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have a look at the following and see what number corresponds (principle of correspondence ) to what word
Ha 28
Ahunavada Gatha 28 HM 1
verse 0
Verse 3
Verse 6
Verse 9
Verse 12

Gathas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Gathas (Gāθās, Pashto: ګاتان, Persian: گاهان, Gujarati: ગથાસ) are 17 hymns believed to have been composed by Zarathusthra (Zoroaster) himself. They are the most sacred texts of the Zoroastrian faith.
Zoroaster (English pronunciation: /ˌzɒroʊˈæstər/ ZOHR-oh-as-tər), (Persian: زرتشت; Zartosht), (Armenian: Զարդաշտ; Zardasht) also known as Zarathustra (Avestan: Zaraϑuštra), who was the founder of Zoroastrianism, was born in the eastern part of ancient Greater Iran. He is credited with the authorship of the Yasna Haptanghaiti as well as the Gathas, hymns which are at the liturgical core of Zoroastrianism. Most of his life is known through the Zoroastrian texts. There is no consensus among scholars about the time period of his life, with the estimated dates of his birth range from 6000 BC to 100 BCE. However, the language spoken by Zoroaster, Old Avestan, used for composing the Yasna Haptanghaiti and the Gathas, on archaeological and linguistic grounds, is dated to have been spoken probably in the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE.[1]
have a look at the following and see what number corresponds (principle of correspondence ) to what word

Ha 28
Ahunavada Gatha 28 HM 1
By the help of these sacred verses7 I will keep a watch9 over truth8 and good11 thoughts10 till the end of my life12 in order to proclaim18 (amongst people) O Ahura Mazda14 do thou13 (thyself) teach16 me15 from20 thy17 Divine19 throne, through thy21 mouth22 how this world24 first25 came into being26 (or do thou teach me as to how this world first came into existence) (stanza 11)
verse 0
and deeds6
of holy7 Zarathushtra 8 ( eight legged horse
(are) bringing prosperity1 (or are full of inspiration1)
May12 the Amesha Spentas10 i.e. Bountiful immortals
accept12 these Gathas11
O sacred16 Gathas15 salutations13 be unto you14.
and deeds6
of holy7 Zarathushtra 8 ( eight legged horse

(are) bringing prosperity1 (or are full of inspiration1)
May12 the Amesha Spentas10 i.e. Bountiful immortals
accept12 these Gathas11
O sacred16 Gathas15 salutations13 be unto you14.
Verse 3
Unto you55
Asha (truth)56
and Vohu Manah58 (good mind).
O Ahura-Mazda.60
I shall weave my hymns of praise57
as never before59
by whose grace (or from whom)
(are obtained)
the perpetual63 wealth62 (i.e. happiness of heaven)
and bountiful64 perfect mentality65.
For my66
may you come69 towards (my) act of worship68.
Asha (truth)56
and Vohu Manah58 (good mind).
O Ahura-Mazda.60
I shall weave my hymns of praise57
as never before59
by whose grace (or from whom)
(are obtained)
the perpetual63 wealth62 (i.e. happiness of heaven)
and bountiful64 perfect mentality65.
For my66
may you come69 towards (my) act of worship68.
Verse 6
(to a person) for his piety - righteousness10
do thou come7 ( to our help)
through the good6 mind8
and grant9 (us) long life
On account of true12
O Ahura Mazda15
immense17 joy18 verily arises unto Zarathushtra16
and unto us19 (the disciples),
O lord20 bountiful,
so that21,
of a wicked person22,
the evils23
we may overcome24
do thou come7 ( to our help)
through the good6 mind8
and grant9 (us) long life
On account of true12
O Ahura Mazda15
immense17 joy18 verily arises unto Zarathushtra16
and unto us19 (the disciples),
O lord20 bountiful,
so that21,
of a wicked person22,
the evils23
we may overcome24
through these65
##gifts70 of the the @best74 @ mind72
O Ahura Mazda68
we will **not67 offend71 **thee66
We who75 have striven eagerly77 in training of your76
"yuthema" "Yut"= Sanskrit to strive to be eager re-duplicated to "yayat"
songs of praise79
(O truth and best mind)
(you are) the gracious81 friend82 of
the advantages84 (derived from you)
##gifts70 of the the @best74 @ mind72
O Ahura Mazda68
we will **not67 offend71 **thee66
We who75 have striven eagerly77 in training of your76
"yuthema" "Yut"= Sanskrit to strive to be eager re-duplicated to "yayat"
songs of praise79
(O truth and best mind)
(you are) the gracious81 friend82 of
the advantages84 (derived from you)
I pray18 at this17 (moment)
In humble adoration19
with hands uplifted20
first of all24.
all27 righteous26 deeds28
of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
(and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
so that32 I may please33
the soul35 of the universe34.
We revere Ahya Yasa Ha (i.e. ha called Ahya Yasa) ( ahyâsãm36 hâitîm37 ýazamaide38 ).
Among living beings2 who1
(is) better6 in acts of worship,4
of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
is aware8
on account of10 their holiness9
- all such,11 both men12 and women,13
do we revere.14
In humble adoration19
with hands uplifted20
first of all24.
all27 righteous26 deeds28
of the invisible22 (and) bountiful25 Ahura Mazda23
(and) the wisdom30 of the good mind31
so that32 I may please33
the soul35 of the universe34.
We revere Ahya Yasa Ha (i.e. ha called Ahya Yasa) ( ahyâsãm36 hâitîm37 ýazamaide38 ).
Among living beings2 who1
(is) better6 in acts of worship,4
of such Ahura Mazda7 (Himself)
is aware8
on account of10 their holiness9
- all such,11 both men12 and women,13
do we revere.14
