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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Another version / Perspective of Numerology .... a more Pythagorian approach

    Earthshod: The Spiritual Meaning of Numbers

    Numbers are the language of our universe. As the stars dance above in accordance to pre-determined paths, so are all of our activities governed by math. Since the beginning of logical philosophy, this perfect order has been seen as evidence of supernatural design and humans have sought to comprehend the spiritual meaning of numbers. Today, Pythagorean numerology is widely used in both old and new contexts, though sometimes criticized due to it's history of secrecy and magic. However, numerology has spiritual roots in the interpretation of Hebrew writing and in numbers in the Bible.

    Hilda Phoebe Hudson said that, "to all of us who hold the Christian belief that God is truth, anything that is true is a fact about God, and mathematics is a branch of theology." Many are familiar with the meaning of the number 666. The number of the beast has had Christians watching their lives for three sixes for millenia. However, the spiritual meaning of numbers has more to it than the devil! Some modern Christians choose to interpret double or triple integers that they notice repeat in their lives (on a clock or sign, etcetera) as "angel numbers" to be interpreted by using the Pythagorean technique of adding the digits to find the spiritual meaning of numbers.

    The Meaning Of Numbers:

    1.) The number one in Pythagorean numerology represents rugged individualism and aggressiveness for survival. The Cantonese believed that one meant a sure thing.
    2.) Two is a blessed balance or a union of female and male in Pythagorean belief. The Chinese meaning might be more related to simplicity and ease.

    3.) The number three is reflected in the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and in the story of Christ rising after three days of death. It is representative of completeness.

    4.) Four represents stability that can be build upon to initiate creation in Pythagorean numerology, however, the Chinese thought it unlucky and related to suffering before death.
    5.) Five to Pythagorean numerologists represents the tireless action required in order to avoid instability. The Chinese felt that this was the number associated with the self and the individual.

    6.) Through the Pythagorean system, the growth and temporary stability represented by the number six shows a point where one can pause to understand before moving on. The Chinese believed six to be easy and simple.

    7.) In Hebrew, the word "seven" also means "full" and "complete." More negative in Chinese systems, the Pythagorean philosophy casts a shadow of mystery on seven to be puzzled out.
    8.) To Pythagoras, eight represented having enough power and fulfillment to be able to sacrifice some before moving on, if necessesary. In several cultures, eight can represent prosperity and abundance.

    9.) The spiritual meaning of numbers in many cultures recognizes nine as the most lucky digit, since it is only one less than ten. It is the moment of change and transition before the ultimate. The Chinese believed it to be related to the concept of eternity

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Let's dig a little deeper :

      a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
      Numbers and their Meanings - Crystalinks

      will be posting only 3 6 9 ...... and maybe 8 / 13

      Three (3)

      The third dimension - we do things in threes so they will manifest in our physical realm.

      It's roots stem from the meaning of multiplicity. Creative power; growth. Three is a moving forward of energy, overcoming duality, expression, manifestation and synthesis. Three is the first number to which the meaning "all" was given. It is The Triad, being the number of the whole as it contains the beginning, a middle and an end.

      The power of three is universal and is the tripartide nature of the world as heaven, earth, and waters. It is human as body, soul and spirit. Notice the distinction that soul and spirit are not the same. They are not. Three is birth, life, death. It is the beginning, middle and end. Three is a complete cycle unto itself. It is past, present, future.

      The symbol of three is the triangle. Three interwoven circles or triangles can represent the indissoluble unity of the three persons of the trinity. Others symbols using three are: trident, fleur-de-lis, trefoil, trisula, thunderbolt, and trigrams.

      The astral or emotional body stays connected to the physically body for three days after death. There is scientific evidence that the brain, even when all other systems are failing takes three days to register complete shutdown.

      There are 3 phases to the moon. Lunar animals are often depcited as 3 legged.

      Three is the heavenly number, representing soul, as four represents body. Together the two equal seven (3+4=7 ) and form the sacred hebdomad. The 3x4=12 representing the signs of the Zodiac and months of the year.

      Pythagorean three means completion.

      There are three wishes, genies have three wishes, three leprecons, three prince or princesses, three witches, three weird sisters among others.

      Cultural References

      Africa Ashanti: the moon goddess is three people, two black, and one white.

      Arabian, Pre-Islamic: the Manant is a threefold goddess representing the 3 Holy Virgins, Al-Itab, Al-Uzza, and Al-Manat. They are depicted as aniconic stelae, stones or pillars, or as pillars surmounted by doves.

      Buddhist: tradition the theme of 3 is represented by, The Tri-ratna, The Three Precious Jewels, and the Buddha, Dharma, Sangha.

      Chinese: Sanctity; the auspicious number; the first odd, yang number....The moon toad, or bird, is three-legged.

      Celtic: Bridgit is threefold; there are the Three Blessed Ladies and innumerable Triads, often a threefold aspect of the same divinity.

      Christianity: Three represents the Trinity, the soul, the union of body and soul in human in the church. There were three gifts of the Magi to Christ as God-King-Sacrifice; three figures of transformation, temptations, denials by Peter (one of the 12 Apostles--- 12=3 (1+2=3). There were 3 crosses at Calvary, He died on The Hills, there were 3 days to the death process for Christ, and there were 3 appearances after his death. There were 3 Marys, and there are 3 qualities or theological virtutes being Faith, Hope, Love or more commonly known as Charity. The number 3 gives to the meaning the embracing Godhead - Father, Mother, Son/Daughter.

      Egyptian: Hermetic tradition, Thoth is the Thrice Great, 'Trismegistus'. The Supreme Power.

      The opening line of the Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

      Tablet 11

      Three is the mystery, come from the great one,
      Hear, and light on thee will dawn.
      In the primeval dwell three unities,
      Other than these none can exist.
      These are the equilibrium, source of creation,
      One God, One Truth, One Point of Freedom.
      Three come forth from the three of the balance,
      All Life, all Good, all Power.
      Three are the qualities of God in his light-home
      Infinite Power, Infinite Wisdom, Infinite Love.
      Three are the circles (or states) of Existence:
      The Circle of Light where dwells nothing but God,
      and only God can traverse it,
      The Circle of Chaos where all things by nature arise from Death,
      The Circle of Awareness where all things spring from Life.
      All things animate are of three states of existence,
      Chaos or death, liberty in humanity, and felicity of Heaven.

      There is an ancient wisdom that's says; 'Messages or events that come in three's are worth noticing. 'Whenever anything is mentioned three times it is a witness to us that these things are of utmost importance.

      Three symbolizes manifestation into the physical. It is the triangle - pyramid shape in the vesica pisces -
      The creation process as described in the Vedas is unfolding, maintaining, and concluding as in birth, life and death. There are innumerable trinities and triads throughout myth and religious traditions, such as the triple goddess; maiden, mother, crone. One example in Greek mythology is Kore, Demeter, Hecate. The Christian trinity is Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Vedic trinities include Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva with their consorts Saraswati, Lakshmi and Kali to name just a few.
      Greco-Roman: Fate, the Moirai, who are three-in-one as Moira; Hecate is three-fold; the Erinyes are three-in-one as Erinys, as are the Gorgons as Medusa. There are three charities, graces. There are 3 sirens, Horae, Hesperides, Graiai. Cerberus is a triple-headed and Scylla has a 3 ***** tail. The Chimera has a three part body. Three, four and their sum, seven are sacred to Aphrodite/Venus as queen of the three worlds and four elements. Orphic symbols has the triad of Being, Life, Intelligence.

      Hebrew three is symbolized by Limitless Light; sanctifying intelligence. In the Kaballah three represents understanding and the trinity of male, female and uniting intelligence.

      Hindu: The Trimurti, the triple power of creation, destruction, preservation, of unfolding, maintaining and concluding. There are various trinities of gods. The moon chariot has three wheels.

      Japanese: The Three Treasures are, Mirror, Sword and Jewel--that being Truth, Courage and Compassion.

      Maori: the Great Spirit, the Divine Creator, is a trinity of sun, moon earth, the god of nature, of past, present, and future. It is mind, character, physique symbolized by three raised fingers.

      Mexican: the Trinity is represented by three crosses, one large, two smaller.

      Scandinavia: Fate as the Three Norns, Mani, Nyi and Nithi, who denote the full, new, and waning moon.

      Teutonic mythology: the moon is Fate, and Holda, the lunar goddess, is trine with her two daughters. Thor is sometimes depicted with three heads and the triskele is a symbol of Odin/Woden. Three is the number of good fortune. In Carthage, the Great Goddess, as lunar, is represented by three aniconic pillars.

      The moon god is triple-headed.

      Taoist: The Great Triad is Heaven-Man (Human)-Earth. Three is the strong number in Taoist symbolism because it is the center point of equilibrium.

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-22-2012, 08:18 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Numbers and their Meanings - Crystalinks

        Six (6)

        Six represents equilibrium; harmony - balance. It is the perfect number within the decad: 1+2+3=6. It is the most productive of all numbers.

        It symbolizes union of polarity, the hermaphrodite being represented by the two interlaced triangles, the upward- pointing as male, fire and the heavens, and the downward-pointing as female, the waters and the earth.

        Six is the symbol of luck; love; health; beauty; chance. It is a winning number at the throw of the dice in the West.

        There are six rays of the solar wheel and there are six interlaced triangles. There are six pointed stars or Seal of Solomon - and Star of David - Merkabah
        Cultural References

        Chinese: Six represents Universe, with its four cardinal points and the Above and Below - making it a total of six directions. Chinese culture there are six senses: tastse, touch, smell, sight, hearing, the sixth being mind. The day and night each have six periods.

        Christian: Six is perfection; completion because man was created on the sixth day. Six is man's number The most obvious use of this number is in the notorious passage containing 666.

        (Rev 13:18 NIV) This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666 ( = 18 = HM 9 ).

        Hebrew: There are six days of creation. It symbolizes meditation and intelligence.

        Kabbalism: Six is creation, and beauty.

        Pythagorean: Luck

        Sumerian: Six days of creation
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Numbers and their Meanings - Crystalinks

          Nine (9)

          Nine is composed of the all-powerful 3x3.

          It is the Triple Triad - Completion; fulfillment; attainment; beginning and the end; the whole number; a celestial and angelic number - the Earthly Paradise.

          It is the number of the circumference, its division into 90 degrees and into 360 for the entire circumference.

          Nine is symbolized by the two triangles which are a symbol of male, fire, mountain and female, water, cave principles.
          Cultural References

          Buddhist tradition holds nine to be the supreme spiritual power, and a celestial number.

          Celtic legend symbolizes nine as a highly significant number. It is a central number with the eight directions with the center making nine. The Triple Goddesses are thrice three. There are nine Celtic maidens and nine white stones that symbolize the nine virgins attendant on Bridgit. Nine is connected with the Beltane Fire rites which are attended by 81( 8+ 1= 9) men, nine at a time.

          Chinese: Nine is qa celestial power. It is 3x3 being the most auspicious of all the numbers. Nine also signifies the eight directions with the center as the ninth point known as the Hall of Light. There are nine great social laws and classes of officials. In land divisions for Feng Shui there are eight exterior squares for cultivation of the land by holders and the central, and ninth, square is a "god's acre", dedicated to Shang-ti, the supreme ruler. It is also known as the Emperor's Field, giving homage and respect denoting the position of heavenly power.

          Christian: Nine is one of the numbers that appears scantly in Christian symbolism. There are the triple triads of choirs of angels and nine spheres and nine rings around hell.

          Egyptian mythology nine represents The Ennead.

          Graeco-Roman: There are nine Gods and later nine muses.

          Hebrew: Nine is pure intelligence ( eight was perfect intellingence ). Also represents truth, since it reproduces itself when multiplied.

          Kabbalism nine symbolizes foundation.

          Hindu: Nine is the number of Agni, fire. The square of the nine forms the mandala of eighty-one squares and leads to, and encloses the Universe.

          There are nine underworlds each ruled by a God. We find this reference to "nine underworlds" present in many cultures and beliefs.

          Pythagorean: The nine is the limit of all numbers, all others existing and coming from the same. ie: 0 to 9 is all one needs to make up an infinite amount of numbers.

          Scandinavian: Odin/Woden hung for nine days and nights on the Yggdrasil to win the secrets of wisdom for humankind. Skeldi, the northern Persephone, the goddess of snow, lives in her mountain for three months and by Niord's sea for nine months. Nine is the sacred number in Scandinavian-Teutonic symbolism.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Eight (8)

            Spiritually eight is the goal of the initiate, having gone through the seven stages. Eight is Infinity - Paradise regained.

            Eight is solidarity as the first cube and it denotes perfection by virtue of it's six surfaces. There are eight winds and intermediate directions of space. Eight represents the pairs of opposites. The octagon is the beginning of the transformation of the square into a circle and vice versa.
            Cultural References

            Eight in many cultures and ideologies seems to have similar meanings: Felicity ( see also : )
            Perfect rhythm

            In some myths the eighth day created the new "man" of grace. After seven days of fasting and penance the eighth day becomes plenty and renewal. 7+1 is the number of the octave which is a continual theme in all esoteric belief systems. The knowledge of frequency and sound are a vital key in the ancient "mystery schools".

            Buddhist tradition: eight is completion, all possibilities. There are eight symbols of good augury.

            Chinese system of belief eight represents the whole. It is all possibilities in manifestation. Eight is seen as a good luck number. The PAKUA is the design depicting the eight trigrams and pairs of opposites, usually in a circle, the circumference of which symbolizes time and space. There are eight delights of human existence.

            Christian: Eight is regeneration and rebirth. The font is usually octagonal as symbolizing the place of regeneration. There are eight beatitudes.

            Egyptian: Eight is the number of Thoth.

            Hebrew: Eight is perfect intelligence; splendor. The digit value of "IHVH" is the "Number of the Lord". The Temple was sanctified in eight days.

            Hermetic: In their system there is one chief God, (eight minor gods) Thoth/Hermes was the inventor of numbers and geometry.

            Hindu: 8x8 symbolism is the order of the celestial world established on earth. Temples are built on the pattern of the MANDALA, which is the 8x8 symbol. In their belief system there are eight regions of the world, suns, divisions of the day, and eight chakras.

            Islamic: The throne which encompasses the world is supported by eight angels, corresponding to both the eight divisions of space and the groups of letters in the Arabic alphabet.

            Japanese: Eight is the "many". There are eight Gods in the heavens.

            Platonic: Plato has eight spheres of different colors surrounding the luminous pillars of the heavens.

            Pythagorean: Eight is solidarity and stability.

            Sumero-Semitic: Eight is the magic number of Nebo.

            Taoist: Eight to be All possibilities in manifestation with the Pa Kua representing the forces in the phenomenal world. There are eight Taoist genii or immortals.
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-22-2012, 10:11 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Numbers and their Meanings - Crystalinks

              Thirteen (13)

              13 = (1+3) = 4 = closure of our reality program or the evolution of consciousness back into light.

              4 also references the number 40, given significance throughout history. Year 40 was a leap year starting on Friday of the Julian calendar.

              13 is a Fibonacci Number (F7).

              13 is the 6th prime number. 6 is sometimes considered an unlucky number due to its association with 666 (18=9=closure).

              13 is the second Star Number.

              There are 13 circles in Metatron's Cube.

              13 is the atomic number of aluminium . In chemistry and physics, the atomic number (also known as the proton number) is the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom. It is traditionally represented by the symbol Z. The atomic number uniquely identifies a chemical element. In an atom of neutral charge, atomic number is equal to the number of electrons. The atomic number is closely related to the mass number, which is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • linking a few patterns :

                There are 13 circles in Metatron's Cube.

                13 is the atomic number of aluminium . In chemistry and physics, the atomic number (also known as the proton number) is the number of protons found in the nucleus of an atom. It is traditionally represented by the symbol Z. The atomic number uniquely identifies a chemical element. In an atom of neutral charge, atomic number is equal to the number of electrons. The atomic number is closely related to the mass number, which is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.
                from :

                Did you know Aluminum is a product of "Modern Times" and was used for the Pyramid of the Washington Monument

                Modern Marvels S13E23 Aluminum - YouTube

                Modern Marvels S13E30 Batteries - YouTube

                radio anyone (hyperdimensional )

                "Aluminum?" cried his three colleagues in chorus.

                "Unquestionably, my friends. This valuable metal possesses the
                whiteness of silver, the indestructibility of gold, the tenacity
                of iron, the fusibility of copper, the lightness of glass. It is
                easily wrought, is very widely distributed, forming the base of
                most of the rocks, is three times lighter than iron, and seems to
                have been created for the express purpose of furnishing us with
                the material for our projectile."

                Jules Verne From the Earth to the Moon


                and all the other infos from physorg on aluminium
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                  Liber Mysteriorum Sextus et Sanctus, 1583; THE ANGELIC TABLES; revealed to John Dee and Edward Kelley; Sloane MS. 3189;

                  Liber Mysteriorum, Sextus et Sanctus

                  Liber 8us

                  Leaf 6a Sancgonfal aldex, Ave goh adatqvan,
                  Leaf 6b pvrcha ges maxgem adroth vaxox ahó

                  ................. will dig some more into it

                  wanted to try the Chaldean Numerology Lens on it

                  Leaf 6a

                  Sancgonfal = 39
                  aldex = 18
                  Ave = 12
                  goh = 15
                  adatqvan = 23

                  39 + 18 + 12 + 15 + 23 = 107

                  Leaf 6b

                  pvrcha = 25
                  ges = 11
                  maxgem = 22
                  adroth = 14
                  vaxox = 24
                  ahó = 13

                  25 + 11 + 22 + 14 + 24 + 13 = 109

                  107+109 = 216 ( or 36 = 9 )

                  let's try another

                  Leaf 9a pagesgem
                  Leaf 9b Avallacax

                  pagesgem = 32
                  Avallacax = 24

                  32 +24 = 56 ( or 5 / 6 )
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-22-2012, 11:11 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • one added info : Double Digits, Triple Digits, Master Numbers - Crystalinks


                    In numerology 22 is often called the Master Builder or Spiritual Master in Form. This 'master number' includes all the attributes of the number 2, twice over, and also those of the 4. People who are 22s are said to find themselves feeling as if they live in two worlds, one which is overwhelmed by the mundane, and the other by the fantastic. In the divinatory Tarot, there are 22 major arcana cards. These cards are numbered 0-21, so it is a matter of interpretation whether The Fool or The World is card number 22. The latter card is almost always associated with hard workers, a red-gold color, and a rose-gold gemstone. Interestingly, the digital root of the 22 is the 4, which is the number of hard work.

                    Twenty-two is a higher octave of four. It contains the secrets to many esoteric questions, as evidenced by the fact that there are twenty two letters in the Hebrew alphabet, twenty two pathways in many versions of the Kabbalah, and twenty two cards in the Major Arcana. Twenty two carries with it psychic gifts such as heightened sensitivity, intuition and psychic awareness, but is also predisposed to pitfalls such as treachery from hidden enemies and over sensitivity.

                    22 represents practical idealism - practical genius, creator of the future, power on all levels, master of the material, philanthropy, universality, international direction, and service to mankind.

                    In religion:
                    There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet
                    There are 22 chapters of the Revelation of John Bible
                    In the Kabbalah, there are 22 paths between the Sephiroth

                    In mathematics

                    Twenty-two is a composite number, its proper divisors being 1, 2 and 11. 22 is the sixth discrete bi-prime and the fourth in the (2.q) family. With 21 it forms the second discrete bi-prime pair. 22 has an aliquot sum of 14 and is the fifth composite number found in the 7-aliquot tree. It has a 7- member aliquot sequence 22,14,10,8,7,1,0 of which the next two members are themselves discrete biprimes, 22 is the first discrete biprime exhibiting this property. 169 also has 14 as its aliquot sum. 22 is itself the aliquot sum of two numbers 20,38.
                    Twenty-two is a pentagonal number and a centered heptagonal number.
                    When cutting a circle with just six line segments, the maximum number of pieces that can be so created is 22, thus 22 is a central polygonal number .
                    The sum of the totient function for the first eight integers is 22.
                    22 is a Perrin number, preceded in the sequence by 10, 12, 17.
                    It is a Smith number in base 10.
                    22 divided by 7 approximates the number ¹, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

                    In astronomy - Messier object M22, a magnitude 6.5 globular cluster in the constellation Sagittarius

                    also a great read for those still trying to grasp with the essence of this discussion, the following might clarify a few concepts / Truth :

                    beforeitsnews Mastering The Secret Brain Part 1

                    Mastering The Secret Brain Part 2

                    Mastering The Secret Brain Part 3

                    ps : some of the exercises proposed ... have been doing them instinctively
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-23-2012, 12:00 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • beforeitsnews Mastering The Secret Brain Part 1

                      According to the ancients one acquires spiritual wisdom through initiation. Wisdom is different from knowledge.Wisdom is a living experiential thing. Knowledge is static and etched in stone. Aldous Huxley touches on this subject in his paper "The Doors of Perception".


                      Introduction into esoteric practices requires gradual process of refinement of organic body, emotions, subconscious and subtle body mediums through removing dross from rarefied sheaths. An entire lifetime can be spent doing this. Generally disciplined service to humanity once initiated is required to ground out ego which, if not put in check can create delusional episodes associated with the grandiose.
                      from :

                      It is when the eye of the soul is opened and the sight is keen that the Sufi can read the divine law in the manuscript of nature; and they derived that which the teachers of humanity have taught to their followers from the same source. They expressed what little it is possible to express in words, and so they preserved the inner truth when they themselves were no longer there to reveal it.
                      you can call him Sufi...mystic....saint..Genius...enlightened .etc....remember fractal

                      and From The Codex of Love:

                      The laws of men are bound by the rocks of their churches, and
                      chains of their minds. The laws of women are held by the knots of
                      their hearts, and the bonds of their fears and desires. The laws of the
                      stars bind the angels and the spirits of peace. The fi res of faith hold
                      the shades and shadows at bay. All is bound by a word and a sigh.
                      The word is ‘ I’ and the sigh is ‘Am’ . The breath became the Word,
                      and stood by the I. The I expanded the Am, and became the Lord
                      and Lady of time. The Word contemplated its meaning, and formed
                      the Scale and the Law. The Breath chanted the Word, and the Light became the ink of its pen. All belong to the I before the Am. Pay heed,
                      for nothing in the world is greater than its sigh. Do you not sigh, O
                      lover, for your beloved? The Am sighs for the I. Love is the chain of
                      law, and hate is the elixir of death. Sing to the I Am, and let the wine
                      of ecstasy be your rapture.
                      I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty,
                      and wish to see you with a hundred eyes....
                      I am in the house of mercy,
                      and my heart is a place of prayer.

                      the word eye itself has an interesting geometry .... and sounds like I

                      Is self induced initiation possible? Only if the guru in your heart has been purified and raises through song soul to the fragrance of thousand petals revealing the ocean where a boat awaits you.
                      STYX come sail away- lyrics - YouTube
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-23-2012, 12:52 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • stereophonics - dakota - YouTube

                        Dakota lyrics
                        Songwriters: Jones, Kelly;

                        Thinking back, thinking of you
                        Summertime, think it was June
                        Yeah, think it was June

                        Laying back, head on the grass
                        Chewing gum, having some laughs
                        Yeah, having some laughs

                        You made me feel like the one
                        You made me feel like the one, the one
                        You made me feel like the one
                        You made me feel like the one, the one

                        Drinking back, drinking for two
                        Drinking with you
                        When drinking was new

                        Sleeping in the back of my car
                        We never went far
                        Didn't need to go far

                        You made me feel like the one
                        You made me feel like the one, the one
                        You made me feel like the one
                        You made me feel like the one, the one
                        [ From: DAKOTA Lyrics - STEREOPHONICS ]

                        I don't know where we are going now
                        I don't know where we are going now

                        Wake up call, coffee and juice
                        Remembering you
                        What happened to you

                        I wonder if we'll meet again
                        Talking about life since then
                        Talk about why did it end

                        You made me feel like the one
                        You made me feel like the one, the one
                        You made me feel like the one
                        You made me feel like the one, the one

                        I don't know where we are going now
                        I don't know where we are going now

                        So take a look at me now
                        So take a look at me now
                        So take a look at me now
                        So take a look at me now
                        So take a look at me now

                        from p 6 :

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                        Change is like The Fibonacci Numbers and the Golden section ; (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..)

                        it starts with 1 person...then 2.....3......5.....8.....13.....etc

                        it always starts with one...meaning it always starts with your inner self first (your first number 1 in The Fibonacci series )...then to your outer self (the second one )

                        (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ..)

                        I would like to expand on that for a bit :

                        As was written previously:

                        it always starts with one...meaning it always starts with your inner self first (your first number 1 in The Fibonacci series )...then to your outer self (the second one )
                        [B]once 1 (your inner self) = 1 (your outer self )

                        you move to 2

                        2 is your partner and 2 (your partner ) = 1 (your inner self ) + 1 (your outer self ) and thus becomes 1 (your equal )

                        then you move to 3

                        3 is your children(or close circle ) and 3 = 1 (your partner) + 1 (your inner self ) + 1 (your outer self ) and it becomes 2 (takes two to procreate )

                        then you move to 5

                        5 etc .....

                        you see how you affect / are affected by the world around you when there is incoherence

                        Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow - YouTube

                        I've been down and I'm wondering why
                        These little black clouds
                        Keep walking around with me, with me

                        It wastes time and I'd rather be high
                        Think I'll walk me outside and buy a rainbow smile
                        But be free, they're all free

                        So maybe tomorrow, I'll find my way home
                        So maybe tomorrow, I'll find my way home

                        I look around at a beautiful life
                        I've been the upper side of down, been the inside of out
                        But we breathe, we breathe

                        I wanna breeze and an open mind
                        I wanna swim in the ocean
                        Wanna take my time for me, all me

                        So maybe tomorrow, I'll find my way home
                        So maybe tomorrow, I'll find my way home

                        So maybe tomorrow, I'll find my way home
                        So maybe tomorrow, I'll find my way home

                        So maybe tomorrow, I'll find my way home
                        Maybe tomorrow, I'll find my way home

                        Is self induced initiation possible? Only if the guru in your heart has been purified and raises through song soul to the fragrance of thousand petals revealing the ocean where a boat awaits you.
                        Stereo Alchemy - God of Love - YouTube

                        I long to talk with some old lover's ghost
                        Who died before the god of love was born
                        I cannot think that he, who then loved most
                        Sunk so low as to love one which did scorn
                        But since this god produced a destiny
                        And that vice-nature, custom, let it be
                        I must love her that loves not me

                        But every god of love will now extend
                        His vast prerogative as far above
                        To reach, to lust, to fight, to defend
                        The territory of this god of love
                        O! were we waken'd by this tyranny
                        Ungod this child again it would not be
                        I should love her, who loves not me

                        I long to talk I long to feel love
                        I sank so low to love her scorn
                        To reach, to lust, to fight to defend
                        To die before this god was born
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-23-2012, 01:49 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Is self induced initiation possible? Only if the guru in your heart has been purified and raises through song soul to the fragrance of thousand petals revealing the ocean where a boat awaits you.
                          Codex of Love

                          45 A ship on an ocean, traveling the sea and the waves, seeks to
                          bring to safety the fruits and the treasures that it carries. Each of you is
                          a ship. If you lose your cargo your journey will be for naught. In each
                          of you is a dream. That dream must reach the shore. Treasure your
                          dreams, and do not fear the waves of the ocean

                          ELO(5/15) - Strange Magic w/lyrics - YouTube

                          Strange Magic lyrics
                          STRANGE MAGIC
                          You're sailing softly through the sun
                          in a broken stone age dawn.
                          You fly so high.
                          I get a strange magic,
                          oh, what a strange magic,
                          oh, it's a strange magic.
                          Got a strange magic,
                          got a strange magic.
                          You're walking meadows in my mind,
                          making waves across my time,
                          oh no, oh no.
                          I get a strange magic,
                          oh, what a strange magic,
                          oh, it's a strange magic.
                          Got a strange magic,
                          got a strange magic.
                          Oh, I'm never gonna be the same again,
                          now I've seen the way it's got to end,
                          sweet dream, sweet dream.
                          Strange magic,
                          oh, what a strange magic,
                          oh, it's a strange magic.

                          Got a strange magic,
                          got a strange magic.
                          It's magic, it's magic, it's magic.
                          Strange magic,
                          oh, what a strange magic,
                          oh, it's a strange magic.
                          Got a strange magic.
                          Strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
                          oh, what a strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
                          oh, it's a strange magic.
                          Got a strange magic.
                          Strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
                          oh, what a strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
                          oh, it's a strange magic.
                          Got a strange magic,
                          got a strange magic,
                          you know I got a strange magic,
                          yeah, I got a strange magic,
                          oo-o-o-oo, strange magic. (fade)
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • 111 Wise Sayings of Hazrat Ali

                            111 Wise Sayings of Hazrat Ali

                            Hazrat Ali was the son-in-law of the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) a community leader, warrior and venerated amongst the Sufi mystics. I found this and thought I might do a 3 6 9…
                            He is one of my spiritual/mystical heros

                            1. Fear ALLAH and you will have no cause to fear any one.

                            2. Resignation to the Will of ALLAH is the cure of the disease of the heart.

                            3. The word of ALLAH is the medicine of the heart.

                            4. Lead such a life, that, when you die, the people may mourn you, and while you are alive they long for your company.

                            5. The days of life pass away like clouds, so do good while you are alive.

                            6. Of all the follies the greatest is to love the world.

                            7. Opportunity is swift of flight but slow to return.

                            8. Pride, cowardice, and miserliness are bad for me but good for women.

                            9. The most happy is he to whom God has given a good wife.

                            10. He who knows himself knows God.

                            11. Do not soil your conscience for anything but heaven

                            12. The disease of the heart is worse than the disease of the body.

                            13. To fight against one’s desires is the greatest of all fights.

                            14. The strongest amongst you is he who subdues his self.

                            15. Wealth and greed are the roots of all evils.

                            16. Riches without faith are the greatest poverty.



                            • 111 Sayings of Hazrat Ali

                              17. A man’s worth depends upon the nobility of his aspirations.

                              18. Knowledge enlivens the soul.

                              19. The learned lives, although he dies.

                              20. The sum total of excellence is knowledge.

                              21. To respect the learned is to respect God.

                              22. Generosity hides shortcomings.

                              23. The wealth of a miser is as useless as a pebble.

                              24. Desire is one’s most inveterate enemy.

                              25. Those who walk on the surface of the earth shall one day be interred in it.

                              26. Every breath of man brings him nearer to death.

                              27. People are asleep as long as they are alive, they are awakened when they die.

                              28. Patience is the fruit of faith.

                              29. Virtue never dies.

                              30. A man’s glory from his virtue is greater than the glory of his pedigree.

                              31. No shelter is safer than piety.

                              32. A man’s behavior is the index of his mind.

                              33. Courtesy costs nothing but buys everything.

                              34. Clemency graces power.

                              35. Jealousy devours virtue as fire devours fuel

                              36. He that lends a listening ear to reproach is one of those that deserve reproach.



                              • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                                111 Wise Sayings of Hazrat Ali

                                6. Of all the follies the greatest is to love the world.

                                Excellent ... Good to Read you S ..... keep them coming

                                Let the Strange Magic ..... Flow
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

