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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Now , i would like to go back to some of Tesla's Patents .... one in particular as it seems that it is the one that inspired Don Smith's Circuit set for a "Unity" Device

    Tesla Electric Conversion Concept - Proof of Concept Project

    Released - September 13th, 2005 = 09 / 13 / 05 = HM 9


    I am happy to announce our first Proof-of-Concept (POC) project, Tesla's Electric Conversion Concept. It is at the heart of many "over-unity" devices like the one Don Smith demonstrated during the International Tesla Society Symposium back in 1996. This was the first time when I was introduced to the free-energy scene.

    on to the circuit


    as was previously mentioned Tesla knew his Invention ... beyond the fact that they are scalable ( a clue to its properties ) but are also Fractal :

    a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
    Tesla Patent 462,418 - Method of and Apparatus for Electrical Conversion and Distribution

    This invention is an improvement in methods of an apparatus for electrical conversion, designed for the better and more economical distribution and application of electrical energy for general useful purposes.
    more on the patent in the link provided


    Oscillation seems like a key word in his patents .... like the natural oscillation of Yin Yang

    The Circuit :

    The circuit working

    now compare it to his other designs :

    Nature was his Teacher
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • one more thing :

      some very nice designs Tesla Made: you'll recognize many shapes (some look "Mayan" Like )

      Tesla’s Egg of Columbus from Electrical Experimenter, March, 1919

      . This photograph represents a collection of a few of Tesla's wireless lamps, such as he proposes to use in lighting isolated dwellings all over the world from central wireless plants. The two lamps at either corner at the bottom are illuminated, owing to the fact that a high frequency oscillator was in operation some distance away when this photograph was being taken. These tubes were filled with various gases for experimental research work in determining which was most efficient.

      one of my favorite invention of his

      Illustrating the Polyphase Coil and Rotating Magnetic Field Which Caused Copper Eggs to Spin. Fig. 3. Insert: Detail of Coil Apparatus Showing Coil Connections to Different Phases.

      Tesla’s Egg of Columbus from Electrical Experimenter, March, 1919

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-05-2012, 11:35 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Beastie Boys - So What'cha Want - YouTube

        "So What'cha Want"

        Just plug me in just like I was eddie harris
        You're eating crazy cheese like you'd think I'm from paris
        You know I get fly you think I get high
        You know that I'm gone and I'm a tell you all why
        So tell me who are you dissing maybe I'm missing
        The reason that you're smiling or wilding
        So listen in my head I just want to take 'em down
        Imagination set loose and I'm gonna shake 'em down
        Let it flow like a mud slide
        When I get on I like to ride and glide
        I've got depth of perception in my text y'all
        I get props at my mention 'cause I vex y'all
        So what'cha what'cha what'cha want what'cha want
        I get so funny with the money that you flaunt
        I said where'd you get your information from huh?
        You think that you can front when revelation comes

        Yeah, you can't front on that

        Well they call me mike d the ever loving man
        I'm like spoonie gee well I'm the metropolitician
        You scream and you holler about my chevy impala
        But the sweat is getting wet around the ring around your collar
        But like a dream I'm flowing without no stopping
        Sweeter than a cherry pie with ready whip topping
        Goin' from mic to mic kickin' it wall to wall
        Well I'll be calling out you people like a casting call
        Well it's wack when you're jacked in the back of a ride
        With your know with your flow when you're out getting by
        Believe me what you see is what you get
        And you see me I'm coming off as you can bet
        Well I think I'm losing my mind this time
        This time I'm losing my mind
        That's right, said I think I'm losing my mind this time
        This time I'm losing my mind

        Yeah, you can't front on that

        But little do you know about something that I talk about
        I'm tired of driving it's due time that I walk about
        But in the meantime, I'm wise to the demise
        I've got eyes in the back of my head so I realize
        Well I'm dr. spock I'm here to rock y'all
        I want you off the wall if you're playing the wall
        I said what'cha what'cha what'cha want what'cha want
        I said what'cha what'cha what'cha want what'cha want
        Y'all suckers write me checks and then they bounce
        So I reach into my pocket for the fresh amount
        See I'm the long leaner vincent the cleaner
        I'm the illest mother****er from here to gardena
        Well I'm as cool as a cucumber in a bowl of hot sauce
        You've got the rhyme and reason but no cause
        Well if you're hot to trot you think you're slicker than grease
        I've got news for you crews you'll be sucking like a leech

        You can't front on that
        So what'cha what'cha what'cha want what'cha want
        So what'cha what'cha what'cha want what'cha want
        I said what'cha what'cha what'cha want what'cha want
        I said what'cha what'cha what'cha want what'cha want
        So what'cha want
        May you rest in peace

        Beastie Boys rapper Yauch dies - Longview News-Journal: Nation
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-06-2012, 12:38 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • a follow up to this post :


          it is an interesting presentation of legend and myth in Morocco : (keep in mind the level of knowledge of the story tellers ( ie a Fractal Antenna / Flunkch Detector ) )

          translated using google :

          Mythes et légendes Ã* Imouzzer Kandar - Nature et Culture en Hautes-Terres


          Imouzzer Kandar and Morocco are renowned as a land of home, warm and hospitable ... But did you know the stories of the most spectacular events taking place at night in this beautiful country?
          It is that in the mountainous region of the Atlas There are funny stories are told, even by the most learned of people who talk about appearances ... satanic rise of individuals ... the history of a Berber abducted by aliens. Vou know the devil Aicha Kendoucha? Queen of Satanism? The rituals of Aïssawas ... but also the "Berla diel Kbor" during the nights of Morocco .... those walking alone at night in the plains or the mountains without witnessing apparitions is a miracle . Little literature is published in Europe concerning these diabolical phenomena. Black magic is widespread in an ultra convenient all segments of Moroccan society, there is a branch of occult studies specific to Islam (based on numerology , the grids / matrices and related entities) who called dimyati is relatively well established in the Souss which they say has the best exorcists and witch doctors, come from this region. ( southern morocco ..... Foum Hanch )
          The Moroccan Myths and legends are reflective of the society that shaped them, the company that inherited a sober, without emphasis, and cohesion that are noticed certainly in the crafts common to African tales , tales that appear "needy" who wants to compare them to the Arabian Nights where the wealth of description, the excess of detail correspond to an art confined areas. The Myths and legends that still heard in Imouzzer. Between Aicha Kendicha and Berla Diele Kbor.

          it is interesting to note that some high level Strangeness exist within that geographical area : ( Spain - Morocco )

          you have in Morocco :

          Chamharouch, the king of "jinn" ( )and Aicha Kendoucha? Queen of Satanism? ....

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-06-2012, 02:01 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • let us have a look at the myth of Atlas ( as in Atlas Mountains ) :


            In Greek mythology, Atlas (English pronunciation: /ˈætləs/, Greek: Ἄτλας) was the primordial Titan who supported the heavens. Although associated with various places, he became commonly identified with the Atlas Mountains in northwest Africa (Modern-day Morocco and Algeria).[1] Atlas was the son of the Titan Iapetus and the Oceanid Asia[2] or Klyménē (Κλυμένη):[3]
            Now Iapetus took to wife the neat-ankled maid Clymene, daughter of Ocean, and went up with her into one bed. And she bare him a stout-hearted son, Atlas: also she bare very glorious Menoetius and clever Prometheus, full of various wiles, and scatter-brained Epimetheus.
            —Hesiod, Theogony 507–11

            In contexts where a Titan and a Titaness are assigned each of the seven planetary powers, Atlas is paired with Phoebe and governs the moon.[not in citation given][4] He had three brothers: Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menoetius.[5]

            Hyginus emphasises the primordial nature of Atlas by making him the son of Aether and Gaia.[6]

            The first part of the term "Atlantic Ocean" refers to "Sea of Atlas", the term "Atlantis" refers to "island of Atlas".
            quite interesting when you compare it with the berber legend of giants

            if you were to interpret

            Titan who supported the heavens
            in a scientific way could think of it as a portal or Space Elevetor ... Arthur C Clark's way of seeing things

            Space elevator - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            In 1979, space elevators were introduced to a broader audience with the simultaneous publication of Arthur C. Clarke's novel, The Fountains of Paradise, in which engineers construct a space elevator on top of a mountain peak in the fictional island country of Taprobane (loosely based on Sri Lanka, albeit moved south to the Equator)
            see also prophet of sci fi to know how he got his inspiration search google for links

            Prophets of Science Fiction - Ridley Scott - Science Channel - HD - YouTube

            while we are still discussing Sci fi

            Ancient Aliens S04E10 | Aliens and Dinosaurs | FULL - YouTube


            Found alive: Two Flying Dinosaur Species in Papua New Guinea [with videos] | THE TRUTH BEHIND THE SCENES


            Ica stones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            In 1966, Peruvian physician Javier Cabrera Darquea was presented with a stone that had a carved picture of what Cabrera believed to be an extinct fish by a friend for his 42nd birthday
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-06-2012, 02:58 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • forgot to add ... several members of the nine ( see Peter Levenda ) / the Elite has "Pied-à-terre " in Morocco

              one example

              Forbes, Malcolm - Overview, Personal Life, Chronology: Malcolm Forbes, Career Details, Social and Economic Impact - Magazine, Father, Business, and Publisher - JRank Articles

              If only a few could remember Malcolm Forbes’ birth, millions of people knew how old he was when he died. Extensive press coverage of the lavish 70th birthday party he hosted for himself in Morocco in September 1989 ensured that. The list of celebrities read like a who’s who of Hollywood, politicians, and European royalty. Television and newspapers carried the minute details across the world, including the menu and entertainment. In 1983 in People magazine, Arthur Lubow commented, “Not since antitrust spoilsports put the kibosh on the Gilded Age has an American capitalist reveled so openly in the pleasures that money can buy.”
              ps: 89 was also the bicentennial of the French Revolution ... which allegedly Count St Germain was part of ( the reviolution that is )

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-06-2012, 05:17 PM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • From:

                Originally posted by Dave45
                Vesica Piscis :

                Vesica piscis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                The vesica piscis is a shape that is the intersection of two circles
                and within that shape .... you have as Walter Russell Showed us

                from Secrets hidden in plain Sight vid:

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • It is this Asymetry / Vesica Piscis between Male Pole / Female Pole that Allows for Anisotropy and thus Growth of a Tree

                  Walter Russell

                  Victor Schauberger

                  think of it as an inverted Silly Putty :

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-06-2012, 06:03 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Did you see the 'super moon' last night? See a few images from around the world |


                    New Evidence of Water on Early Mars, and a Climate Like the Earth’s | Planetsave

                    New research supports the theory that early Mars had a thick, wet atmosphere, and a climate similar to the Earth’s climate now.

                    The atmosphere of Mars is currently less than 1% the density of Earth’s atmosphere. That’s one of the main reasons that the Earth’s climate is wet and Mars is very dry.

                    As research suggesting that early Mars had a more Earth-like climate has been accumulating, more scientists have been researching the atmosphere of early Mars.
                    An Ancient Blue Planet and Today a Red Planet
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-06-2012, 07:54 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Now we are about to travel the mystical world:

                      was searching for the 30th parallel ( foum hanch 30th parallel north - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ).... due to mistyping ended up typing 30th para: which resulted in the following that caught my attention ( Harmonic Math ):

                      30th HM 3 para. Sura An-Naba' to Sura At-Takweer i.e Sura # 78 HM 6 to Sura # 81 HM 9
                      so a quick search for the titles found the following:

                      The Koran, Sura 42-114

                      Sura 78 - the News 41 VERSES
                      Sura 79 - Those who Drag Forth 46 VERSES
                      Sura 80 - He Frowned - 42 VERSES
                      Sura 81 - the Folded Up 29 VERSES
                      Sura 82 - the Cleaving 19 VERSES
                      will have to check it out ...and see what comes up

                      Sura 78 HM 6 - THE NEWS

                      In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

                      Of what ask they of one another?
                      Of the great NEWS.1
                      The theme of their disputes.
                      Nay! they shall certainly know its truth!
                      Again. Nay! they shall certainly know it.
                      Have we not made the Earth a couch?
                      And the mountains its tent-stakes?
                      We have created you of two sexes,
                      And ordained your sleep for rest,
                      And ordained the night as a mantle,
                      And ordained the day for gaining livelihood,
                      And built above you seven solid2 heavens,
                      And placed therein a burning lamp;
                      And we send down water in abundance from the rain-clouds,
                      That we may bring forth by it corn and herbs,
                      And gardens thick with trees.
                      Lo! the day of Severance is fixed;
                      The day when there shall be a blast on the trumpet, and ye shall come in crowds,
                      And the heaven shall be opened and be full of portals,
                      And the mountains shall be set in motion, and melt into thin vapor.
                      Hell truly shall be a place of snares,
                      The home of transgressors,
                      To abide therein ages;
                      No coolness shall they taste therein nor any drink,
                      Save boiling water and running sores;
                      Meet recompense!
                      For they looked not forward to their account;
                      And they gave the lie to our signs, charging them with falsehood;

                      But we noted and wrote down all:
                      ‘Taste this then: and we will give you increase of nought but torment.’
                      But, for the God-fearing is a blissful abode,
                      Enclosed gardens and vineyards;
                      And damsels with swelling breasts, their peers in age,
                      And a full cup:
                      There shall they hear no vain discourse nor any falsehood:
                      A recompense from thy Lord — sufficing gift! —

                      Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that between3 them lieth — the God of Mercy! But not a word shall they obtain from Him.

                      On the day whereon the Spirit4 and the Angels shall be ranged in order, they shall not speak: save he whom the God of Mercy shall permit, and who shall say that which is right .

                      This is the sure day. Whoso then will, let him take the path of return to his Lord.

                      Verily, we warn you of a chastisement close at hand:

                      The day on which a man shall see the deeds which his hands have sent before him; and when the unbeliever shall say, ‘Oh! would I were dust!’
                      It is interesting .... very much so .... on many levels .... electromagnetically... Alchemicaly Fractal Remember

                      note that line 37 = HM 3 + HM 7 = HM 1

                      Lord of the heavens and of the earth, and of all that between3 them lieth — the God of Mercy! But not a word shall they obtain from Him.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-08-2012, 12:20 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • previous post .............. just an observation

                        Today, 08:13 PM.......................#1638 (permalink) ...........Last edited by MonsieurM : Today at 08:34 PM.

                        if Tesla wrote 6 3 9 are the keys .... like a child looking for easter eggs ... will i look for them and all their meaning :

                        Know, therefore, that in the hen's egg is the greatest help with respect to the proximity and relationship of the matter in nature (fractal nature), for in it there is a spirituality and conjunction of elements, and an earth which is golden in its tincture. Hermes Trismegistus


                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-06-2012, 09:31 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • add another flunkch moment ... my best friend who has a highly developped sensitivity .... just came home and told me the weirdest thing:

                          Nemesis .... I had to tell you this for some reason
                          google to the rescue :


                          In Greek mythology, Nemesis (Greek, Νέμεσις), also called Rhamnousia/Rhamnusia ("the goddess of Rhamnous") at her sanctuary at Rhamnous, north of Marathon, was the spirit of divine retribution against those who succumb to hubris (arrogance before the gods). The Greeks personified vengeful fate as a remorseless goddess: the goddess of revenge. The name Nemesis is related to the Greek word νέμειν [némein], meaning "to give what is due".[1] The Romans associated Nemesis with Invidia.


                          Nemesis has been described as the daughter of Oceanus or Zeus, but according to Hesiod she was a child of Erebus and Nyx. She has also been described as the daughter of Nyx alone. Her cult may have originated at Smyrna.

                          In some metaphysical mythology, Nemesis produced the egg from which hatched two sets of twins: Helen of Troy and Clytemnestra, and the Dioscuri, Castor and Pollux. While many myths indicate Zeus and Leda to be the parents of Helen of Troy, the author of the compilation of myth called Bibliotheke notes the possibility of Nemesis being the mother of Helen; Nemesis, to avoid Zeus, turns into a goose, but he turns into a swan and mates with her. Nemesis in her bird form lays an egg (vesica piscis ) that is discovered in the marshes by a shepherd, who passes the egg to Leda. It is in this way that Leda comes to be the mother of Helen of Troy, as she kept the egg in a chest until it hatched.[3]

                          The origin of Nemesis in the context of comparative jurisprudence is discussed by David Granfield in Chapter 3 titled "Nemesis: The Avenging Goddess" of his book titled The Inner Experience of Law published in 1988 by the Catholic University of America Press.
                          Fortune and retribution

                          The word Nemesis originally meant the distributor of fortune ( Karma ), neither good nor bad, simply in due proportion to each according to what was deserved; then, nemesis came to suggest the resentment caused by any disturbance of this right proportion, the sense of justice which could not allow it to pass unpunished. O. Gruppe (1906) and others connect the name with "to feel just resentment". From the 4th century onwards, Nemesis, as the just balancer of Fortune's chance, could be associated with Tyche.
                          Passing of ages

                          In the Greek tragedies Nemesis appears chiefly as the avenger of crime and the punisher of hubris, and as such is akin to Atë and the Erinyes. She was sometimes called "Adrasteia", probably meaning "one from whom there is no escape"; her epithet Erinys ("implacable") is specially applied to Demeter and the Phrygian mother goddess, Cybele.
                          Cybele = The "Delphic Sibyl" (language of the birds ) see

                          Solar flares online — May 06, 2012

                          In early times the representations of Nemesis resembled Aphrodite, who herself sometimes bears the epithet Nemesis. Later, as the maiden goddess of proportion and the avenger of crime, she has as attributes a measuring rod (tally stick), a bridle, scales, a sword and a scourge, and rides in a chariot drawn by griffins.

                          Nemesis is also known to have been called "Adrastia".
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-06-2012, 10:32 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Back to science :

                            info for you:

                            Multiple thought channels may help brain avoid traffic jams
                            May 6, 2012 in Neuroscience

                            Brain networks may avoid traffic jams at their busiest intersections by communicating on different frequencies, researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the University Medical Center at Hamburg-Eppendorf and the University of Tübingen have learned.
                            "We found that different brain networks ticked at different frequencies, like clocks ticking at different speeds," says lead author Joerg Hipp, PhD, of the University Medical Center at Hamburg-Eppendorf and the University of Tübingen, both in Germany.
                            As any developing Fractal Antenna would

                            now let's resonate another info with it :

                   are going to like this: think about Tesla ...Principle of Correspondence

                            Wireless breakthrough: one frequency, multiple signals • The Register

                            A team of Italian radio boffins – and one Swede – have one-upped their pioneering countryman Guglielmo Marconi by demonstrating a method of simultaneously transmitting multiple signals on the same frequency.

                            Team member Bo Thide of Swedish Institute of Space Physics first conceived the orbital angular momentum idea in a 2007 paper focussed on radio astronomy, but in which he wrote that the concept "paves the way for novel wireless communication concepts."

                            Last year, Tamburini, Thide, and their team demonstrated the multiple-signal technique by beaming two separate audio signals at 2.4GHz, then two television signals, 442 meters from the lighthouse of Venice's San Giorgio Island to the balcony of the Palazzo Ducale.

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-07-2012, 12:24 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • GORILLAZ - Clint Eastwood lyrics - YouTube

                              I ain't happy but, I'm feeling glad
                              I got sunshine, in a bag

                              I'm useless, but not for long
                              The future is coming on
                              I am happy, I'm feeling glad
                              I got sunshine, in a bag
                              I'm useless, but not for long
                              The future is coming on

                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on

                              Yeah, ha ha!
                              Finally someone let me out of my cage
                              Now, time for me is nothing 'cause I'm counting no age
                              Now I couldn't be there
                              Now you shouldn't be scared
                              I'm good at repairs

                              And I'm under each snare

                              Bet you didn't think so I command you to

                              Panoramic view
                              Look I'll make it all manageable
                              Pick and choose
                              Sit and lose
                              All you different crews

                              Chicks and dudes
                              Who you think is really kickin' tunes?

                              ***** are you gettin' down in the picture tube
                              Like you lit the fuse
                              You think it's fictional
                              Mystical? Maybe

                              What appears in you is a clearer view 'cause you're too crazy
                              To know the definition for what life is
                              For you because I put you on the hype ****
                              You like it?
                              Gunsmokin' righteous with one toke
                              Psychic among those
                              Possess you with one go

                              I am happy, I'm feeling glad
                              I got sunshine, in a bag
                              I'm useless,but not for long
                              The future is coming on
                              I am happy, I'm feeling glad
                              I got sunshine, in a bag
                              I'm useless, but not for long
                              The future is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on

                              The essence the basics
                              Without it you make it
                              Allow me to make this
                              Childlike in nature
                              You have it or you don't that's a fallacy
                              I'm in them
                              Every sprouting tree
                              Every child apiece
                              Every cloud you see
                              You see with your eyes
                              I see destruction and demise
                              Corruption in disguise

                              From this ****in' enterprise
                              Now I'm sucking to your lies
                              Through Russ, though not his muscles but the percussion he provides
                              With me as a guide

                              But y'all can see me now 'cause you don't see with your eye
                              You perceive with your mind

                              That's the inner
                              So I'mma stick around with Russ and be a mentor
                              With a few rhymes so mother ****ers
                              Remember where the thought is
                              I brought all this
                              So you can survive when law is lawless
                              Feelings, sensations that you thought were dead
                              No squealing, remember
                              (That it's all in your head)

                              I am happy, I'm feeling glad
                              I got sunshine, in a bag
                              I'm useless, but not for long
                              The future is coming on
                              I am happy, I'm feeling glad
                              I got sunshine, in a bag
                              I'm useless, but not for long

                              My future is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              My future is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              My future is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              My future is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              My future is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              My future is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              Is coming on
                              My future

                              her again

                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-07-2012, 12:48 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Are you guys familiar with :

                                Palmer Craig: Hall Effect Device (Battery, rectifier, amplifier)

                                Radio World (January 29, 1927), p. 11

                                "Tubeless Receiver Claimed by Professor, Using Bismuth & Copper"


                                bismuth is also an element used in the construction of a Moe Joe Cell: Official Website of The Moe-Joe Cell Spherical 316 Non-Magnetic Stainless Steel Joe Cell

                                .. I think you will recognize the design as it match your post

                                Q - How much hydrogen gas does the Moe-Joe cell produce?

                                A - Initially, the Moe-Joe cell was not conceived as a hydrogen producer. It was created because it concentrates orgone energy, which can be used for combustion in internal combustion engines and also for healing. However, since some people have thought of using it as a HHO producer, it has shown some considerable results. (See Brett's 3000GT results on the Testimonials page)

                                an excerpt from the link on the Hall Effect Device

                                Recently it was announced at Mercer University (Macon GA), that the Westinghouse Electric & manufacturing Co. had offered Dr. Palmer H. Craig, head of the physics department of the university, $100,000 for a new device which is supposed to replace vacuum tubes as amplifiers and detectors.

                                The device is called an "electromagnetic detector and amplifier" and consists of a series of bismuth plates stacked in a pile and interlaced with copper wires. The bismuth plates are protected by a coating of sulfur because bismuth, a very brittle substance, is likely to crumble.
                                Long Sought After

                                Many attempts have been made by various investigators to make use in this manner of the this property of bismuth and of similar properties of allied metals but so far there has been no claim of success, until Dr. Craig came along. The most common attempted application is to the rectification of AC for filament and plate voltage supply. Lack of efficiency and of dependability have been the main causes of failure. Another limitation is the supply of suitable metals in commercial quantity.

                                One of the metals which displays similar properties is molybdenum. This has been used by scientists of the Bureau of Standards for converting light energy from the sun into electricity.

                                From Earth To Sun!

                                A certain amount of success has been achieved and it seems possible that power may soon be derived directly from the sun in this manner. Here, also, lack of efficiency and of adequate supply of the metal are limitations. There is plenty of molybdenum to be had in different parts of the world, but not all molybdenum is suitable for the purpose. There seems to be an active component in the metal which is responsible for the peculiar property, and it is now the aim of the scientists to isolate this substance.

                                Apropos the offer to Dr. Craig, Dr. Alfred N. Goldsmith, of the Radio Corporation of America, denied that any such offer has been made for Dr. Craig’s device. Dr. Goldsmith, chief broadcast engineer of the corporation, deprecates the idea that the peculiar property of bismuth can be used for the purpose claimed by Dr. Craig.
                                He styled the device “an application of bismuth plates as detectors and amplifiers”, which could be used in place of present batteries and vacuum tubes in a radio.

                                What He Found Out

                                In his research for his Ph. D. degree at the University of Cincinnati, Dr. Craig found that the bismuth plates might be so used and the actual invention is described in part in his doctor’s thesis.

                                The inventor today spoke of the device as “a series of about 10 thin bismuth plates, piled one on the other, with wires running between them and finally on out to the actual radio set.”

                                Because of the delicate nature of the bismuth plates, Dr. Craig has protected them with a covering of sulfur. According to the inventor, the bismuth plates will generate the energy necessary to operate the radio and serve as a detector and amplifier.
                                Abstract --- The Hall effect in bismuth for a magnetic field strength of from 0.07 to 1.00 gauss was accurately determined by improved methods. Production of the bismuth films. Various methods for obtaining excessively thin, homogenous bismuth films were tried and compared, such as casting, electroplating, evaporating, sputtering, and metallic spraying, of which the last three methods were particularly successful. Measurement of very low voltages. By refinements made in the potentiometer and measuring circuits, reading to one-tenth microvolt were accurate and reproducible. Magnitude of the Hall effect at low fields. The value of the Hall coefficient, R, is abnormally large between 0.07 and 0.30 gauss, having a value of -171 at 0.07 gauss, as compared with a value of -11 which R had for this film at 15 gausses. The value at 4220 gausses was -29, A curve is plotted showing the rapid decrease in the value of -R between 0.07 and 0.30 gauss, and comparison is made with higher values of field strength. It is noted that by putting the Hall potential of one film in series with one or more other films we obtain comparatively high values of the Hall emf, which may be applied to great advantage as an alternating current rectifier in radio and similar applications.

                                you should read the entrire article when you can

                                Bismuth and tellurium, which have the highest Hall coefficient of the ordinary metals,
                                The additive principle used in this connection produces a Hall potential of several volts in low fields with thin bismuth films, and thus gives the Hall effect a practical importance as a rectifier,

                                ------------------------- Now you'll ask yourself why is he talking about this

                                well a recent news triggered the idea:

                                Researchers demonstrate new way to control nonvolatile magnetic memory devices

                                Researchers demonstrate new way to control nonvolatile magnetic memory devices
                                Reported online in the journal Science May 3, the researchers use a physical phenomenon called the spin Hall effect, that turns out to be useful for memory applications because it can switch magnetic poles back and forth -- the basic mechanism needed to make magnet-based computer memory.

                                The Cornell researchers discovered that the spin Hall effect in the metal tantalum can be twice as strong as in any material investigated previously, and it can provide an efficient new way to manipulate magnetic moments. The Cornell device could give the leading nonvolatile magnetic memory technology, called the magnetic tunnel junction, a run for its money.

                                "The spin Hall effect is interesting because it's a bit of physics people haven't paid all that much attention to using in applications," said Dan Ralph, the Horace White Professor of Physics, member of the Kavli Institute at Cornell for Nanoscale Science and the paper's senior co-author with Robert A. Buhrman, the J.E. Sweet Professor of Engineering.

                                The spin Hall effect works like this: In a heavy metal like tantalum, electrons with intrinsic spins pointing at different angles (electrons, in quantum mechanics, spin like a top) are deflected sideways in different directions. Consequently, a charge current produces a net-sideways flow of spins. This spin current can be absorbed by an adjacent magnetic layer, applying a torque to flip the magnetic orientation. The magnet stays in place even when no current flows, making the memory nonvolatile.

                                Currently, the leading technology for developing nonvolatile magnetic memory devices is the magnetic tunnel junction, which consists of two magnetic layers sandwiching a thin barrier. When an electrical current passes perpendicular to the layers of a magnetic tunnel junction, one magnetic layer polarizes the electrons, acting as a filter to produce a spin-polarized current. The next layer can absorb this spin current and receive a torque to flip the magnet.

                                Bismuth is on the Nitrogen Line (lower blue square / Sphere of Magnetic Domination ) ) and Copper close to it (just before zinc )

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-07-2012, 12:27 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

