71 - Many stars are born. Many stars light the way of the heavens.
Each star has a story. If you listen you will catch it and it will awaken
you. It will remind you of the wisdom of ages, the secret of all the
sages. Listen, for no star shines forever. You each are a star. Tell your
story and listen.
80 - In the vulva there are many secrets hidden; they can only be dis-
covered with stillness and contemplation. Let thine sweet lips create
the ecstasy.
98 - Hear Me O My daughter, for I call you with every sigh. I seek
you when you cry. I bring you the medicine to the pain in your heart.
107 - Those that walk away from the Gates of love with a heart of
stone, shall rise from the ashes of pain. Those that enter the Gates of
love with a heart of gold, shall rise from the glory of joy.
116 - Has life slipped through your fingers? Do you fear its depar-
ture? The wink of time may not be a friend, but I am life and you, I
hold dear. The day for the labors of life. The night for the labors of
love. The breath between for the prayers of Truth. A cycle carries five
breaths, six sighs and a moment of death. In the first breath of dawn,
pray for the blessings of life. In the second breath of noon, pray for the
glory of Light. In the third breath of afternoon, pray for the continuity
of the world. In the fourth breath of sunset, pray for peace. In the fifth
breath of eve, pray for all that your heart holds dear. In the first sigh
of light, angels bless all mothers. In the second sigh of morn, angels
bless all children. In the third sigh before the breath, angels redeem all
prayers. In the fourth sigh of midheaven’ s afternoon, angels praise all
truth. In the fifth sigh before sunset, angels weep the bloodshed. In the
sixth sigh after eve, angels purify the heavens. The moment of death is
after midnight; My shadow descends and in its embrace is the begin-
ning of balance. This is the cycle of life. All that is dead will be reborn.
Live the moment, pray the hour and love in every second. This is the
hidden treasure of all prophets. Partake of it, if the eternity of heaven
is what you seek.
125 - In My temple there are but three: the white, the red and the
green. The white is the garment of the young bride. worn in purity of
her love. No man should she touch, but on the full moon. Her groom
the wheel of life will choose. In healing and for Light should she her
free time spend. The red is the garment of the princess, worn as a
symbol of the life in her power. She her men can choose. But, a single
prince is better to be. They must be lions filled with the blood of Truth.
In teaching and riding the Holy Chariot, her time should be taken.
The green is the Queen and the children of Light she must feed. Jewel
of wisdom must she adorn, and Truth in her life uphold. Her womb is
a symbol of Light and only in it consumed. These titles are of no age
or rank. These laws are to govern the daughters of My temple. In it, of
the power of Light they will learn and their passions awaken and tame.
To those that seek to uphold the laws of marriage and men, blessed are
you, if your love you nourish and Truth uphold. My temple is open to
those who truth evaded, love abandoned and passions of men abused.
My temple is but a room for women upholding the Torch of Light.
Open the gates and behold the rays of the Sun.
134 - Once upon a time there was a child who was left alone in a desert.
He sat beside a rock on the shore of an oasis frightened, confused, and
sad. He stared at the stars and their reflections on the water. Do you
know who that child is? His name is hope. Would you adopt him?
143 - Behold, O Jerusalem, thy God is one. One is the essence of life.
The creation is in the creator. The Light of the world is one. Each na-
tion has erected a shrine and a faith. In the faith of men, truth and lie
are one. The mind knows the lie and the heart the truth. If your heart
dies, your mind will know no peace. All things are true, but there is
one lie. The lie rests in the truth - each is of their course a star. Escape
the truth into the lie, and resurrect the lie into a truth. This is the truth
of the way to the One. Find your lie and you will find the truth. If you
need to ponder, but ponder on this, My child. Who is the one that you
love most dear? Is it not your heart that knows this love? Treasure
this love, for with this truth there can be no lie. For your heart is the
beloved and its lover is the love of your beloved. Learn of this and no
loneliness you will know.
152 - Passion is like a tree; it must be watered with tenderness and
sowed in fidelity.
161 - Awaken the spirit of your passion and rise, O daughters of the
stars. I call upon you to the Gate of Love, to climb the Stairs of Light.
Warm your heart with presence and grow wings of joy. The day has
come for love to become your weapon. Slay the beast of fear and cut
the chains of despair. Let the desire for union be the sandals of your
feet, and the necklace of wisdom adorn you with glory. Love has spo-
ken of you and whispered your name. It wrote of your heart and faith.
O ladies of love, adorn your white garment and arise. The heavens are
open and My arms are wide. I am love and you are My bleeding heart.
170 - The whip in the hand of the lovers is gentler than their lies. Be
like a rock in the facing of waves and fear not their impact, for I am
justice and truth
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