Hey everybody,
I was reading this thread about technical remote viewing and I was just wondering what you thought about the system by Gerald O'Donnell at
Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (manifesting) Reality through Time and Space: Home page
I have both of his courses on remote viewing and remote influencing. They teach you how to remote view by entering the theta and delta state of mind. I've went through each course a few times but I haven't been able to see anything. I'm highly visual and like this kind of feed back, but I don't have any way to visually verify that I'm in the theta state. I wish I had some kind of EEG that I could hook myself up to and practice switching brain frequencies while I watched to get an idea of what each state felt like. But those machines are very expensive.
I also don't have anyone to remote view with.
I got the course by Gerald O'Donnell because I thought I could use it to find the answers to some questions I have always wanted to know. But it seems that if you know the question you can't use remote viewing to find the answer yourself. Doesn't technical remote viewing have the same problem?
Hey everybody,
I was reading this thread about technical remote viewing and I was just wondering what you thought about the system by Gerald O'Donnell at
Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing (manifesting) Reality through Time and Space: Home page
I have both of his courses on remote viewing and remote influencing. They teach you how to remote view by entering the theta and delta state of mind. I've went through each course a few times but I haven't been able to see anything. I'm highly visual and like this kind of feed back, but I don't have any way to visually verify that I'm in the theta state. I wish I had some kind of EEG that I could hook myself up to and practice switching brain frequencies while I watched to get an idea of what each state felt like. But those machines are very expensive.
I also don't have anyone to remote view with.
I got the course by Gerald O'Donnell because I thought I could use it to find the answers to some questions I have always wanted to know. But it seems that if you know the question you can't use remote viewing to find the answer yourself. Doesn't technical remote viewing have the same problem?