MichaelC the following may interest you as it corresponds with the celebration you mentioned earlier
NASA: Strange Object Debris Coming, Will Hit Earth December 13th and 14th | Space
The 2012 Geminid meteor shower peaks on the night of Dec. 13-14, The Geminids are a unique meteor shower in that their identified parent body is not a comet, but what seems to be an asteroid! Of the meteor showers with known parent bodies studied by meteor scientists, the Geminids are the only shower to have an asteroidal parent body; all others have a cometary origin. 3200 Phaethon measures 5.10 km in diameter which increases the ‘unique’ factor; considering the amount of debris we see, we would expect Phaethon to be a much larger body!
Originally posted by Michael C
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a reminder ............today

Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza.
Planets inline: Mercury / Venus / Saturn
Planets inline: Mercury / Venus / Saturn

while we are still talking planets

NASA discovers ice on the planet closest to the sun - The Independent Florida Alligator: Local & State
Tests run by NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft, which arrived on Mercury last year, show there may be several inches of ice insulated by carbon-based organic material deep in northern craters, according to a NASA news release.

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