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  • #16
    Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
    Just a small question to Kevin on morality. In one of his posts you mention that you have TVM such and such but you cannot reveal any of the information as it would be wrong and immoral.
    My question is how can it be imoral to obtain information this way ie using remote viewing when we are obtaining information this way all the time even without being aware of it. Being aware or unaware of where your obtaining information does not make any difference. It is doing what you think is right.
    I am not sure what you are referring to. Possibly I said that I was paid by a company to obtain information for them to better their business?

    If that is the case, then it would be wrong for me to accept their pay to get info for them and then share it with others.

    It is "work product" that they paid for, and it belongs to them, not to me to share with others.

    If you are referring to something else, then please show me what I said.


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
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    • #17
      Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
      If there was any imorality involved with remote viewing then wouldnt simply the act of you doing it be imoral. Even when a client comes to ask you to find out such and such this could still be interpreted as imoral no matter the circumstance.
      The way i know if something is right is that the decision involves absolute no thought, no emotion, it is simply right. Its like when you hum and har over doing something. Most of the time if not all you already no what is right but you let your mind and emotions into the equation. For me it is like being selfless. I dont come into the equation at all. It is the collective that matters more. I am not religous either. I just am at this moment. 1 = 0 is another way of thinking of it. That said concerning my own life i still make just as many mistakes as everyone else.
      My personal opinion is that remote viewing is perfectly fine. But with it comes not only a responsibility to yourself,. and your client if any, but most of all to the collective. The collective comes above all else
      I have made my share of mistakes concerning PK and in all cases is what due to ego and the lack of selflessness.
      TRV is a tool. Just like a hammer is a tool. It is amoral. What one chooses to do with the hammer may be moral or immoral, right or wrong.

      Using the hammer to pound nails to build a doghouse that my wife asked for, for one of our dogs is a good thing.

      Using the hammer to hit someone on the head and steal their car is not a good use of the hammer.

      Same thing with TRV. If someone wants to know what the optimum course of action is for them regarding purchasing a house, this is a good thing.

      If someone asks me to TRV the most effective way to break into a store so they can steal some stuff and not get caught, this is not a good thing. (yes, I actually had someone want to pay - Remote Viewing Investigators & Psychic Data Collection Detectives to get this information for them)


      PATHS For Healing
      Energetic Science Ministries
      Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

      ESM Forum Support Link


      • #18
        If the following is true, that we are all recieving this informaion all the time, that there is nothing extraodinary about it and very common then how can it be imoral. Wouldnt the imoral act be not sharing information, for example how such and such device works for those here at the energy forum can use.

        Originally posted by Kevin View Post
        I am not sure what you are referring to. Possibly I said that I was paid by a company to obtain information for them to better their business?

        If that is the case, then it would be wrong for me to accept their pay to get info for them and then share it with others.

        It is "work product" that they paid for, and it belongs to them, not to me to share with others.

        If you are referring to something else, then please show me what I said.


        • #19
          If someone asks me to TRV the most effective way to break into a store so they can steal some stuff and not get caught, this is not a good thing. (yes, I actually had someone want to pay - Remote Viewing Investigators & Psychic Data Collection Detectives to get this information for them)
          well in that case you should have made something up got paid then laugh at them when they got caught lol


          • #20
            right act

            Sure i agree that using remote viewing for bank robbing is not a good use.


            • #21
              Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
              If the following is true, that we are all recieving this informaion all the time, that there is nothing extraodinary about it and very common then how can it be imoral. Wouldnt the imoral act be not sharing information, for example how such and such device works for those here at the energy forum can use.


              The assumption above is inaccurate. TRV information is EXTRA-ORDINARY.

              99.9+% of the population cannot tell a company what the optimum advertising campaign would consist of that would sway consumers away from their competitors product and to theirs, and at the same time set their competitor back on their heels, hindering their ability to effectively compete for a period of time.

              This is the kind of extraordinary information that TRV can give to a company. The company has paid for this information, so it belongs to them. Just like if the same company paid a traditional market research company for information.

              Yes, all this information exists in the Matrix (the Collective), however, most people are not able to consciously access detailed information from Matrix at will. People who TRV can do that.

              Learning to TRV is a long, arduous process. A highly skilled TRV'er has thousands of hours invested in honing their skill.

              This earned skill gives them the ability to literally know anything about anything. This, of course, is valuable.

              If a TRV'er chooses to accept pay from an individual or company to get information from the Matrix for them, then it is the TRV'ers obligation to honor the person/company that paid them regarding that information.

              If the person/company does not want that information disclosed to anyone else, that is their prerogative.

              All that said...As stated previously, a TRV'er must take care to accept only jobs that will not put them in a difficult position of having to choose between honoring their contract with the person that paid them, and honoring their conscience with any information they may learn.


              PATHS For Healing
              Energetic Science Ministries
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              ESM Forum Support Link


              • #22
                Originally posted by Nadda View Post
                well in that case you should have made something up got paid then laugh at them when they got caught lol
                Yes, I could have done that. But then I would have been stealing from them.


                PATHS For Healing
                Energetic Science Ministries
                Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                ESM Forum Support Link


                • #23
                  Information on free energy

                  Do you only do paid work and no charity. It would be invaluable for you to investigate free energy devices such as gray and tesla. I cant see any moral issue with this considering the information is really the property of the cooperative. As well they are dead and for all intent all research has dried up and seased on the product. As long as you make no direct money of such investigations and make the information public there what is the issue.


                  • #24
                    Lack of Reply

                    I am sorry if i put you on the spot. I just know that the people on the energetic forum would very much appreciate inside information. I know i would.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
                      Do you only do paid work and no charity. It would be invaluable for you to investigate free energy devices such as gray and tesla. I cant see any moral issue with this considering the information is really the property of the cooperative. As well they are dead and for all intent all research has dried up and seased on the product. As long as you make no direct money of such investigations and make the information public there what is the issue.
                      Hi dmonarch

                      Since someone who is proficient in TRV can know anything about anything...that is a powerful tool! What is the catch?

                      There are several:

                      1. Generally a person can only do one session a if one has enough free time, that is a maximum of 7 a week.

                      2. Since it is a skill, it is possible to have an "off" session. So before acting on any information, you always want to have corroborated data...that is where at least two TRV'ers worked the same target independently and got the same data - corroboration. (there is more on this in the articles referred to above)

                      3. There are a very limited number of professional level TRV'ers world-wide, even fewer that have any free time (less than a dozen)

                      So, what this means is that between paid jobs that we must do for our Clients, AND the targets that each of us has a personal interest in (for our own lives) there is very little time left over to do any other work.

                      We (myself and the other professional TRV'ers that I work with regularly) sometimes take on jobs that are outside of our paid clients and personal areas of interest...but it is all too rare.

                      A few years ago we did do quite a bit of work on the Bedini School Girl energy device. We got quite a bit of useful data: Most, if not all of it is listed in the following posts from awhile ago-




                      You are quite correct, if we were to take the time to do some work on Gray or Tesla, I do not see any problem with freely disseminating that information.

                      As you can imagine, there are SOOO many things, even after years of TRVing that hold an interest to each of us. At this time Gray, nor Tesla, are high on that list.

                      Last edited by Kevin; 11-17-2008, 08:39 AM.

                      PATHS For Healing
                      Energetic Science Ministries
                      Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

                      ESM Forum Support Link


                      • #26
                        trv data and free energy

                        The TRV data that I was made aware of in regards to the Bedini circuits showed the opposing magnets around the rotor before John Bedini ever released any of that information to the public.

                        This data also showed the Earth ground connections to the Bedini circuits...also before anyone was talking about it. I knew this for years and so did a few other people that actually noticed the schematics...anyway because John always specifically shows 2 different grounds...negative ground and literal Earth ground.

                        Because the TRV data came up with what Peter and John mentioned to me about the Earth rod stuff...nothing specific just in concept, I took another look at it and told a handful of people so they could get experimenting with it. Some had results and some didn't. The Earth "currents" come in waves so it isn't going to be a consistent variable so shouldn't be relied upon during testing.

                        Years ago, the TRV data showed that algae is the optimum fuel for the future. Kevin posted some of the basics on this already in this forum. This was known for many years by the TRV'ers...what do we find now? Acre for Acre...algae has the potential to out produce ANY other source for fuel per space than anything else in the world. I'm talking about plant type sources and not energy from vacuum space.

                        I believe these wiki #'s are per acre....even if not, they are proportionate to each other still.
                        • Algae: 2763 dm3 (liter) or more
                        • Hemp: 1535 dm3
                        • Chinese tallow: 772 dm3 - 970 GPa
                        • Palm oil: 780 - 1490 dm3
                        The algae #'s are impressive, but still conservative as there are many advancements...not to mention the potential for a serious food source, etc... How does any of the TRV data help people?

                        First, people have to actually believe it is even real...if they do, they could know that algae is the optimum fuel for the future but that doesn't mean anyone is going to do anything with that data.

                        There are a lot of projects working in this arena...and they could hire a team of TRV'ers in order to fine tune their projects, etc...

                        It is amazing that the team of people that do these projects have no idea what they are even trv'ing so there is nothing to suggest to them anything about the target they are viewing!!

                        I would hope that others interested in "free energy" and other similar technologies would learn trv on their own and then come together to collaborate on is a matter of time until those interested in free energy...a great majority of them...wholeheartedly embrace consciousness technologies.

                        What is interesting is that most of the pioneers in the energy technologies were and still are deeply involved in them but most people wouldn't is a matter of time that most of the people following their work will come full circle and realize that the potential itself and where it comes from is the same stuff that potentializes thoughts into action and any other concept of thought power, intention and consciousness technologies.
                        Aaron Murakami

                        Books & Videos
                        RPX & MWO


                        • #27
                          free energy and paths / trv

                          Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
                          I am sorry if i put you on the spot. I just know that the people on the energetic forum would very much appreciate inside information. I know i would.
                          Hi Dmonarch,

                          One way TRV is helping a lot of people is that TRV discovered the key principle in the PATHS technology.

                          In regards to "free energy", there was a module developed:

                          It literally allows the subconscious to resonate with the morphic fields of past masters like Tesla, allowing to draw directly from the collective.

                          That is only part of it.

                          When that module was released, a team of people were on that with the PATHS technology cranked up (extra resources were used) so that it super potentialized the collective with concepts of the water sparkplug circuits, Imhotep's radiant oscillator, etc... mostly the projects that were the most popular in the forum.

                          The stronger it was potentialized in the matrix, the more likely that anyone with similar or equal intention would have their own subconscious mind pick up on it and cause various insights to percolate up into the conscious awareness through total waking state or dreams.

                          What unfolded was that a handful of people that were NOT on the modules suddenly started to have dreams about the water sparkplug plasma effect, etc... it was not by accident.

                          Anyway, it gave a serious boost to quite possibly the most important open source "free energy" project that ever hit the internet. Look at the advancements! July 3, 2008...4 and a half months ago and look what has happened so far and almost 100,000 views.

                          We may do some more PATHS projects like this with the energy stuff at a later time, but please be aware that there has been a lot of intense efforts through TRV and PATHS to help people and have things happen faster than usual.

                          I hope this helps you see that the free energy movement is being helped by these types of methods...some directly and some indirectly, but nevertheless, the boost is powerful.
                          Last edited by Aaron; 11-22-2008, 06:55 AM.
                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #28
                            Highly doubtful

                            I took a look at the Paths site. I read it all including the testimonials. I wouldnt mind seeing the research they did on it. As well as learn more about the Paths technology itself. All seems like nothing new to me. Seems like the same old binaural beat technology, maybe parallel suggestion.
                            I have a very open mind but that said I also require information to be provided on the research and technology to make up my own mind and not go off solely what others say.
                            For me there not providing this information which is standard with any such new product it tells me that something is up. More than likly simply a highly gimmicky repackaged product. As well that it offers an affiliate program is another scratch against it. if it were a good product and seemed like a winner you wouldnt need such tactics.
                            People are all too often out for a quick fix. They look for solutions outside themself when not realising that they have all they need already inside. Simple stop and watch what you are doing and ask youself if it makes sense and if it dosnt be aware that it need changing and that it is you that is the cause not anyone else.
                            For me the new age brought and opening fo the mind and people started questioning things more. However what this did was create a vacuum for any old piece of rubbish to come along and fill the gap. The result being that there alot of truly honest innocent people out there looking for an answer who out of shear desperation often settle for the easy quick solution when the deserve far better. There are allot of predators out there peddling there magick crystal, etc.
                            For me my compass is logic. The world occult means hidden phylosophy. It was a kind of natural science which today we call physics. By keeping that in mind you equip yourself with an excellent compass. PK PSI, wicca, all of this are dealing with the same subject and the main equipment is always you. Invest in yourself, use all the abilities that you are equiped with which includes logic, Logic and PSI are not in opposition, far from it. Keep a diary of your success and failure in PSI. Determine what works and dosnt. Use that as your compass. Now when you read old teachings they take on a different nature. You realise that there are certain requirements for PSI to occur.
                            Ask yourself when was the last time you cried out compassion. When was the last time you felt amazing joy. When was the last you felt sympathy. I am sure you can remember what it was like a child when you would laugh so hard, you felt like a fountain overflowing, that you would almost pee your pants. Ask yourself what would you feel on you death bed with all those around you who love you so mcuh. All that would be on your mind is how lucky you are to have people who love you so much. All these emotions foam and froth within us when active. They change you and everyone that surrounds you. Take the time out to reconect with these feelings and others you can come up. One of my faviourites is the love a husband of 50 years feels for his wife that just passed away. So much love and so much pain at the same time it rips you apart. It is trajic but still beutful.
                            When you start feeling such things you become selfless. You no longer are important. You would give up your life in a split second for the better of others. No thought you just do.


                            • #29
                              PATHS Articles

                              Feel free to look around this forum for different articles on PATHS. It is a very new technology and is completely different from subliminals or any similar methods.

                              Here's one:

                              Here's another:

                              Both can give you an idea of what PATHS is about.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #30
                                Still not convinced

                                My intention is to be horrible but it just seems like the same old loose jargon with no real information. There was virtually no research of there own carried out. Most of what was talked about research was that of princeton university. On top of this the research seemed to bare no relation to the PATHS product itself. There is the typical use of very general language. With out any more information other than the statement that its secret, proprietary and too powerful I will leave my decision to later. The testimonials could easily be left down to the placebo effect. I once spent had a very old 286 which i will fiddle with in an effort to speed it up. One day i fiddled with and was convinced that it had speed up. I was so convinced that i didnt bother testing it with a benchmark. The next day i decided to test at which time i still believed it had speed up. The benchmark showed that it had not speed up one bit. The moment the benchmark had completed and i saw the results. There was a moment of dissapointment, then doubt, then it sunk it that all along it was just me bing wishful.
                                I know i sound like a negative war monger. That is not my intention. My intention is to prevent people from being ripped off. My intention is to advance my own knowledge by learning about the PATHS technology. It all just seems like another filler for the vacuum that the new age created. A person can only be to blame if they know they may possibly ripping o there customers. It is highly likely that most people who sell such stuff believe in it as much as the people who use it. It is an unfortunate cycle.

