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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Frequencies

    Luc MONTAGNIER DNA Teleportation

    note: looks to me that a zone of activation was created then the dna transfer was accomplished

    and also the weak electromagnetic field of 7Hz used is actually close to Schumann resonances:

    ... the human brain resonates at approx 7.8hz and this frequency can also be classified as a Theta wave; waves between 4-8 hz. At this frequency we can enter a (healthy) dream like meditative state where memory and intuition are enhanced. The lowest of the Schumann resonances are at 1.5hz- tri-thalmic entrainment frequencies. When they occur they can synchronise the pulsation of the hypothalamus, pineal and pituitary gland into a unified functioning.... of consciousness?

    The Aboriginal Rainbow Snake is symbolic of unified consciousness


    • Chapter 24

      Ineffective Remedies

      OUR CONCLUSIONS point to a solution. It is so radical that it will not be considered if we believe less drastic measures might work. Yet it is so simple that its effectiveness will be discounted until more elaborate measures are evaluated. Let us review current proposals to relieve social distress. For convenience, we may group them into six categories:

      More efficient government
      Better education and work habits
      Unions or associations
      Government regulation
      Redistribution of land


      Chapter 25
      The True Remedy

      WE HAVE TRACED the unequal distribution of wealth, the curse and menace of modern civilization, to the institution of private property in land. As long as this institution exists, no increase in production will permanently benefit the masses. On the contrary, any improvements must depress their condition further. We have examined the remedies currently proposed to relieve poverty and improve the distribution of wealth, and found them all ineffective or impractical. Poverty deepens as wealth increases; wages fall while productivity grows. All because land, the source of all wealth and the field of all labor, is monopolized.

      Deduction and induction have brought us to the same truth: Unequal ownership of land causes unequal distribution of wealth. And because unequal ownership of land is inseperable from the recognition of individual property in land, it necessarily follows that there is only one remedy for the unjust distribution of wealth:

      We must make land common property.

      "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

      think of it this way .... you buy a land to take care of it not to destroy it make it your slave

      a little brain work :

      If we are all connected / part of the All ..... Is it Ethical to own a Land
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 02:34 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Frequencies and Their Effects on the Brain

        EPSILON WAVES below 0.5hz
        -ecstatic states of consciousness
        - out of body experiences

        DELTA WAVES0.5- 4hz
        -detatched awareness
        - deep sleep
        - HEALING

        THETA WAVES 4- 8hz
        - vivid imagery
        - healthy dream state
        - memory aided
        - intuition aided

        ALPHA WAVES 8- 13hz[/COLOR]
        - quietly alert
        - relaxed awareness
        - creativity
        - heightened learning
        - visualisation
        - tv setting

        BETA WAVES 13-40hz
        - high alert
        - focus
        - visual acruity
        - cognition
        - peak concentration

        GAMMA WAVES 40- 100hz
        - extremely high levels of perception and consciousness

        There are hyper lambda and hyper gamma waves that are similar to epsilon states
        Last edited by SYDERA; 06-29-2012, 03:04 PM. Reason: typo, missing information


        • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
          Luc MONTAGNIER DNA Teleportation

          The Aboriginal Rainbow Snake is symbolic of unified consciousness[/COLOR][/B]

          and thus we go back to the DreamTime :

          Dreamtime - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          The Dreaming of the Aboriginal times

          "Dreaming" is also often used to refer to an individual's or group's set of beliefs or spirituality. For instance, an indigenous Australian might say that he or she has Kangaroo Dreaming, or Shark Dreaming, or Honey Ant Dreaming, or any combination of Dreamings pertinent to their "country". Many Indigenous Australians also refer to the Creation time as "The Dreaming". The Dreamtime laid down the patterns of life for the Aboriginal people.[citation needed]

          Dreaming stories vary throughout Australia, with variations on the same theme. For example, the story of how the birds got their colours is different in New South Wales and in Western Australia.[citation needed] Stories cover many themes and topics, as there are stories about creation of sacred places, land, people, animals and plants, law and custom. It is a complex network of knowledge, faith, and practices that derive from stories of creation. It pervades and informs all spiritual and physical aspects of an indigenous Australian's life.

          They believe that every person essentially exists eternally in the Dreaming. This eternal part existed before the life of the individual begins, and continues to exist when the life of the individual ends. Both before and after life, it is believed that this spirit-child exists in the Dreaming and is only initiated into life by being born through a mother. The spirit of the child is culturally understood to enter the developing fetus during the fifth month of pregnancy.[1] When the mother felt the child move in the womb for the first time, it was thought that this was the work of the spirit of the land in which the mother then stood. Upon birth, the child is considered to be a special custodian of that part of his country and is taught the stories and songlines of that place. As Wolf (1994: p. 14) states: "A black 'fella' may regard his totem or the place from which his spirit came as his Dreaming. He may also regard tribal law as his Dreaming."[2]

          It was believed that, before humans, animals, and plants came into being, their 'souls' existed; they knew they would become physical, but not when. And when that time came, all but one of the 'souls' became plants or animals, with the last one becoming human and acting as a custodian or guardian to the natural world around them.

          Traditional Australian indigenous peoples embrace all phenomena and life as part of a vast and complex system-reticulum of relationships which can be traced directly back to the ancestral Totemic Spirit Beings of The Dreaming. This structure of relations, including food taboos, had the result of maintaining the biological diversity of the indigenous environment. It may have helped prevent overhunting of particular species
          The Dreaming, tribal law and songlines

          The Dreaming establishes the structures of society, rules for social behavior, and the ceremonies performed to ensure continuity of life and land. The Dreaming governs the laws of community, cultural lore and how people are required to behave in their communities. The condition that is The Dreaming is met when people live according to law, and live the lore: perpetuating initiations and Dreaming transmissions or lineages, singing the songs, dancing the dances, telling the stories, painting the songlines and Dreamings.

          The Creation was believed to be the work of culture heroes who traveled across a formless land, creating sacred sites and significant places of interest in their travels. In this way songlines were established, some of which could travel right across Australia, through as many as six to ten different language groupings. The songs and dances of a particular songline were kept alive and frequently performed at large gatherings, organized in good seasons.

          In the Aboriginal world view, every event leaves a record in the land. Everything in the natural world is a result of the actions of the archetypal beings, whose actions created the world. Whilst Europeans consider these cultural ancestors to be mythical, many Aboriginal people believe in their literal existence.

          The meaning and significance of particular places and creatures is wedded to their origin in the Dreaming, and certain places have a particular potency, which the Aborigines call its dreaming. In this dreaming resides the sacredness of the earth. For example, in Perth, the Noongar believe that the Darling Scarp is said to represent the body of a Wagyl – a serpent being that meandered over the land creating rivers, waterways and lakes. It is taught that the Wagyl created the Swan River. In another example, the Gagudju people of Arnhemland, for which Kakadu National Park is named, believe that the sandstone escarpment that dominates the park's landscape was created in the Dreamtime when Ginga (the crocodile-man) was badly burned during a ceremony and jumped into the water to save himself. He turned to stone and became the escarpment. The common theme in these examples and similar ones is that topographical features are either the physical embodiments of creator beings or are the results of their activity.

          In one version (there are many Aboriginal cultures), Altjira was the god of the Dreamtime; he created the Earth and then retired as the Dreamtime vanished. Alternative names for Altjira in other Australian languages include Alchera (Arrernte), Alcheringa, Mura-mura (Dieri), and Tjukurpa (Pitjantjatjara).

          The dreaming and travelling trails of the Spirit Beings are the songlines (or "Yiri" in the Warlpiri language). The signs of the Spirit Beings may be of spiritual essence, physical remains such as petrosomatoglyphs of body impressions or footprints, amongst natural and elemental simulacrae ( or maybe Crop Circles ). To cite an example, people from a remote outstation called Yarralin, which is part of the Victoria River region, venerate the spirit Walujapi as the Dreaming Spirit of the black-headed python. Walujapi carved a snakelike track along a cliff-face and left an impression of her buttocks when she sat establishing camp. Both these dreaming signs are still discernible. In the Wangga genre, the songs and dances express themes related to death and regeneration.[3] They are performed publicly with the singer composing from their daily lives or while Dreaming of a nyuidj (dead spirit).[4]

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 03:02 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Truth

            "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

            Beautiful, this resonates powerfully and should be sent out with love through meditation
            Last edited by SYDERA; 06-29-2012, 02:55 PM. Reason: colour coding


            • Many watch the news idly absorbing the info like a sponge ...... and one of the symptom observed is Post traumatic Syndrome .....

              but the reason for this post is different : Way back we discussed the fact that Colorado Springs is a very Special Natural Place ... As Tesla probably already knew and so did the Military ....NORAD

              have you watched the news lately ....
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by SYDERA View Post
                EPSILON WAVES below 0.5hz
                -ecstatic states of consciousness
                - out of body experiences

                DELTA WAVES0.5- 4hz
                -detatched awareness
                - deep sleep
                - HEALING

                THETA WAVES 4- 8hz
                - vivid imagery
                - healthy dream state
                - memory aided
                - intuition aided

                ALPHA WAVES 8- 13hz[/COLOR]
                - quietly alert
                - relaxed awareness
                - creativity
                - heightened learning
                - visualisation
                - tv setting

                BETA WAVES 13-40hz
                - high alert
                - focus
                - visual acruity
                - cognition
                - peak concentration

                GAMMA WAVES 40- 100hz
                - extremely high levels of perception and consciousness

                There are hyper lambda and hyper gamma waves that are similar to epsilon states

                As a very good friend would say ..... add some Torque and we are good to go .... where ..... Pink Floyd - Dark Side Of The Moon (1973) [Full Album] - YouTube

                The Dark Side of the Moon is the eighth studio album by English progressive rock band Pink Floyd, released in March 1973. It built on ideas explored in the band's earlier recordings and live shows, but lacks the extended instrumental excursions that characterised their work following the departure in 1968 of founder member, principal composer and lyricist, Syd Barrett.
                Side one
                No. Title Writer(s) Lead vocals Length
                1. "Speak to Me" Mason Instrumental 1:30
                2. "Breathe" Waters, Gilmour, Wright Gilmour 2:43
                3. "On the Run" Gilmour, Waters Instrumental 3:36
                4. "Time" (includes "Breathe (Reprise)") Mason, Waters, Wright, Gilmour Gilmour, Wright 7:01
                5. "The Great Gig in the Sky" Wright, Clare Torry[nb 12] Clare Torry 4:36
                Side two
                No. Title Writer(s) Lead vocals Length
                6. "Money" Waters Gilmour 6:22
                7. "Us and Them" Waters, Wright Gilmour, Wright 7:46
                8. "Any Colour You Like" Gilmour, Mason, Wright Instrumental 3:25
                9. "Brain Damage" Waters Waters 3:48
                10. "Eclipse" Waters Waters 2:03



                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 03:18 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • One more wave worth Mentioning as its letter designating it .... is related to 6

                  Sleep spindle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                  Sleep spindles (sometimes referred to as "sigma bands" or "sigma waves") may represent periods where the brain is inhibiting processing to keep the sleeper in a tranquil state. Along with K-complexes they are defining characteristics of, and indicate the onset of, stage 2 sleep. They are often tapered at both ends and frequently seen over the frontal and central head regions. They may or may not be synchronous, but they should be symmetrical and bilateral.

                  During sleep these spindles are seen in the brain as a burst of activity immediately following muscle twitching. Researchers think the brain, particularly in the young, is learning about what nerves control what specific muscles when asleep.[3][4]

                  Spindles generated in the thalamus have been shown to aid sleeping in the presence of disruptive external sounds. A correlation has been found between the amount of brainwave activity in the thalamus and a sleeper's ability to maintain tranquility. [5]

                  Sleep spindles result from interactions between cells in the thalamus and the cortex.

                  Sleep spindle activity has furthermore been found to be associated with the integration of new information into existing knowledge [6] as well directed remembering and forgetting (fast sleep spindles) [7]

                  During NREM sleep, the brain waves produced by people with schizophrenia lack the normal pattern of slow and fast spindles.[8]

                  He who has in himself abundantly the attributes (of the Tao) is
                  like an infant
                  . Poisonous insects will not sting him; fierce beasts
                  will not seize him; birds of prey will not strike him.

                  (The infant's) bones are weak and its sinews soft, but yet its
                  grasp is firm. It knows not yet the union of male and female, and yet
                  its virile member may be excited;--showing the perfection of its
                  physical essence. All day long it will cry without its throat
                  becoming hoarse;--showing the harmony (in its constitution).

                  To him by whom this harmony is known,
                  (The secret of) the unchanging (Tao) is shown,
                  And in the knowledge wisdom finds its throne.
                  All life-increasing arts to evil turn;
                  Where the mind makes the vital breath to burn,
                  (False) is the strength, (and o'er it we should mourn.)

                  When things have become strong, they (then) become old, which may
                  be said to be contrary to the Tao. Whatever is contrary to the Tao
                  soon ends.

                  before i forget

                  Leonardo Da Vinci Loved his Naps and Marcel Vogel made his discovery right after his sleep / nap etc....
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 03:33 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Heat wave to threaten records from the Dust Bowl Days of the 1930s - Atlanta Weather |

                    Much of the country is melting under the current heat wave sweeping the United States. With temperatures in the 100s in many places, escaping the heat is a necessity. While summer is the time for fun in the sun, high heat comes with the danger of severe sunburn, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The past couple days over 15 states had triple digit temperatures and today 23 states are under heat advisories.

                    1930's ...
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Just a Reminder ... back up time .... you can pdf print these pages .. use google chrome print option ...or a soft

                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • a beautiful structure

                        Tomb of Maimonides - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        According to Jewish tradition, the Tomb of Maimonides (Hebrew: קבר הרמב"ם‎ translit. Kever ha-Rambam) is located in central Tiberias, on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel. Maimonides died in Fustat, Egypt on 20 December 1204, where it is believed that he was briefly buried before being reinterred in Tiberias.[1] The Tomb of Maimonides is one of the most important Jewish pilgrimage sites in Israel, and one of Tiberias's most visited tourist attractions. The place of the tomb of Maimonides is also the burial place of Rabbis Isaiah Horowitz and Yochanan ben Zakai.

                        Maimonides - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        The 13 principles of faith

                        Main article: Jewish principles of faith

                        In his commentary on the Mishnah (tractate Sanhedrin, chapter 10), Maimonides formulates his "13 principles of faith". They summarized what he viewed as the required beliefs of Judaism:

                        What if you read it Alchemically

                        1. The existence of God
                        2. God's unity
                        3. God's spirituality and incorporeality
                        4. God's eternity
                        5. God alone should be the object of worship
                        6. Revelation through God's prophets
                        7. The preeminence of Moses among the prophets
                        8. God's law given on Mount Sinai
                        9. The immutability of the Torah as God's Law
                        10. God's foreknowledge of human actions
                        11. Reward of good and retribution of evil
                        12. The coming of the Jewish Messiah
                        13. The resurrection of the dead ( spiritually dead )

                        Maimonides compiled the principles from various Talmudic sources. These principles were controversial when first proposed, evoking criticism by Rabbi Hasdai Crescas and Rabbi Joseph Albo, and were effectively ignored by much of the Jewish community for the next few centuries. ("Dogma in Medieval Jewish Thought," Menachem Kellner). However, these principles have become widely held; today, Orthodox Judaism holds these beliefs to be obligatory.[citation needed] Two poetic restatements of these principles (Ani Ma'amin and Yigdal) eventually became canonized in the "Siddur" (Jewish prayer book).
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 07:30 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • a slight update :

                          Best Of UFO Sightings Of June 2012, AFO - YouTube

                          check out in the vid :

                          Date of sighting: June 9, 2012
                          Location of sighting: Colorado, USA


                          Before It's News

                          1969 Meteorite Yields Material Previously Unknown To Science

                          A new study of fragments of an ancient rock that fell to Earth in 1969 has yielded a new mineral. Dubbed 'panguite' the new mineral may hold secrets about the formation of our solar system.

                          Scientists urge new approaches to plant research

                          In a paper published this week in the journal Science, a Michigan State University professor and a colleague discuss why if humans are to survive as a species, we must turn more to plants for any number of valuable lessons.

                          "Metabolism of plants provides humans with fiber, fuel, food and therapeutics," said Robert Last, an MSU professor of biochemistry and molecular biology. "As the human population grows and nonrenewable energy sources diminish, we need to rely increasingly on plants and to increase the sustainability of agriculture."

                          However, Last and co-author Ron Milo of the Weizmann Institute of Science point out that despite decades of plant genetic engineering, there are relatively few types of commercial products originating from this body of work.

                          "This is in part because we do not understand enough about the vastly complex set of metabolic reactions that plants employ," Last said. "It's like designing and building a bridge armed only with satellite images of existing bridges."

                          The authors say that perhaps the best approach is to bring together a variety of disciplines – not just plant scientists – to study how plants operate.

                          They also suggest looking hard at what brought plants to the place they are today – evolution.

                          "We think that understanding design principles of plant metabolism will be aided by considering how hundreds of millions of years of evolution has led to well-conserved examples of metabolic pathways," Last said.
                          "Treat the earth well: it was not given to you by your parents, it was loaned to you by your children. We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our Children."

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • As we have talked about Dragons / Serpents earlier ....check this out : Nature is quite an amazing engineer

                            so previously we have discussed the following :


                            I was Always intrigued by the set up of the Machu Picchu Walls (also Found in Egypt)

                            Great Wall Builders: The Incas And Machu Picchu

                            so obeying the principle of:

                            a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                            and found the following: a Polarized image of a Granite Sample viewed under a Microscope :

                            Though primarily composed of quartz and feldspars, granite also frequently contains small amounts of hornblende, micas, and other minerals. Moreover, the proportion of plagioclase to alkali feldspar may differ in granite samples, which is often utilized as the starting point for granite classifications. Alkalic, or alkali, granites, for instance, are those in which the alkali feldspar content significantly exceeds the plagioclase. These types of rocks characteristically contain pyroxenes and sodic-amphiboles. In the United States, samples of alkalic granite can be found in New England, but they also occur notably in Norway and Nigeria.

                            An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
                            . a harmonic cascade effect
                            the shape of the wall is quite intriguing :

                            meet the DragonFly: ( an insect that always fascinated me )

                            look closer :

                            and watch the following ... a dragonfly is in it

                            Nature by Numbers - YouTube

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 08:55 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Talking about Leonardo Da Vinci ( we discussed him quite a bit ) , here is an interesting video about the Mona Lisa and the Sixth Chakra

                              Mona Lisa -- Da Vinci's Use of Sacred Geometry - YouTube

                              Art Education: Learn how to analyze Da Vinci's famous painting. Evidence that Da Vinci used Sacred Geometry (specifically, the ancient geometry used in the planning and construction of religious structures as well as for sacred spaces) to lay out his painting BEFORE he started to paint in order to align his model while using a camera obscura or camera lucida as suggested by David Hockney. Also, Da Vinci did the geometric drawings for De divina proportione (by mathematician Luca Paccioli) that provides a geometric analysis of the human face (see Wkipedia article). It is interesting to note that the pentagon is associated with the number phi, so is the positioning in the painting Mona Lisa. This number phi is also known as the perfect or golden ratio aka. 1.61803399. The golden ratio is the believed to be beautiful as it is seen many places in nature along with the Fibonacci numbers (contributed by kontaktseistrup). This animated geometric analysis of the Mona Lisa based upon a modification of the original analysis done by Robert diCurcio. As a primer for those witha serious interest, I recommend "Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice" by Robert Lawlor, ISBN-10: 0500810303. Also see Human Body and Phi, the Golden Ratio PowerPoint presentation was made using INSERT Circle and line and ANIMATIONS Fade and Wipe commands. Zoom to 200% and hold down the Alt key to "fine tune" the placements. Music is "Her Touch" available through For thorough review of Sacred Geometry in art visit the CGImaging channel on YouTube. He has some great tutorials.

                     check out this page ... a few posts might interest you ( just did )
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 08:18 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • The Guess Who - These Eyes (1969) - YouTube

                                These Eyes lyrics

                                These eyes
                                cry every night for you
                                These arms
                                long to hold you again

                                The hurtin's on me, yeah
                                And I will never be free
                                no, my baby, no no
                                You gave a promise to me, yeah
                                And you broke it
                                and you broke it, oh no

                                These eyes
                                watched you bring my world to an end
                                This heart
                                could not accept and pretend

                                The hurtin's on me, yeah
                                And I will never be free
                                no, no, no
                                You took the vow with me, yeah
                                And you spoke it
                                and you spoke it, babe

                                These eyes are cryin'
                                These eyes have seen a lot of loves
                                But they're never gonna see
                                another one like I had with you

                                (repeat 2x)

                                These eyes
                                cry every night for you
                                These arms
                                these arms long to hold you
                                hold you again, ah

                                These eyes are cryin'
                                These eyes have seen a lot of loves
                                But their never gonna see
                                another one like I had with you

                                (repeat 3x)

                                Baby, baby, baby, baby
                                Don't ya know these eyes
                                are cryin' every night
                                I need you back in my heart


                                I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty,
                                and wish to see you with a hundred eyes....
                                I am in the house of mercy,
                                and my heart is a place of prayer.


                                From The Codex of Love:

                                The laws of men are bound by the rocks of their churches, and
                                chains of their minds. The laws of women are held by the knots of
                                their hearts, and the bonds of their fears and desires. The laws of the
                                stars bind the angels and the spirits of peace. The fi res of faith hold
                                the shades and shadows at bay. All is bound by a word and a sigh.
                                The word is ‘ I’ and the sigh is ‘Am’ . The breath became the Word,
                                and stood by the I. The I expanded the Am, and became the Lord
                                and Lady of time. The Word contemplated its meaning, and formed
                                the Scale and the Law. The Breath chanted the Word, and the Light became the ink of its pen. All belong to the I before the Am. Pay heed,
                                for nothing in the world is greater than its sigh. Do you not sigh, O
                                lover, for your beloved? The Am sighs for the I. Love is the chain of
                                law, and hate is the elixir of death. Sing to the I Am, and let the wine
                                of ecstasy be your rapture.

                                two mountains and the sun in the middle

                                RUSH - "2112" III "Discovery" - YouTube

                                2112: Iii. Discovery lyrics

                                ... "Behind my beloved waterfall, in the little room that was
                                hidden beneath the cave, I found it. I brushed away the
                                dust of the years, and picked it up, holding it reverently in
                                my hands. I had no idea what it might be, but it was
                                beautiful" ...
                                ... "I learned to lay my fingers across the wires, and to turn
                                the keys to make them sound differently. As I struck the
                                wires with my other hand, I produced my first harmonious
                                sounds, and soon my own music! How different it could
                                be from the music of the Temples! I can't wait to tell the
                                priests about it! ..."

                                What can this strange device be?
                                When I touch it, it gives forth a sound
                                It's got wires that vibrate and give music
                                What can this thing be that I found?

                                See how it sings like a sad heart
                                And joyously screams out its pain
                                Sounds that build high like a mountain
                                Or notes that fall gently like rain

                                I can't wait to share this new wonder
                                The people will all see its light
                                Let them all make their own music
                                The Priests praise my name on this night
                                Track listing

                                All lyrics by Neil Peart and music by Geddy Lee and Alex Lifeson, except where noted.
                                1. "2112" – 20:38

                                I: "Overture" – 4:33 (0:00—4:33)
                                II: "The Temples of Syrinx" – 2:12 (4:33—6:45)
                                III: "Discovery" (music: Lifeson) – 3:29 (6:45—10:14)
                                IV: "Presentation" (music: Lifeson) – 3:42 (10:14—13:56)
                                V: "Oracle: The Dream" – 2:00 (13:56—15:56)
                                VI: "Soliloquy" – 2:21 (15:56—18:17)
                                VII: "Grand Finale" – 2:14 (18:17—20:33)

                                2 "A Passage to Bangkok" – 3:34
                                3 "The Twilight Zone" – 3:19
                                4 "Lessons" (Lifeson) – 3:53
                                5 "Tears" (Lee) – 3:35
                                6 "Something for Nothing" (music: Lee) – 4:00
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 09:18 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

