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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • MonsieurM
    ten years after. 50,000 miles beneath my brain - YouTube ....

    Medical Applications - WikiRota

    It is true that the equinoxes are the period where M. Rota passes his days and nights leaning over his apparatus because certain universal currents at that time reach formidable intensities. Are there not equinoxial tides? It is well verified, that this was exactly the time of his initial experiment at Marseilles, that caused him to be knocked out several times. But I have to ask your indulgence with this devil of a man and his ideas, one is constantly dragged along despite oneself in many different directions.

    The last full moon of 2013 will be on Dec. 17

    .... Ten Years After - I'd Love To Change The World (Lyrics) - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-17-2013, 07:42 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    still .... PINK FLOYD - Learning To Fly - YouTube

    HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 60 - 69

    62 > 8 - 62 - 62 = 2x31

    --- band, priest's girdle, ornamental belt.
    --- to be strong, to heal....
    --- pr.n. "Healer", "Physician".
    --- (712 w/f, also 58/708); to separate, distinguish, mark; to see, discern hear, feel; to attend; to perceive.
    --- separation, internal, between.
    --- to well up, flow, pour over; pour together, to confound; to mingle in sexual connection, to defile; Baal.
    --- pr.n. "Built"; "Wise"; sons (of).
    --- (712 w/f); to grow; grain, millet.
    --- to beget, cohabit; to commit fornication; to commit adultery; to play the harlot; a shore, harlot; religious apostasy; to go whoring (after sex, idols, the True God, etc.).
    --- pr.n. "Place of Lizards".
    --- pr.n. "Yah has plunged", "Yah has consecrated", "Yah has baptised".
    --- (712 w/f); to understand. (compare )
    --- compass or compasses (for striking a circle).
    --- desirable or lovely.
    --- to thrust out or expel; to impel or strike; to be thrown out; to be driven out; an outcast. .... Dire Straits - Telegraph Road [COMPLETE STUDIO VERSION] - YouTube
    --- pr. n. "Nobility".
    --- to bound or spring; to spurt.
    --- fruit or produce

    ........ Pink Floyd - Delicate sound of thunder 88 - YouTube

    a fractal construct has an'efficient function, it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

    more :

    Manowar - Master of the Wind lyrics - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-17-2013, 07:02 PM.

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  • MonsieurM

    you guys are my teachers

    Originally posted by blackchisel97 View Post
    Thank you for good reading and inspiration MonsieurM

    "Humans are the only living beings that
    exist part time not grounded, and the less time they
    are in contact with the ground the more unhealthy
    they become."

    From Cosmo-Electro Culture For Land and Man.

    good reading you blackchisel97

    looking forward to reading / watching your updates


    Originally posted by Anam View Post
    Quietly following the daily posts with Interest. Keep up the good work. Best Wishes for the Winter Solstice. May a shaft of light hit the backs of our brains.
    Anam to our discussion

    Winter Solstice's energies are a bit tricky as they play with ones mood ... see also : Main Page - WikiRota

    also known as What is Seasonal Affective Disorder/Winter Depression?

    Winter depression is still a mystery to scientists who study it. But researchers agree that people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder are particularly sensitive to light, or the lack of it.
    and negative ions :

    PsychiatryOnline | Psychiatric News | News Article

    "Controlled Trial of Naturalistic Dawn Simulation and Negative Air Ionization for Seasonal Affective Disorder"

    and right now , let's just say that my yin yang is a bit disturbed

    In Daoist philosophy, dark and light, yin and yang, arrive in the Dàodéjīng (道德經) at chapter 42.[7]

    winter (fully yin)

    Yin is characterized as slow, soft, yielding, diffuse, cold, wet, and passive; and is associated with water, earth, the moon, femininity and nighttime.

    Yang, by contrast, is fast, hard, solid, focused, hot, dry, and aggressive; and is associated with fire, sky, the sun, masculinity and daytime.[9]

    Yin and yang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    and right now the Yin or its human avatar ( women ) are pissing me off ... but i know it is just the energy and need to let it flow

    it is the "burden" of an :

    .... Pink Floyd - Brain Damage/Eclipse (lyrics) - YouTube ... The brain's got rhythm: Extracting temporal patterns from visual input


    13 IN 1

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-17-2013, 03:51 PM.

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  • Anam
    Quietly following the daily posts with Interest. Keep up the good work. Best Wishes for the Winter Solstice. May a shaft of light hit the backs of our brains.

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  • blackchisel97
    Thank you for good reading and inspiration MonsieurM

    "Humans are the only living beings that
    exist part time not grounded, and the less time they
    are in contact with the ground the more unhealthy
    they become."

    From Cosmo-Electro Culture For Land and Man.

    Besides my other experiments I'll also run the one you posted earlier. I believe, there is a significance of grounding either by connecting to magnetic forces of Telluric currents or/and by creating path allowing exchange and flow of the charges. This can be easily replicated for indoor plants bu running grounded wire along the shelf with potted plants and individual wires coming from such to each drip pan. Pots should have drainage holes in the bottom and ground wire may be looped in the pan before inserting into the hole. The best way would be to make a loop on the bottom of each pot and run the end through the hole making another loop and leaving short connecting tip. Alligator ended wires are convenient to make connection to the main line for each plant.

    Attached Files

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  • MonsieurM
    Electrostatic Motor with H2O Rotor - YouTube ... Negative Ion Detector - YouTube


    Stirred, not shaken - YouTube

    Published on Dec 10, 2013

    Another variation of my previous experiment with H2O rotor but this time with only one comb being fed from HV negative source and my hand acting as a ground.
    When I talk about the other rotors I said 5lb in diameter as I was thinking of both values simultaneously LOL. Rotor had 4" dia 10" L and weighted approx 5lb. I used roller skates bearings which have too much drag for such experiment.
    I'm using this water for couple plants to see if there will be any effect. They definitely enjoy more negative charges in the air


    Gyoergy Egely: Bio-energetic devices

    As most scientists I also refused to accept the existence of paranormal phenomena, although I considered myself to be open-minded. Probably due to the fact that at the university you were pressurized into not believing in things like these. Being confused and wanting to find out the truth I started to do some research by collecting experimental data, and descriptions of observations available in this subject. I thought I would find numerous contradictions among them, so I could reject the existence of these phenomena without bad feelings. To my surprise I found out that experimental data and observations of the different phenomena from different times and places were the same or similar to each other, researchers and collectors of experiences met the same phenomena in similar circumstances and came to the same conclusions, although they did not know about each other's work. This captured my interest, I began to think that there must be some truth behind this. The data proved that the phenomenon could be true. But of course, if there was a phenomenon like this then there is now and there will be in the future, too. So, I have worked out a simple model on the basis of the collected observations to make things more understandable. According to this model this energy is very similar to electricity, but of course, it is not at all the same. There are many fundamental differences between electricity and this energy. All materials conduct this energy while from the viewpoint of electricity some materials are good conductors and others are insulators. That's why a glass or a plastic bell functions as a Faraday cage, i.e. if we place the objects under a closed bell of any material, it is extremely difficult to make them move, because all of our energy flows on the surface of the bell, it can not get inside.

    From this simple model, I constructed an experiment that no one has ever done before. I discovered that a rotating movement in liquid would cut down friction, thus smaller power would be needed to move something. Naturally financial concerns also played a role in designing this experiment, it had to be inexpensive enough to carry out with many people. The most simple experiment to do was with a cup of water and a shallow dish. According to my simplified physical model, I thought that if I filled the dish with water it would start to rotate as we put one of our hands around it. I placed small objects, or thin aluminium foils on the surface of the water that would show its movement. It worked, the water rotated. But being uncertain if it was due to the heat radiating from my hand, I put on gloves, first a thin one then thicker ones, which would considerably reduce any heat transmission. Being an expert in the field of heat transfer I knew this could be caused by heat transmission, but this way there was almost no temperature difference between the surface of the glove and the air. The experiment was perfect, the water rotated without the possibility of any heat transmission.

    In the mid-80's I started an intensive research and tried out this energy flow measurement on dozens of friends with more or less success. Most of them were able to rotate the water. The speed of the rotation depended on how tired or fit they were and how much they could or could not concentrate. The temperature and size of their hand did not influence the speed considerably. Then I made hundreds of control experiments with hand-shaped metal tanks. I could fill them with warm water and see if these warm tanks placed around the dish could make the fluid move. With these hand-shaped tanks, I could only experience an angular speed at most 10% of the good results with men. Even if the temperature of the water inside the tank reached 113 F, the body temperature of 113 F is not possible. The temperature on the surface of the hand is very seldom more than 95 F but usually it is around 90 F. So, the effect of heat transfer could be excluded.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2013, 02:37 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    on a side note :

    Car Ionizer, Car Ionizer Products, Car Ionizer Suppliers and Manufacturers at


    Robert A.Nelson: Hemp Husbandry ~ Electro-Culture (Ch 5)

    Wet soil improves current flow. Electro-cultured plants require about 10% more water than control plants because the charged water is perspired more rapidly than under normal conditions. Positive results are always obtained except when ozone is formed by ionization. Negative aero-ions intensify cellular oxidation reduction processes, while the positives depress them.

    Tourmaline & Negative ion | Negative Ion Specialist - Ion Trading (Japan)

    ps: .... tourmaline


    Antonio d'Angelo -- Inter-Atomic Ion Motor -- NY Times article & US Patent # 2021177

    New York Times (Wednesday, March 7, 1928)

    Priest Has Motor Run By 'Ion Energy'
    Jesuit Inventor From Brazil Is Here To market Product, Now Undergoing Patent Tests ~ Not A Fuelless Machine ~ "Inter-Atomic" Force Increases Electric Battery power, He Says -- Discounts Hendershot Claims

    An Italian Jesuit priest from Brazil announced here yesterday that he had invented a motor that makes use of "interatomic" energy to generate many times the power it receives originally from an electric battery. The motor is now at Washington, where it is undergoing the Patent Office investigation.

    The priest is the Rev. Antonio d’Angelo, S.J., a stocky, earnest little man who combines missionary work in Brazil with tinkering in his own electrical laboratory. He speaks no English, but told of his machine through his brother, Biagio d’Angelo of 1475 LeLand Ave., the Bronx.

    Father d’Angelo became interested in electricity 20 years ago when he was a student at a Jesuit seminary in Naples. A year and a half ago he was sent out by his Order to Brazil to carry on missionary work at Ribeirao Preto among the Italian emigrants. He had to get a special dispensation from Bishop Alberto Gonzales of Ribeirao Preto to visit the United States where, so his brother had written him, fortune comes more easily to the man with a money-saving device. He came here in November 1927, and has urged his Bishop to extend his leave of six months.

    The missionary priest does not believe in the Hendershot "fuelless motor".

    "I challenge anyone", he said yesterday, "to use the magnetic field of the earth for running a motor. The energy from that would be too small".

    His motor, he said, could be used in the home to supply electric lighting cheaply, and even heating. He said that it could be used to run trains, airplanes and automobiles.

    Father d’Angelo had a plan of his motor with him yesterday. He showed how it started to develop energy from an electric battery, and how this original impulse worked on the machine to generate many time its power through the "electricity produced by the inter-atomic energy of the ions".

    Pavel Yablotchkov: Over-Unity Electrostatic Amplifier

    The most interesting patent claim for over-unity by Pavel Yablotchkov is known as France patent # 120684 (11 October 1877), The System of Distribution and Amplification of Electrical Currents by Means of Atmospheric Electricity. The patent describes special capacitors connected in series with the load, to increase output current by means of ionization. Experiments were produced together with well-known physicists (such as Dr Maskar, Dr Varren-Delaru and others) and they confirmed 200% efficiency of the circuit. Let’s try to explain the method. Figure 1 is a schematic drawing from Yablotchkov’s patent. The Leyden jar is not a symmetrical capacitor, i.e., it is different in principle from a two-plate flat capacitor. The inner electrode of the jar should be connected to a high voltage source and in this case the changes of [ … missing text in original… ].
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2013, 01:04 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Espacenet - Original document


    Unexpectedly unidirectional electrostatic field accelerates and enhances markedly the effects of treatment with negative ions was achieved, for example, so remove a hard cholesterol artificially induced in guinea pig.

    + : rexresearch + negative ions


    Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
    YouTube - Update 30 - Found missing info from Tesla Radiant Energy Patent

    Think i found some missing info from tesla's radiant energy patent.
    I am theorising based on this info that the elevated plate was negatively charged prior and possibly even the ground plate is positively charged prior using an electrophorus or large bank of batteries. This would provide a condenser in series with the plates and the environment just as he mentions in the patent that they are in "series". The jj thomson document mentions that the charge doesnt appear unless the plate is negatively charged prior

    Let the experiments begin!!!


    Originally posted by nat1971a View Post
    Thanks all for the great feedback and comments!!
    After reading john_g’s documents it occurred to me that there must be something else that is missing from the patent as you would expect.

    In Tesla’s article ROENTGEN RAY INVESTIGATIONS* 22 april 1896 he mentions that he is experimenting with roentgen ray vacuum tubes immersed in oil and that he is taking xrays at 45 feet away from the tube. That is amazing. From what I have read of some of the other experimenters work of the time no-one else was doing anything like this. This statement made me think that the oil immersion was somehow special to these magnifying effects.

    Then on june 17th 1896 he files an application for a patent on a oil condenser 567 818 which he gets later on September 15th
    And then another patent on oil condensers 577 671 in 1897
    This makes me think that he has discovered around this time the remote charging of the condensers around this time with his roentgen ray vacuum tubes .
    Also makes me wonder whether the elevated plate in the radiant energy patent is immersed in oil…..or perhaps a elevated sphere with oil inside…only some experiments will confirm this… this would combine the features of the roengten ray vacuum tube in the sense that it incorporates both advantages – Low vacuum pressure and the advantages of the oil as demonstrated by the magnifying effects.

    Also it is mentioned that the rays travel in straight lines. Perhaps the ground plate and the elevated plate need to be in a straight line from the source of the rays. I was watching a discovery channel show on the sun and they also mentioned that the neutrinos (radiant energy/cosmic rays) travel in straight lines. The Egyptians also show the sun with its rays travelling in straight lines.
    more on oil : ...

    It is well known that oils possess insulating properties, and it has been a common practice to interpose a body of oil between two conductors for purposes of insulation; but I have discovered peculiar properties in oils which render them very valuable in this particular form of device, their employment in which has never heretofore and, so far as I am aware, been regarded as necessary or even desirable.
    Tesla Patent 464,667 - Electrical Condenser

    Most generally I employed receiving circuits
    in the form of loops, including condensers, because the discharges of my high-tension transmitter
    ionized the air in the hall so that even a very small aerial would draw electricity from the
    surrounding atmosphere for hours

    My Inventions by Nikola Tesla Autobiography YouTube - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-16-2013, 01:10 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Dire Straits - Private Investigations (full version) - YouTube ....

    Remembering Philip Coppens | Mysterious Universe

    Mysterious Universe: Let’s get into the ancient megaliths. Obviously there is this technical knowledge and scientific understanding displayed in some of these ancient megaliths that go far beyond what we attribute to the ancients. I want to talk about some of the best examples and I was really excited to see you writing about the possibility of the Giza pyramid’s geopolymer blocks.

    For our audience who might not be familiar with geopolymers, could you give us a brief rundown on the technology and how that links to the Giza pyramid?

    Philip: Absolutely. Basically it goes back to the early 1970s when there was a French scientist by the name of Joseph Davidovits, and he was looking outside of his window, wherever he was standing, and looked at rocks and basically said, “OK, rock formation…obviously these are created naturally. How, or is it possible to make rocks birth in a laboratory environment, speed it up, because some of these rocks take hundreds of thousands of years to form?”

    The short answer is that he identified the techniques of doing this and this became known as geopolymers or geopolymerization, if you’re describing a process of creating basically artificial rocks. He became interested in trying to find out whether he was the first one who had done so, and since he has become identified as the father of his science, he has had numerous distinctions across the world, specifically in France. But basically he began to look at various other things and in Egypt, he became specifically intrigued by the great pyramid, went over there, and people should read his book.

    There’s a summary of his book in my book. In his book he basically identifies over 40 distinctive markers as to why the building blocks of the great pyramid, as we see them today, are not natural rock, are not quarried in the way historians and Egyptologists are saying, but that they are geopolymers, and one example is very simple.

    Limestone, which is what this is, is showing elements of the fact that this was once basically sea-sand lying on a beach somewhere, and this means that there were shells and various other things in there, and because the water came in and out, what happened was that all these shells are aligned in the direction of the flow of water. Now, when you start looking into the rocks of the great pyramids, you will find that they point in various directions, up/down, at whatever angle you want, and basically this is an indication that this process, one of roughly 40 distinguishing markers that this is not natural rock but that this is a geopolymer.


    a repost :

    Some Of Earth's Largest Supervolcanoes Discovered In Utah -

    They found that the Wah Wah Springs eruption buried a vast region extending from central Utah to central Nevada and from Fillmore on the north to Cedar City on the south. They found evidence of fifteen super-eruptions and twenty large calderas and traces of ash as far away as Nebraska.


    Thomas Townsend Brown: Scientific Notebook, Vol. 4

    193. Storage of Electricity in Rocks.

    Honolulu, Mar. 24, 1975.

    Rock sensors act as storage batteries and may be charged. Just how long the charge remains varies with the particular rock. Rocks in series are able to store a higher voltage.

    In other words, rocks have a very high (natural) capacitance. More than capacitance, it seems to be in the nature of a persisting excitation. So long as the excitation persists, the voltage sustains.

    Thus, it is not simple capacitance depending upon the dielectric constant of the dielectric but something else, a form of excitation which requires an energy input and then decays. This decay is far slower than if the effect were merely capacitance.

    This difference (from ordinary condenser action) is clearly noted when the rock is shorted. When the short is removed the potential returns to a value almost as great as before the short occurred.
    In this respect it is similar to electrets which may be shorted and then return to normal when the short is removed. Hence, we may again refer to rocks as geo-electrets (Sec. 172).

    There is this difference. Carnauba wax electrets retain a high voltage but can support virtually no current. Geo-electrets seem to be able to support large currents, depending upon the size. Large rocks may conceivably provide substantial current.

    This places the geo-electret in the class of a chemical cell or storage batter, and may, as a matter of speculation, find an application commercially as an energy storage means.

    One may picture large blocks of granite, connected in series, as equivalent to storage batteries --- with the advantage of not requiring service or replacement and conceivably having indefinite, unlimited life.

    and don' t forget :

    In accordance with the invention, provision is made for enveloping the patient in a high potential and, in certain instances, a high frequency electric field, and for applying to the patient, while so enveloped in the electric field, radiations and emanations having therapeutic value.

    Thomas H. Moray: Transmutation of Low Grade Ores by High Energy Bombardment

    ... Dire Straits - Water Of Love + lyrics - YouTube

    Negative Ions Create Positive Vibes

    There's something in the air and while it may not be love, some say it's the next best thing -- negative ions.

    Negative ions are odorless, tasteless, and invisible molecules that we inhale in abundance in certain environments. Think mountains, waterfalls, and beaches. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost our daytime energy.

    Wah Wah Valley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The 'Wah Wah' name comes from Wah Wah Springs, on the eastern slope of the Wah Wah Mountain range. 'Wah Wah' is reported to mean "good clear water".[2]
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-15-2013, 11:09 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    talking about Electrostatic :

    11 Stunning Photos Of the Historic Snow Storm Hitting the Middle East - PolicyMic

    This morning, residents of Cairo woke up to something they haven't seen in 112 years — snow!
    Several other parts of the Mediterranean and Middle East have also seen surprising amounts of snowfall over the past few hours and days. Areas such as Gaza City, Beirut, Jerusalem, Hebron, Nablus, Bethlehem, Ramallah, Istanbul and Amman are all "enjoying" a light blanketing of snow.

    .... Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Anywhere the wind blows - YouTube

    Manetho - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Manethon (or Manetho; /ˈmænɨθoʊ/; Ancient Greek: Μανέθων, Manethōn, or Μανέθως, Manethōs) was an Egyptian historian and priest from Sebennytos (ancient Egyptian: Tjebnutjer) who lived during the Ptolemaic era, approximately during the 3rd century BC.

    Manetho wrote the Aegyptiaca (History of Egypt). His work is of great interest to Egyptologists, and is often used as evidence for the chronology of the reigns of pharaohs. The earliest and only surviving reference to Manetho's Aegyptiaca is that of the Jewish historian Josephus in his work "Against Apion".

    The original Egyptian version of Manetho's name is now lost to us, but some[who?] speculate that it means "Gift of Thoth", "Beloved of Thoth", "Truth of Thoth", "Beloved of Neith", or "Lover of Neith". Less accepted proposals are Myinyu-heter ("Horseherd" or "Groom") and Ma'ani-Djehuti ("I have seen Thoth"). In the Greek language, the earliest fragments (the Carthage inscription and Flavius Josephus) write his name as Μανεθων Manethōn, so the rendering of his name here is given as Manetho (the same way that Platōn is rendered "Plato"). Other Greek renderings include Manethōs, Manethō, Manethos, Manēthōs, Manēthōn, and even Manethōth. In Latin we find Manethon, Manethos, Manethonus, and Manetos.


    Remembering Philip Coppens | Mysterious Universe

    Mysterious Universe: You use a really good example of that. I’m trying to remember the specifics. I think it was an ancient Egyptian priest, perhaps, who was talking about their history. The things that are written down by him are accepted by archeology. They’re accepted as facts.
    Yet in the same text, you might say, he starts talking about the age of the Egyptian kings and how far back they go and long count calendars. All of the sudden, that can’t be accepted. It seems that though archeology is willing to accept some things but leave out the anomalies.

    Philip: Absolutely. What happens here is the story of Manetho who produces a king list, which is the foundation of ancient Egyptian dating. This chronology is accepted by everybody in Egyptology as being decisive. It’s the period of roughly 3,000 to his time of writing which was the third century BC. They swear on it.

    Now, what he’s saying is that this wasn’t the total chronology of ancient Egypt. Before, there was the rule of the demigods, the so-called Shansuhor, and before that there were several thousands of years in which the gods physically, directly ruled over and in ancient Egypt. What he’s saying is that roughly from 25,000 BC to roughly 7,000 BC there was direct rule of gods over ancient Egypt.

    .... Dire Straits - Telegraph Road [COMPLETE STUDIO VERSION] - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-15-2013, 12:39 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Every Time It Rains - YouTube ....

    XIII. Hymn to the Mother of Mortals

    1. Quilaztli, plumed with eagle feathers, with the crest of eagles, painted with serpents' blood, comes with her hoe, beating her drum, from Colhuacan.

    2. She alone, who is our flesh, goddess of the fields and shrubs, is strong to support us.

    3. With the hoe, with the hoe, with hands full, with the hoe, with hands full, the goddess of the fields is strong to support us.

    4. With a broom in her hands the goddess of the fields strongly supports us.

    5. Our mother is as twelve eagles, goddess of drum-beating, filling the fields of tzioac and maguey like our lord Mixcoatl.

    6. She is our mother, a goddess of war, our mother, a

    {p. 51}

    goddess of war, an example and a companion from the home of our ancestors (Colhuacan).

    7. She comes forth, she appears when war is waged, she protects us in war that we shall not be destroyed, an example and companion from the home of our ancestors.

    8. She comes adorned in the ancient manner with the eagle crest, in the ancient manner with the eagle crest.


    Cihuacoatl was the mythical mother of the human race. Her name, generally translated "serpent woman," should be rendered "woman of twins" or "bearing twins," as the myth related that such was her fertility that she always bore two children at one lying-in. (Torquemada, Monarquia Indiana, Lib. VI., cap. 31.) She was also known by the title Tonan or Tonantzin, "our mother," as in v. 5 and 6. Still another of her appellations was Quilaztli, which is given her in v. 1. (Comp. Sahagun, Historia, Lib. VI., cap. 27.) She was essentially a goddess of fertility and reproduction. The name cihuacoatl was also applied to one of the higher magistrates and war chiefs in the Aztec army (Sahagun). Reference is made to this in v. 6. As a goddess of venerable antiquity, she is spoken of as coming from Colhuacan, "the place of the old men," or of the ancestors of the tribe. This name is derived from coloa, to bend down, as an aged person, colli, an old man. (See my Ancient Nahuatl Poetry, pp. 172-3.)
    read more :

    .... XVIII. Hymn to the Master of Waters.

    Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Was - YouTube

    XVIII. Hymn to the Master of Waters.

    The Hymn of Atlaua.

    1. I Chalmecatl, I Chalmecatl, I leave behind my sandles, I leave my sandles and my helmet.

    2. Go ye forth and follow the goddess Quilaztli, follow her

    3. I shall call upon thee to arise when among the shields, I shall call upon thee to arise.

    4. I boast of my arrows, even my reed arrows, I boast of my arrows, not to be broken.

    5. Arrayed in priestly garb, take the arrow in thy band, for even now I shall arise and come forth like the quetzal bird.

    6. Mighty is my god Atlaua; truly I shall arise and come forth like the quetzal bird.

    Atlaua, mentioned by Olmos, who translates the word "Master of waters," is a divinity of whom little is known. The derivation from atlatl, arrow, would seem more appropriate to the words of this hymn. Chalmecatl, used as a synonym in v. 1, appears to be from chalania, to beat, to strike, as a drum.

    On Quilaztli see notes to Hymn XIII.

    .... Free 2013 Aztec Astrology Calculator .... Kenny Wayne Shepherd - I'm A King Bee - YouTube

    - 7 - 4th prime
    (In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , ; .)
    (Zain = --- 67/717 --- Weapon; Ornament; Sword.).

    to flow; affluence, fullness. .... Kenny Wayne Shepherd - "Deja Voodoo" Live '96 - YouTube

    HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 1 - 9
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-14-2013, 06:22 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Why do we scratch our heads when we're thinking? ..... .... Cymande - Dove - YouTube

    Left or right? Look at your head | Mail Online

    Now you can tell which hand a person writes with - simply by looking at their hair.

    If you are right-handed, the hair at the back of your head will grow in a clockwise direction.

    However, if you are left-handed, it could grow in either direction. And for those with curly hair, the direction of the curls could also reveal your preferred hand.

    Researchers made the discovery while looking for genetic differences in right and left handers. They believe the hair whorl, the medical term for the place at the back of the head where hair appears to spiral from, is formed in a similar part of the embryo to the brain and nervous system. This means it reflects our "handedness".

    Read more: Left or right? Look at your head | Mail Online
    Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-14-2013, 11:21 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Electrostatic Motor with H2O Rotor - YouTube


    Stirred, not shaken - YouTube

    ..... Queen - A Kind Of Magic (Lyrics) - YouTube .... Two teams independently find that adding vibration helps couple light to graphene

    .... New work gives credence to theory of universe as a hologram

    The papers don't suggest that the universe we actually live in is a hologram, Hyakutake et al's computations describe a universe with ten dimensions in the realm of the black hole and a single dimension universe when calculating characteristics of a gravity free two-dimensional universe. The work does provide a hint however, that what can be calculated using different dimensional universes could perhaps one day be calculated for our own. That of course would imply that what we see and do here might actually be occurring elsewhere and we are merely experiencing its holographic representation.

    Read more at:

    All Life is in This Hologram of Love

    36:40 It is not for the sun to overtake the moon, nor doth the night outstrip the day.
    They float each in an orbit.

    <The secrets behind secrets of the Naqshbandi sufi way Shaykh Nazim Haqqani deputy Shaykh Hisham Kabbani Islamic order>

    Gebo – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

    “We inherit ourselves.”

    Othala – Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets

    Othala - “Oh-thall-ah” – Literally: “Homeland” or “Ancestral Lot” – Esoteric: Inheritance, estate, noble

    Rune of anscetral spiritual power, divine inheritance and earthly estate.

    Psi: ancestral spiritual power ... Queen - Radio Ga Ga (Lyrics) - YouTube

    Energy: ancestral spiritual power, inheritance, heaven on earth, “The gift of Ing”, paradise, utopia

    Mundane: household, estate, inheritance

    Divinations: A home or estate, group prosperity, group order, freedom, productive interaction; or lack of customary order, totalitarianism, slavery, poverty, homelessness, xenophobia, racism, genocide.


    Rightful inheritance from ancestral holdings
    Collection of numinous power and knowledge from past generations

    Acquisitions of wealth and property
    Right understanding of global unity
    Security, safety, protection, the walls of Asgard
    Ascension to King amongst men
    Realization of Paradise

    Pablo Cruise - ocean breeze , full 12 min version - YouTube


    Photo Actinia Oxygen Therapy by Electric Reaction by T.H. Moray - Nu Energy â„¢


    Researchers discover how and where imagination occurs in human brains

    Philosophers and scientists have long puzzled over where human imagination comes from. In other words, what makes humans able to create art, invent tools, think scientifically and perform other incredibly diverse behaviors?
    The answer, Dartmouth researchers conclude in a new study, lies in a widespread neural network—the brain's "mental workspace"that consciously manipulates images, symbols, ideas and theories and gives humans the laser-like mental focus needed to solve complex problems and come up with new ideas.

    Their findings, titled "Network structure and dynamics of the mental workspace," appear the week of Sept. 16 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

    "Our findings move us closer to understanding how the organization of our brains sets us apart from other species and provides such a rich internal playground for us to think freely and creatively," says lead author Alex Schlegel , a graduate student in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences. "Understanding these differences will give us insight into where human creativity comes from and possibly allow us to recreate those same creative processes in machines."

    Scholars theorize that human imagination requires a widespread neural network in the brain, but evidence for such a "mental workspace" has been difficult to produce with techniques that mainly study brain activity in isolation. Dartmouth researchers addressed the issue by asking: How does the brain allow us to manipulate mental imagery? For instance, imagining a bumblebee with the head of a bull, a seemingly effortless task but one that requires the brain to construct a totally new image and make it appear in our mind's eye.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-14-2013, 11:02 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Maracaibo - Venezuela Tuya

    "La Chinita", virgin and patroness saint of the Zulia people

    Until the middle of the 18th century the Marabinos' main spiritual devotions were the Saints Pedro and Juan de San Sebastian and the Virgen del Rosario de Chiquinquira. The last one had been brought to Maracaibo at the end of the 17th century by Don Juan Nieves de Andrade. The pious man built a modest hermitage out of mud and sticks and put in its interior a piece of wood with a copy of the Virgen del Rosario de Chiquinquira image worshiped in Santa Fe de Bogota at Nueva Granada (today Colombia).

    As the time passed by, the painting on the wood vanished and so did the religious interest in the Virgin. The piece of wood got lost and on a morning of 1749 at dawn, an old woman who washed clothes in the lake waters, found it.

    Totally unaware of its origins, took it home, where she used it to cover a clay jar. Then one day she noted the Virgin's image on the piece of wood; she hung it on a wall and turned it into an object of veneration. On October 18th, the peace and quietness of the house was upset by strange sounds and some sort of noisy movements.

    When the lady looked for the cause of the disturbance, her eyes were caught by the Virgin's image on the wood, which was brighten with glittering lights ( similar to Stubblefield ). Bewildered at the wonder of the event the woman fell on her knees before the image of a tender looking Virgin with tanned skin and almond shaped eyes, who was holding in her arms a child of ravishing beauty. The Virgin's blurred image had turned into a breathtaking vision that made the old lady shout out loud "Miracle! Miracle! It's a miracle" Soon the whole neighbourhood joined in, to contemplate and marvel at the astonishing event.

    The humble house became a place for praying and worshipping God's Mother and is presently a temple, home of the Patroness Saint. There, mass is celebrated and the famous wood is exhibited on the altar where you can distinctly see the splendid Virgin's image.

    From the day of the miraculous appearance on the street was named "Calle del Milagro" (Miracle Street) and November 18th became a holy festivity for the Zulia people. On that day, amid joyful "gaitas" (typical Zulia music), thundering drums and cheerful bands showered with fireworks the Zulia people greet and ask the blessings of their beloved Virgin while her procession slowly moves along the city streets.
    ... Mandingo-Chant Of The Virgins - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-08-2013, 05:16 PM.

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  • MonsieurM

    K'inich Janaab' Pakal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Iconography of Pakal's sarcophagus lid[edit] ( ie capacitor )

    The large carved stone sarcophagus lid in the Temple of Inscriptions is a unique piece of Classic Maya art. Iconographically, it is closely related to the large wall panels of the temples of the Cross and the Foliated Cross centered on world trees. Around the edges of the lid is a band with cosmological signs, including those for sun, moon, and star, as well as the heads of six named noblemen of varying rank.[7] The central image is that of a cruciform world tree. Beneath Pakal is one of the heads of a celestial two-headed serpent viewed frontally. Both the king and the serpent head on which he seems to rest are framed by the open jaws of a funerary serpent, a common iconographic device for signalling entrance into, or residence in, the realm(s) of the dead. The king himself wears the attributes of the Tonsured maize god - in particular a turtle ornament on the breast - and is shown in a peculiar posture that may denote rebirth.[8]

    Mayan Numbers Symbols

    13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers.
    .... Elkie Brooks - Love Potion No.9 (studio version) - YouTube

    ps: 13 in 1 ....

    try Pakal in Num

    Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,


    The Eternal Now -- Ayahuasca Flight

    . In a motion that is somehow both bored and very powerful, the snake mouth opens around me, and I'm swallowed down
    Ayahuasca, Sacred Teacher Plant used by Indigenous Tribes .... Dirty Beatniks - Cosmic Rodeo - YouTube ... see also DMT :

    This powerful brew has been used ritually by the indigenous people of the Amazonian basin from time immemorial for prophecy, guidance, divination, worship, telepathy, cleansing and healing the body, mind and spirit, to diagnosis illness, to rid the body of worms and other tropical parasites, to defend themselves in supernatural battles against other shamans, to explore other realms of existence and to connect to one's higher self. Ayahuasca enters into nearly every aspects of the life of those who use it, to an extent unequalled by any other entheogen. Those that drink ayahuasca, shamans or not, may see in their ayahuasca induced visions gods, the primordial human beings and animals, and even become privy to an understanding of the arrangement of their social order. Something primal and timeless is felt and known, it can feel familiar, as if you knew this all along but only forgot. Ayahuasca has been used in a number of countries in South and Central America, including Brazil, Ecuador, Panama, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru and Bolivia, by around seventy different indigenous peoples of the Americas. Amongst most Amazonian tribes, entheogenic/hallucinogenic intoxication is considered to be a collective journey into the subconscious and therefore a social event.

    The everlasting storm: Stunning images of unique phenomenon in Venezuela where lightning has raged almost EVERY NIGHT for thousands of years | Mail Online

    Originally posted by BBX View Post

    Maracaibo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The name Ma ra caibo is said to come from the brave Cacique (Indian Chief) Mara, a young native who valiantly resisted the Spaniards and died fighting them. It is said that when Mara fell, the Indians shouted "Mara cayo!" (Mara fell!), thus originating the city name. Other historians say that the first name of this land in Indian language was "Maara-iwo" meaning "Place where serpents abound".


    Qi rides the wind and scatters, but is retained when encountering water.[3]
    .... Pablo Cruise - ocean breeze , full 12 min version - YouTube

    Chinese ma"horse", which was the linguistic source for Sino-Japanese ba or ma 馬 "horse", originally referred to Przewalski's Horse and later the Mongolian horse, Ferghana horse, etc. Horses were considered divine animals in both China (see Creel 1968) and Japan. For the Chinese, Edward H. Schafer says,

    He was invested with sanctity by ancient tradition, endowed with prodigious qualities, and visibly stamped with the marks of his divine origin. A revered myth proclaimed him a relative of the dragon, akin to the mysterious powers of water. Indeed, all wonderful horses, such as the steed of the pious Hsüan-tsang which, in later legend [see the Xiyouji below], carried the sacred scriptures from India, were avatars of dragons, and in antiquity the tallest horses owned by the Chinese were called simply "dragons." (1963:59)

    from :
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-08-2013, 01:39 PM.

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