Luc MONTAGNIER DNA Teleportation
note: looks to me that a zone of activation was created then the dna transfer was accomplished
and also the weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz used is actually close to Schumann resonances:
... the human brain resonates at approx 7.8hz and this frequency can also be classified as a Theta wave; waves between 4-8 hz. At this frequency we can enter a (healthy) dream like meditative state where memory and intuition are enhanced. The lowest of the Schumann resonances are at 1.5hz- tri-thalmic entrainment frequencies. When they occur they can synchronise the pulsation of the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary gland into a unified functioning.... of consciousness?
The Aboriginal Rainbow Snake is symbolic of unified consciousness
Luc MONTAGNIER DNA Teleportation
note: looks to me that a zone of activation was created then the dna transfer was accomplished
and also the weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz used is actually close to Schumann resonances:
... the human brain resonates at approx 7.8hz and this frequency can also be classified as a Theta wave; waves between 4-8 hz. At this frequency we can enter a (healthy) dream like meditative state where memory and intuition are enhanced. The lowest of the Schumann resonances are at 1.5hz- tri-thalmic entrainment frequencies. When they occur they can synchronise the pulsation of the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary gland into a unified functioning.... of consciousness?
The Aboriginal Rainbow Snake is symbolic of unified consciousness
