Just thought i would mention something that i have never seen menioned before and maybe the reason why some struggle to see using it. In short what you are seeing in in 3d. Imagine if your eye were a complete sphere and everything you viewed was within that sphere that is the view you get. What this means for the viewer is that you have to put yourself somewhere in that sphere to actually get an image. The image still has depth in fact far more than normal vision.
Just close your eyes and sought of move your awareness to the diagonal of your head. That point just where the face and the top of the head curve. I guess you would call it the top of your brow. Dont strain or anything. Dont try to use your eyes, it has nothing to do with them. Now simply drop all emotions, all fear, and remove yourself from the picture. Its that state of mind you have as a child where your mind is just like window and light floods in to make an impression upon your mind. There no thinking or feeling just and awareness of the space. You most prominantly have it when your outside and there is just space everywhere.
I guess it would take a bit of practice. Probably the key part is just remove yourself from the situation. Your eyes work without you think or feeling. For your inner eye to work it requires the loss of yourself and to be in the moment. You can practice this state all the time, outside espcially. You know where youve got it because youll notice more and have an awaress of everything including the space and especially the sun light. When you find this state just close your eyes and notice how your still feel the awareness of space and that information though you may not be able to make it out is still coming in. Being in the moment is like experiencing verything constantly for the first time. It is awesome, so much information.
Ok so once you get this you really have achieve allot. It would seem that though the new age has brought a definite change there is far more matarial out there written for the sake of being written which is very misleading. Imagine this feel that is exactly the wrong thing to do. These are practices of internalizing. You dont want internalize. You want to experience pure and unadulterated. When you get this music, touch, smell, everything becomes amazing over and over again.
If you practice being in the moment as i just mentioned you will automatically notice the space, the light, the awareness of all. Once you get that the third eye part will just come. One day you will lay down stil carrying that awareness impressed upon your mind by your surrounding and after some minutes it will just happen the awareness will be amplifed due everything else shutting down and wham you'll see the light literally or feel the energy that surround everything. You dont have to search for it it is just there. still no thinking, just aware. Now have fun. Enjoy the show. Play with the energy. Once you get awareness of the energy which sought of feels like waves of light your next step is to astral travel which will probably just happen.
If this is of value to atleast one person then excellent
Just close your eyes and sought of move your awareness to the diagonal of your head. That point just where the face and the top of the head curve. I guess you would call it the top of your brow. Dont strain or anything. Dont try to use your eyes, it has nothing to do with them. Now simply drop all emotions, all fear, and remove yourself from the picture. Its that state of mind you have as a child where your mind is just like window and light floods in to make an impression upon your mind. There no thinking or feeling just and awareness of the space. You most prominantly have it when your outside and there is just space everywhere.
I guess it would take a bit of practice. Probably the key part is just remove yourself from the situation. Your eyes work without you think or feeling. For your inner eye to work it requires the loss of yourself and to be in the moment. You can practice this state all the time, outside espcially. You know where youve got it because youll notice more and have an awaress of everything including the space and especially the sun light. When you find this state just close your eyes and notice how your still feel the awareness of space and that information though you may not be able to make it out is still coming in. Being in the moment is like experiencing verything constantly for the first time. It is awesome, so much information.
Ok so once you get this you really have achieve allot. It would seem that though the new age has brought a definite change there is far more matarial out there written for the sake of being written which is very misleading. Imagine this feel that is exactly the wrong thing to do. These are practices of internalizing. You dont want internalize. You want to experience pure and unadulterated. When you get this music, touch, smell, everything becomes amazing over and over again.
If you practice being in the moment as i just mentioned you will automatically notice the space, the light, the awareness of all. Once you get that the third eye part will just come. One day you will lay down stil carrying that awareness impressed upon your mind by your surrounding and after some minutes it will just happen the awareness will be amplifed due everything else shutting down and wham you'll see the light literally or feel the energy that surround everything. You dont have to search for it it is just there. still no thinking, just aware. Now have fun. Enjoy the show. Play with the energy. Once you get awareness of the energy which sought of feels like waves of light your next step is to astral travel which will probably just happen.
If this is of value to atleast one person then excellent