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  • #61
    This is one of the next level pendants for personal development. It wont do much on its own but when you work with it, it will be a powerful tool. It is very hard to make a good photo of it because it bends light in many different angles and looking from one point it can look messy an chaotic, like in the picture. But in real life when you turn it around in hands, you can see the symmetry in it and it look much better than the previous pendants


    It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


    • #62

      Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
      This is one of the next level pendants for personal development. It wont do much on its own but when you work with it, it will be a powerful tool. It is very hard to make a good photo of it because it bends light in many different angles and looking from one point it can look messy an chaotic, like in the picture. But in real life when you turn it around in hands, you can see the symmetry in it and it look much better than the previous pendants


      Very cool! Love it.
      Still enjoying the effects of my pendant, and people are constantly asking about it. Its a nice conversation piece, and it definitely has a calming effect on others that come in close contact with it. people are so much nicer. i wait tables, and take six classes so i'm always communicating with people and can really see the difference in the last 3 weeks that i have been using it.



      • #63
        Thanks heat
        Your pendants are almost ready now
        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


        • #64

          Awesome awesome awesome!!!
          I can't wait.
          I think there is a person here locally that makes them, and the pyramids too but the look of your pendants are really i will wait as long as it takes to get one of yours, especially now that i have felt the benefits of wearing it daily.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
            Thank you all

            This is the latest thing we made:


            This one is intended to use while working with chakras. It is very powerful in doing that. It helps to activate all the chakras and give them a boost, that is what there is various colors, one for each chakra. Of course you also need to meditate and work with your chakras with your mind, but this pendant makes it more easy and the effect is more powerful.
            I found even this image alone gave me a buzz. Without reading the post, my first visual impression was of a human figure in the lotus position, with the seven essence centers open and glowing, and a white/silver spiral coming strongly about two feet off the crown chakra. This wasn't overlayed on the image on the computer screen, just the thoughts that it inspired. The inspiration and the mental image though were both quite strong.

            This impression was so powerful I stopped browsing and sat looking at this piture in no-mind meditation for a few minutes, drinking in the impression of a cleared and freely flowing energetic system and reflecting it.

            The first cohesive thought to interrupt my no-mind state was "write it down." and I wondered, write what down? It took a few moments to process that the mental image/impression of the body and it's energetic centers and the compulsion to mediate were both inspired by the image, mostly by the play of colors in the pendent. Then I read the post and you said it was for help when working with the chakras. ZING! I'd say it's working

            I have a real sense that the process of making these pendents is not just creative, but a deep expression of profoundly good intent. In fact, I'd even take that idea far enough to refer to it as a talisman, not a pendent. Love it!

            ...this is in spite of my personal feelings on the word "organite." which I have to say are a bit colored by having first heard the term orgone used in connection with a Joe Cell. Joe's a mate of mine, and he'll tell you himself, his cells have nothing to do with that stuff, so ever since I've always felt it was an indicator of someone making an false presumption about the workings of something they didn't fully understand using terms they thought they understood, but were using out of context. ...But that's just my little hangup, I'm sure I'll get over it one day. I'm conscious of my negative use of it and try to remove any personal bias I put into the word, but my initial reaction to hearing it is always negative.

            I don't think I personally need or want one of these pendents, but I have the impression they'd be very beneficial for anyone who is struggling with energy blockages, and especially for people who "don't believe in this stuff." I think as a gift, given without any instructions but a boat-load of good intentions, these pretties will go a long way towards helping people attain a sense of calm, inner peace and an even temper. Beautiful work, thanks so much for putting them out there.
            Last edited by noises; 04-27-2010, 02:14 PM.
            “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


            • #66
              ah. it's your state of mind when you're winding the coils, and your appreciation of the entire object's beauty as they near completion.

              Cohesion of the parts.
              Color, thoughts of effects of colors present.
              Creating symmetry.

              Can you tell me some more about Orgonite please?
              “When fascism comes to America, it will come wrapped in the flag and waving a cross.”


              • #67
                Hi Noises
                I am glad you like the pendant and thank you for your post.
                I have experimented myself with joecells a long while ago with no much luck. I did not know much about orgone at that time, now I think I know more. I think that just the same as there are many different elements, there are also many different kinds of aether particles from bigger to smaller that move at different speeds, and make up photons and other particles when they combine. Most of them are radiating from the sun at high frequency and accompany light photons when they are traveling down to earth. Each light frequency is accompanied with appropriate aether particles. As the light and accompanied aether particles penetrate the atmosphere water and other obstacles, they loose their speed (frequency) just as a bullet looses its speed when bouncing off a wall. Unlike photons, some those aether particles disintegrate in that process and release electrons. Anyway, I think that orgone is just one narrow band of all the aetheric particle spectrum that is beneficial to humans on other living things. If you are subjected to a high concentration of this orgone energy, you feel energized and full of life in great mood. Plants grow faster in such a field and injuries heal faster. That is about orgone, but as for the joecells, I think that the effect of gravity and inertia is only affecting a body depending on its charge and no mass. Negatively charged body tends to be pushed away from earth upwards, that is why some of joecell experimenters notice decreased weight of their car when joecell is installed in it. Also if the engine is charged negatively the influence of inertia is minimized, that is why sometimes joecell researchers can rev up the engine to 17000 RPM's Of course, if the inertia does not have an effect, this can be done. Water has a huge capacity to store the charge and it is the best thing to use as the organic material between metals in an orgonite. That is why water is used in a joecell. I am by no means an expert, I am just reading a great book now and based on that model of physics, everything is slowly becoming clear The book I am talking about is "Our ultimate reality" by Joseph H. Carter. I highly recommend to read it to everyone.
                It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                • #68

                  Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                  Hi Vtech
                  It is really easy. We use two component silicon that dentists use to make molds of your teeth. We put a wooden toroid in it and let it cure. After that we carefully cut the toroid out and what is left is a nice silicon mold. We then use that mold to cast epoxy resin toroid rings. And those rings are then used to wind the Rodin coils. To make the winding process easier, we file grooves at right spaces around the perimeter of the toroid so that the windings doesn't slip off. After such a coil is put into the epoxy resin, it becomes invisible. You may add some color dye to the resin that is used to make toroid cores, this makes a beautiful effect

                  If you want, I can make an easy tutorial with pictures how all this is done. We do not have anything to hide
                  Hello Jetijs,

                  I joined this forum some 3-4 weeks back while I was searching for some new and unique concept(atlest for my place) and I landed on your thread for getting fuel from plastics.Also was sucessful in getting some diesel from plastic but later dropped it as plastic is too expensive here.And today I was searching more of the threads started by you and got this thread on orgonite.Its an great thing (for me atleast).Because life today is too busy and filled with a lot of pressure and if its possible to get some sort of possitive energy wwith help of something which either dont have any side effects or minimal side effects then its just great.I am just planning to try it out for myself.So Jetijs if its possible for you to make an easy toutorial with pictures (as you said)then please help me out.

                  My e

                  Last edited by sikander999; 12-25-2011, 10:24 AM. Reason: need some corection


                  • #69
                    Hi Jetijs,

                    I would also like to read more about these pendants. Do you still make them?
                    I must say,that i really admire all your work. Humanity is way off course and we all can make a difference in making universe a friendlier place. And you are real inspiration with your effort.

                    Regards from Slovenija


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                      Hi Vtech
                      It is really easy. We use two component silicon that dentists use to make molds of your teeth. We put a wooden toroid in it and let it cure. After that we carefully cut the toroid out and what is left is a nice silicon mold. We then use that mold to cast epoxy resin toroid rings. And those rings are then used to wind the Rodin coils. To make the winding process easier, we file grooves at right spaces around the perimeter of the toroid so that the windings doesn't slip off. After such a coil is put into the epoxy resin, it becomes invisible. You may add some color dye to the resin that is used to make toroid cores, this makes a beautiful effect

                      If you want, I can make an easy tutorial with pictures how all this is done. We do not have anything to hide

                      Wow I am very impressed with your work Kungs Jetijs.
                      I have also experimented with rodin coils in orgonite, powerful stuff. I also found that the dome shape is most powerful for pendants.

                      I just have a few questions. After using polyester resin in a silicon mold the surface of the orgonite is tacky (no matter how long you wait). Can't seem to get rid of this. So far I've been doing it with sandpapering it by hand but its extremely time consuming. Do you polish it by hand or with like a buffing wheel?

                      Thanks a lot in advance if you could shed some light on this.

