Mystery of the Cathedrals
Preface to Mystery of the Cathedrals
read with a 369 twist to it
3 Having reached the pinnacle of knowledge, could he refuse to obey the demands of Destiny? No man is a prophet in his own country. Perhaps the old saying gives the occult reason for the convulsion produced in the solitary and studious life of the philosopher by the flash of Revelation. Under the influence of that divine flame, the former man is entirely consumed. Name, family, native land, and all the illusions, all the errors, all the vanities fall to dust. And, like the phoenix of the poets, a new personality is reborn from the ashes. That, at least, is how the philosophic Tradition would have it
6 Thanks to him, the Gothic cathedral has yielded up its secret. And it is not without surprise and emotion that we learn how our ancestors fashioned the first stone of its foundations, that dazzling gem, more precious than gold itself, on which Jesus built his Church. All Truth, all Philosophy and all Religion rest on this unique and sacred Stone. Many people, inflated with presumption, believe themselves capable of fashioning it; yet how rare are the elect, those who are sufficiently simple, learned and skilful to the complete the task!
9 The hermeticists – those at least who are worthy of the name – will discover other things here. From the clash of ideas, it is said, light bursts forth; they will recognize here that is from the confrontation of the Book and the Building that the Spirit is released and the Letter dies. Fulcanelli had made the first effort on their behalf; it is up to the hermeticists to make the last. The remaining way is short, but it is essential to be able to recognize it and not to travel without knowing where one is going.
Fulcanelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Preface to Mystery of the Cathedrals
read with a 369 twist to it

3 Having reached the pinnacle of knowledge, could he refuse to obey the demands of Destiny? No man is a prophet in his own country. Perhaps the old saying gives the occult reason for the convulsion produced in the solitary and studious life of the philosopher by the flash of Revelation. Under the influence of that divine flame, the former man is entirely consumed. Name, family, native land, and all the illusions, all the errors, all the vanities fall to dust. And, like the phoenix of the poets, a new personality is reborn from the ashes. That, at least, is how the philosophic Tradition would have it
6 Thanks to him, the Gothic cathedral has yielded up its secret. And it is not without surprise and emotion that we learn how our ancestors fashioned the first stone of its foundations, that dazzling gem, more precious than gold itself, on which Jesus built his Church. All Truth, all Philosophy and all Religion rest on this unique and sacred Stone. Many people, inflated with presumption, believe themselves capable of fashioning it; yet how rare are the elect, those who are sufficiently simple, learned and skilful to the complete the task!
9 The hermeticists – those at least who are worthy of the name – will discover other things here. From the clash of ideas, it is said, light bursts forth; they will recognize here that is from the confrontation of the Book and the Building that the Spirit is released and the Letter dies. Fulcanelli had made the first effort on their behalf; it is up to the hermeticists to make the last. The remaining way is short, but it is essential to be able to recognize it and not to travel without knowing where one is going.

Fulcanelli - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia