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Reflection of Mind Projected Thought into Water Photographed

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  • Reflection of Mind Projected Thought into Water Photographed

    This is from:

    IndianaBoys posted about this on this thread yesterday or so:

    Sarasota, Florida Jan. 20, 2007--In a nutrient rich water, like that of the body, the thought of a capital letter “ G ” was deliberately mind projected, a thought held in mind and directed with intention, into water by a student of Qi Gong (pronounced chee gong) and photographed.

    The research took place at the Mind Science Laboratory of the Shun Shen Tao Temple in Florida. The photograph was taken of a capital letter “ G ” having emerged up out of the water after the letter “ G ” had been mind projected into the water. The picture was taken through a microscope.

    Senior Researcher D. P. Meyers stated “We started this phase of our research work back in October of 2006. Our first letter to be photographed was the capital letter “ G ”. We now have completed over one hundred of these remarkable “mind projected thought into water” experiments, and consistently the letters emerge up out of the water. Completing the first phase of our research, we are now moving into the second phase and our results appear very promising.”

    Astonished researcher Edwin Bickel III declared; “This makes clear that; a specific thought held in mind and directed by intention at physical matter, can indeed affect that physical matter. Further, even be mirrored back in physical matter with that specific thought represented in form.”

    “This means too that the nutrient rich water, like that of the body, becomes an extremely receptive psycho-responsive (responds to thought) medium, provided that the body has available the nutrients it needs."

    Grand Master David Harris a Qi Gong Master stated; “From ancient Chinese medical text we are told that; the body forms a crystalline matrix of nutrients within the waters of the body. Our research findings strongly suggest that what may be happening in human bodies with regards to thinking, is the mind also writes and encodes information directly into the body via a crystalline matrix interface of nutrients produced by the human body."

    "The upshot of this research is clear “ as we think a thought, so we embody that thought.”

    Decades of modern proclamation i.e. The industrialist Andrew Carnegie's commissioned works by Napoleon Hill entitled Think and Grow Rich , Norman Vincent Peale's Power of Positive Thinking, Dale Carnegie's How to Stop Worrying and Start Living , Tony Robbins book Awaken the Giant Within . And the movies like “What The Bleep” and “The Secret” has preceded these first to be released findings from the Mind Science Laboratory of the Shun Shen Tao Temple.

    Decades of conjecture and theory as to whether a thought has an affect on a material substance, or even on the body can now begin to be put to rest.

    The photograph presented (above) blatantly and graphically underscores the answer as, “yes it does.”

    The supportive and illuminating research work of Dr. Bruce H. Lipton in his book The Biology of Belief has shown that the body's cells are responding to the body's internal environment and the external environment of the world with an amazing acute sense of perception. Dr. Masaru Emoto 's research work with frozen water crystals, documented in his book The Hidden Messages in Water, demonstrates the distinct affect of a positive or negative thought upon the symmetry of water crystal formations. A positive thought produces symmetrical patterns, a negative thought produces chaotic patterns.

    The research work from the Mind Science Laboratory of the Shun Shen Tao Temple strongly suggests that the nutrient rich waters of the body within its tissues and cells can respond in a specific and verbatim manner to thought. The human body resounds with thought.

    "Formless consciousness, “mind”, is interfacing with the body medium: writing, storing, reading and expressing its data"

    Formless consciousness, “mind”, is interfacing with the body medium: writing, storing, reading and expressing its data. The interconnectedness of spirit, mind and body is real.

    When we think a thought, it is immediately written and encoded into all the waters of our body. Prayer takes on a whole new dimension in relationship to our bodies, the food we eat, the water we drink and of our Earth we live on. Are we encoding thought into our environment too? The photograph taken thru a microscope of the “ G ” demonstrates that what we hold in mind does extend beyond our bodies as well.

    "These drops of nutrient rich solution, like reflective pools,

    reveal all our thoughts back to us in detail. A chi phenomenon

    known to the ancient Chinese Qi Gong Masters for thousands of years."

    In the light of this research information being released, it would be very wise to step back and take responsibility for the quality of our thinking / encoding and nutritional needs.

    The question comes to mind, just what is the quality of the data our minds are writing? Further, what is the quality of the nutrients we give our body so our minds can write, store and read its data?

    If the nutrients we take into our body are inferior, then it is natural to presume that the data written to the body's waters would be inferior, muted or even distorted.
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO

  • #2

    I just learned of this test yesterday.

    A few minutes ago, I emailed someone on that website about what the protocols and nutrient composition is so I can replicate it.

    I hit a few links and saw this page:

    Scrolled down and saw something that made me smile

    I know who to ask now
    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      Thanks for poasting that Aaron and way to go Ron!!!
      Blessings on the journey, Glenn
      Handmade Ceramic Gifts


      • #4
        When reading this article I remembered an article I read many years ago about a company that was attempting to record dreams out of the visual cortex of the brain.

        Today, I happen to come across this article talking about the same thing.

        Dreams may no longer be secret with Japan computer screen - Yahoo! News


        • #5
          Thought Projector

          Very cool Gary...almost scary to think this could be used to invade people's privacy...but a very profound concept.

          When light enters the eyes the signals go to the brain. According to some Vedic literature, it was believed that the eyes can also emit light, which I believe they do. Inversly, while imagining something, the reverse process causes the visualization to emit as light out the eyes.

          DER GEDANKENPROJEKTOR, Künstlerhaus Graz, Sept./Oct. 2007

          Nikola Tesla and his thought-projector, news paper illustration, 1933
          The idea for DER GEDANKENPROJEKTOR comes from a - never realized - invention of Nikola Tesla: a camera with which you can photograph thoughts. In 1933, at the age of 78, Tesla said: "In 1893 [...] I became convinced that a definite image formed in thought, must by reflex action, produce a corresponding image on the retina, which might be read by a suitable apparatus. This brought me to my system of television which I announced at the time... My idea was to employ an artificial retina receiving and object of the image seen, an optic nerve and another retina at the place of reproduction...both being fashioned somewhat like a checkerboard, with the optic nerve being a part of the earth."

          [Retinal Photography:] The idea that a picture could be recorded from the human retina was not unusual in the second half of the 19th century. It was generally accepted that the last thing a dying person would see would be fixed on the retina for a short time. And, if done within a certain time-frame, the picture of a murderer could be found on the victims retina. (ex. In the case of Emma Jackson, murdered in 1863 in St. Giles in London. William H. Warner, a prominent British photographer suggested this to the assigned detective from Scotland Yard. The idea was discussed at length in this case for the first time in history. However, the idea itself was not new at the time.)

          [Rhodopsin:] Obviously, the human eye was seen as a kind of camera with its lens, iris, and retina, and was ascribed with the functionality of recording; an assumption to which more support was given through the discovery by Franz Boll in 1887 of Rhodopsin. Rhodopsin is a very light sensitive red dye in the rods of the retina. Through exposure to light, a chemical reaction splits the rhodopsin up into opsin and 11-Cis retinal, and through this becomes yellow and probably effects the image. Rhodopsin is to the eye what silver gelatine is to photo paper.

          [Thoght Photography:] A receiver is basically the same thing as a broadcaster. That is obviously what Nikola Tesla thought as he invented, so to say, a machine that, as a byproduct of television, continually projects thoughts inside people. At the other end of the scale, in the area of the paranormal and occult, a lot of "aura-photographers" tried with some success to record their thoughts onto photo paper without any kind of camera and just through concentration.

          Experiments started with Karl Ludwig Freiherr von Reichenbach in Berlin in 1861/62, the French Hyppolyte Baraduc, Lois Darget, and Jules-Bernard Luys at the turn of the 20th century, by the Russia Semyon Kirlian in the 1940's up to the "thoughtographs" of American Ted Serios in the 1960's.

          We live in an age of surveillance, where thousands of cameras are pointed at us daily in order to detect "abnormal" or "suspicious" behavior and anticipate the evil intentions of individuals. While the necessary image recognition mechanisms and software are already available for face recognitions and so forth, it would be even more alluring to those in charge as well as their orderlies, to read and record people's thoughts. While our behavior becomes more and more regulated by the camera technology of Bentham's Panopticon, our thoughts are supposedly still free. But, the questions still stands, for how long?

          [Fish-Eye:] While a housewife was cleaning a large cat fish, she was surprised to discover an exact picture of a fisherman in the eye of the fish. It was a clear miniature of a completely equipped fisherman in rain gear just about to bring the fish on board.

          [published 1869] in: Bill Jay, Cyanide & Spirits. An-Inside-Out View of Early Photographs. Nazraeli Press; quoted by: Luna Córnea, Número 10; México D.F., Centro de la Imagen, Sep/Dic 1996.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO

