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  • #16
    Prophecy of King in Java, Joyoboyo, 3rd

    Other, from:
    [keluarga-sejahtera] Ramalan Joyoboyo [sekedar referensi]

    Iki sing dadi tandane zaman kolobendu (The sign of destruction era)
    1. Lindu ping pitu sedino (earthquake 7 times a day)
    2. Lemah bengkah (land cracked)
    3. Manungsa pating galuruh, akeh kang nandang lara (Man dying and many are ill)
    4. Pagebluk rupo-rupo (Many kind of disease)
    5. Mung setitik sing mari akeh-akehe pada mati (Only small number cured, many will die)

    Zaman kalabendu iku wiwit yen, (This era will be started when)
    1. Wis ana kreto mlaku tampo jaran (there are vehicle without horse)
    2. Tanah jawa kalungan wesi (iron sorrounding Java land)
    3. Prau mlaku ing nduwur awang-awang (Ship walk in skies)
    4. Kali ilang kedunge (River lost it's lake)
    5. Pasar ilang kumandange (Market loses it's crowd)
    6. Wong nemoni wolak-walik ing zaman (Man find many upside down)
    7. Jaran doyan sambel (Horse like chillies)
    8. Wong wadon menganggo lanang (Women use man's dress)

    Zaman kalabendu iku koyo-koyo zaman kasukan, zaman kanikmatan donya,
    nanging zaman iku sabenere zaman ajur lan bubrahing donya. (This era looks like fun and happy time but actually is the era when there is destruction and disorder.)
    1. Mulane akeh bapak lali anak (This is why many father forget his son)
    2. Akeh anak wani ngalawan ibu lan nantang bapak (Many child oppose his mother and challenge his father)
    3. Sedulur pada cidro cinidro (relative fight each other)
    4. Wong wadon ilang kawirangane, wong lanang ilang kaprawirane (Women loose their shame, man loose their gentleness)
    5. Akeh wong lanang ora duwe bojo (Many man without wife)
    6. Akeh wong wadon ora setia karo bojone (Many women cheated)
    7. Akeh ibu pada ngedol anake (Many mother sold his offspring)
    8. Akeh wong wadon ngedol awakke (Many women sold herself)
    9. Akeh wong ijol bojo (Many people swapping wife)
    10. Akeh udan salah mongso (Many rain fall at wrong season)
    11. Akeh prawan tuwo (Many old virgin)
    12. Akeh rondo ngalairake anak (Many widow give birth)
    13. Akeh jabang bayi nggoleki bapake (Many baby searching their father)
    14. Wong wadon ngalamar wong lanang (Many women propose man)
    15. Wong lanang ngasorake, drajate dewe (Man will lower their own pride)
    16. Akeh bocah kowar (Many born without married)
    17. Rondo murah regane (Widow is cheap)
    18. Rondo ajine mung sak sen loro (Widow a cent for two)
    19. Prawan rong sen loro (Virgin two cent for two)
    20. Dudo pincang payu sangang wong (Crippled widower sold 9 people)

    Zamane zaman edan (Insane era)
    1. Wong wadon nunggang jaran (Women ride horses)
    2. Wong lanang lungguh plengki (Man sit at charriot)
    3. Wong bener tenger-tenger (Honest people lie idle)
    4. Wong salah bungah-bungah (Dishonest people happy)
    5. Wong apik ditapik-tampik (Good people ignored)
    6. Wong bejat munggah pangkat (Bad people get promoted)
    7. Akeh ndandhang diunekake kuntul (Many empty talk)
    8. Wong salah dianggap bener (Wrong will be considered right)
    9. Wong lugu kebelenggu (Innocent people tied)
    10. Wong mulyo dikunjara (Nobble people jailed)
    11. Sing culika mulya, sing jujur kojur (Wrong will be saluted, honest will be destroyed)
    12. Para laku dagang akeh sing keplanggrang (Many bussinesman cheated)
    13. Wong main akeh sing ndadi (More gambling)
    14. Linak lijo linggo lica, lali anak lali bojo, lali tangga lali konco (Forget kid and mate, forget neighboor and friend)
    15. Duwit lan kringet mung dadi wolak-walik kertu (Money and hardwork only become card play)
    16. Kertu gede dibukake, ngguyu pating cekakak (Big hand open and laughing)
    17. Ning mulih main kantonge kempes (But going home empty)
    18. Krugu bojo lan anak nangis ora di rewes (Ignore the cry of kid and wife)

    Abote koyo ngopo sa bisa-bisane aja nganti wong kelut,keliring zaman
    kalabendu iku. (No matter how tough never give up on what happen at this era)

    Amargo zaman iku bakal sirno lan gantine joiku zaman ratu adil, zaman
    kamulyan. Mula sing tatag, sing tabah, sing kukuh, jo kepranan ombyak
    ing zaman Entenana zamanne kamulyan zamaning ratu adil (Because after that there will be the era of justice and properity. Be strong, endure and tough. Don't do stupid thing, wait for the next era to come by)


    • #17
      What Sylvia Browne says about the Mayan Calendar

      I found an article Sylvia Browne Wrote about it..thought it may be interesting to post it here...I hope for our sake she is right about this.

      by Sylvia Browne
      Many have heard about the prophecies of 2012, knowing that this date somehow means that the world will end. I believe this is truly a misinterpretation of the 2012 prophecy. These center around the Mayan calendar, which ends on December 21, 2012.

      The Mayan civilization is thought to have been born in the Yucatan Peninsula in about 2600 B.C. and thrived through approximately A.D. 1300. They excelled brilliantly in astronomy, hieroglyphic writing, science, mathematics, art, farming, weaving, architecture, and also in creating highly technical, intricate calendar systems, to name only a handful of their gifts.

      Almost as fascinating as the Mayan civilization itself is the mysterious abruptness with which it vanished. It was as if a complex, sophisticated society of fifteen million people simply walked away from their lives one day and never came back, leaving nothing but deserted cities and abandoned architectural masterpieces in their wake. To this day, there are no definitive answers but many theories about what happened so suddenly and with such finality. Again, the only thing about the vanishing of the Maya that experts seem to agree is that no one knows with any certainty what really happened to those fifteen million people around A.D. 1300. And, because the Spanish conquistadors made it their practice to kill the Mayan priests and nobility and to burn Mayan books and records when they invaded Central and South America, it’s likely that no one ever will.

      What has survived after all these centuries is the fascinating and very complicated Mayan calendar, which consisted of cycles of 260 days, each day having one of twenty names represented by its own symbol. The days of the Mayan calendar were numbered one through thirteen, but since there are twenty names, after a thirteen-day period was finished, the next day was numbered “one” again. The calendar also kept track of a solar year in which the months were named, and following the eighteen months of their solar year, they included a five-day month in which the days were thought to be unlucky and, as a result, were not given names.

      I won’t pretend to be able to decipher the intricacies of the Mayan calendar. Instead, I’ll focus on an element that everyone can decipher: it ends on December 21, 2012, which has been a source of concern for those who are aware of it and are determined to find specific “doomsday” predictions to be fearful of. But the Mayan culture never intended to imply that a cataclysmic end of the world would be happening on 12/21/12, or the winter solstice of 2012. Their prophecy is that on that date, the world will be making a transition from one age into another, and it is humankind’s choice whether that transition will involve violently dramatic changes or will simply evolve with graceful, peaceful tranquility.

      The prophecy of the Mayan calendar is that our solar system was slowly ending its fifth cycle, its "darkest before the dawn," in 1987, moving toward the morning of the first cycle that will officially arrive in 2012. And how we use the brief years between now and then will determine whether the impending birth of the "morning" is destructive or productive. Negativity, violence, greed, cruelty, the lust for power, and the systematic desecration of nature and its sacred inhabitants will guarantee a catastrophic transition from the fifth cycle back to the first, while a global nurturing of kindness, respect, unity, charity, and a celebration of the sanctity of our natural planet and all its living creatures can, by our choice, create a cyclical transition into a truly golden age. So 2012, the Maya promise, will mark a profound change among us on Earth. What kind of change is entirely up to us.

      This important 2012 date also appears in the Cherokee prophecies. The Pleiades star system is also prominent in one of the most treasured and famous Cherokee prophecies, the Prophecy of the Rattlesnake, a sign in the heavens that is evolving toward the end of the Cherokee calendar in the year 2012. It is no coincidence that the Cherokee and Mayan calendars end in the same year. It’s simply the result of the northern migration of the Mayans and the Aztecs from Central and South America to settle in the United States. But the heart of the Prophecy of the Rattlesnake is rooted in the wisdom and teachings of the ancient Cherokee elders.

      Just as all cultures interpret the stars and their movement into zodiac systems and prophecies, the Cherokee see a zodiac of their own, ancient and cherished, the story of eternity, or Time Untime, written across the face of the universe. The universe itself is made of crystal, and four rawhide ropes hang from it to suspend the great island known as Earth. While the outline of the heavens retains its shape in the sky, there is movement within the Cherokee zodiac that makes it seem alive, breathing and transforming itself to foretell the fate of Earth against the backdrop of the eternal cycle of life.

      There are thirteen constellations in the Cherokee zodiac, most of them designs of animals. And prominent among them is the Constellation Rattlesnake, in which a prophecy is written. The Rattlesnake has a head, and the tip of its tail is the revered Pleiades system. Between the head and the tail is a body that twists and slithers in a kind of side winding movement. There are fifty-two scales on its mouth, the number fifty-two being an essential part of the very sophisticated Cherokee calendar. The outline of the Rattlesnake remains stationary, but various forms and shapes that appear and disappear on the snake itself are read as signs of the past, present, and future of the universe.

      In the years 2004 through 2012, a phenomenon is foreseen in the heavens in which feathers will appear on the head of the Rattlesnake. Its glowing eyes will open. It will grow wings, hands, and arms, and its hands will hold a bowl of blood. The seven rattles of its tail will resemble the roots of a tree,” the Pleiades Tree of the Beginning.” This will correspond to the transit of Venus, a very rare alignment of Earth, Venus, and the sun in which is appears from Earth as if Venus is crossing the face of the sun. A Venus transit occurred on June 8, 2004, and astronomers predict it will happen again on June 5-6, 2012. The Cherokee calendar also says that the world will come to an end in 2012, just as the Mayans do. To the Cherokee, “the end” in 2012 signifies that all will be reborn.

      Both the Mayans and the Cherokee offer us rich prophecy for the coming 2012 year. This promises to be a time of rebirth and renewal. A new year that offers us the choice for many great changes.

      Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

