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  • TRV & has been providing Technical Remote Viewing (TRV) Services to Corporations, Individuals and Government agencies for over 5 years.

    1,000+ jobs have been done, ranging from~

    Optimum Investments
    Finding missing items & Life Forms (people & pets)
    Strategic Planning for Corporate growth
    Optimum Trajectories for mates, jobs, domiciles, etc
    Cracking "Cold Case Crimes"
    Discovering evidence for court cases (criminal & civil)
    Product Development
    Personnel Evaluations
    and much more

    WeFindOut does not take every job, and until recently was running a couple month backlog on jobs. Additional personnel has almost doubled the capacity, jobs right now are running only 1-2 weeks.

    Visit the recently redesigned website, feel free to email or fax Mark. He is a helpful friendly resource.


    PATHS For Healing
    Energetic Science Ministries
    Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

    ESM Forum Support Link

  • #2
    Dreams and no trv

    Can you comment on those that have dreams that hint, or lead too what is real, in reality, that have no TRV experence. It seems to be the same. Dreams vs TRV in some appears the same.



    • #3
      TRV is really just a methodology for stimulating and having close to complete control over intuition.

      So when a person has an intuitive dream, they are getting information from the Collective unconscious, or the matrix.

      When a person TRV's they are getting information from the Collective unconscious, or the matrix.

      In that way it is the same.

      Where the difference is, most people have little or no control over their intuition...they get what the get and that is it.

      With TRV you can target any subject you want, and get pages and pages of information on the exact subject you want. (a typical TRV session generates between 20-30 pages of data).

      The other main difference between intuitive dreams or intuitive flashes is that many times there is a huge dump of data and no way to document it...thus some of it ends up being forgotten or mixed up. With TRV structure, the data comes in a controlled pace and it is all written down for future reference.

      There are quite a few posts on TRV in this forum, explaining more how it works, etc.

      Last edited by Kevin; 07-13-2007, 06:37 AM.

      PATHS For Healing
      Energetic Science Ministries
      Meditation at the Click of a Button, Guaranteed!

      ESM Forum Support Link

