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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • a recent discussion about Walter Russell :

    Russellian Science TEC - Part 1 - Defining a New Cosmology - YouTube

    Published on Jun 5, 2012 by ThisFaIseReality

    Produced By Robert Otey And Matt Presti
    Walter Russell - The Universal Womb : Spinoza's GOD - Electric Universe Model EUM - YouTube

    Epistemology : by (Me) Nicholas Ellis @ sn1pe352 - YouTube

    A New Concept of the Universe" Walter Russell says

    "Also the belief of science that the Universe is dying a heat death by the expansion of suns is due to not knowing that there are as many black evacuated holes in space for the reborning of suns as there are compressed suns for the reborning of evacuated black holes"

    This Paradigm is in line with James Clerk Maxwell's concept that the universe is existing in a dynamic medium that has many properties very much like those found in fluids such as water or the Earth's atmosphere, with respect to the energy movements found there

    "Fisk's model suggests that the magnetic field lines coming from the Sun look like a wild tornado"

    The first known philosopher, (NOTE: according to Aristotle), is Thales of Miletus.

    He taught that all things derive from a single first cause or Arche (origin or beginning), and that this first cause was in fact moisture, frequently translated "water."

    Thales also taught that the world is harmonious, has a harmonious structure, and thus is intelligible to rational understanding

    "Watch the Stars and From the Learn"-Albert Einstein

    "According to the general theory of relativity space without aether is unthinkable." - Albert Einstein

    "I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals Itself in the orderly harmony of what exists"-Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein's "Spinoza's GOD"" system imparted order and unity to the tradition of radical thought, offering powerful weapons for prevailing against "received authority."

    He contended that everything that exists in Nature (i.e., everything in the Universe) is one Reality (substance) and there is only one set of rules governing the whole of the reality which surrounds us and of which we are part.

    NOTE : ScienceDaily : "Golden Ratio Discovered in Quantum World: Hidden Symmetry Observed for the First Time in Solid State Matter"

    "Apparently we are living in a Bose-Einstein Condensate in which all particles are immersed.

    If we turned it off, mass would vanish and everything would fly apart in a nanosecond,"

    "There is but One universe, One Mind, One force, One substance.

    The substance, or body, of God is light.

    The substance of all 'created' things is light.

    Light is the living substance of Mind in action.

    Life is the pulsing, electro-magnetic oscillation of thinking mind."-Walter Russell

    "An infinitesimal world, with the molecules and their atoms spinning and moving in orbits, in much the same manner as celestial bodies, carrying with them and probably spinning with them ether,

    or in other words, carrying with them static charges,"

    he said, "seems to my mind the most probable view, and one which, in a plausible manner, accounts for most of the phenomena observed.

    The spinning of the molecules and their ether sets up the ether tensions or electrostatic strains;

    the equalization of ether tensions sets up other motions or electric currents, and the orbital movements produce the effects of electro and permanent magnetism." Dr.Nikola Tesla

    "We are able to determine the stars heating as a function of time and space," Taroyan says. "This will probably allow us to better understand the nature of the stars heating process."

    "The day when we shall know exactly what electricity is will chronicle an event probably greater, more important, than any other recorded in the history of the human race"-Dr.Nikola Tesla

    "Electricians are now admitting that, in electric currents the energy does not flow through, or along the wire, itself; but is actually transmitted by the ether vibrations outside of the wire via transferring it by the Architect of Creation"-John Keely

    the Treta Yuga, will be involved with Cosmic Magnetics

    Michael Faraday (1791-1867)
    "I cannot conceive curved lines of force without the conditions of a physical existence in that intermediate space."

    James Clerk Maxwell (1831-1879)
    "...we cannot help thinking that in every place where we find these lines of force, some physical state or action must exist in sufficient energy to produce the actual phenomena."

    The Satya Yuga is into the "Divine"

    "According to Skinner, understanding the dance of water molecules is key to understanding how all of life works"

    "The electric energy which motivates us is not within our bodies at all.

    It is a part of the universal supply which flows through us from the Universal Source with an intensity set by our desires and our will."- Walter Russell

    "The gift of mental power comes from GOD, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power.'-Nikola Tesla
    Walter Russell - The Leonardo Da Vinci of the 20th Century - Have YOU Heard of Him - YouTube a collection of pics with nice music
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Many have explored the work of Walter Russell and his UNiversal Theory .... yet few have explored other books of his

      for instance in 1903 ..... he wrote :

      The Bending of the Twig : Walter Russell , University Press (Cambridge, Mass .), Amy Richards, Dodd , Mead & Company : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

      The Bending of the Twig (1903)

      of warmth and color would dim the
      world that lies beyond the walls
      wherein they grow. And as they grow
      their leaves and blooms would form a
      barrier between the world and him
      who lives within their midst, and
      make for him a place in which his
      soul could find the rest and joy and
      peace which none but children know

      So to the blooms of all the gardens
      in this world, with love, the author
      dedicates these lines.
      "The purport of this book is not to tell to grown-ups how to mould the lives of little ones, but how the little ones mould the lives of grown-ups"--Dedication.
      Verso of t.p.: University Press, John Wilson and Son, Cambridge, U.S.A.
      Frontispiece and sepia illustrations on p. [ii], [3], [7], [15], [19], [23], [27], [31], [35], [43], [47], [51], [55], [59], [63], [71], [77], [83], [89], [95], [101], [107], [113], [117], [123], [129], [133], [137], [145], [155], [159], [163], [169], [175], [181], [187], [193], [215], [223], [229], [235], [241], [247], [257], [261], [265], [269] and [273], and marginal illustrations throughout.



      DO you remember that passage
      in Matthew, dear, which reads : .
      ** Unless ye become as little
      children ye can not enter the kingdom
      .of heaven '^
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-16-2012, 08:57 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • science info :

        Musical brain patterns could help predict epileptic seizures

        The brain produces electrical rhythms and using EEG - electrodes on the scalp - researchers were able to monitor the brain patterns in patients with epilepsy. Both in patients and in brain tissue samples the team were able to witness an abnormal brain wave noticeable due to its rapidly increasing frequency over time.

        Comparing these to a musical 'glissando', an upwards glide from one pitch to another, the team found that this brain rhythm is unique to humans and they believe it could be related to epilepsy.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • We covered Lao Tzu and his book the Tao Te Ching ( )

          there are other text on taoism that are of interest for instance :

          Title Page

          Translated from the
          Book of Lieh-Tzü
          with Introduction and Notes by
          LIONEL GILES
          M.A., D.Litt.


          Introduction 9

          I COSMOGONY 16


          III DREAMS 54

          IV CONFUCIUS 68



          VII CAUSALITY 96

          the Chapter that caught my eye is : BOOK III Dreams

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Book III: Dreams

            BOOK III Dreams

            1 - Magician could not well refuse to take up his abode in this palace of delight. But he had not dwelt there very long before he invited the King to accompany him on a jaunt. So the King clutched the magician's sleeve, and soared up with him higher and higher into the sky, until at last they stopped, and lo! they had reached the 1 - Magician 's own palace. This palace was built with beams of gold and silver, and incrusted with pearls and jade. It towered high above the region of clouds and rain, and the foundations whereon it rested were unknown. It appeared like a stupendous cloud-mass to the view. The sights and sounds it offered to eye and ear, the scents and flavours which abounded there, were such

            {p. 56}

            as exist not within mortal ken. The King verily believed that he was in the Halls of Paradise, tenanted by God Himself, and that he was listening to the mighty music of the spheres. He gazed at his own palace on the earth below, and it seemed to him no better than a rude pile of clods and brushwood.
            You are accustomed to being permanently in the body, and cannot understand being out of it for a while. Can any number of changes, or successive intervals of fast and slow, fully represent the true scheme of things?'
            The ingenuity of that which causes material form is patent to the eye, and its operations are superficial. Therefore it arises anon, and anon it vanishes." Only one who knows that Life is really Illusion, and that 13 - Death is really Evolution, can begin to learn magic from me. You and I are both illusions. What need, then, to make a study of the subject?

            'If a person wishes to make a study of illusion, in spite of the fact that his own body is an illusion, we are reduced to the absurdity of an illusion studying an illusion.'
            "The pure men of old passed their waking existence in self-oblivion, and slept without dreams." How can this be dismissed as an empty phrase?
            A man was gathering fuel in the Cheng State when he fell in with a deer that had been startled from its usual haunts. He gave chase, and succeeded in killing it. He was overjoyed at his good luck; but, for fear of discovery, he hastily concealed the carcass in a dry ditch, and covered it up with brushwood. Afterwards, he forgot the spot where he had hidden the deer, and finally became convinced that the whole affair was only a dream. He told the story to people he met as he went along; and one of those who heard it, following the indications given, went and found the deer. On reaching home with his booty, this man made the following statement to his wife: 'Once upon a time,' he said, 'a wood-cutter dreamt that he had got a deer, but couldn't remember the place where he had put it. Now I have found the deer, so it appears that his dream was a true dream.' 'On the contrary.' said his wife, 'it is you who must have dreamt that you met a

            {p. 63}

            wood-cutter who had caught a deer. Here you have a deer, true enough. But where is the wood-cutter? it is evidently your dream that has come true.' 'I have certainly got a deer,' replied her husband; 'so what does it matter to us whether it was his dream or mine?'
            The case was reported to the Prince of the Chêng State, who said: 'Why, the magistrate must have dreamt the whole thing himself!' The question was referred to the Prime Minister, but the latter confessed himself unable to

            {p. 64}

            disentangle the part that was a dream from that part that was not a dream. 'If you want to distinguish between waking and dreaming,' he said, 'only the Yellow Emperor or Confucius could help you. But both these sages are dead, and there is nobody now alive who can draw any such distinction.


            BOOK IV

            Paragraph 6 - Love
            Why, who is there, then,' cried the Minister, much astonished, 'that is really a sage?' The expression of Confucius' countenance changed, and he replied after a pause: 'Among the people of the West a true sage dwells. He governs not, yet there is no disorder. He speaks not, yet he is naturally trusted. He makes no reforms, yet right conduct is spontaneous and universal. So great and incomprehensible is he that the people can find no name to call him by. I suspect that this man is a sage, but whether in truth he is a sage or is not a sage I do not know.'
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-16-2012, 06:55 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • a repost from p 65


              Returning to Master Fulcanelli

              The Dwellings of the Philosophers


              "Contemplate these two dragons carefully", says the Adept (3), "for they are the true principles of philosophy which the Sages have not dared to show their own children. The wingless one below is the fixed or the male and the one above is the volatile or the female, black and obscure (4), which will dominate for several months. The first is called sulphur or heat and dryness. And the last is called quicksilver or coldness and humidity. They are the sun and the moon, of mercurial source and sulphurous origin which, by means of continual fire, beautify themselves with royal ornaments so as to vanquish, once they are united, and change any metallic thing --- solid, hard, and strong --- into quintessence. They are the serpents and dragons that ancient Egyptians painted as a circle, head biting the tail, to express that they came from one and the same thing, which alone was enough, and that it perfected itself in its contour and circulation. They are the dragons that the ancient poets charged with guarding without sleeping the golden apples of the gardens of the Hesperide virgins. They are the same ones on which Jason, during his adventure of the Golden Fleece, poured the juice prepared by the beautiful Meda and whose discourse so filled the books of the philosophers, that no philosopher ever existed who did not write about them, from the true Hermes Trismegistus, Orpheus, Pythagoras, Artephius, Morienus and others up to myself. They are the two serpents sent and given by Juno who is the metallic nature, which the strong Hercules, that is to say the Sage, must strangle in his crib, that is to say vanquish and kill them so as to make them rot, corrupt, and engender at the beginning of his Work. They are the two snakes attached around the Caduceus and the stick of Mercury with which he wields his great power and transfigures himself as he wishes. He, says Haly, who kills one of them will also kill the other because one cannot die but with his brother. These two (which Avicenna calls ***** of Khorassan and Dog of Armenia), being then united in the vessel of the sepulcher, bite each other cruelly and through their great venom and furious rage never leave each other from the moment they have grabbed each other. They are the two sperms, masculine and feminine, described at the beginning of my Philosophical Rosary which are engendered (says Rasis, Avicenna, and Abraham the Jew) in the kidneys, entrails, and from the operations of the four elements. They are the humidity of metals, Sulphur, and Quicksilver, not the common ones which are sold by merchants and apothecaries, but those which give us so many beautiful and dear bodies which we love so much. These two sperms, said Democritus, cannot be found on the earth of the

              . If we must admit a third, we shall find it in the one which results
              from their combination and born from their mutual destruction. For no matter how much you
              look and multiply the experiments, you will never find any other parents of the stone besides
              the above mentioned two bodies, called principles from which comes the third one, heir of the
              qualities and the mixed virtues of its parents. This important point is well worth being stated
              precisely. These two principles, hostile because opposite, are so expressive on Louis
              d’Estissac’s fireplace that even the beginner can recognize them without difficulty. We
              recognize here, humanized, the hermetic dragons described by Nicolas Flamel, one winged ---
              the hare-lipped monster --- the other wingless --- the gnome with the hairy torso

              p 105

              Mediation, study, and above all a strong unshakeable faith will finally bring Heaven’s blessing upon their work. "For truly I say to you", says Jesus (Matt. 17:19), "if you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, Move from here to there, and it shall move; nothing shall be impossible to you". For faith, spiritual certainty of truth not yet demonstrated, prescience of what is feasible, is the torch that God has placed into the human soul to enlighten, to guide, to instruct, and to elevate it.
              your instinct / inspiration / synchronicity
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Talking about dragons .... and Dragon lines :

                always wondered what was that disk used by Feng Shui Masters

                Luopan is a Chinese magnetic compass, also known as a Feng Shui compass. It is used by a Feng Shui consultant to determine the precise direction of a structure or other item. Since the invention of the compass for use in Feng Shui,[1] traditional feng shui has required its use.
                Form and Function

                Like a conventional compass, a luopan is a direction finder. However, a luopan differs from a compass in several important ways. The most obvious difference is the Feng Shui formulas embedded in up to 40 concentric rings on the surface. This is a metal or wooden plate known as the heaven dial. The circular metal or wooden plate typically sits on a wooden base known as the earth plate. The heaven dial rotates freely on the earth plate.

                A red wire or thread that crosses the earth plate and heaven dial at 90-degree angles is the Heaven Center Cross Line, or Red Cross Grid Line.[2] This line is used to find the direction and note position on the rings. The schematic of earth plate, heaven plate, and grid lines is part of the two cords and four hooks geometrical diagram in use since at least the Warring States period.[3]

                A conventional compass has markings for four or eight directions, while a luopan typically contains markings for 24 directions. This translates to 15 degrees per direction. Interestingly, the Sun takes approximately 15.2 days to traverse a point. If you mark a series of 24 points on the ecliptic it creates a cycle of 365.25 days, which means that each degree on a luopan approximates a terrestrial day.

                A luopan does not point to the north pole of Earth. The needle of a luopan points to the south magnetic pole (it does not point to the geographic pole). The Chinese word compass translates to “pointing-south needle.”

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Continuing our exploration of Feng Shui :

                  Feng Shui Period 8 - What is Period 8 Feng Shui - Flying Star Feng Shui School

                  Feng shui period is a term used in the flying star school of feng shui (called San Yuan) to define the movement of lucky energies. Flying star is a feng shui school that deals with the time factor.

                  Each time period in feng shui lasts for 20 years and, as there are 9 periods, a complete cycle takes 180 years. Period 8 started on Feb.4, 2004 ( till 2024 ) .
                  The feng shui bagua trigram that represents period 8 is the Ken Trigram. Ken Trigram is representative of the feng shui element of earth (mountain symbol), youthful energy (young man symbol) ( occupy wall street / Youth rising )and the direction of Northeast.

                  Let's have a look at how these three factors of the period 8 - Victory - the earth feng shui element, the youthful energy (young man symbol) and the Northeast direction define the feng shui interpretations for the period 8.
                  Earth element defines the most auspicious feng shui colors and materials for the feng shui of period 8. Light yellow color (earthy feng shui color) is considered very auspicious in period 8, thus yellow feng shui crystals are wonderful energy enhancers as they double the desired lucky energy for period 8 with their color (yellow) as well as material (earth).

                  Choose yellow citrine (be sure it is not radiated, as most commercially sold citrines are actually radiated amethyst); yellow amber, or yellow jasper. You can bring their feng shui energy into your home with the actual crystals or with specific decor items made from crystals, such as small bowls or carvings. You can also benefit from their feng shui energy when wearing jewelry with these beneficial crystals.

                  The auspicious feng shui energy for the period 8 can also be drawn with the feng shui earth element materials, such as decor items made from clay, ceramics, stones, etc.

                  On a bigger scale, the earth feng shui element of the period 8 is considered to determine the good luck of any industry connected to land/earth resources; as well a bigger shift towards caring for our earth.
                  Youthful energy (young man symbol) in the period 8 feng shui is commonly interpreted as success for companies focused on teenagers and young adults, as well as success of various form of entrepreneurship, which is a manifestation of youthful energy. A stronger focus on health and happy relationships is considered another effect of the feng shui of period 8, as youthful energy is maintained in your life when you have good health and are enjoying healthy, happy relationships.
                  Northeast direction being auspicious in feng shui period 8 is usually interpreted as the house absorbing more luck if the main door of the house faces Northeast, as well as the energy benefit that comes from facing Northeast while working, for example. If Northeast happens to be one of your best feng shui directions, then the benefits are double.

                  Globally, it is considered that in the period 8 the Northeast countries, such as Japan or China, as well as cities, such as, for example, New York, will see more success and improvements.
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-16-2012, 09:55 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • linking a few patterns :

                    Art Bell with Maurice Cotterell : Main Show Only - God, Reincarnation & Ancient Codes - Coast to Coast AM - YouTube

                    he explains how evolution / creation are the same coin

                    Engineer, scientist, and author Maurice Cotterell shared his theories gleaned from the codes of ancient civilizations and also touched on his recent work on gravity. The universe, he said, is here to facilitate God's growth. For humans, that means raising their "voltage" level, so when they die, they enhance God's energy-- however if their voltage is diminished, they must reincarnate in a new life form, Cotterell outlined. He stated that such knowledge was encoded in the treasures of the Mayans and the Egyptians.

                    His new scientific paper How Gravity Works: The Cause of Universal Attraction between Particles of Matter was recently presented to the UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada. Gravity is a traveling force that radiates electromagnetic energy, he said, and could be thought of as the way God holds the universe together

                    Prophecies of Indigenous People

                    Tim Sikyea, Yellowknife Tribe

                    Many of the dreams or visions don't necessarily mean the end; they could also indicate a change. Our people say that people who are not spiritually in tune can't adapt to this change. They won't have the necessary physical, mental and spiritual strength to change themselves. It is being said that humanity will become mad.



                    Maurice Cotterell - Secret of the Super Gods Part 1 - YouTube

                    In 1989 engineer and scientist Maurice Cotterell found a way of calculating the duration of long-term magnetic reversals on the Sun. Using this knowledge he was able to break the codes of ancient sun-worshipping civilizations, first the Mayas of Central America, those of Tutankhamen of Egypt, and Viracocha of South America, before cracking the codes of the Terracotta Warriors of China.
                    A must see lecture on 2012, the science of sunspot cycles, mayan mythology and symbolism explained, decoded hidden knowledge from tombs, religious symbolism, astrotheology, venus, consciousness, emotion, spirituality, evolution, reality, illusion, ascension, etc! You will see how when you overlay transparent copies of the lid and mask of the Mayan Pacal tomb in the temple of Palenque, hundreds of pictures of secret knowledge appear. And also at Viracocha, Tutankhamun, the Terracotta Warriors tomb and much more. Bear with the bad quality of the projector at times, it's so worth it (and there's more illustrative evidence at Cotterell's site.)

                    "Mankind is a conduit to make god grow."
                    Maurice Cotterell



                    The Messages of Eugenio Siragusa

                    What the extraterrestrials have told
                    to Eugenio Siragusa

                    The word becomes flesh

                    I have written:
                    The etherial astral image becomes sensible-material body. Truly, the spirit is generated from the spirit and the flesh from the flesh.
                    The astral image has unlimited powers, they are Solar Deities, the archetypes of the animic material manifestations.
                    The Father Creator, the Beginning of every visible and invisible thing, is the Omnicreating Cosmic Spirit dwelling in the Sun.
                    The Sun's Heavenly Powers are the operators of the Omnicreating Spirit - Holy Spirit - as you Earthpeople call it.
                    They are the coordinators, the creators of God's idea, they are real judges of universal justice, the interpreters of the Supreme Will of Him who reigns sovereign on Earth as in Heaven and on the genetic system of the various planets forming part of the cosmic macro-molecule.

                    Eugenio Siragusa
                    Nicolosi, September 27, 1989
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • i think the sun is going to pop another one before the full moon

                      Incoming! Solar storms on the way - Cosmic Log

             projects that the CMEs thrown off by those two flares will merge into one wave of particles that's due to hit Earth's magnetic field around 6:16 a.m. ET Saturday.
                      ..... maybe will see one of those weird forms that show up on those solar images

                      ------------------------- talking about weird shapes :

                      Mystery disc-like object stumps Baltic Sea divers - Technology & Science - CBC News

                      A crew of Swedish divers scavenging the Baltic Sea for treasures has shared new images of their baffling discovery — a large disc-shaped object settled on the seabed.

                      In a press release that sounds as if it were inspired by the underwater sci-fi film The Abyss, the unidentified object is described as circular, with rounded sides and rugged edges.

                      "The object had an egg-shaped hole leading into it from the top, as an opening," the release said, drawing comparisons from several media outlets to the fictional Millenium Falcon spacecraft featured in Star Wars.

                      Stefan Hogeborn, one of the divers in the expedition, said he was perplexed by the shape and structure of the circular object, which is about 60 metres in diameter and rises three to four metres from the seabed. That's roughly the size of a jumbo jet.

                      Adding to the mystery, the object was also reported to have a 400-metre-long trail leading away from it, similar in appearance to skid marks. Another smaller disc-shaped object was found nearby, also with apparent drag lines about the same length.

                      The Ocean Explorer team that first laid claim to the find last year also described stone circle formations resembling "small fireplaces" and covered in a residue resembling soot.

                      "I can’t explain what we saw, and I went down there to answer questions, but I came up with even more questions," Hogeborn said in a statement Friday, noting that stones don't normally burn.
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-16-2012, 11:50 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • here is a paper written by Maurice Cotterell on gravity

                        How Gravity Works - Maurice Cotterell

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • As i was listennig to the C2C show with Art Bell with Maurice Cotterell : Main Show Only - God, Reincarnation & Ancient Codes - Coast to Coast AM - YouTube ....kept talking about the Mayas .... got the monkey going

                          THE BOOK OF CHILAM BALAM OF CHUMAYEL
                          BY RALPH L. ROYS
                          Washington D.C.; Carnegie Institution
                          The Books of Chilam Balam form the most important part of this native Maya literature. Written in the Maya language, they reflect more closely the thought of these Indians than any other records that have come down to us. Not only do they contain a wealth of historical and ethnological information invaluable to the student of the pre-Columbian career of the Maya, but they also furnish a record of the reactions of the native mind to the European culture and of the manner in which the latter was adapted to suit its new environment. It is hardly necessary to dwell upon the value of these old texts to the linguistic student.

                          The translation of the Book of Chilam Balam of Chumayel depends primarily upon the reading given to the badly punctuated and often misspelled Maya text, and such a reading is based upon an extensive comparison with other similar texts. The difficulties of translation are not to be underestimated, but they can be greatly lessened by such a comparison.
                          I: The Ritual of the Four World-Quarters
                          II. The Rise of Hunac Ceel to Power
                          III: A Prophecy For Katun 11 Ahau
                          IV: The Building of the Mounds
                          V: Memoranda Concerning the History of Yucatan
                          VI: Notes on the Calendar
                          VII: The Armorial Bearings Of Yucatan
                          VIII: Notes on Astronomy
                          IX: The Interrogation of the Chiefs
                          X: The Creation of the World
                          XI: The Ritual of the Angels
                          XII: A Song Of The Itzá
                          XIII: The Creation of the Uinal
                          XIV: A History of the Spanish Conquest
                          XV: The Prophecy of Chilam Balam and the Story of Antonio Martinez
                          XVI: A Chapter of Questions and Answers
                          XVII: An Incantation
                          XVIII: A Series of Katun-Prophecies
                          XIX: The First Chronicle
                          XX: The Second Chronicle
                          XXI: The Third Chronicle
                          XXII: A Book of Katun-Prophecies
                          XXIII: The Last Judgment
                          XXIV: Prophecies of a New Religion ( sounds similar to Benjamin Solari's prophecy about the Virgin )

                          will try chapter 3 .... 369 method
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-17-2012, 01:11 AM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • III
                            (A PROPHECY FOR KATUN 11 AHAU) 3

                            before we start ... it seems the paragraph describes a Kali Yuga

                            paragraph 3

                            This is a record of the things which they did. After it had all passed, they told of it in their <own> words, but its meaning is not plain. Still the course of events was as it is written. But even when everything shall be thoroughly explained, perhaps not so much is written about it, nor has very much been written of the guilt of their conspiracies with one another. So it was with the ruler of the Itzá, with the men <who were rulers> of Izamal, Ake, Uxmal, Ichcanziho <and> Citab p. 14 C
                            Couoh 3 also. Very many were the / p. 14 C
                            head-chiefs and many a conspiracy they made with one another. But they are not made known in what is <written> here; not so much will be related. Still he who comes of our lineage will know it, one of us who are Maya men. He will know how to explain these things when he reads what is here. When he sees it, then he will explain the adjustment of the intricacy of the katun by our priest, Ah Kin Xuluc; but Xuluc 4 was not his name formerly. It was only because these

                            priests of ours were to come to an end when misery was introduced, when Christianity was introduced by the real Christians. Then with the true God, the true Dios, came the beginning of our misery. It was the beginning of tribute, the beginning of church dues, 1 the beginning of strife with purse-snatching, 2 the beginning of strife with blow-guns, the beginning of strife by trampling on people, the beginning of robbery with violence, the beginning of forced debts, the beginning of debts enforced by false testimony, the beginning of individual strife, a beginning of vexation, a beginning of robbery with violence. 3 This was the origin of service to the Spaniards and priests, of service to the local chiefs, 4 of service to the teachers, 5 of service to the public prosecutors by the boys, the youths of the town, while the poor people were harassed. p. 15. C

                            These were the very poor people who did not depart when oppression was / p. 15. C
                            put upon them. It was by Antichrist on earth, the kinkajous of the towns, the foxes of the towns, 7 the blood-sucking insects of the town, those who drained the poverty of the working people. But it shall still come to pass that tears shall come to the eyes of our Lord God. The justice of our Lord God shall descend upon every part of the world, straight from God upon Ah Kantenal, Ix Pucyola, the avaricious hagglers of the world.
                            79:6 Called antachristoil in the text. We suspect it merely means bad Christians here.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Chilam Balam: Translation: XXIV: Prophecies of a New Religion

                              (PROPHECIES OF A NEW RELIGION)


                              164:2 These are fundamentally prophecies of the return of Kukulcan, or Quetzalcoatl, the Mexican culture-hero; but after the arrival of the Spaniards they were believed to be prognostics of that event and were in some instances adapted in later times to fit the facts of the actual occurrence. Cf. Tozzer 1921, p. 192. A discussion of these prognostications, their reputed authors and their place in the prophetic literature of the Maya will be found in Appendix D.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Now here is an interesting article on many aspects :

                                Color This Chimp Amazing - Science News

                                In what seems like a blow for humanity, a very smart chimpanzee in Japan crushes any human challenger at a number memory game.

                                After the numbers 1 through 9 make a split-second appearance on a computer screen, the chimp, Ayumu, gets to work. His bulky index finger flies gracefully across the screen, tapping white squares where the numbers had appeared, in order. So far, no human has topped him.

                                Ayumu’s talent caused a stir when researchers first reported it in 2007 (SN: 12/8/2007, p. 355). Since then, the chimp’s feat has grown legendary, even earning him a starring role in a recent BBC documentary.
                                But psychologist Nicholas Humphrey says the hype may be overblown. In an upcoming Trends in Cognitive Sciences essay, Humphrey floats a different explanation for Ayumu’s superlative performance, one that leaves humans’ memory skills unimpugned: Ayumu might have a curious brain condition that allows him to see numbers in colors. If Humphrey’s wild idea is right, the chimpanzee’s feat has nothing to do with memory.

                                “When you get extraordinary results, you need to look for extraordinary ideas to explain them,” says Humphrey, of Darwin College at Cambridge University in England.
                                neuroscientist David Eagleman of Baylor College of Medicine in Houston talked about the brain condition known as synesthesia, which causes people to attach sensory experiences to letters or numbers. A synesthete might always see the number four as blue, for instance.
                                neuroscientist V.S. Ramachandran of the University of California, San Diego. Work in his lab has found that synesthesia can give people an edge on visual tasks — the cross-wiring in the brain helps them remember better.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

