produces for me a kind of vacuum.
              I have had a few experiences which i have posted here
              I know what you mean about freaking out Aaron. The first thing is you try to rationalize it then doubt that it ever happened, and then accept that it did happen. Its weird as well because even if your not the cause of the effect by watching and having even a partially developed pk mind the pk mind tends to kick in and your watching it with what feels like two sets of eyes which can become very stressful.
              I get this allot, not so much now. I would simply lay down to relax then time would dissapear and i would be back but when i open my eyes i am somewhere else. I can see everything and feel it completly as though i were there. I have been in the strangest of places, such as an empty morgue type room to living on a camp stretched in the back of a disused oriental store. What i love about these events is that you recieve far more information that you would normally with your eyes. Its like your concious instead of being ata point takes up a huge volume of space and so you know everything about that space.


              • #8
                hey dmonarch

                My first paranormal - ghost - ex perience at a restaurant, freaked me out, but after that it's easier and fun. In Pittsburgh Pa. my roommates told me it was haunted. Not much happened, but like you Aaron, with the cable box - although mine was electronic - the events connected, didn't make sense. The remotes stopped changing channels, even the vcr and tv remotes broke as well back in '93. I put up with it for a few weeks, but was using them for volume and attempted "channel change" maneuvers before getting up to do it. When finally calling to get it fixed by the cable co., A fuse blew, killing the cordless phone. I go down in the basement to change it and my bright flashlight blew when the lights came on at the same time!! They said they'd be there in a week to replace the box. And a few days later... of course... it started working again!! I had to call 'em to not come out and on the phone asked how that could happen??? He said "No way" and then all the events added up in my head and I realized my ghost was just playing tricks w/me. The fuse blew with nothing really on. I've blown fuses with too many things running before, but not this time.

                I later found out it was a female ghost and before that while chatting online, IMing -- my power went out around midnight. I ran to the front and looked up and down the street and everyone else had lights. After yelling at my ghost, the power came back on a min. later. (I guess she was jealous)

                I've had some fun w/ghosts ever since '84 -- hey, they're just people too.
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                • #9
                  PSI and Electronic devices

                  I can definitly related to electronic devices being affected by PSI. During my kundalini experience devices were constantly misbehaving, just refusing to work. I would often hear pop and bangs in my room like capacitor discharges.
                  Its definitly at first not a comfortable experience when dealing with PSI. That weird vacuum, timeless, spaceless, bi locale feeling can be disturbing until you realise what is happening and then you just settle in and enjoy the ride.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
                    Its definitly at first not a comfortable experience when dealing with PSI. That weird vacuum, timeless, spaceless, bi locale feeling can be disturbing until you realise what is happening and then you just settle in and enjoy the ride.
                    One of the things that happens when you TRV is that you get bi-located. A few side-effects of bi-location are:

                    Loss of sense of time
                    Feelings of euphoria
                    Loss of physical coordination

                    The above last during the TRV session and for about 10-30 minutes after the session.

                    I personally always feel more energized and am in a great mood for hours after doing a TRV session.


                    PATHS For Healing
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                    • #11
                      TRV Effectivness

                      Hi Kevin is there any free information on the technique you learnt or do you have to purchase the course.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
                        Hi Kevin is there any free information on the technique you learnt or do you have to purchase the course.
                        There is a wealth of information in this three part article. AND, within the article are links to other sites that have EVEN more Free info on it.





                        PATHS For Healing
                        Energetic Science Ministries
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                        ESM Forum Support Link


                        • #13
                          TRV interesting

                          Kevin thanks for the info. Cool stuff and very good you were able to use it so effectively to help law enforcement get their man!
                          "But ye shall receive power..."
                          Acts 1:8


                          • #14
                            Small Question

                            Just a small question to Kevin on morality. In one of his posts you mention that you have TVM such and such but you cannot reveal any of the information as it would be wrong and immoral.
                            My question is how can it be imoral to obtain information this way ie using remote viewing when we are obtaining information this way all the time even without being aware of it. Being aware or unaware of where your obtaining information does not make any difference. It is doing what you think is right.


                            • #15
                              Extension of small question

                              If there was any imorality involved with remote viewing then wouldnt simply the act of you doing it be imoral. Even when a client comes to ask you to find out such and such this could still be interpreted as imoral no matter the circumstance.
                              The way i know if something is right is that the decision involves absolute no thought, no emotion, it is simply right. Its like when you hum and har over doing something. Most of the time if not all you already no what is right but you let your mind and emotions into the equation. For me it is like being selfless. I dont come into the equation at all. It is the collective that matters more. I am not religous either. I just am at this moment. 1 = 0 is another way of thinking of it. That said concerning my own life i still make just as many mistakes as everyone else.
                              My personal opinion is that remote viewing is perfectly fine. But with it comes not only a responsibility to yourself,. and your client if any, but most of all to the collective. The collective comes above all else
                              I have made my share of mistakes concerning PK and in all cases is what due to ego and the lack of selflessness.

