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I want to learn TRV? But it seems so expensive..

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  • #16
    Kevin makes a great point about numbers not being consistently available, but I think there are more pitfalls then that when it comes down to accurately TRV'ing something like the lottery.

    Most lotteries close 30 minutes to an hour before the actual drawing. This is problematic as it limits your ability to view as near the event as possible.

    Speaking from my own experiences, there is a great deal of fluctuation in future events and while some things are absolutely going to happen, others are uncertain sometimes right up to the actual occurrence.

    Most things are not set in stone and you may very well determine a winner that is the actual winner during the time of your session but later loses. I would imagine this is because a future event is like a house of cards with many many elements composing the structure and as those elements shift and change, so does the outcome.

    All that being said if you pick the right sport you can seriously stack the odds in your favor by becoming a proficient Remote Viewer.

    As for the lottery, I have no hard data but my guess is the determination of which ball is going to get sucked up into the tube fluctuates quite a bit until the actual time of the sucking and then trying to tell a bunch of exactly colored, sized, textured and shaped balls apart strictly by a number written on them borders futile.

    You will have much more success TRV'ing events with limited possible winners and decisive outcomes.


    • #17
      Hi guys,

      Thanks for the replies.

      Learning RV obviously isn't because I was hoping to win the lottery! But I Just wanted to see if the 'rumours' etc that I have read around had any truth to them.

      After you guys explained, I can now better understand why the lottery side of things may not work, but an event that is sure to happen, such as betting on horses etc may work.

      Who knows, If I continue enough with it, I might just one day give it a try. I plan on getting through some more of the Ed Dames video, hopefully I can get the grasp of things!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Gary View Post
        Kevin makes a great point about numbers not being consistently available, but I think there are more pitfalls then that when it comes down to accurately TRV'ing something like the lottery.

        Most lotteries close 30 minutes to an hour before the actual drawing. This is problematic as it limits your ability to view as near the event as possible.

        Speaking from my own experiences, there is a great deal of fluctuation in future events and while some things are absolutely going to happen, others are uncertain sometimes right up to the actual occurrence.

        Most things are not set in stone and you may very well determine a winner that is the actual winner during the time of your session but later loses. I would imagine this is because a future event is like a house of cards with many many elements composing the structure and as those elements shift and change, so does the outcome.

        All that being said if you pick the right sport you can seriously stack the odds in your favor by becoming a proficient Remote Viewer.

        As for the lottery, I have no hard data but my guess is the determination of which ball is going to get sucked up into the tube fluctuates quite a bit until the actual time of the sucking and then trying to tell a bunch of exactly colored, sized, textured and shaped balls apart strictly by a number written on them borders futile.

        You will have much more success TRV'ing events with limited possible winners and decisive outcomes.

        Gary you bring up an interesting subject. I know many believe as you pointed out above.

        I personally believe that one can TRV the actual outcome of an event vs. the probable or optimum outcome.

        I know that a lot do not, but I have had experience where I TRV'd the optimum outcome and got one thing, and then TRV'd the actual outcome and got another.

        HOWEVER, my experience, and all those that I know who TRV, there is still no way to consistently get numbers via TRV.


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        • #19
          Originally posted by Kevin View Post

          Gary you bring up an interesting subject. I know many believe as you pointed out above.

          I personally believe that one can TRV the actual outcome of an event vs. the probable or optimum outcome.

          I know that a lot do not, but I have had experience where I TRV'd the optimum outcome and got one thing, and then TRV'd the actual outcome and got another.

          HOWEVER, my experience, and all those that I know who TRV, there is still no way to consistently get numbers via TRV.

          I am definitely open to working cues from an actual outcome standpoint. Initially I believed that events would be verbatim after the event and was surprised to find the fluctuation, and those sessions are the only basis for my belief of uncertain outcomes.

          I am well aware of how much can go wrong at the cuing level and I do not recall ever working anything specifying 'Actual Outcome' so it will be an interesting experience indeed.

