A Rune sacred to Freya, Goddess of fecundity and love.
“Every beginning has within it the seeds of its own end.”
Fehu – “Fay-Who” – Literally: “Cattle” – Esoteric: Mobile Property, New Beginnings, Wealth
Fehu – “Fay-Who” – Literally: “Cattle” – Esoteric: Mobile Property, New Beginnings, Wealth

Freya taught magic to the Aesir, Odin in particular. Freya's magic is termed Seidr - a type of trance magic whose fully realized forms include shape shifting and astral projection Freya herself has a falcon cloak which allows any who wears it to become a bird. This cloak was often borrowed by Loki when he still worked to save the Aesir.
Cats ( see also post on HIRA ) are particularly sacred to Freya. In addition to the two large cats who pull her chariot, other cats are generally associated with this kind and loving Goddess. Some believe that cats journey to Folkvang after death, spending their afterlives frolicking in the fields and scampering about Sessrumnir, the Hall of Freya. Whether it's their grace, their beauty or their fierce nature when provoked, cats are the special darlings of Freya, often carrying messages for her. (Of course, sometimes they take a nap while enroute...)
Cats ( see also post on HIRA ) are particularly sacred to Freya. In addition to the two large cats who pull her chariot, other cats are generally associated with this kind and loving Goddess. Some believe that cats journey to Folkvang after death, spending their afterlives frolicking in the fields and scampering about Sessrumnir, the Hall of Freya. Whether it's their grace, their beauty or their fierce nature when provoked, cats are the special darlings of Freya, often carrying messages for her. (Of course, sometimes they take a nap while enroute...)

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