The Keys of Life and Death HM 1 + HM 3 = HM 4
One shall ye be with the Masters of Mystery,
Conquerors of Death and Masters of Life.
Aye, ye shall learn of the flower of Amenti
the blossom of life that shines in the Halls.
In Spirit shall ye reach that Halls of Amenti
and bring back the wisdom that liveth in Light.
Know ye the gateway to power is secret.
Know ye the gateway to life is through death.
Aye, through death but not as ye know death,
but a death that is life and is fire and is Light.
Deep in Earth's heart lies the flower,
the source of the Spirit
that binds all in its form.
or know ye that the Earth is living in body
as thou art alive in thine own formed form.
The Flower of Life is as thine own place of Spirit
and streams through the Earth
as thine flows through thy form;
giving of life to the Earth and its children,
renewing the Spirit from form unto form.
This is the Spirit that is form of thy body,
shaping and moulding into its form.
See ye not that in Earth's heart
is the balance of all things that exist
and have being on its face?
The source of thy Spirit is drawn from Earth's heart,
for in thy form thou are one with the Earth
And when thy head is placed southward,
hold thou thy thought from chest to the feet.
Hold thou in balance once in each seven,
and thy balance will retain the whole of its strength.
Aye, if thou be old, thy body will freshen
and thy strength will become as a youth's.
This is the secret known to the Masters
by which they hold off the fingers of Death.
Neglect not to follow the path I have shown,
for when thou hast passed beyond years
to a hundred to neglect
it will mean the coming of Death.
First lie at rest with thine head to the eastward.
Fold thou thy hands at the Source of thy life (solar plexus).
There it shall flame till desire shall be created.
Then shall return to a place in a form.
Great is the secret yet easy to master,
giving to thee the mastery of time.
When upon thee death fast approaches,
fear not but know ye are master of Death.
Then shalt the past be as one with the present.
Then shall the memory of all be retained.
Free shalt thou be from all retrogression.
The things of the past shall live in today.
One shall ye be with the Masters of Mystery,
Conquerors of Death and Masters of Life.
Aye, ye shall learn of the flower of Amenti
the blossom of life that shines in the Halls.
In Spirit shall ye reach that Halls of Amenti
and bring back the wisdom that liveth in Light.
Know ye the gateway to power is secret.
Know ye the gateway to life is through death.
Aye, through death but not as ye know death,
but a death that is life and is fire and is Light.
Deep in Earth's heart lies the flower,
the source of the Spirit
that binds all in its form.
or know ye that the Earth is living in body
as thou art alive in thine own formed form.
The Flower of Life is as thine own place of Spirit
and streams through the Earth
as thine flows through thy form;
giving of life to the Earth and its children,
renewing the Spirit from form unto form.
This is the Spirit that is form of thy body,
shaping and moulding into its form.
See ye not that in Earth's heart
is the balance of all things that exist
and have being on its face?
The source of thy Spirit is drawn from Earth's heart,
for in thy form thou are one with the Earth
And when thy head is placed southward,
hold thou thy thought from chest to the feet.
Hold thou in balance once in each seven,
and thy balance will retain the whole of its strength.
Aye, if thou be old, thy body will freshen
and thy strength will become as a youth's.
This is the secret known to the Masters
by which they hold off the fingers of Death.
Neglect not to follow the path I have shown,
for when thou hast passed beyond years
to a hundred to neglect
it will mean the coming of Death.
First lie at rest with thine head to the eastward.
Fold thou thy hands at the Source of thy life (solar plexus).
There it shall flame till desire shall be created.
Then shall return to a place in a form.
Great is the secret yet easy to master,
giving to thee the mastery of time.
When upon thee death fast approaches,
fear not but know ye are master of Death.
Then shalt the past be as one with the present.
Then shall the memory of all be retained.
Free shalt thou be from all retrogression.
The things of the past shall live in today.
![Grin Daisy](