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  • #16
    Johle!!! That's the guy!
    Sheesh! Perrleeease can I have my brain back. This one is driving me nuts!


    • #17
      energy work, PATHS, pmr, etc...

      Hi Ian,

      Thanks for sharing and asking. There are many others here qualified to answer your question but this is my input.

      PATHS & Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) combined with your choice of breathing method. That is where I would start and thats the short answer.

      I saw your post about the rehab exercises.

      About PMR and Edmund Jacobson the originator:

      One simple take on the PMR exercises:
      Progressive Muscle Relaxation

      This is really an ancient concept with the relaxation but Jacobson was the first to show activity in muscles that correspond to simple thoughts and intentions with electrical equipment.


      Here is the long answer this is directed to just about anyone that may find it useful.

      I realize through the eyes of a carpenter, the whole world looks like a nail. Well, I think everyone should be benefiting from PATHS for good reason and that is probably a given.

      The subtle energetic side of healing is a necessity in my opinion but it cannot replace physical work when needed and this is why I recommend PMR.

      Energy flows through meridians all throughout the inside of the body and just under the surface of the skin. These meridians have been quantified by radioactive tracer migration studies and other similar tests so they are actually there and they have been shown to act as pathways for light energy.

      If there is a blockage, many blockages are from physical dings and dents to our body. If there has been an impact or some form of extreme tension held in a certain muscle, that will impede the ability of the energy to flow as it should for optimum health and well being.

      By having "energy work" done, there may be results. Since potential organizes around an intention and follows the intention, the potential that gathers can get higher and higher as the intensity of the intention behind the energy work grows.

      Because the potential (like voltage potential) may be higher, it will act like higher pressure energy that could move through the blockage. How can the potential be high enough to overcome this blockage by energy work alone? It is dependent on the intensity of the practitioner's intention in conjunction with the client's intention to receive. If it is self-work, then it is dependent pretty much on just the individuals intention.

      Super high intensity does not necessarily mean the practitioner is in a manic state of emotional high shaking about like a rabid dog. It can be in a state of pure relaxation and pure love.

      In my belief, if something is available to us, especially if it is free and it can only synergize with our other efforts, then we should do it. PRM is a method to contract and relax muscles in a specific order for the purpose of releasing these tensions in the muscles that we aren't even aware of.

      If we just relax from wherever we are, our muscles will have less tension...less than where they were before we relaxed. However, if we tense them first, hold, and then relax, they will have even less tension that simply just relaxing without first tensing. This is the easiest way to progressively release the tensions in our body so that the energy can flow unimpeded.

      Exercises like Tai Chi, Qigong, Yoga, etc... will have this benefit automatically but not everyone can do the exercises. Everyone can tense a muscle and relax it. If there are muscles that can't be tensed because of any physical issue present, then the PRM exercises for those muscles should at least be done in the mind...imagining those muscles tensing, holding the tension, then releasing.

      Also, the connection to our mind, consciousness, spiritual awareness and so on.... is that if we have all the tensions worked out of our physical body, the mind will release the corresponding thoughts that held those tensions in place. These tensions in the muscles cannot exist without a thought form holding it in place. These negative things in our mind could be from abuse, bad experiences, other problems or they can be negative things that exist on a non-intellectual level with no verbal language attached.

      And the other way around is if we physically bang up a part of our body, there is a corresponding thought form that is subconsciously held into place that helps to hold that physical tension in place...self reinforcing. Of course with more acute problems it is easier to work them out with energetics alone and is where energetics shine but with more chronic problems, I believe it is wise to give equal or more attention to the physical.

      We can work on releasing these things from the mind and there can be a corresponding release in the muscles but it is more difficult to move an elephant with flea power than it is to get the muscles to relax and have the negative thought release.

      I'm probably being redundant in some of the above examples but besides being extremely passionate and obsessive about this concept (by choice), I don't think I can stress it enough.

      For you in particular Ian, I think that you could probably talk to your doctor(s) about PMR and see if it is for you. Many doctors actually are familiar with this as it is the foundation of most modern relaxation therapies.

      These exercises increase "psychic" abilities. We are constantly receiving info from other people through the aether but usually we don't notice because of our own chatter and tensions in our mind and body. But if we release these tensions and aren't holding on to any of our own, then any that we are aware of are what we are picking up on someone else. This is the easiest primary key to enhancing perception. I experienced this originally not through PMR but Zi Fa Dong Gong...a type of body movement that unwound the tensions and increased QI flow through my body and the results were absolutely profound...but that method isn't for everyone.

      I am totally behind my friend Peter with the Lessons in Advanced Perception project because the first exercise is EFFORT, which is the specific application of the PMR for the purpose of enhancing perception. So simple and profound that it still stuns me that it isn't global news. I guess I'm just awe inspired by many of the simplest things.

      Anyway, with PATHS, it works profoundly and can change biology but that is because of sheer super-potentialization of certain information sets that the biology uses to carry out its functions. I still believe it should be used in conjunction with physical acts... for example the ultimate body module for increasing muscle mass works best with physical exercise. The synchronicity module works best when practicing the simple mental exercise on the worksheet that comes with it, etc... They all work great on their own but there is a serious synergy when being more active with it.

      I had 19 pockets on my alveolar ridge decrease in size in about 6 weeks with an experimental dental module that I helped develop. It uses mass repetition (millions and millions) of times in a short period of whatever instructions to cause change.

      I could meditate on different things that would benefit the alveolar ridge (jaw bone that holds the teeth). I could meditate on increasing osteoblast cells (bone forming cells), increasing calcium absorption, maintaining optimum cementum health in teeth, increasing anti-inflammatory agents around ridge, maintaining optimum periodontal ligament stem cells in tooth pulp and so on.

      I have no doubt that over a long time of intense focus on these kinds of things that the pocket sizes could reverse and coupled with energy work, it would happen even faster. But there is only so much potential that is increasing for this to happen in the morphic field that dictates the health of my alveolar ridge. With PATHS, by sheer massive repetition plus an actual hardware booster using actual watts of power pumping these intentions/instructions/etc... into the aether to resonate with that morphic field and have my subconscious mind go to work with it, that morphic field's information on my alveolar ridge health is changed to be more optimum in record time with results to show for it.

      In a few minutes using PATHS, the subconscious will process certain intentions that could be compared to the equivalent of someone meditating on a concept, affirmation, etc... for weeks, to months or longer.

      "Time Compressed Energy"
      This link has a full explanation of this concept:

      To my knowledge, this concept is not being used by any other self help method in the world. I understand this concept very well because of my involvement with the advanced energy circuits and a part of my life purpose is to carry these understandings over to the spiritually minded world.

      Those technologies work based on natural principles and not the man-made laws taught in the books. They are all identical to how we are operating as human beings. Global consciousness can and will take a serious quantum leap when the spiritually minded population is empowered by these concepts. In my lifetime these will be casual conversation by many people. I really don't think I'll be waiting very long to see this.

      With PATHS, if the goal is to open our awareness, I would use these modules: Synchronicity, Intuition, Relaxation, Lessons in Advanced Perception module while practicing those exercises.

      If the goal is specific to recovery from pain and increase heart health, etc... those would depend on a few things and we can explore those anytime.

      I know that was a little long-winded but I was inspired in the moment!
      Aaron Murakami

      Books & Videos
      RPX & MWO


      • #18
        nobody expects the Spanish Inspirataion!
        I do love a misquote!
        I thank you for the time and effort expended on my behalf. I will consider in appropriate detail.
        Puzzle factor 3. Did quite a long response to Ahmd, as I was getting a bit cross about being damned for eternity. It seems to have been deleted, or am I just too dim to find it?
        If I have transgressed protocol pls advise so I can see the boundary of acceptability here , thanks.


        • #19
          message disappeared?

          Hi Ian,

          Did you simply type in the message, hit Submit Reply, then it didn't show up?

          This has happened to me a few times and I don't know why if this is the same as what you experienced. What I do when typing long messages is type it in a word doc, hit save every minute or so then when done, I paste it into the forum in case my computer locks up or whatever.

          I know it seems like it shouldn't be necessary to do any of that and it shouldn't.

          When hitting submit and not seeing the message posted, you can hit the back button, if you have the same browser open...just keep hitting the back button until you get to the screen where you typed in the post, it should be in there. You can then copy it to a word doc just in case and try to resubmit. I don't think there is anything wrong with this forum's software, I think it has something to do with my browser settings or something.
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO


          • #20
            I totally agree with what Aaron is saying especially these parts:

            "We are constantly receiving info from other people through the aether but usually we don't notice because of our own chatter and tensions in our mind and body. But if we release these tensions and aren't holding on to any of our own, then any that we are aware of are what we are picking up on someone else."

            "Global consciousness can and will take a serious quantum leap when the spiritually minded population is empowered by these concepts. In my lifetime these will be casual conversation by many people. I really don't think I'll be waiting very long to see this."

            I teach energy-reading and say very similar things to my students.



            • #21
              Harold S. Schroeppel quote

              Originally posted by terranova View Post
              "We are constantly receiving info from other people through the aether but usually we don't notice because of our own chatter and tensions in our mind and body. But if we release these tensions and aren't holding on to any of our own, then any that we are aware of are what we are picking up on someone else."
              I had my own understanding of this concept but it wasn't until I saw Harold S. Schroeppel's quote that I was easily able to verbalize it. And what I said was almost paraphrasing him. This is what he said about this:

              "If you have no thought, emotion, effort, pain or confusion stored in your own body, then any thought, emotion, effort, pain, or confusion of which you are aware is someone else's."- Harold S. Schroeppel
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #22
                Activating Kundalini and Activating Merkaba

                Hello all,

                Is "activating kundalini" and "awakening kundalini" the same?

                How about activating the whole Mekaba (two Merkaba spins) does it relates to kundalini too? I mean when your kundalini is activatated does your Merkaba activated automatically and vice versa? Or there are separate processes to activate these two?

                Last edited by henrii; 12-15-2008, 11:18 PM.


                • #23
                  As far as I'm aware they awakening and activating are the same. Just different verbage.

                  As far as the merkaba...I dunno. A year ago I bought a book about chakra's and I could feel the energy moving and activating my kundalini.

                  check out Wingmakers I recall seeing some good in depth info about merkaba there. (And many other body energies)
                  If you've made it this far then I've finally quit rambling.


                  • #24
                    Kundalini Awakening

                    As a heads up, I'm releasing a new book soon which will give some unique
                    information about Kundalini and how it happened for me. I'll include some
                    basic how-to's from my perspective, which I originally was going to leave

                    The Kundalini chapter is the final chapter in the book and I made it very,
                    very easy for anyone to know how to start activating their own, which
                    could eventually lead to a full-blown rising event.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #25
                      Third Eye - Pineal & Pituitary Gland, which is it?

                      That last post, the book is A Course in Mind Power.

                      But I'm posting because I responded to an email, which discussed
                      the third eye and pituitary and pineal connection. It took a few
                      minutes to type so I'm pasting it here for anyone that is interested,
                      and of course, this is my perspective:

                      I only used that website as a reference. The Tibetan teachings have
                      taught for countless ages that very specifically, the 3rd eye is the pineal
                      gland. Most of what I learned in these topics actually came from outside of
                      the internet.

                      There are other cultures that teach the same thing such as the Hindu culture with about a billion people who according to even many western
                      experts are some of the most knowledgeable about the third eye. When you
                      see someone from India wearing a red dot on their forehead, it specifically
                      represents Shiva, which is exactly the pineal gland and not
                      a mixture of the pituitary and pineal, but just the pineal. This is what
                      virtually every spiritual text teaches.

                      This short video expresses this view, but there are countless Hindi scholars that are all saying the same thing about the third eye being the pineal.
                      YouTube - Hindu Temple- what is a Shiv-Ling ?MUST SEE
                      The "Shivling" is short for Shiva Lingam. The lingam is the reddish colored
                      rock with a stripe on it such as this pic:

                      The pineal gland is even reddish in color and these stones
                      have always been considered to be synonymous with the
                      3rd eye, which is what the red dot on the forehead represents.

                      Even Descartes called the pineal glad the "cosmic seat of
                      consciousness" - he had his anatomy wrong as far as the
                      location of the gland and he thought it was filled with an air
                      substance instead of a liquid, but nevertheless, the pineal
                      gland was given credit for being the 3rd eye.

                      When you mention both the pituitary and pineal - there is a
                      connection between both and that is the hypothalamus gland,
                      which is the traffic director between them. It routes the light
                      signals to the eyes and skin to the glands. With less light,
                      the pineal starts to produce melatonin and our brainwaves
                      drop to a lower frequency and the pituitary gland starts to become
                      less active. When the pituitary is less active (less serotonin),
                      our brainwaves are then able to slow down.

                      If the pituitary is in full action, it actually counters the ability to
                      use the "third eye" since there is too much serotonin in the
                      system, which acts as a stimulant.

                      There are some teachings that say that the "essence" of the
                      pituitary and pineal must "mix" in order to open the third eye.
                      But medically and historically, the word mix should be
                      "adjust" in order to make that more accurate. And it is automatic
                      by practicing meditation correctly - the pineal automatically
                      starts to become more active and pituitary less active and
                      then the third eye becomes accessible. So this counter balancing
                      act is the only thing I can see as being the cause of the third eye
                      opening and in this instance, can be considered "both".

                      A benefit of those brainwave soundtracks are that the binaurals
                      stimulate the endocrine system. The corpus collosum is the
                      traffic director between the left and right hemispheres. When the
                      cross stimulation is enough, both the pituitary and pineal are
                      stimulated to different levels.

                      If the soundtrack is for theta state, the pituitary gland is stimulated
                      more. If it is for beta waves or full awaking consciousness, then
                      the pituitary is stimulated more.

                      The deep sleep one for sure is stimulating almost completely
                      the pineal since it is seriously helping it to produce melatonin
                      even if there is a lot of light.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #26
                        I have been experiencing some spiritual awakenings and sychronicities the last few years and have read a post on this due to it feeling like extra energy, so I am eager to learn more about it.
               Visit My Personal Development Marketing Blog


                        • #27
                          This is my first post on this forum, I ponder how my journey will be received on this forum.
                          'TRUTH' has a way of rubbing wool the wrong way and creating static charges...

                          i.e. I joined another forum the other day called 'aLIEn Scientist' and I was a member of the forum until the 'moderator' logged in for the day.

                          oy vey I posted fewer than 10 Commandments before I was given the Exodus.

                          Maybe this free pdf. gift will get me off to a good start here?


                          The author can be viewed here on youtube:
                          Lee Sannella: What is Kundalini? (excerpt) - Thinking Allowed with Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove - YouTube

                          Last edited by Raphael37; 01-28-2013, 03:17 PM.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                            A benefit of those brainwave soundtracks are that the binaurals
                            stimulate the endocrine system. The corpus collosum is the
                            traffic director between the left and right hemispheres. When the
                            cross stimulation is enough, both the pituitary and pineal are
                            stimulated to different levels.

                            If the soundtrack is for theta state, the pituitary gland is stimulated
                            more. If it is for beta waves or full awaking consciousness, then
                            the pituitary is stimulated more.

                            The deep sleep one for sure is stimulating almost completely
                            the pineal since it is seriously helping it to produce melatonin
                            even if there is a lot of light.
                            Aaron that is helpful and it should be incorporated into this work here IMHO.

                            Todd Murphy ~ God and the Brain Pt.1 - YouTube



                            • #29
                              Hi Raphael37,

                              Thanks for posting the Todd Murphy link. I was half way through and YouTube pulled the video. Goes to show how fast they could take the cloud down at their choosing and remove anything that they do not want known.

                              He is another link that contains the Todd Murphy videos (Parts 1 through6) along with other good ones:

                              Free Spiritual Videos (23) Consciousness Documentaries

                              Thanks again,



                              • #30
                                Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                                Hi Raphael37,

                                Thanks for posting the Todd Murphy link. I was half way through and YouTube pulled the video. Goes to show how fast they could take the cloud down at their choosing and remove anything that they do not want known.

                                He is another link that contains the Todd Murphy videos (Parts 1 through6) along with other good ones:

                                Free Spiritual Videos (23) Consciousness Documentaries

                                Thanks again,

                                U R welcome
                                I was lazy when I posted that link.
                                This is the one you is Todd Murphy's own channel.
                                With other videos if interested.

                                Thanks for the link you provided.

                                selah V

