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Direct Physical Experience

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  • #46
    TRV and annealing

    Yeah i know i talk about annealing allot. I just love system theory kind of stuff. In computer science the annealing process is used to optimize a function. For me the TRV seems allot like that.


    • #47
      Newbie on message?

      Not entirely sure if this is what you are after, but what the heck, blame newbieitiss if not........
      I read a book a few years ago, I think it was The magic of believing, in which there is an experiment suggested which goes something like this:
      You will need a glass tumbler a cork a needle and some lightweight paper (fine greaseproof or similar)
      Push needle through cork so that you can stand cork on its end with the needle pointing up.
      Put the glass on a table, inverted, so you can stand the cork, needle up, obviously, on its base.
      Cut a 2" square of light weight paper. Fold it corner to corner to form a triangle. Open out and fold the other corners together. Open out again so that you have a very shallow (virtually flat) pyramid.
      Now balance the paper on the point of the inverted needle..........
      Make sure the room is entirely draft free. I even tied a handkerchief (neckerchief) over my nose to eliminate breath from the experiment.
      Place elbows on table either side of the glass. With fingers spread bring hands together an inch or two above the paper so thumbs and index fingers touch and rest of flat of hand and fingers are an inch or two above the paper.
      and the paper will begin to spin...........hmmmm ok quite interesting but maybe that's just convection currents from hot hands. How then can you make the paper stop at will...........and change directions? Beats me . But merely by thinking it, it can be made to happen. Maybe it's throwing a mental electrical switch from positive to negative in your mind. Who knows? It took me a couple of hours but when at 1am and all alone it "Clicked" it was "interesting" (ok it was spooky and I nearly fell off my chair!)and the main point for me was if we can do that then what else?
      Sorry scanners broken or I would do a diagram. But try it anyway and have fun.


      • #48
        Welcome BagPus

        For me that counts as much as anything else. It is as real as anything else here and cannot be dispute. Most people know this as the pk wheel, or egely wheel. From what i recall Egely first noticed the phenomenon when eating his soup. The fluid would rotate in the bowl. He then developed a small wheel with an electronic indicator like a speedo. You can use most anything though such as what you describe. Some people take it the next step like moving multiple wheels at the same time. Moving the wheel from a distance. Moving the wheel while covered by something, etc
        Know one is quite sure the science behind it however at a guess i would say it is to do with torsion waves, however that really is just a guess could be due to synch, dont know
        Thanks for your post.


        • #49
          I now see you have a whole thread on the subject! Fascinating stuff. I have a lot to catch up on. Thanks for making the information available here.
          love & light


          • #50
            Originally posted by dmonarch View Post
            Thats alright.

            I know we all have opinions on things but when they become so gaurded that you are unable to enjoy and take on others opinions all you have is dogma. Believe me i have had my share of being dogmatic luckily it seems to be fading with time. I guess its to do with ego. I dont consider any one thing extraordinary any more, instead i consider everything extraordinary which is to say nothing is extraordinary. Its the old 1=0.
            Hey dmonarch,

            I'm glad you mentioned ego. It's pretty evident that your own ego is limiting you in being involved directly with something as amazing as PATHS.
            Let me tell you one thing here real quick how it's helped me with a new job search, one of the modules suggested was Unlimited Creativity <- and if you check it out, you'll see options. I'm not a painter like Pamela or SallyJane but I can draw pretty well. Music or writing isn't a passion either. So I chose Inventors/developers (no other options). I honestly forgot about this because a job was the concern! I had an idea on a cycling jacket before - it's getting colder here in Tennessee USA, 40°s and 50°s and now in the high 20°s to 30°s at times. All of a sudden, in a sense I'm getting these practical, synergistic, effective ideas to optimize my jacket idea. People were even saying, "You are so creative!" of course not knowing my Modules now... Pretty cool. There's some evidence of Paths effectiveness. Got the job as well.

            Okay, back to you. Your ego is part of your conscious mind and it's the guard in a way - it lets you know that there is a car ahead of you that's stopping and it assists us in our physical experience to what's around us. It also likes status quo. Anything that challenges that is frowned upon! Through your beliefs that act as blinders (meaning they steer us into experiences that will support those exact beliefs) you are limiting and overlooking the info that's right in front of you - even disregarding it. You sound intelligent and it seems that you want to see if the Paths technology makes sense with what you know. But the proof really is in the pudding, I mean it's guaranteed - you aren't at risk - it's time for dessert!

            I've used many life improving programs through the years and several didn't work very well - and I returned them, no problem. With Paths, it's the most effective, versatile program I have ever used and it's about as simple as it gets.

            I wish you the best!
            With AMEGA You can change your life in minutes...

            Hear how here: Live the Energized Life


            • #51
              Stop and Think...

              Hello dmonarch...

              I must admit that some of your posts have managed to give me pause as well as get my knickers in a bit of a twist, but that is fine with me since reading them provides me with just another golden opportunity to practice forgiveness. Allow me to start with this one:

              I took a look at the Paths site. I read it all including the testimonials. I wouldnt mind seeing the research they did on it. As well as learn more about the Paths technology itself. All seems like nothing new to me. Seems like the same old binaural beat technology, maybe parallel suggestion.
              I have a very open mind but that said I also require information to be provided on the research and technology to make up my own mind and not go off solely what others say.
              For me there not providing this information which is standard with any such new product it tells me that something is up. More than likly simply a highly gimmicky repackaged product. As well that it offers an affiliate program is another scratch against it. if it were a good product and seemed like a winner you wouldnt need such tactics.
              Really? Assuming you have done your homework and HAVE read all there is to read on this profound technology and really ARE as open-minded as you claim, I cannot help but wonder if you have stopped to think or if you are simply naive...

              You seem to erroneously be under the impression that the PATHS technology is some little CD or something (yeah, same old, same old "gimmicky repackaged product"... ) that a consumer can purchase and the company can then count their dollars, pay the affiliate a commission and that's that. WRONG! And as an affiliate for this wonderful company, I am personally offended by your assumptions. Have you ANY clue at all as to the constant work involved by the programmers of this technology to embed personal information within the modules? And the fact that there IS an affiliate program is what keeps the cost to the consumer as low as it is. Without affiliates, the PATHS modules would only be affordable to a small elite group. Once the PATHS modules are purchased by the client, the affiliate is then available 24/7 to assist the client in a number of ways via email, telephone or Skype calls or messages. AND many of the PATHS affiliates have taken an intensive course to become certified in Advanced Consciousness Science and Practical Applications in order to further assist their PATHS customers even more comprehensively. So don't think for one minute that once modules are purchased, the client is left to their own devices and forgotton about. PATHS affiliates are highly caring, and well informed individuals who are happy to take the time to answer their client's questions and concerns pertaining to the customer's physical, psychological, mental and spiritual needs and very often this takes a GREAT DEAL of time.

              Oh...and then there is this one:

              There is the typical use of very general language. With out any more information other than the statement that its secret, proprietary and too powerful I will leave my decision to later
              Whatever you happen to decide is of no concern to me, but please do me a small favor and THINK about why the stewards of this technology would not want to make this proprietary information public... But perhaps BEFORE you do that, have a look to the product page, okay? Here...I'll even provide a link for you so you don't have to look for it:

              PATHS ~ Mind Energetics

              Did you have a good look, dmonarch? Good. Okay...Now...answer this question for me... Did you see ANYTHING there that could DO HARM? No, Of Course Not. So think about this...Imagine the ramifications if the proprietary information about HOW the PATHS technology works WAS made public and was used in a way that COULD be harmful. Are you so naive that you think that there is no one out there who would do such a thing?

              Now go ahead and mutter along all you want about how you are so doubtful and skeptical and what-not, but keep in mind that there are very important reasons that it is best for this company to keep this information private and thus run the risk of people like you judging it as a "placebo" or "highly gimmicky" or a business that uses "tactics" to take advantage of the consumer. However, it might be best for you to THINK before you make judgemental statements about things that you have no experience with. That said, I will leave you be so you can go off and have some more fun watching your PSI wheels spin around while I go back to my job of spreading and sending Light, Love and Compassion to as many people that I can.

              I do hope this information has been enlightening for you, dmonarch...And...Once again...I thank you for providing me with yet another opportunity to practice forgiveness. I wish for you only the very best that life has to offer.

              With Much Love and Gratitude,


              My PATHS Website
              My Art Website
              My Paintings As Prints
              My Facebook


              • #52
                Proof in the Pudding

                Sure i agree with you that theres no reason why couldnt try it out and maybe i will. All i wanted was more informatin was all. Lets say the PATHS concept was posted in the energetic forum it would require such information backing up. It is a part of the scientific process. I have read a number of times in the energetic forum where people were getting flamed due to make out landish statements and not providing any real information. For me personally i like to apply the same rules to PSI related matarial as is applied to science related matarial.
                Did read the matarial on the site about it. If i missed anything i appologize. If i was wrong about the binaural beats, and parallel subliminals it was only an attempt to fill the vacuum of information.

                Hi Pamela. I am not quite sure why everyone is getting angry. It is just an object and these are just questions. Heck i think i would have settled for statistics on its effectivness but i dont think i saw any. For someone that spreads light you seem remarkably angry.

                Yeah i do love the psi wheel i think if we could learn more about such a neat little thing we would better off. It is so open to research. The difficulty is that i can be very variable. Maybe due to weather, moon, planets, vitality level, sub spots. Too many to count.


                • #53
                  Hello again, Dear dmonarch...

                  . For someone that spreads light you seem remarkably angry.
                  Really? Do I? Then please accept my most sincere apology for causing you to make this erroneous assumption about my emotions as it seems clear to me that I was attempting to enlighten you about something that you appeared to be unaware of. Apparently you have taken offense to my disconcertion that your assumptions were made and stated before you had all the information required to form an opinion that I felt was of validity. I could be wrong, but it seems that you have not looked to much of the plethora of information regarding the PATHS technology that is posted on THIS website and have instead, relied mainly on what you have looked to on the PATHS site in formulating your opinion. There is a ton of it here and you could feasibly spend days pouring through it...I wish you much fun as you learn more about it...

                  Now...could you please tell us one thing, my friend? Why have you ignored the most important point that I was attempting to make in my post to you? That being the reason the proprietary information of this technology should not be made public? I asked you if you could IMAGINE the ramifications if this information got into the wrong hands and yet you completely ignored that. I really do not understand why. I was hoping that pointing this out to you would assist you in being able to understand why this info should not be made public, but it appears that I have failed. I cannot help but wonder what is really going on here...especially since instead of addressing this issue, you preferred to make what appears to be an attempt to incite an emotional reaction from me.

                  For the record, I was not and am not angry with you, dmonarch...but I was quite disconcerted. However, I have learned that anger as well as disconcertion are egoic emotions that very rarely serve anyone well, so when I observe even a tiny fraction of such egoic emotions appearing within my consciousness or within this worldly illusion, I immediately forgive myself for momentarily forgetting that everything and everyone in this world IS nothing more than an illusion, including me. And once I have forgiven myself, I next forgive the illusion of the thing, person, people or situation that caused me to momentarily forget who I really am... and that everything we all see in this physical world is nothing but a dream which each and every one of us will someday wake up from in order to, once again, remember fully who we all really are...which is Love. Living consciously is constant work, yet it is work that I embrace with great joy and so is expressing myself with authenticity...And...I am deeply grateful to you for providing me with that opportunity!

                  Take good care, My friend, and please be very careful when you attempt to awaken the kundalini energy within your being...This should always be done with great care in order to avoid some of the dangers...

                  With Much Love and Gratitude,


                  My PATHS Website
                  My Art Website
                  My Paintings As Prints
                  My Facebook


                  • #54
                    Tone often says far more than the words said. For me i know i often come across condisending. It is not my intention to do so it just seems how the words come out. Its something i need to work on.
                    As for the damage the technology could do if it does as stated sure definitly I can see where your coming from. However what is stopping some genious programmer adapting your hardware to his own desire. Nothing is full proof. I recall when DVD encryption was brought out it was touted as being unbreakable but it is in human nature to test the limits of things. Another way of looking at is the only way to maintain balance is to promote balance. By keeping such and such to yourself goes against this
                    When i first started on this road twenty years ago one of the first books i read was "The golden dawn" by israel regardie. Brilliant book and a fine person. The first thing he went into detail about was that there were two types of people, those who read and those who do and that most tend to be those who read. They read something and now that they have read the matarial they are under the impression that that is all is required. They have read it, they are aware of it and the practice it. Then there are the people who read it and actual take it on and develop with it and instead of becoming an effort it simply becomes them. I guess its like anything you can read any book you like on anything and have all the information you want but until to you take the next step and become it, devote your entire being to it you are still at the beggining. Israel Regardie also was a firm believer that anyone who undertook occult practices should first undergo pschiatric evaluation. His reasoning i would surmise is that the occult tends to bring out what you already are, amplify it which can often lead to great difficulty.
                    Even though all the mess i am still happy that i have been introduce to TRV. At first i was a bit dubious but its a real pleasure when over time your gently rewarded with something beutiful a bit like finding extra rasberry swirl in your rasberry swirl ice cream. Mmm do love rasberry swirl.
                    I would surmise most have lost interest in this thread as i would have done ages ago. It has take a large deviation from the initial topic which is a little unfortunate.

                    Originally posted by Pamela View Post
                    Hello again, Dear dmonarch...

                    Really? Do I? Then please accept my most sincere apology for causing you to make this erroneous assumption about my emotions as it seems clear to me that I was attempting to enlighten you about something that you appeared to be unaware of. Apparently you have taken offense to my disconcertion that your assumptions were made and stated before you had all the information required to form an opinion that I felt was of validity. I could be wrong, but it seems that you have not looked to much of the plethora of information regarding the PATHS technology that is posted on THIS website and have instead, relied mainly on what you have looked to on the PATHS site in formulating your opinion. There is a ton of it here and you could feasibly spend days pouring through it...I wish you much fun as you learn more about it...

                    Now...could you please tell us one thing, my friend? Why have you ignored the most important point that I was attempting to make in my post to you? That being the reason the proprietary information of this technology should not be made public? I asked you if you could IMAGINE the ramifications if this information got into the wrong hands and yet you completely ignored that. I really do not understand why. I was hoping that pointing this out to you would assist you in being able to understand why this info should not be made public, but it appears that I have failed. I cannot help but wonder what is really going on here...especially since instead of addressing this issue, you preferred to make what appears to be an attempt to incite an emotional reaction from me.

                    For the record, I was not and am not angry with you, dmonarch...but I was quite disconcerted. However, I have learned that anger as well as disconcertion are egoic emotions that very rarely serve anyone well, so when I observe even a tiny fraction of such egoic emotions appearing within my consciousness or within this worldly illusion, I immediately forgive myself for momentarily forgetting that everything and everyone in this world IS nothing more than an illusion, including me. And once I have forgiven myself, I next forgive the illusion of the thing, person, people or situation that caused me to momentarily forget who I really am... and that everything we all see in this physical world is nothing but a dream which each and every one of us will someday wake up from in order to, once again, remember fully who we all really are...which is Love. Living consciously is constant work, yet it is work that I embrace with great joy and so is expressing myself with authenticity...And...I am deeply grateful to you for providing me with that opportunity!

                    Take good care, My friend, and please be very careful when you attempt to awaken the kundalini energy within your being...This should always be done with great care in order to avoid some of the dangers...

                    With Much Love and Gratitude,



                    • #55
                      Direct Physical Experience...

                      I Thank You, demonarch...

                      I would surmise most have lost interest in this thread as i would have done ages ago. It has take a large deviation from the initial topic which is a little unfortunate.
                      But wait...I intuit that more people than you know really are indeed interested in the initial topic of this thread, so please accept another one of sincere apologies for going off course here. I am personally unwilling to pubically share any of my direct physical experiences and I expect that while many other delightful individuals on this forum have them, a good many of them also are unwilling to share for the reason that Kevin has stated. But that does not mean that interest is lost and I applaud all those that ARE willing to share!

                      The Universe is full of AMAZING wonders that are a joy to witness and comprehend...some are mysterious and magical and often unexplainable, but what a delight it is to ponder them! Yes...finding extra raspberry swirl in the ice cream IS a most delicious reward...

                      "And therefore as a stranger give it welcome.
                      There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
                      Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

                      William Shakespeare
                      Hamlet Act 1, scene 5, 159–167

                      With Much love and Gratitude,

                      My PATHS Website
                      My Art Website
                      My Paintings As Prints
                      My Facebook

