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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • MonsieurM

    A Rune sacred to Freya, Goddess of fecundity and love.
    “Every beginning has within it the seeds of its own end.”

    Fehu – “Fay-Who” – Literally: “Cattle” – Esoteric: Mobile Property, New Beginnings, Wealth
    See also :

    Freya taught magic to the Aesir, Odin in particular. Freya's magic is termed Seidr - a type of trance magic whose fully realized forms include shape shifting and astral projection Freya herself has a falcon cloak which allows any who wears it to become a bird. This cloak was often borrowed by Loki when he still worked to save the Aesir.

    Cats ( see also post on HIRA ) are particularly sacred to Freya. In addition to the two large cats who pull her chariot, other cats are generally associated with this kind and loving Goddess. Some believe that cats journey to Folkvang after death, spending their afterlives frolicking in the fields and scampering about Sessrumnir, the Hall of Freya. Whether it's their grace, their beauty or their fierce nature when provoked, cats are the special darlings of Freya, often carrying messages for her. (Of course, sometimes they take a nap while enroute...)
    Freya - Goddess of Love, Beauty, and War

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-17-2012, 12:01 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    sweet info ........... but you also have to consider the evolution of the "myth" through "Kali yuga" / Patriarchal Goggles ..... what was was once a Protecting Siren becomes a dangerous one ... woman is today associated with darkness / evil / Temptation etc ... there is a saying ..... When the cat cannot get the meat , he spits on it .... those on top that cannot find the light .... they figured might as well have everybody keep them company in their ignorance ..... and that is their downfall .... clinging to old belief ..... walk the walk or be left behind .... imho

    example : what does number 13 represent to the average person

    Originally posted by Michael C View Post
    Some mention Freya as the female Odin, and the valkyries being the female einhärjar, the spiritual warriors living in Valhalla. Today that 'school' of female spiritual warriors are thought to be lost due to christianity et al, but it is supposed that it once were, and should be revived by females wishing to walk the path. Who knows, maybe it isn't forgotten at all, just patriarchal society that is blind... The women in the old nordic society were truly representing Othala/Odal, the initial rune of Odin. Maybe the farm were inherited in the bloodline of the husband but it were no question about who took care of it and made the desicions.

    The changeling, yes it's a very familiar story. The trolls live in the granite mountains, and if they take you inside, you'll never get out again. If you think you have gotten a changling, put it out in the snow. After a while, the troll mother will swap back, because she can't stand seeing the poor troll baby being mistreated like that.

    The Xana reminds of the 'Forest empress' (skogsrået), the most beautiful woman ever seen, sometimes naked, but when she turns around you'll see her back is hollow, and then you die. Or something. No known survivors to tell exactly what happens. Some do survive, but their soul stays with her and they won't talk about it. A siren of sort. But can be helpful as well.

    The 'river man' (Näcken, 'the naked' also Bäckahästen, 'the river horse') is a male variety, a Pan figure who plays the violin so beautiful from below the water that kids and grown-ups fall into it and drowns. Also a siren, a male one.

    Last christmas I forgot (stupid) to share the christmas food with my house pixy, the one who looks after my property and animals for me. Blown fuses and lots of other small annoyments were occuring until I realised my mistake and put out food. He didn't eat it but the harassement stoped. I hope we are fair and square again.

    This character evolved into Coca-Cola Santa during the 1900's but it is a misunderstanding (or is it? ) because the one that always has given us the presents traditionally is:

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2012, 09:56 PM.

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  • Michael C
    Ahem. And problems with editing too. Another try:

    The one who traditionally gives us christmas presents are:

    Not very far fetched really.

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  • Michael C
    Some mention Freya as the female Odin, and the valkyries being the female einhärjar, the spiritual warriors living in Valhalla. Today that 'school' of female spiritual warriors are thought to be lost due to christianity et al, but it is supposed that it once were, and should be revived by females wishing to walk the path. Who knows, maybe it isn't forgotten at all, just patriarchal society that is blind... The women in the old nordic society were truly representing Othala/Odal, the initial rune of Odin. Maybe the farm were inherited in the bloodline of the husband but it were no question about who took care of it and made the desicions.

    The changeling, yes it's a very familiar story. The trolls live in the granite mountains, and if they take you inside, you'll never get out again. If you think you have gotten a changling, put it out in the snow. After a while, the troll mother will swap back, because she can't stand seeing the poor troll baby being mistreated like that.

    The Xana reminds of the 'Forest empress' (skogsrået), the most beautiful woman ever seen, sometimes naked, but when she turns around you'll see her back is hollow, and then you die. Or something. No known survivors to tell exactly what happens. Some do survive, but their soul stays with her and they won't talk about it. A siren of sort. But can be helpful as well.

    The 'river man' (Näcken, 'the naked' also Bäckahästen, 'the river horse') is a male variety, a Pan figure who plays the violin so beautiful from below the water that kids and grown-ups fall into it and drowns. Also a siren, a male one.

    Last christmas I forgot (stupid) to share the christmas food with my house pixy, the one who looks after my property and animals for me. Blown fuses and lots of other small annoyments were occuring until I realised my mistake and put out food. He didn't eat it but the harassement stoped. I hope we are fair and square again.

    This character evolved into Coca-Cola Santa during the 1900's but it is a misunderstanding (or is it? ) because the one that always has given us the presents traditionally is:


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  • MonsieurM
    Flow up

    Matres and Matrones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    The Matres (Latin "mothers"[1]) and Matrones (Latin "matrons ( OR MA TRON "[1]) were female deities venerated in North-West Europe from the 1st to the 5th century AD. They are depicted on votive objects and altars that bear images of goddesses, depicted almost entirely in groups of three, that feature inscriptions (about half of which feature Celtic names, and half of which feature Germanic names), that were venerated in regions of Germania, Eastern Gaul, and upper Italy (with a small distribution elsewhere) that were occupied by the Roman army from the first to the fifth century AD.[2]

    Information about the religious practices surrounding the Matres is limited to the stones on which their depictions and inscriptions are found, of which over 1,100 exist.[2] The Germanic matres have been connected with the later Germanic dísir, valkyries, and norns attested largely in 13th century sources.[1]

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  • MonsieurM


    Here is a Town of great interest:

    Medina-Sidonia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Medina-Sidonia is a city and municipality in the province of Cádiz in the autonomous community of Andalusia, southern Spain. It is considered by some to be the oldest city in Europe, used as a military defense location due to its elevated location. Locals are known as Asidonenses. The city's name comes from Medina (Arabic for city) and Sidonia (of Sidon), meaning "City of Sidon".

    Medina-Sidonia was one of Spain's most important ducal seats in the 15th century; producing an admiral, Alonso Pérez de Guzmán, 7th Duke of Medina Sidonia, who led the Spanish Armada against England in 1588. The title of Duque de Medina Sidonia was bestowed upon the family of Guzmán El Bueno for his valiant role in taking the town. The line continues and was led until March 2008 by the controversial socialist, Luisa Isabel Álvarez de Toledo, 20th Duchess of Medina Sidonia (born 1936).


    Amongst its innumerable monuments, of note are: the Roman Archaeological Complex (Sewers and Road), the Visigoth Hermitage of Los Santos, the Town Hall (XVII c.), the Market Square (XIXc.); its churches and convents, such as the gothic-renaissance style “Iglesia Mayor” (High Church) and the Monastery of San José del Cuervo; the Walls and Doors of the Muslim town; the ruins of the Castle and Old Town; and the Torrestrella Castle, amongst many others dispersed throughout its vast district.

    Considered to be one of the most beautiful villages in Spain, Medina Sidonia is also a paradise of tranquility, where you can escape from the world and come into complete contact with nature, between both the Cádiz countryside and the Alcornocales Natural Park.
    Puerta del Sol (Door of the Sun) / : Puma Punku has also a gateway of the sun

    It is one of the oldest doors in the town. Its name is due to the fact that it faces the same direction as the rays of sunshine at dawn. It is located behind that which, in its time, was the Ducal Palace of the Medina Sidonia.
    Bandera de Medina / Medina Flag

    (Lancelot anyone )

    Lancelot (father of Galahad )[5] is the son of King Ban of Benwick (or Benoic) and Elaine.[6] While Lancelot is an infant, his father is driven from his kingdom, seen in Britain, by his enemy Claudas de la Deserte.[7] Ban and Elaine flee, carrying the child with them. As Elaine is tending to her wounded husband, Lancelot is carried off by the Lady of the Lake who raises the child in her magical kingdom. It is from this upbringing that Lancelot earns the surname, du lac


    Compare the colors

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2012, 05:04 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    The show posted previously .... mentions Changeling .......

    changeling .... fractal .... shape shift ........

    Changeling - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    A changeling is a creature found in Western European folklore and folk religion. It is typically described as being the offspring of a fairy, troll, elf or other legendary creature that has been secretly left in the place of a human child.
    and the legend exist all over Europe .... and beyond ....

    one area caught my attention .... as we know Fulcanelli was last seen there : see also p 36.... ...


    In Asturias (North Spain / Pyrenee Mountains ) there is a legend about the Xana, a sort of nymph who used to live near rivers, fountains and lakes, sometimes helping travellers on their journeys. The Xanas were conceived as little female fairies with supernatural beauty. They could deliver babies, "xaninos," that were sometimes swapped with human babies in order to be baptized. The legend says that in order to distinguish a "xanino" from a human baby, some pots and egg shells should be put close to the fireplace; a xanino would say: "I was born one hundred years ago, and since then I have not seen so many egg shells near the fire!".
    Xana - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The xana is a character found in Asturian mythology. Always female, she is a creature of extraordinary beauty believed to live in fountains, rivers, waterfalls or forested regions with pure water. She is usually described as small or slender with long blonde or light brown hair (most often curly), which she tends to with gold or silver combs woven from sun or moonbeams. The origin of the Asturian word xana is unclear, though some scholars see it as a derivation from the Latin name for the goddess Diana. References to where the mythological xanas lived are still common in Asturian toponyms.

    Besides exchanging other women's children for their own, the xanas promise treasures and can be disenchanted. Some xanas also attack people and steal their food. They live in fountains and caves.[1]

    A xana can be a beneficial spirit, offering love water[clarification needed] to travelers and rewards of gold or silver to those found worthy through some undefined judgment. Their hypnotic voices can be heard during spring and summer nights. Those who have a pure soul and hear the song will be filled with a sense of peace and love. Those whose souls are not pure will feel they are being suffocated and may be driven insane.

    Xanas are usually depicted in one of two ways. In one, they appear as young Nordic girls, very beautiful, with long blonde hair ( see also legend of Lourdes Water also by the Pyrennee Mountains ). This image is usually associated with xanas who possess a treasure or those under a spell. In contrast, in tales in which the xanas steal children and enter homes to bite or steal, the xanas are small, thin and dark-colored.[2]

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2012, 04:50 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    just fyi

    Sami flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The first official Sámi flag was recognized and inaugurated on August 15, 1986 by the 13th Nordic Sami Conference in Åre, Sweden.

    and you have 6 Elements forming the flag ( the 7th element)

    Coast to Coast AM - Dec 13 2012 - Mirror Gazing & Covert ETs - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2012, 03:18 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Barefoot running - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Barefoot running, also called "natural running", is the act of running without footwear. Throughout human history, running barefoot was the natural way to run, and cultures such as the Tarahumara people in Mexico still practice it today. Barefoot running became popular in the latter half of the 20th century, as notable Olympic runners such as Abebe Bikila, Bruce Tulloh, and Zola Budd participated barefoot.

    BFR on the streets

    Scientific research into the practice of running barefoot has not reached a clear consensus regarding its risks or its benefits. While shoes provide necessary foot protection from cuts, bruises, and the weather, proponents of barefoot running argue that it offers benefits and is healthier for the feet by reducing the risk of chronic injuries (notably repetitive stress injuries) due to the impact of heel striking in padded running shoes.

    To provide the benefits of both running barefoot and shod, different varieties of barefoot-inspired footwear are available, including thin-soled and flexible shoes such as traditional moccasins and huaraches, and modern footwear like Vibram FiveFingers. Running barefoot in thin-soled shoes may be termed minimalist running.

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2012, 01:12 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by Michael C View Post
    The motif of the samic flag comes from a ceremonial drum and the poem 'Paiven parneh' (son's of the sun).

    The circle stands for spirituality connecting the elements of the flag and the united sun (red half) and moon (blue half). The green strip is nature and animals, the yellow strip is the sun. The red field are fire, and the blue field are water. The balance towards the blue are significant.

    Excellent .............

    and the synchronicity of it : from:

    by Orfeo Angelucci

    DEV ORSS & Co., Publishers

    Originally posted by Michael C View Post
    Oh! I hadn't seen that analogy before.

    Colour of cable used for chassi to earth:
    beautiful Analogy ..... grounding oneself also is good for your health .... or grounding our Red side so our Aerial Antenna can act as a true receiver / emitter

    little piece of info : most ( not all ) Shaman Ceremonies are done Bare footed .....
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2012, 12:55 PM.

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  • Michael C
    The motif of the samic flag comes from a ceremonial drum and the poem 'Paiven parneh' (son's of the sun).

    The circle stands for spirituality connecting the elements of the flag and the united sun (red half) and moon (blue half). The green strip is nature and animals, the yellow strip is the sun. The red field are fire, and the blue field are water. The balance towards the blue are significant.

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  • Michael C

    Oh! I hadn't seen that analogy before.

    Colour of cable used for chassi to earth:

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  • MonsieurM

    Eagles - Witchy Woman ( 1972 ) - YouTube

    Shamanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    "One may assume that anyone claiming to be a Cherokee 'shaman, spiritual healer, or pipe-carrier', is equivalent to a modern day medicine show and snake-oil vendor."[105] In fact, there is no Cherokee word for Shaman or Medicine Man. The Cherokee word for "medicine" is Nvowti which means "power".

    Mayan Numbers Symbols

    13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers.


    Michael C ............. or MC

    Sami people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - Wah Wah - (LP Version) - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2012, 02:47 AM.

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  • MonsieurM

    Pointer Sisters - Fire..!! - YouTube

    Shamanism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    = The Funk Hunters - Shake The Room! - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2012, 01:27 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    a little gift ... Eagles - Take It To The Limit - YouTube

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