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Dr Steven Greer & the Disclosure Project

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  • #16
    Whether disclosure happens this Fall or next year or ten years from now is less important than the transformation that we must make within ourselves!
    I completely agree with you there as well. For me personally thats the only major problem i have myself with global disclosure. Once disclosure happens the technolgy will be built by mans own greatness of engineering there is no doubt of that. However there is no way to give the technology specifically to the enlightened people of this planet such as many of us here.

    The gangs, the warlords, everyone would have the ability inhabit other planets, weather theyre intentions be good or evil.

    It really seems to be a no win situtation. I could only pray to ever have access to such wisdom, intelligence and technology, however it would be a sad day to see such power be handed to millions of the wrong people. Those whos intentions are anything but good.

    Hopfully the internet will continue to enlighten millions as i know it has for me.


    • #17
      Originally posted by elias View Post

      This might interest some of you:
      Project Camelot | Dr Steven Greer


      Thanks for the link,

      I hoestly think project camelot has allowed themselves to buy into alot of nonsense many "witnesses" have told them. I just finished watching one interview camelot gave where theyre witness again was telling them humans are slaves and were created to mine gold for the aliens.

      Thats all complete nonsense. Gold is just an element that can be replicated. If solid matter can be transformed into light theres no doubt it can be transformed into gold. Also, if evil aliens enslaved us, why are they afraid to show themselves to us? We shoot theyre craft down but they dont retaliate?


      • #18
        RIR - Steven Greer-ET: Friend or Enemy? May 13th 2010

        Another good interview with Steven Greer by Henrik on Red Ice Creations. Just released on Youtube in 7 parts (see links below)

        Steven Greer from the joins us to discuss the latest comments made by Stephen Hawking on ET, he claims contact might be dangerous to humans. ET: are they friends or enemies?

        We talk about the agenda to portray ET as a threat to humanity. We discuss weaponization of space, black ops programs, black budgets and powerful rouge factions within government and business who are trying to prevent ET disclosure and hence withhold advanced technology and free energy devices.

        We also talk about disclosure, exotic technology, "fake" alien abductions and much more. Topics Discussed:

        " SDI, Disney Studios, Hollywood Aliens, Man Made Flying Saucers, Briefing Obama, John Podesta, Black Budgets, Wernher von Braun, Scalar Weapons, The Norway Spiral, Shooting Down UFO's, Disclosure, Files Released in UK, Sweden and France, Manmade UFO's, Zero-Point Energy, Energy from the Vacuum, Anti-Gravity, Consequence of Disclosure, Northrop Grumman, Weaponization of Space, Ancient Structures on Mars, the Majestic Group, William Colby, Tom Bearden, the Grey's, Abductions, Stan Romanek, Implants, Robot "ET" Encounters and more. May 13, 2010

        RIR - Steven Greer-ET: Friend or Enemy? Pt 1

        RIR - Steven Greer-ET: Friend or Enemy? Pt 2

        RIR - Steven Greer-ET: Friend or Enemy? Pt 3

        RIR - Steven Greer-ET: Friend or Enemy? Pt 4

        RIR - Steven Greer-ET: Friend or Enemy? Pt 5

        RIR - Steven Greer-ET: Friend or Enemy? Pt 6

        RIR - Steven Greer-ET: Friend or Enemy? Pt 7

        Love & Blessings,
        Theta Healing
        Paths 2 Potential

        "We are the one's we've been waiting for"


        • #19
          Thanks so much Sharyn, very interesting viewing. Really shows how old ideologies and revenue structures are completely handicapping our development as a civilization.

          At least we are moving in the right direction even if it is slow movement.


          • #20
            Hi Everyone... Thanks for all your links..

            There is also this video that I like:

            Dr Steven Greer Practical Applications Unbounded Mind Part 1

            Anyone knows where's the PART 2 ?

            I tried to Google it and couldn't find it

            ( I actually found this forum and post from Google results for " Dr Steven Greer Practical Applications Unbounded Mind Part 2 " :P )

            Keep me informed, thanks!


            • #21
              I was really exited about Steven Greer when I first saw him, he was talking a lot about free energy.

              Since I've come to feel that he is a good guy but I think some of the info he has is somewhat misinformation, that he does not really know is such. Just my opinion.

              I've now come to believe that disclosure is actually more about discovering who WE really are than anything else - the true history of humanity.

              And I believe it is happening and that there is more to come.
              Keep your mind on the aether

