Originally posted by MonsieurM
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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna
Hence our discussion ..... start a little trickle
the Emerald Tablethttp://www.energeticforum.com/193065-post1777.html
The Key To Above and Below 1 1 HM 2
Each has his own part to play in the cycles.
Each has his work to complete in his way.
The cycle below thee is yet not below thee
but only formed for a need that exists.
For know ye that the fountain of wisdom
that sends forth the cycles is eternally
seeking new powers to gain.
Ye know that knowledge is gained only by practice,
and wisdom comes forth only from knowledge,
and thus are the cycles created by Law.
Means are they for the gaining of knowledge
for the Plane of Law that is the Source of the All.Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-21-2012, 05:05 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
To quote from a Master
on page 15 ( started in page 14 but 15 has the inspirational part)
The Dwellings of the Philosophers
Furthermore, in our opinion, it seems insufficient to know how to recognize and classify facts
exactly; one must still question nature, and learn from her in what conditions and under the
control of what will her manifold productions can take place. Indeed, the philosophical mind
will not be content with the mere possibility of identifying bodies. It demands the knowledge
of the secret of their elaborations. To open ajar the door of the laboratory where nature mixes
the elements, is good; to discover the occult force under whose influence her work is
accomplished, is better. We are obviously far from knowing all natural bodies and their
combinations, since we discover new ones daily; but we know enough to temporarily leave
aside the study of inert matter and direct our researches towards the unknown animator, agent
of so many marvels.To say, for example, that two volumes of hydrogen combined with one volume of oxygen
yield water, states a chemical banality. And yet, who will teach us why the result of this
combination presents, in a special state, characteristics which the gases that produced it do not
possess? What then is the agent which imposes its new specificity upon the compound and
forces the water, solidified by cold, always to crystallize in the same system? Furthermore, if
the fact is undeniable and rigorously controlled, why is it that it is impossible for us to
reproduce it simply by reading the formula charged with explaining its mechanism? For, in
the notation H2O, the essential agent, capable of provoking the intimate union of the gaseous
elements is missing --- i.e., fire. Yet, we challenge the most skilled chemist to manufacture
synthetic water by mixing oxygen and hydrogen in the indicated volumes: the two gases will
always refuse to combine with one another. To succeed in the experiment, it is essential to
introduce fire, either in the form of a spark, or in the form of an ignited body or still a body
liable to be brought to the point of incandescence (platinum sponge). So one recognizes,
without being able to oppose the least serious argument to our thesis, that the chemical
formula of water is, if not false, at least incomplete and truncated.
The objection will be raised that fire, considered a mere catalyst, is not an integral part of the
substance and therefore cannot be indicated in the expression of chemical formulas. The
argument is more fallacious than true, since the experiment itself belies it. Here is a piece of
sugar in whose equation there is no equivalent for fire; if we break it in darkness, we will see
a blue spark shoot out from it. Where does it come from? Where would it be contained if not
in the crystalline structure of the saccharose? We mentioned water; let us throw on its surface
a fragment of potassium: it spontaneously bursts into flame and burns energetically. Where is
this visible flame hiding? It matters little whether it be in water, air, or metal; the essential
point is that it potentially exists inside one or the other of these bodies, perhaps in the three.
What is phosphorus, the light-bearer and generator of fire? How do noctilucas, glowworms
and fireflies transform part of their vital energy into light? What compels the salts of uranium,
cerium, and zirconium to become fluorescent when they have been submitted to the action of
sunlight? By what mysterious synchronism does barium platinum cyanide shine when in
contact with Roentgen rays?Thus, the only approach that we can address to chemical science is that it does not take into
account the igneous agent, spiritual principle and basis of energetics, under whose influence
all material transformations occur. It is the systematic exclusion of this spirit, higher will, and
hidden dynamism of things, which deprives modern chemistry of the philosophical character
alchemy possesses. "You believe", writes Monsieur Henri Helier to Monsieur L. Olivier (4),
"in the indefinite fruitfulness of experience. Indeed, but experimentation has always been led
by a preconceived idea, by a philosophy. An idea often almost absurd in appearance, a
philosophy sometimes bizarre and disconcerting in its signs. ‘If I told you how I make my
discoveries’, Faraday used to say, ‘you would take me for an imbecile’. All the great chemists
thus had ideas in the back of their heads which they never revealed... It is from their work that
we have extracted our methods and our present theories; they are the most precious result, but
they were not the origin".) .... is a formula / inspiration that she will give you .... to you only .... once you have proven yourself .... in other words let us suppose i find the philosopher stone ( powder version / medication ) ... which i did not ...... it will only work for my person only and be useless to any one else ( resonance )
.... that is my opinion for now .... all truth is half truth
Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-21-2012, 05:40 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Do you think Walter Russell and Fulcanelli knew each other ... their writings strongly resonate to each other
Psalm 36:9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.
Psalm 36:9
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
For with thee is the fountain of life: in thy light shall we see light.
King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)
Surely every man walketh in a vain shew: surely they are disquieted in vain: he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them
Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)
Because a man walks in an image and he fades away like a vapor; he lays down treasures and does not know for whom he gathered them..
Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-21-2012, 06:02 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
out of curiosity
Psalm 6 NIV 1984
Psalm 6
3 My soul is in anguish.
How long, O Lord, how long?
6 I am worn out from groaning;
all night long I flood my bed with weeping
and drench my couch with tears.
9 The Lord has heard my cry for mercy;
the Lord accepts my prayer.
Pink Floyd-Brain Damage/Eclipse Lyrics - YouTube
The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
Got to keep the loonies on the path
The lunatic is in the hall
The lunatics are in my hall
The paper holds their folded faces to the floor
And every day the paper boy brings more
And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
And if there is no room upon the hill
And if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me 'till I'm sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There's someone in my head but it's not me.
And if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
You shout and no one seems to hear
And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon (1973) [Full Album] - YouTube
Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-21-2012, 06:13 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
The Dwellings of the Philosophers
p 18
Positive in its facts, chemistry remains negative in its spirit. And this precisely differentiates it
from the hermetic science, whose proper domain consists above all in the study of efficient
causes, of their influences, and of the modalities which they take on according to the settings
and conditions. This study, exclusively philosophical, allows man to penetrate the mystery of
facts, to grasp its vastness, and to finally identify it with the Supreme Intelligence, soul of the
Universe, Light, God. And so, alchemy, making its way from the concrete to the abstract,
from material positivism to pure spiritualism, broadens the field of human consciousness, of
possibilities of action, and realizes the union of God with Nature, of Creation with the
Creator, of Science with Religion.Let no one see in this argument any unfair or tendentious criticism directed against chemists. We respect all workers of whatever profession they may belong, and we personally profess the deepest admiration for the great scientists whose discoveries have so magnificently enriched modern science. But the thing which, along with us, men of good faith will regret is not so much differences of opinion freely expressed as the unfortunate intentions of a narrow sectarianism, injecting discord between the partisans of one doctrine and another. Life is too short, tie too precious to waste in vain polemics, and it does not honor oneself to despise the knowledge of others. Furthermore, it matters little that so many seekers go astray, if they are sincere and if their error itself leads them to useful acquisitions; errare humanum est, to err is human, says the old proverb and illusion often adorns itself with the diadem of truth. Those who persevere in spite of failure have a right to our regard. Unfortunately, scientific spirit is a rare quality in men of science, and we can trace this lack back to the origin of the strife we mentioned. From the fact that a truth is neither demonstrated nor demonstrable using the means at the disposal of science, we cannot infer that it will never be so. "The word impossible is not French", said Arago; we add that it is contrary to the true scientific spirit. To call a ting impossible because its present possibility remains doubtful, is to lack confidence in the future and to deny progress. Doesn’t Lemery (6) commit a serious indiscretion when he dares to write about the alkahest or universal solvent: "As for me, I believe it to be imaginary, because I do not know of any". It will be agreed that our chemist overestimated the value and extent of his knowledge. Harrys, a mind refractory to hermetic thought, thus defined alchemy without ever having desired to study it: Ars sine arte, cujus principium est menuri, medium laborare et finis mendicare(7).
Next to these scientists locked up in their ivory tower, next to these men of incontestable
merit it is true, yet others, the slaves of tenacious prejudices, did not hesitate to grant civil
rights to the old science. Spinoza and Leibnitz believed in the Philosophers’ Stone, the
chrysopea; Pascal became certain of it (8). Nearer to us, a few celebrated minds, among others
Sir Humphrey Davy, thought that hermetic research could lead to unexpected results. Jean-
Baptiste Dumas, in his Lessons on Chemical Philosophy, expresses himself in these terms:
"Would it be possible to admit the existence of simple isomeric bodies? This question comes
very close to the transmutation of metals. Resolved affirmatively, it would give chances of
success to the search for the Philosophers’ Stone...
In fact these sepia-toned old books are not easily penetrated. To try to read them the way we
read ours would be a mistake. Nevertheless, the first impression we receive from them, as
strange and confusing as it may seem, remains vibrant and persuasive. Beyond the allegorical
language and the abundance of ambiguous nomenclature, we fathom in them this ray of truth,
this profound conviction born from certain facts, duly observed, and which owe nothing to the
whimsical speculations of pure imagination.
"And from the place where the angel was speaking, a hand came up holding a glass, in which
there seemed to be a powder of a reddish-pink color... And I heard a great echo saying:
‘Follow nature, follow nature!’".Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-21-2012, 08:51 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
The Dwellings of the Philosophers
As for us, our conviction is firm; we are
certain not to be mistaken in front of so many categorical assertions: we indeed have before
our eyes a baphomet, renewed from the one of the Templars. This image, about which we
possess but vague indications or simple hypotheses, never was an idol, as some believed, but
rather a complete emblem of the secret traditions of the Order, especially used outwardly as
an esoteric paradigm, a seal of chivalry, and a sign of recognition. It was composed of an
isosceles triangle, its apex pointed down, hieroglyph for water, first created element,
according to Thales of Miletus, who maintained that "God is the Spirit which has formed all
things from water" (similar to Vedic Science ) (1). A second similar triangle, inverted in relationship to the first, but
smaller, was inscribed in its center and seemed to occupy the position reserved for the nose on
the human face. It symbolized fire and more precisely, fire enclosed in water, or the divine
spark, soul incarnate, life infused in matter. ( a unity device) On the inverted base of the large triangle of water,
there was a graphic sign similar to the Latin letter H or Greek [*158-1] (eta), but wider whose
central bar was cut with a median circle. This sign in hermetic steganographiy indicates the
universal Spirit, the Creative Spirit, God. Inside the large triangle, slightly above and on each
side of the triangle of fire, one could see on the left the lunar circle with an inscribed crescent
and on the right the solar circle with a visible center. These small circles were arranged in the
manner of eyes. Finally, welded to the base of the small inner triangle, the cross, placed on the
globe, thus realized the double hieroglyph of sulphur, active principle, associated to mercury,
passive principle and solvent of all metals. A longer or shorter segment often located at the
apex of the triangle was carved with lines of a vertical tendency where the layman could
recognize not the expression of luminous radiation but a sort of goatee.
Thus presented, the baphomet assumed a gross animal form, imprecise and uneasy to identify.
This would probably explain the diversity of descriptions it inspired, where the baphomet is
seen as a haloed death head or a bucrane, sometimes the head of the Egyptian Hapi, of a goat,
and, even better, the horrifying face of Satan himself! Simple impressions, far removed from
reality, but images so unorthodox that they, alas, contributed to spread the accusation of
demonology and sorcery upon the learned Knights Templar and became one of the
foundations of their trial, one of the causes of their condemnationIn the pure hermetic expression corresponding to the labor of the Work, Baphomet comes
from the Greek roots ( aark ) [*158-2] (Bapheus), dyer, and [*159-1], standing for [*159-2], the
moon; unless we want to use [*159-3], [*159-4], in the genetive case, mother or matrix,
which leads to the same lunar meaning, since the moon is truly the mother or the mercurial
matrix which receives the tincture or seed of sulphur, representing the male, the dyer ---
[*159-5] (Bapheus) --- in metallic generation. [*159-6] has the meaning of immersion and of
tincture. And it can be said, without revealing too much, that sulphur, father and dyer of the
stone, fertilizes the mercurial moon through immersion, which brings us back to the symbolic
baptism of Mete, expressed again by the word baphomet (2). It appears as the complete
hieroglyph of science, represented elsewhere in the personality of the god Pan, mythical
image of nature in full activity.
The Latin word Bapheus, dyer, and the verb meto, to gather, collect, harvest, also indicate the
special quality possessed by mercury or the moon of the sages, of collecting the tincture
gradually as it emitted during the immersion or the king’s bath, and which the mother keeps in
her bosom for the required time. It is the Grail containing the eucharistic wine, liquor of
spiritual fire, vegetative liquor, living and vivifying, introduced into material things.
Dire Straits - Money For Nothing + lyrics - YouTube
Money For Nothing lyrics
Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
Maybe get a blister on your thumb
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these color TV's
See the little faggot with the earring and the make-up
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
That little faggot he's millionaire
We gotta install microwave ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these color TV's
I shoulda' learned to play the guitar
I shoulda' learned to play them drums
Look at that mama, she got it stickin' in the camera
Man we could have some fun
And he's up there, what's that ? Hawaiian noises ?
Bangin' on the bongos like a chimpanzee
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Get your money for nothin' get your chicks for free
We gotta install ovens
Custom kitchen deliveries
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these color TV's, Lord
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
You play the guitar on the MTV
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Money for nothin' get your chicks for free
Money for nothin' get chicks for freeLast edited by MonsieurM; 05-21-2012, 08:34 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
The Dwellings of the Philosophers
The monuments and traditions of Hinduism confirm the history of Adam and his Fall. This
tradition also exists among the Buddhists of Tibet; it was taught by the Druids as well as by
the Chinese and the ancient Persians. According to the books of Zoroaster, the first man and
the first woman were created pure and submissive to Orzmund, their creator; Ahriman saw
them and became jealous of their happiness; he approached them assuming the form of a grass
snake, presented them with fruit and persuaded them that he was himself the creator of the
entire universe. They believed him, and their nature then became corrupted, and this
corruption infected their posterity. The mother of our flesh, or the serpent woman, is famous
in Mexican tradition, which represents her, fallen from her primitive state of happiness and
innocence. In Yucatan, in Peru, in the Canary Islands (sneaking a bit of info , isn't hesee Edgar Cayce on Atlantis )), etc., the tradition of the downfall also
existed among the natives when the Europeans discovered these countries. The atonements
which took place among these diverse peoples to purify the child upon birth were irrefutably
witness to the existence of this generalized belief. "Ordinarily", said the learned Cardinal
Gousset, "this ceremony took place in the day when the child was given its name". Among the
Romans this day was the ninth for boys, and the eighth for girls; it was called lustricus
because of the lustral water used to purify the newborn. The Egyptians, Persians, and Greeks
had a similar custom. In Yucatan, in America, the child was brought to the temple, where a
priest poured on its head water reserved for this usage and gave him a name. In the Canary
Islands women fulfilled this function instead of priests. Similar atonements were ordered by
law among Mexicans. In some provinces a fire was also lit, and a movement was made of
passing the child through the flame so as to purify it both by water and by fire. The Tibetans
in Asia have similar customs. In India, when an infant is named, after having written his name
on his forehead and after having plunged him three times in water, the Brahmin or priest cries
out in a loud voice, "O God, pure, unique, invisible, and perfect, we offer you this child,
offspring of the holy tribe, anointed with an incorruptible oil, and purified with water".
As Bergier points out, this tradition certainly must go back to the beginning of mankind; for if
it had been born among one particular people after the dispersion, it could not have spread
from one end of the world to the other. Furthermore, this universal belief in the first man’s
Fall was accompanied with the expectation of a mediator, an extraordinary individual who
was to bring salvation to man and reconcile him with God. Not only was this liberator
expected by the Patriarchs and by the Jews, who knew that he would appear among them, but
also by the Egyptians, the Chinese, the Japanese, the Hindus, the Siamese, the Arabs, the
Persians, and by various nations of America. Among the Greeks and the Romans, this hope
was shared by some men, as Plato and Virgil testify. Further, as Voltaire ( who met Count St Germain ) points out, "from
time immemorial, there was a maxim among the Indians and the Chinese that the Sage would
come from the West. Europe, on the contrary, said that he would come from the East". it all depends where you are female right / male left
there is a pattern in this text as some paragraph quoted ride two pages ( a long part and a short one ) for instance the above paragraph the last part of the text is on p 78 ( you could also consider it the first sentence HM1 of page 78 ) :
out in a loud voice, "O God, pure, unique, invisible, and perfect, we offer you this child,
offspring of the holy tribe, anointed with an incorruptible oil, and purified with water".
Dire Straits - Ride Across The River + lyrics - YouTube
Dire Straits - Ride Across The River
I'm a soldier of freedom in the army of man
We are the chosen, we're the partisan
The cause it is noble and the cause it is just
We are ready to pay with our lives if we must
Gonna ride across the river deep and wide
Ride across the river to the other side
I'm a soldier of fortune, I'm a dog of war
And we don't give a damn who the killing is for
It's the same old story with a different name
Death or glory, it's the killing game
Gonna ride across the river deep and wide
Ride across the river to the other side
Nothing gonna stop them as the day follows the night
Right becomes wrong, the left becomes the right
And they sing as they march with their flags unfurled
Today in the mountains, tomorrow the world
Gonna ride across the river deep and wide
Ride across the river to the other sideLast edited by MonsieurM; 05-21-2012, 09:54 PM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
a repost 'cause the songs are awesomehttp://www.energeticforum.com/psychi...ntenna-57.html
Drift Away-Dobie Gray Lyrics - YouTube
Day after day, I'm more confused
Yet I look for the light through the pourin' rain
You know that's a game that I hate to loose
And I'm feelin' the strain
Ain't it a shame
Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock n roll
And drift away
Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock n roll
And drift away
Beginnin' to think that I'm wastin' time
I don't understand the things I do
The world outside looks so unkind
Now I'm countin' on you
To carry me through
Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock n roll
And drift away
Yea, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock n roll
And drift away
And when my mind is free
You know a melody can move me
And when I'm feelin' blue
The guitar's comin' through
To soothe me
Thanks for the joy that you've given me
I want you to know I believe in your song
And rhythm and rhyme and harmony
You help me along
Makin' me strong
Oh, give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock n roll
And drift away
Give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock n roll
And drift away
Oh-ho, ah-no
Give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock n roll
And drift away
Hey, hey, hey, yeah
Give me the beat boys and free my soul
I wanna get lost in your rock n roll
And drift away
Na, Na, now won't ya
Won't ya take me
Oh-ha, take me
"Urgent" is a song by the Anglo-American rock band Foreigner, and the first single from their hit album 4 in 1981.
You're not shy
you get around
You wanna fly
don't want your feet on the ground.
You stay up
you don't come down
You wanna live
you wanna move to the sound.
Got fire in your veins
Burnin' hot but you don't feel the pain
Your desire is insane
You can't stop until you do it again.
Sometimes I wonder as I look in your eyes
Maybe you're thinking of some other guy;
But I know
I know how to treat you right -
That's why you call me in the middle of the night.
You say it's urgent - so urgent
U-u-u-urgent - just you wait and see
How urgent our love can be - it's urgent!
You play tricks on my mind
You're everywhere but you're so hard to find
You're not warm or sentimental
You're so extreme
you can be so temperamental.
But I'm not looking for a love that will last
I know what I need and I need it fast.
there's one thing in common that we both share
That's a need for each other anytime
It gets so urgent - so urgent
you know it's urgent -
I wanna tell you it's the same to me - so-o-o-o urgent!
Just you wait and see how urgent our love can be -
It's urgent!
You say it's urgent - make it fast
make it urgent
Do it quick
do it urgent - gotta rush
make it urgent
Want it quick
make it urgent - urgent emergency
urgent emergency
urgent emergency
each complement the other
the beauty of Fractal Constructs...when put together they will resonate to each other
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Mind provoking, or rather fascinating and very educating although all isn't understood immediately, at least by me. However that comment made me return to the #1 thread starter comment, and I read this (once again):
Because it could just be one step away from proving the possibility of telepathy (receiving and emitting waves).
Fnysik - Dowsing along the psi track
Think of a certain object or a being. A trace is created from where you stand to the object/being. Dowse for the trace. It's there! (In level of your solar plexus). Anyone familiar with dowsing should be able to replicate this.
glad to see you guys getting the hang of itand welcome psychicdom to our discussion
a bit of info update
Totally rad: Scientists create rewritable digital data storage in DNA
(Phys.org) -- Scientists from Stanford's Department of Bioengineering have devised a method for repeatedly encoding, storing and erasing digital data within the DNA of living cells.
Under ultraviolet light, petri dishes containing cells glow red or green depending upon the orientation of a specific section of genetic code inside the cells' DNA. The section of DNA can be flipped back and forth using the RAD technique. (Norbert von der Groeben)
Today's environment influences behavior generations later: research
Researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and Washington State University have seen an increased reaction to stress in animals whose ancestors were exposed to an environmental compound generations earlier. The findings, published in the latest Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, put a new twist on the notions of nature and nurture, with broad implications for how certain behavioral tendencies might be inherited.
Audioslave - Show Me How To Live - YouTube
Show Me How To Live lyrics
In with the early dawn
moving right along
i couldn't buy an eyeful of sleep
and in the aching night
under satellite
i was not recieved
with the stolen parts
a telephone in my heart
someone get me a priest
to put my mind to bed
this ringing in my head
is this a cure or is this a disease
nail in my hand from my creator
you gave me life now
show me how to live
nail in my hand from my creator
you gave me life now
show me how to live
in the afterbirth
on the quiet earth
let this things remind you
you thought you made a man
you better think again
before my role defines you
nail in my hand from my creator
you gave me life now show me how to live
nail in my hand from my creator
you gave me life now
show me how to live
and in your waiting hands
i will land
and roll out of my skin
and in your final hours i will stand
ready to begin
ready to begin
ready to begin
ready to begin
nail in my hand from my creator
you gave me life now
show me how to live
one more for the pleasure of the song
Audioslave - I Am The Highway - YouTube
I Am The Highway lyrics
Songwriters: Commerford, Timothy; Cornell, Chris; Morello, Tom; Wilk, Brad;
Pearls and swine, bereft of me
Long and weary, my road has been
I was lost in the cities alone in the hills
No sorrow or pity for leaving I feel, yeah
I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky
Friends and liars, don't wait for me
'Cause I'll get on all by myself
I put millions of miles under my heels
And still too close to you I feel, yeah
I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky
I am not your blowing wind
I am the lightning
I am not your autumn moon
I am the night, the night
And I am not your rolling wheels
I am the highway
I am not your carpet ride
I am the sky
But I am not your blowing wind
I am the lightning
I am not your autumn moon
I am the night, the night
YeahLast edited by MonsieurM; 05-22-2012, 10:18 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Nag Hammadi Scriptures- Gnostic Texts
The Nag Hammadi is a collection of 13 papyrus codices, found buried beneath the city of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt, possibly written in the 2/3rdC, CE. It includes early thoughts re Christian, Neoplatonic, Hermetic, Sethian and Valentinian thought.
In the book of Zostrianos we encounter the figure of Barbelo:
The Emergence of the Barbelo Aeon from the Triple-Powered Spirit.
Barbelo could be seen as the first mother, the womb of mankind, and possibly an androgenous figure. Interesting that this form of 'mother', although appearing at times masculine as well as feminine came from a triple powered spirit. I imagine there is a link with the triple headed 'White Goddess', associated with the bardic tradition/pagan/Beth, Luis,Nuin tree alphabet of pre christian society. Is the triple headed mother, pure energy, like the DEWAs of the Kolbrein Text?
Barbelo Aeon in Jewish gematria is 369
Check out the link below for starters, be interested in your thoughts.
Barbelo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Originally posted by SYDERA View PostThe Nag Hammadi is a collection of 13 papyrus codices, found buried beneath the city of Nag Hammadi in Upper Egypt, possibly written in the 2/3rdC, CE. It includes early thoughts re Christian, Neoplatonic, Hermetic, Sethian and Valentinian thought.
Barbelo Aeon in Jewish gematria is 369
Check out the link below for starters, be interested in your thoughts.
Barbelo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
with pleasureand thank you again
“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
Shall we Roll
The Apocryphon of John is commonly referenced by two other names: The Secret Book of John and The Secret Revelation of John, depending upon how the word "Apocryphon" is translated. Their are four surviving Coptic manuscripts of this text: two shorter version found in the Berlin Codex; and Nag Hammadi Codex III, and two longer version, found in Nag Hammadi Codex II and IV. This translation prepared by Dr. Wisse for the Nag Hammadi Library in English uses all four manuscripts to produce a single text.
Separate translations of the short and long version, along with extensive additional resources, are available in the Apocryphon of John Collection of the Gnostic Society Library.
The Apocryphon of John - Short Version - Translated by Waldstein & Wisse
3 Just then, while I was thinking these things, the heavens opened, and the whole creation below the heaven was illuminated with light [below] heaven. And the [whole] world [quak]ed.
I was afraid an[d I watch]ed. And behold a child [appeared to] me. Then [he changed himself] into the form of an old man [who had flight existing within him. [Although I was watch]ing him, I did not [understand this wonder, whether it is a [likeness] having numerous forms [in the flight—for its forms [appea]red through each oth[er—or] if it is one [likeness th]at has three aspects.
[He sa]id [to me], "John, wh[y] are you doubting and [fearful]? For you are not a stranger [to this like]ness. Do not be faint[hearted]! I am the one who dwells with [you (pl.) al]ways. I am the [Father.] I am the Mother. [I] am [the S] on. I am the one who exists for ever, undefil[ed and un]mixed.
N[ow I have come] to instruct you [about what] exists and what [has come] into being and what mu[st] come into being, so that you will [understand] the things which are invisible a[nd those which] are visible, and to t[each you] about the perfe[ct Human].
Now then lift up your [face to] me and listen. [Receive the things that I] will tell you toda[y so that] you yourself will tell the[m to your fel]low spirits who are [from] the im[mov]able generation [of the] perfect Human."
6 And Barbelo requested It to give to him Foreknowledge. It assented. When It had assented, Foreknowledge appeared. He stood with Thought, who is Pronoia.
She glorified the Invisible one and the perfect power, Barbelo, for they came into being through her.
Again, this power requested (It) to give her Incorruption. And It assented. When It had assented, Incorruption appeared and she stood with Thought and Foreknowledge, glorifying the Invisible one and Barbelo since she had come into being because of her. {They glorified the invisible Spirit and Barbelon for they had come into being because of her.}
She requested (It) to give her Eternal Life. It assented. When It had assented, Eternal Life appeared. And they stood {And he stood}, glorifying It and Barbelo for they had come into being because of her from the revelation of the invisible Spirit.
This is the pentad of the Aeons of the Father, who is the primal Human, the image of the Invisible one, namely: Barbelo, Thought, Foreknowledge, Incorruptibility, and Eternal Life. This is the androgynous pentad which is the decad of the Aeons, the Father from the unbegotten Father. {This is the androgynous pentad which is the decad of the Aeons of the Father.}
9 All things were firmly founded through the will of the holy Spirit, through Autogenes. And from the first Understanding and the perfect Mind, through God, through the approval of the great invisible Spirit and the approval of Autogenes, It named the true perfect Human, the primal revelation, Adam. {From the first Understanding and the perfect Mind through the gift and the approval of the great invisible Spirit in the presence of Autogenes, the perfect, true, holy Human, the first who appeared—he was called Adamas.}
It set him over the primal Aeon beside the great divine Autogenetor Christ, being the primal Aeon of Harmozel and Its powers with him.
And the invisible Spirit gave him an unconquerable intellectual power. {And the Invisible one gave him an unconquerable intellectual power.} He said, 'I glorify and I praise the invisible Spirit for it is because of you that all things came into being and all things (are) in you. And I praise you and Autogenes and the three Aeons: the Father and the Mother and the Child, the perfect power.' {"I praise you and Autogenes and the aeon the triad: the Father and the Mother and the Child, the perfect power."}
And It placed his Child Seth over the second Light Oroiael. {And his son Seth was placed in the second aeon with the second light Oroiael.}
And in the third Aeon was placed the seed of Seth, the souls of the saints who dwell forever in the third Light Daveithe. {And in the third Aeon was placed the seed of Seth, the souls of the saints who dwell in the aeon with the third Light Daveithe.}
And in the fourth Aeon were placed the souls who did understand their perfection yet they did not repent immediately but they persisted a while. In the end, however, they repented. They will remain in the fourth Light Eleleth, the one who yoked them to himself, glorifying the invisible Spirit. {having been gathered to that place, glorifying the invisible Spirit}.
12 The names of the glories who are over the seven heavens are these: The first is Iaoth, the lion-faced {The first is Aoth, the lion-faced}. The second is Eloaios, the donkey-faced. The third is Astaphaios, the hyena-faced. The fourth is Iao, the snake-faced with seven heads {The fourth is Yaw, the serpent-faced and lion-faced}. The fifth is Adonaios, the serpent-faced. The sixth is Adoni the monkey-faced {The sixth is Adonin, the monkey-faced. The seventh is Sabbadaios, whose face is a shining fire}. The seventh is Sabbataios, whose face is a flame of fire that shines. This is the hebdomad of the week. These are those who rule the world. Yaldabaoth-Saklas (is) the one whose forms are without number such that he can appear with any face at will.
15 A voice came to her, ‘The Human exists and the Child of the Human.' The chief ruler Yaldabaoth heard, but he did not think that the voice had come [from the exalted height above].
The holy, perfect Father, the first Human of human form, taught them about himself. The Blessed one revealed his likeness to them.
And the whole dominion of the seven authorities bent down.
They saw the pattern of the image in the water. They said to each other, 'Let us create a human in the image of God and with the likeness.' They created out of each other and all their powers.
They molded a form out of themselves and each one of (their) powers created from its power a soul. They created by imitating the image which they had seen, the image of the one who exists from the beginning, the perfect Human.
They said, 'Let us give him the name Adam so that that name and its power might illumine us.' And the powers began (creating their respective souls) from (the image) below: The first is Divinity; it is a soul of bone. The second is Christhood/Goodness {The second is [Lor]dship]}; it is a soul of sinew. The third is Fire; it is a soul of flesh {[The third is bo]th Christhood/Goodness and Fire, it is a so[ul] of [fle]sh [and the whole foundation of the b]od[y]}. The fourth is Pronoia; it is a soul of marrow which is the whole foundation of the body. The fifth is Kingdom; it is a soul [of blood]. The sixth is Understanding it is a soul of skin. {The sixth is [Understanding]; it is a soul of tooth with the whole body.} The seventh is Wisdom; it is a soul of hair.
And they set the whole body in order. {And they set the whole human in order.} And their angels stood before them. They created a substantial soul out of the things which had first been prepared by the authorities, the harmony of the joined parts.
18 And it remained inactive a long time because neither the seven authorities nor the 360 angels who had forged [the links of the chain] were able to awaken it.
And (the Mother) wanted to retrieve the power which she had given to the ruler from (her) audacity. She went in innocence and entreated the Father of the All, whose mercy is great, and the luminous God. Following a holy design, he sent Autogenes and his four lights in the shape of angels of the Chief Ruler. They advised him with the goal of extracting the power of the Mother from within him.
They said to him, 'Blow into his face from the spirit which is in you and the object will arise: And he blew into it from his spirit, which is the power from the Mother, into the body.
And [at that moment] he moved.
Immediately [the rest of the] authorities became jealous because he had come into being through them all and they had given the powers that existed within them to the human and he possessed the souls of the seven authorities and their powers. His wisdom was greater than them all and greater even than the Chief Ruler. And they knew that he was naked of evil because he was wiser than they and he had entered into the light. They lifted him and brought him down into the lowest region of all matter.
But the blessed Father is a merciful benefactor. He had mercy on the [Mother's] power that had been taken [from] the [Chief] Ruler lest they might have power over the body. He and his mercy sent the good Spirit as a helper to the primal one who had gone down, who was named Adam. (His helper is) the Epinoia of the light, the one whom he named Life.
It is she who labors for the whole creation by toiling with him, by setting him right in his own perfect temple {[by setting him] right [in his own] fullness}, and by teaching him about the descent of his deficiency and instructing him about his ascent.
And the Epinoia of the light was hidden within him so that the rulers might not know but our sister Sophia, who is like us, would set right her deficiencies through the Epinoia of the light.
to be continued ....Last edited by MonsieurM; 05-22-2012, 10:44 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.
follow up:
21 And he wanted to bring out the power which had been given to him. And he cast a trance upon Adam."
I said to him, "Christ, what is the trance?"
He said, "It is not like Moses said that he caused him to sleep but it was his sensibility that he covered with a shroud. He weighed him down with insensibility. {"Are you thinking that it is as Moses said, 'He caused him to sleep'? No, but it was his sensibility that he covered with insensibility. } For indeed it is said by the prophet, 'I will make the ears of their hearts heavy so that they might not understand and might not see.' ( could that be a reference to Kali Yuga )
Then the Epinoia of the light hid herself in him. ( see also codex of Love)
And according to his will, he wanted to bring her from the rib. But the Epinoia of the light is ungraspable. The darkness pursued her, but it was not able to lay hold of her.
He wanted to bring the power from him (Adam) to make another kind of molded form in a woman's shape.
And he stood her up before him – not 'He took a rib' as Moses said.
He created the woman beside him.
Immediately he became sober from the drunkenness of the darkness. The Epinoia of the Light uncovered the shroud from his understanding. Immediately when he recognized his essence {Immediately he recognized his fellow essence who is like him}, he said, `Now this is bone from my bone and flesh from my flesh. Because of this man will leave his father and his mother and he will cling to his wife, and from two they will become a single flesh. (known to the Alchemists as the two Mercuries p 90 Fulcanelli will have to check ) ' For the Mother's partner will be sent forth and she will be set right{For the Mother's consort was sent forth to rectify her deficiencies}. Because of this, Adam named her the mother of all the living by the authority of the exalted height and the revelation.
Epinoia taught him about knowledge. From the tree in the form of an eagle, she taught him to eat of knowledge so that he might remember his perfection {[so that they might] remember their Fullness} for both were in a fallen state of ignorance.
24 I said, "Christ, where did the counterfeit spirit come from?''
He said to me, "(It all began) when the Mother whose mercy is great and the holy Spirit, the compassionate, who troubles herself with us—the seed that is, the Epinoia of the light awakened the thinking of human beings of the generation of the eternal, luminous, perfect Human. Then the Chief Ruler knew that they surpassed him in the excellence of their wisdom. He wanted to restrict their plan for he was ignorant. He did not understand [that] they were wiser than he. He made a plan with his powers. {He made a plan and begot Fate.}
They begot Fate and they bound the gods of heaven and angels and demons and human beings with measures and seasons and times in order to keep them all in its fetter—for it was lord over them all.
He had a wicked and perverted thought, and he had regrets about all the things which had come into being through him. He planned to bring a flood over the whole erection of humanity.
And the greatness of Pronoia, who is the Epinoia of light, instructed Noah. {And the greatness of Pronoia produced a Thought, which is Epinoia. She appeared to [Noah].} He preached to people, but they did not believe him. It is not like Moses said, that he hid himself in an ark, but she sheltered him somewhere not Noah more (than others) but also some people from the immovable generation.
They entered a place. They were sheltered by a luminous cloud. And he recognized his sovereignty along with those who were with him in the light which illumined them, {And they recognized the sovereignty above [an]d those who were with him when the light illumined them} for darkness flowed out over everything upon the earth.
25 He made a plan with his angels. Their angels were sent to the daughters of men so that they might raise offspring from them, to be a respite for them. But at first they did not succeed. They all came together to make a plan to create the counterfeit spirit—for they remembered the Spirit which had descended.
And the angels altered their appearance into the likeness of their husbands and their 'husbands' sated them with the spirit, which molested them in the darkness out of wickedness.
"They brought them gold, silver, gifts, and metals of copper, iron, and every sort. They beguiled them into temptation {And they [be]guiled them into distractions} so that they would not remember their immovable Pronoia.
They took them and begot children out of darkness through their counterfeit spirit. It closed their hearts. They became hard by the hardening of the counterfeit spirit until now.
------- last verse 27 HM 9
27 First I went up to this perfect aeon. And it is to you ( John) that I speak these things so that you might write them down and give them in secret to your fellow spirits. For this mystery belongs to the immovable generation.
The Mother had come another time before me (cycle of Time ). These are also the things which she did in the world. She set her seed upright {She was [rectifying] her deficiency.} I will teach you about what will happen. For indeed I gave these things to you so that you might write them down and keep them secure."
Then he said to me, "Cursed be anyone who will exchange these things for a gift, whether for food or drink or clothing or anything else like these." {Then he said to me, "[Cur]sed be every one who will give these in exchange for a gift, whether silver or [gold or] in exchange for drink or for [things to] eat or clothing or anything else like these.} ( Open Source)
He handed over this mystery to him. Immediately he disappeared from him.
And he ( John) went to his fellow disciples. He began telling them about the things which had been said to him by the Savior.
let's see the resultLast edited by MonsieurM; 05-22-2012, 11:00 AM.“Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.