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Weird Questions

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  • Weird Questions

    Hey guys,

    I have a couple of weird questions ive never asked anyone else. There is a couple of things that i can do and see and i'm just wondering if anyone else here can as well.

    #1 First off, when i focus on the sky on any bright blue sunny day i can see little white dots everywhere. (I'm assuming its just an effect within the eye itself, not that there is actually anything in the sky) They are extremely small but there are thousands of them, too many to count, they are so small that unless i really focus on the sky i dont even notice it. They move around really fast, i've tried to follow them to see where they go but they make sharp turns and i lose the ones i watch.

    I dont know how the eye works but i assume its just an effect of the eye taking in so much light. I only see this when looking specifically at the blue part of the sky...not a light bulb or my ceiling. Please let me know if any of you have seen this, or if not please try and let me know!

    #2 You know the feeling you get when going down a theme park slide or when you drive fast over a hump in a country road? Some people call it "getting the butterflies". Well i can somehow control that feeling and make myself feel it at anytime (even while writing this). Its similiar to making a muscle move except no muscles move when i do this. I assume im controling the adrenaline signal being sent to my nerves, but thats a complete guess.

    If you can do this please let me know! I dont know if its even normal to do able to do it lol.

    I've experimented with experiencing this at the same time with my telekinesis and have had positive results, sometimes it seems to help me focus even deeper on the object to make it move more. Earlier i got a pretty big electrical flicker from my ceiling light at the exact moment i experienced the feeling.

    If you've experienced either of these two things or may want to share your opinions on them please let me know, Thanks!

  • #2
    Sounds like you are exploring more of the right brain abilities, which we have been rather programmed to ignore.
    Keep your mind on the aether


    • #3
      Originally posted by future pather View Post
      Sounds like you are exploring more of the right brain abilities, which we have been rather programmed to ignore.
      Thanks for replying, I figured it must not be common considering ive never heard anything about any of it. I was hoping more people would reply, i feel crazy to even talk about it. Do you not see anything when you focus on the sky? I know im not imagining it and I know if i can see everyone else should be able to as well. I was hoping it would simply be an effect within the eye but i guess not.

      I admit, since i discovered telekinesis is real, i believe it has opened more than just one door. I dont remember how long ive been able to experience either of the two anomalies above but since no one else experiences it, it must be related..


      • #4
        Recently I had an eye exam and told my doctor about seeing "stuff" whose movements correspond to that of my eye. Apparently, they call them floaters and it is not uncommon. Is that what you're seeing? I don't know, but this is what they told me

        The physiological manifestations are interesting and for my money there are quite a few similar parallels, such as hypertension from stress (a mental causation) so why deem it outlandish?

        I suggest you read about quantum physics and quantum entanglement as you may find that the implications insofar as the relationship of physical reality to consciousness interesting.



        • #5
          Hi Nadda,

          You most definitely are not imagining this. I see the exact same thing when I focus on the blue sky and I have since I was a child. I'm happy to know that I am not alone in this experience. These are not "floaters", as floaters do correspond with the movement of they eye like Ingram describes, while these are like thousands of tiny dots of swirly light flashing on and off and moving here and there. I really like being able to see them and often visualize them as the "white light" that I breathe in when doing the small universe breathing techniques from Aaron's book "A Course in Mind Power."

          And I also experience that "butterfly" thing you describe. To me, this is more like an expansion of the heart space and is felt throughout the torso. That experience has become even more pronounced since I have been listening to Tom Kenyon's Heart Dimensional Attunment that is found as a free sound gift on his website. Now it is becoming easier and easier to control this feeling of expansion and this is also something I enjoy experiencing. I described it to Aaron just last week as the kind of physical feeling one would get if they were looking at their child for the very first time, so I consider this a feeling of loving expansion.

          You might want to try combining a visualization of that "white light" and imagine it filling up the space in your torso and see what happens when experimenting with telekinesis. But careful when you do that...You might just blow a fuse!

          Thanks so much for posing these questions, Nadda! I am sure there are more people who also experience the same "anomalies" and I would like to hear from them as well.

          Much Love & Gratitude,

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          • #6
            Originally posted by Nadda View Post

            If you've experienced either of these two things or may want to share your opinions on them please let me know, Thanks!
            I can see thousands of it, and when I realize that was not common, I start believe in the dynamic Aether, because when I force the “getting the butterflies” it is like the shining points are moving in bundles towards me.

            Once I did an accidental physical “butterfly”, and the friends that watched it couldn’t believe it. Me neither.
            I was talking and moving backwards, and behind was a step, so fall on my back.
            Then I felt the “butterfly”, and fall down in slow motion. It was a soft land, and not a single drop from the cup of beer in my hand.
            It was not intentional. Just happen.
            I keep trying it again intentionally (on my bed) but did not happen again.

            What you do with the telekinesis?



            • #7
              Yeah i know what you mean and i can see those when the light is just right but its not the same as the white dots. The "floaters" you describe are semi-transparent for me and do relate directly to the eye movment. The white dots move while my eyes are still and they arnt transparent

              I was curious about that too though, thanks for replying

              Great to hear from you! You describe exactly what i experience. The lights are amazing to watch, for me they do seem to be more bright some days and hard to notice other days. I've never really spent time trying to figure them out though. Its something i'm definately going to start thinking about.

              I've never really thought about the butterfly feeling in the sense of love or the heart but thats very interesting. Also your exactly right, when i do experience it, i can feel it most strongly in my torso. I've been practicing and am able to actually channel it now to any of my legs and arms without feeling it within my torso.

              Also, i forgot to mention, I noticed when i do create the feeling that my pupils will actually get bigger, its easily noticable for me. As soon as i experience the feeling they get bigger and when i stop they immeadietaly go back to normal. Its amazing, i can expand my pupils as easily as flexing a muscle... Please let me know if you see that same effect?

              Matos de Matos:
              Thats interesting you bring up the Aether. I dont look at objects the same as i had before i learned telekinesis. It has made me aware of the fact that every one of us is connected to every object around us, in some form or another. When you make an object move with your mind your not making wind blow or emmitting energy waves. The energy is internal. If it werent internal i would be able to put my hand in front of my head and feel the energy, but i cant because the energy isnt being emmited.

              To me that is proof that energy is contained by everything and can be used.


              • #8
                Hi just wanted to chuck in something here! Something common sense

                Astronauts in earlydays missions spoke of seeing much the same thing!
                It was radiation from the sun speeding through space and right through their bodies and where the particals were passing through the eyes of the astronats it was visable as a light show similar to which you speak within or on the surface of the eye

                maybe your eyes are sensitive to something akin to that! it would not surprise me concidering the holes in the earths protective layer.

                Take a trip to your local Optometrist maybe they can help?

                you have video of yourself doing telekinesis Nadda?

                Best Regards
                Last edited by arKzeRo; 11-09-2010, 01:05 AM.
                The history of science shows that theories are perishable.With every new truth that is revealed,we get a better understanding of Nature and our conceptions and views are modified. - Nikola Tesla


                • #9
                  Thanks, ive never seen it anywhere else other than in the sky. Thats very interesting, You may be right.

                  you have video of yourself doing telekinesis Nadda?
                  If i can find my camcorder i can make a video. It started draining my batteries but i think it still works. I'll let you know if i find it. The only video i ever made was when i began making my monitor flicker.

                  I need to save some money and buy a better recorder. So many weird things have happened i wish i could have everything on video. Telekinesis doesnt just happen when you ask it to. Its in your subconscious.

                  I had to stop using my CTR monitor because whenever i would think too hard my monitor would flicker, without even touching it. I'm not kidding. It sucked.
                  The reason it began happening i think was my own fault. Before the flickering began, i once tried to make my cursor on my screen move. I spent a long time focusing on it and when i was almost going to give up a bright green light flashed right on the cursor where i was staring (it was about 3 inches wide) startled me and as I sat back the light faded away. For a second i thought i ruined my monitor but once the green faded the screen colors were back to normal.

                  The most amazing thing that i wish i had on camera was my ceiling fan. Once I actually made my ceiling fan spin backwards without even realizing it. There was NO wind in the room, out of the blue, some shadows caught the corner of my eye...i looked up and my fan was spinning backwards. My jaw dropped to the floor. As soon as i looked up it started slowing down. I kept watching as it completely stopped by itself. I believe, I was subconsciously making it move and only when i broke my concentration did it stop.

                  The force it would take to make a ceiling fan move is 1,000 times stronger than any force i've ever been able to consciously exert. It was amazing.

                  I also started sleep walking like crazy right after I started making my monitor flicker. I once woke up while i was literally moving my bed lol. I'm telling you opening the door to telekinesis will open other doors along the way lol. The other night i went to sleep at midnight with my lights off, woke up at 3am with my lights on. Kinda spooky, I was home alone.
                  Last edited by Nadda; 11-09-2010, 03:21 AM.


                  • #10

                    I'm curious about ur experiences w the tele k... what use described so far... how do u know that some of the things that u experienced outside of ur focus were u and not something other than u?

                    I've found myself in this forum bc of persistent things that my wife , kid, n I have experienced. I never paid much attention to this type of paranormal stuff or energy / meta topics until consistent n persistent things began happening in our home... we were all fine w living the day to day ordinary things that mainstream life is familiar with... ykno.. work, commute, chores, bills, school, etc etc

                    anyway, back on topic.. from my experience, I have not come to the conclusion it's originating from any of us.. however, I suppose that can be a possibility.. heck.. anything is possible. but, ya.. how can u (anyone) assume that things unintended are of ur own doing?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Celsius View Post
                      I'm curious about ur experiences w the tele k... what use described so far... how do u know that some of the things that u experienced outside of ur focus were u and not something other than u?

                      In my experiences, it was just the way that they happened. If it was something paranormal outside of myself I think i would have had less control over the situations than i did. Such as the ceiling fan case, it began to stop as soon as i broke my focus on what i was doing. That alone leads me to believe it was reacting to me. Telekinesis can react heavily to your state of mind, i've had test objects moving one direction and suddenly surge a different direction as soon as i played a new song. You dont speak english to objects, you speak through your thoughts. The flow of your thought process can control the flow of their direction.

                      I absolutly believe in paranormal spirits and have seen plenty of evidence. I believe they are real, they can interact with you and they can move objects themselves. I think the fact that everyone in your familiy is experiencing something may lean more towards something paranormal. I would need to hear more about exactly what is happening though to have a better idea.

