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U.S. military is liaising with extraterrestrial life according to independent sources

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  • U.S. military is liaising with extraterrestrial life according to independent sources

    December 28, 11:45 AMHonolulu Exopolitics ExaminerMichael Salla, Ph.D.

    Independent sources have claimed an on-going set of face-to-face meetings between U.S. military officials and extraterrestrial life. The sources reveal that senior U.S. Navy officers have played a leading role in an inter-services working group responsible for the meetings, and that different extraterrestrial groups are allegedly involved. One source claims that the contact involves extraterrestrial groups known as Reptilians, and a silicon based life form dubbed ‘the Conformers’. Another source claims that the extraterrestrials are called Ebens from the Zeta Reticuli star system, but known colloquially as the Grays. A third source claims that human looking extraterrestrials representing an association of star nations are liaising with military officials. Two of the sources have been interviewed by this writer who has been aware of their claims for more than a year, and finds them credible. The similarities in these independent reports gives reason to conclude that an ongoing program of secret meetings involving senior military personal from the U.S. Navy and other military services with one or more extraterrestrial civilizations is underway.

    One source claiming to have participated in face-to-face meetings is a serving U.S. Navy officer that in February 2008 revealed the existence of a confidential set of meetings at the UN where UFOs and extraterrestrial life were discussed. Known as Source A, the Navy officer claims that he was sanctioned by a working group comprising a number of admirals to disclose the UN talks without revealing his identity. In June 2008, Source A claims he was assigned to another project that involved direct meetings with two groups of extraterrestrials in a covert project where he was sanctioned to board their spacecraft on three different occasions. One group is a Reptilian looking species, and another is a silicon based life form he dubbed the ‘Conformers’.

    This author and a number of other researchers have met with and interviewed Source A, and have been able to confirm that he is a serving U.S. Navy officer. Recently, two New York based UFO investigators, Clay and Shawn Pickering, gave a three hour interview concerning Source A’s involvement in a covert project involving face-to-face meetings with extraterrestrial life. They revealed that a covert inter-services working group has attempted to brief President Obama about the extraterrestrial liaison project. Given Source A’s identity and unlikelihood that more senior U.S. Navy officials would sanction a serving officer to openly misinform the general public over extraterrestrial life, there is reason to take his claims of participating in a covert project involving face-to-face meetings very seriously.

    Full article

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  • #2
    Consider the source media

    Looking at where this information originated...
    Not exactly the Wall Street Journal.
    "But ye shall receive power..."
    Acts 1:8


    • #3
      As if The WSJ would DARE...


      "Looking at where this information originated...
      Not exactly the Wall Street Journal."

      Since when has The Wall Street Journal been the Be All and End All of that which is Truth? Would you not say that the famous Wall Street Journal is in the business of speaking to the masses rather than those of us who would find it helpful to be informed of THIS type of possibility??? Do you REALLY think that the Wall Street Journal would even DARE to cover information like this? It seems to me that this newspaper has no interest in raising the consciousness of the people on this planet concerning this type of information and I cannot imagine it ever considering doing so until issues such as these become common knowledge. Did you listen to the interview that Sharyn posted? Did you hear the endless and insightful questions that the interviewers asked? Do you have ANY knowledge of the reputation of the interviewers, Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy? Have you ever explored their website Project Could there even be a SLIGHT possibility that the gentlemen they interviewed just MIGHT be speaking the truth? Do you really believe that what they disclosed is an ABSOLUTE impossibility?

      With all due love and respect, I think it will behoove ALL skeptical readers of this information to have a look at this interview with Bill Ryan of Project Camelot as well as other interviews found on that site before they feel the need to judge ANY information that is is shared on this open and loving forum regarding this subject of the possibility of extraterrestial disclosure by the "esteemed" governments of this planet.

      YouTube - Bill Ryan from Project Camelot interviewed by Freedom Central's a LONG interview, but it will give you a clue that this very spiritual gentleman is NOT some charletan looking for fame and fortune as he speaks his truth.

      Thank You, Sharyn , for always going out on a limb and risking judgement in order to keep us aware of your findings regarding this subject. I am forever grateful to you in your dedication to share ALL the enlightening and unfortunately, all-to-often under-reported information that you discover!

      With Much Love and Gratitude,

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      • #4
        Dr Salla

        He Dr Salla does have some interesting work...

        THE SIGNS OF THE TIME: Dr Michael E. Salla on extraterrestrial races. The Pleiadians, the Greys (Grays)

        Just saying that some sources are more familliar than others.
        Who knows
        "What is Truth"
        "But ye shall receive power..."
        Acts 1:8


        • #5
          Obama adviser says UFO...

          UFODC-Obama adviser says documented UFO/ET landings on U.S. Capitol “could destabilize society”

          Examiner has some interesting stuff - not the most credible source, but
          Aaron Murakami

          Books & Videos
          RPX & MWO

