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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Another Celestial update

    Rush-The Twilight Zone (Lyrics) - YouTube

    The Twilight Zone lyrics

    A pleasant faced man steps up to greet you
    He smiles and says he's pleased to meet you
    Beneath his hat the strangeness lies
    Take it off, he's got three eyes
    Truth is false and logic lost
    Now the fourth dimension is crossed...

    You have entered the Twilight Zone
    Beyond this world strange things are known
    Use the key, unlock the door
    See what your fate might have in store...
    Come explore your dreams' creation
    Enter this world of imagination...
    [- From :THE TWILIGHT ZONE Lyrics - RUSH -]

    You wake up lost in an empty town
    Wondering why no one else is around
    Look up to see a giant boy
    You've just become his brand new toy
    No escape, no place to hide
    Here where time and space collide

    You have entered the Twilight Zone
    Beyond this world strange things are known
    Use the key, unlock the door
    See what your fate might have in store...
    Come explore your dreams' creation
    Enter this world of imagination. .
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 09:45 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Clockwork Angels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

      Clockwork Angels is the 19th full-length studio album by Canadian rock band Rush released on June 12, 2012. The album was recorded in April 2010 at Blackbird Studio in Nashville, Tennessee and from October - December 2011 at Revolution Recording in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.[4]

      Two songs that would eventually appear on the album, "Caravan" and "BU2B", were released to radio stations and made available for online digital purchase on June 1, 2010.[5] Following the release of these two songs, the band embarked on the Time Machine Tour in 2010 and 2011. The tour featured the first live performances of "Caravan" and "BU2B" as part of the nightly set list. Clockwork Angels was completed following this tour. The album's second single, titled "Headlong Flight", was released on April 19, 2012.

      The album debuted at #1 in Canada and at #2 on the Billboard 200 chart.
      btw: just discovered this band today

      Rush-"Clockwork Angels"-2012 HQ - YouTube

      "Clockwork Angels"

      High above the city square
      Globes of light float in mid-air
      Higher still, against the night
      Clockwork angels bathed in light

      You promise every treasure, to the foolish and the wise
      Goddesses of mystery, spirits in disguise
      Every pleasure, we bow and close our eyes
      Clockwork angels, promise every prize

      Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
      Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
      Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
      Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands
      As if to fly
      As if to fly

      All around the city square
      Power shimmers in the air
      People gazing up with love
      To those angels high above

      Celestial machinery - move through your commands
      Goddesses of mystery, so delicate and so grand
      Moved to worship, we bow and close our eyes
      Clockwork angels, promise every prize

      Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
      Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
      Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
      Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands
      As if to fly
      As if to fly

      "Lean not upon your own understanding
      Ignorance is well and truly blessed
      Trust in perfect love, and perfect planning
      Everything will turn out for the best"

      Stars aglow like scattered sparks
      Span the sky in clockwork arcs
      Hint at more than we can see
      Spiritual machinery

      Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
      Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
      Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
      Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands

      Clockwork angels, spread their arms and sing
      Synchronized and graceful, they move like living things
      Goddesses of Light, of Sea and Sky and Land
      Clockwork angels, the people raise their hands

      As if to fly

      "What do you lack?"
      1. "Caravan" 5:40
      2. "BU2B" 5:10
      3. "Clockwork Angels" 7:31
      4. "The Anarchist" 6:52
      5. "Carnies" 4:52
      6. "Halo Effect" 3:14
      7. "Seven Cities of Gold" 6:32
      8. "The Wreckers" 5:01
      9. "Headlong Flight" 7:20
      10. "BU2B2" 1:28
      11. "Wish Them Well" 5:25
      12. "The Garden" 6:59 ( 6 / 5 / 9 )
      Total length: 1:06:04

      ........... Rebecca

      ---------------- the following crop circle looks too easy to make ....until confirmation ... The Eagles-Journey of the Sorcerer ( Long Version) - YouTube

      Stanton St Bernard (2), nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 29th June.

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 10:44 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • and guess what

        These Eyes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        "These Eyes" is the title of a song by the Canadian rock band The Guess Who. The song was co-written by the group's lead guitarist Randy Bachman and lead singer Burton Cummings and originally included on the band's 1968 album Wheatfield Soul
        1. "These Eyes" - 3:45
        2. "Pink Wine Sparkles in the Glass" - 2:13
        3. "I Found Her in a Star" (Cummings) - 2:36
        4. "Friends of Mine" - 10:04
        5. "When You Touch Me" (Bachman, Cummings, Matheson) - 3:38
        6. "A Wednesday in Your Garden" (Bachman) - 3:20
        7. "Lightfoot" (Bachman, Cummings, Matheson) - 3:07
        8. "Love and a Yellow Rose" - 5:05
        9. "Maple Fudge" - 1:49
        10. "We're Coming to Dinner" - 2:43
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Just a thought occurred to me .... based on the following :

          Water has Memory - YouTube

          -------- You know all those Sacred Places , be they temples / Churches etc.... where people go to spiritually commune with the all ....

          wouldn't be nice if they added some bottled water .... they could give away to their members once their sacred prayers are done .... sure somewhere it is already done

          Believing is seeing

          a Human Quartz Singing Bowl ( analogy ) :

          6 in powdered quartz singing bowl - YouTube

          see also :

          forget to mention that it is already done with crop circles : people bring their own water ... and this a way for the farmer to be compensated for his destroyed crop .... sell Crop Circled Water to the "pilgrims" .... and everyone is happy .... the farmer and the Pilgrim

          Tom Jones - Help Yourself (Lyrics) - YouTube or maybe this one Tom Jones - It's not unusual - YouTube
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-29-2012, 11:44 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • from the vid water has memory :

            you do realize that the same can be done with crop circled water .... to see what shape water will take under the influence of a real crop circle

            It seems i am overworking my Monkey

            an alternative is to send one altered wheat sample to the lab then dipped in water and compared to one not altered

            and also wondering what a quartz singing bowl would do the water if placed within a crop circle ...
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-30-2012, 12:07 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • from :

              Originally posted by llynch View Post
              My mind has learned a new trick with that pendulum map.
              But this is what I came up with after spending time with it.

              8 circles
              Transitioning from d4/n3 toward d3/n4.
              Towards increasing complexity as well as crossing the zero/O line.
              (this is likely not correct, but feels like it is leading me to the perspective)
              I appreciate the nudge.
              the beauty of this table is that it reveals many patterns of "evolution" .... for instance check out d4n6

              you have also noticed that whenever d = n ( applicable only for 1 to 7 ) you end up with 0 but if you have anisotropy or d<n or d>n then the Patterns start to appear

              ps : 6 + 4 = HM 1

              A long time ago I experimented with some plants on the back deck. Learned the hard way that too much water was not good for them.
              The new system that is in place makes sure that they don't get over watered, at least I hope so.
              My one and only jaunt into biology, but plants are nice and learning is fun.
              Plants are your best teacher ... if you pay close attention to them ... they will always be a way for them to signal to you that they had too much water or too little water .... electro culture is also a field worth exploring
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • some added info on the last crop circle :

                Crop Circle at Stanton St Bernard (2), nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 29th June  2012.

                Reported on 11 Kan, week of Tzi'kin. 20 day period of Understanding. 11 is the transmutation of knowledge. The doorway or gateway to sending and receiving. Kan is Spiritual Law of Creator. Tzi'kin is messages to Creator. The vector point is the place where the horse and the direction of the pointed peaks are to meet.
                As above, so below. The melting away of the foundation of falsely planted consciousness is commencing and indeed quite underway.
                This is a beautiful and joyful message to all spiritual guides. Permission granted. The foundation melts easily as it is barely supported.

                To see this on the day of 11 Kan is a very obvious message. 5 is the number of empowerment and the day of Kan can be too strong at times. But here, I would suggest it is precisely what is melting. melting empowerment. It is a unified effort at this point in time. MetaHistory - Gaia and Gnosis, Deeper Ecology, Planetary Tantra, Telestics This message is melting of empowerment at the foundation. The Serpent appeared on Kan in Italy the same day many old "churches" were destroyed by earthquake. Bracciano 2012 That was the day of 10 Kan. so this is 41 days later to the day on the same day. Many good people were fooled, and compassion for that point, has held back rite action.
                interesting interpretation

                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                ---------------- the following crop circle looks too easy to make ....until confirmation ... The Eagles-Journey of the Sorcerer ( Long Version) - YouTube

                Stanton St Bernard (2), nr Alton Barnes, Wiltshire. Reported 29th June.

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • here is an interpretation the following crop circle :

                  Crop Circle at Golden Ball Hill, nr Alton Barnes. Wiltshire. Reported 20th June* 2012.

                  To me, it's neither weather balloon nor space craft (though the latter point is intriguing . . . 'why,' in a moment); it's "sacred geometry." Though I'm just guessing because I haven't attempted to deconstruct it, I'll bet it addresses either the ancient Pythagorean (and later Medieval) "square the circle" problem or "Golden ratio" or both; in other words, it's a thing of beauty because it was created in accordance with transcendent, mathematical laws of the universe--Universal Laws--which it realizes in visible form . . . "sacred geometry."

                  Furthermore, if inter-dimensional travel is possible, whether by some kind of "space craft" or "worm hole" or geometrical opening in time, how could it not be governed by such laws? Put another way, I think the circle-makers are hinting, yet again, at where we ("Felix Sapiens") * must look if we are to escape Schrodinger's diabolical box . . . the "arrow of time" . . . and fulfil our destiny.

                  And now, "get this," we've seen this formation already . . . or one like it; except, feathery and indistinct, and with 12 Vesica Pisces, vice 6, and lacking the trident and "spritzer," for lack of a better word (Hill Barn, East Kennett, 15 April) . . . "ok," very different. Is this significant . . . a "new flowering," perhaps?! Dunno. ;-)

                  So, what about the trident and spritzer? Well, the trident is the symbol of Neptune (Poseidon, to the ancient Greeks) . . . both god and planet.
                  And it appears to be jabbing the crop circle (two-dimensional representation of a sphere) . . . precisely, at one of the 6 large Vesica Pisces (the one with fish-like tail . . . ancient symbol of Christianity . . . associated with transformation and rebirth)
                  . . . causing the spritzer to emerge opposite . . . on the same axis . . . or "pole!" Isn't that a small eruption that appears right next to the spritzer?!

                  Also, the 6 large Vesica Pisces appear as alternating areas of flattened and standing crop . . . "yin and yang" . . . "male and female?" In other words, this crop circle is "loaded" with symbolic meaning . . . sacred geometry . . . universal laws . . . yin and yang . . . male and female . . . fecundity . . . ancient wisdom . . . transformation and rebirth . . . "truth and beauty?!"

                  And so, letting my mind run free . . . assume for argument's sake that this crop circle represents Earth . . . are we to expect an astronomical event involving our sun (not a hill, but a “Golden Ball”) and the planet Neptune in which Earth (Gaea?) will "give birth" to something small . . . and beautiful . . . obedient to the Laws of Nature . . . and transformational . . . or is it the sun, itself, that is destined to give birth?! Dunno . . . but how intriguing!

                  * For an explanation of the term “Felix Sapiens,” see Crop Circles: Messages, Art or “Something Completely Different?” The Crop Circle Connector – News)

                  ** According to Zecharia Sitchen, Poseidon is an identity with the ancient Sumerian water god, Ea-Enki, who through genetic bio-engineering, created mankind. Furthermore, according to Sitchen, Ea-Enki was the father of Marduk; and thus, linked to Nibiru, the Planet of the Crossing.


                  Planet X and ET Contact - LIVE Feature - Ann Eller - YouTube

                  Tom Jones - Help Yourself (Lyrics) - YouTube
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-30-2012, 11:07 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • 7 you are quite someone

                    As Above so Below :
                    Quantum photosynthesis - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life Sciences

                    Quantum photosynthesis

                    Biologists have traditionally left quantum theory to physicists. But the complicated interactions between matter and energy predicted by quantum mechanics appears to play a role in photosynthesis, according to a study published this week in Nature -- affecting how energy from the sun makes its way to a cell's reaction centers before being converted to chemical energy that powers cellular functions.

                    "The main surprise was that you could actually see" these quantum effects influencing real world biology, said biophysicist Rienk van Grondelle of VU University in Amsterdam, who did not participate in the work, and "that you could observe this phenomenon underlying how [photosynthesis] was working."

                    Quantum mechanics is a theory that describes the behavior of subatomic particles such as photons and electrons. But scientists have long believed that predictions made by the theory would only be evident in an idealized world that lacks environmental noise of molecules moving around and bumping into one another. People thought that "at room temperature, the noisy environment would kill this kind of quantum interaction," said van Grondelle, who wrote an accompanying review in Nature.
                    But examining the light-harvesting systems of two species of photosynthetic algae, physical chemist Gregory Scholes of the University of Toronto and his colleagues observed that energy introduced to the system acted in a distinctly quantum manner, even at ambient temperatures.

                    In these algae, bilin pigments, like other light-harvesting antenna molecules, absorb solar photons, which excite their electrons. The resulting excitation energy then moves to complexes of proteins called reaction centers, where it is converted to chemical energy by a series of biochemical events. While classical energy transfer theory predicts that the energy "hops, hops, hops" from one molecule to the next in a kind of "random walk," Scholes explained, quantum theory predicts that energy flows through the system in a much more spread-out, directed fashion.

                    "Think about it as the energy moving [through the system] like a wave rather than like a ball bouncing from one molecule to another ," said physical chemist Graham Fleming of the University of California, Berkeley, who was not involved in the research. Instead of traveling a single pathway -- one molecule to the next -- the wave-like energy can actually take three different pathways simultaneously, Scholes said. This wave-like motion provides the energy with a "memory" of where it's been that eliminates some of the randomness of how it moves through the cell, explained van Grondelle. "[It] can still follow many paths," he said, "[but] it will be certainly more directed" than the random walk of classic energy transfer.

                    Similar quantum effects have also been documented in a widely-studied light-harvesting organism, purple bacteria; this new study, though, is the first to document these effects in the normal function of photosynthetic eukaryotes that convert carbon dioxide to oxygen.

                    Exactly how these quantum interactions affect the process of photosynthesis remains to be seen, said Scholes. The fact that energy movement may not be completely random "doesn't necessarily mean the system is more efficient," he said. "It's more subtle than that." In fact, if different waves interfered with one another in a certain way,(see pendulum / cymatic table ) it "could [actually] make the system less efficient," he noted. But in some cases, such as when the sun is too bright, for example, a lower efficiency system may actually benefit the organism, he added. "What this means for moving the energy through the biological system is one of these deep questions we're still exploring."

                    Also in question is how widespread these quantum effects are in nature, Fleming said. The fact that photosynthesis is an extremely fast process might be "crucial" for quantum principles to have a noticeable effect, he explained. "In real terms, of course, these quantum effects don't last very long at all," but in these light-harvesting systems, where electrons are being excited and energy is transferred in just a fraction of a second, "something of physiological significance happens even faster," he said. "That's not true in most of the rest of biology ( yin yang / all truth is half truth )."

                    forgot to mention :

                    All is Analogy ..... future little Purple Bacteria ....... Human microbiome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-30-2012, 11:54 AM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Goddess to the Rescue: The Kalki Avatar in Sophianic Perspective

                      In the Gnostic method consistent with the Sophianic vision story, myth is the narrative that engages human awareness with the immense imaginative projections by the Divine -- to the point of interactivity with the very source of life, mind, and matter. Maya is not illusion, as is widely presumed, but the actual materialization of an imagined world, the "Dreaming of Vishnu." In visionary practice with myth, we awaken to reality as lucid dreamers. Doing so, we realize that we are characters living in a real-life 4-D movie sustained by immanent Divinity. In this perspective, human beings are not merely biological creatures produced by a supposed "creator god." We are biological creatures, real-life animals, for sure, and that is no illusion. Additional to that, we are a flesh-and-blood characters acting in a living dream, capable of direct interaction with the source of that dream.

                      In the particular Gnostic variant of Asian oneiric myth, the cosmic Dreamer of the human world on the planet earth is the Aeon Sophia, and she is herself the immanent Divinity embodied in this planet. She is the source and setting for our life, and her story is the framework for direction, proving a transpersonal aim for each and every single human individual. In the Mysteries the telestai taught the three Ss: source, setting story.
                      from :

                      from: Edgar Cayce’s Atlantis Readings - 1

                      Then, as that coming into the world in the second coming - for He will come again and receive His own, who have prepared themselves through that belief in Him and acting in that manner; for the SPIRIT is abroad, and the time draws near, and there will be the reckoning of those even as in the first so in the last, and the last shall be first; for there is that Spirit abroad - He standeth near.
                      He that hath eyes to see, let him see. He that hath ears to hear, let him hear that music of the coming of the Lord of this vineyard, and art THOU ready to give account of that THOU hast done with thine opportunity in the earth as the Sons of God, as the heirs and joint heirs of glory WITH the Son? Then make thine paths straight, for there must come an answering for that THOU hast done with thine Lord! He will not tarry, for having overcome He shall appear even AS the Lord AND Master. Not as one born, but as one that returneth to His own, for He will walk and talk with men of every clime, and those that are faithful and just in their reckoning shall be caught up with Him to rule and to do JUDGEMENT for a thousand years! (Golden Age )

                      to earn respect in this Universe seek knowledge...your Truth and know thy 7 Principles

                      that is why you were created fellow Telestis , so that the All can experience through you and your quest for knowledge to understand the All

                      this is who we are

                      and this is where we want to be:

                      You are by nature: a Telestis "one who is aimed"

                      Telestis: Greek word from Telos: goal, aim. they were Gaian teologists. totally illuminated by their practice of ecstatic contact with nature. The best definition: one who is aimed. If you are aimed by Gaia, you will go where she sends her arrow.

                      and thus you should always:
                      Cornelius Brothers And Sister Rose - Treat Her Like A Lady - YouTube

                      polish your inner facets before you polish your outer ones , and thus you can fully shine and illuminate with your energy; same as Dr Vogel's Crystal

                      Queen - 'The Invisible Man' - YouTube

                      “Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.”
                      Terence McKenna
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-30-2012, 12:43 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        ........... Rebecca
                        a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                        REBECCA = 2 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 1 = 21 = HM 3

                        HM 3

                        Untroubled, scornful, outrageous—that is how wisdom wants us to be: she is a woman who never loves anyone but a ( spiritual ) warrior.
                        - Nietzsche, Thus Spake Zarathustra
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-30-2012, 01:16 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • just wanting to make a slight clarification on one of the previous post :

                          and there will be the reckoning of those even as in the first so in the last, and the last shall be first;
                          there is a simple logic to it ..... .... Agrippa gave us the key

                          Chap. 60. Of Madness, and Divinations which are made when men are awake, and of the power of a Melancholy Humor, by which Spirits are sometimes induced into Men's Bodies
                          in a more scientific term .... which one do you think has the Strongest Spiritual Anisotropy

                          The Elite or The Rest of us "sheep / wolves "

                          --------------- an analogy for you


                          This works best with large limbs, and does not work at all with twigs. Spiral grain is evident in trunks, limbs, and roots.

                          I noticed that spiral trees were rare in the area around Long Lake, but they were common near tree line on Mount Audubon. This pattern is repeated in other areas, and appears to be common on the eastern slope of the Front Range. In general, spiral trees are rare in deep forests and valleys, and are most common on windy ridges and at tree line.
                          Untitled Document

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 06-30-2012, 02:35 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy, Book I (part 1)

                            Chap. xii. How it is that particular Vertues are infused into particular Individuals, even of the same Species.

                            There are also in many Individuals, or particular things, peculiar gifts, as wonderfull, as in the species, and these also are from the figure, and situation of Celestiall Stars
                            For every Individuall, when it begins to be under a determined Horoscope, and Celestiall Constellation, Contracts together with its essence a certain wonderfull vertue both of doing, and suffering something that is remarkable, even besides that which it receives from its species, and this it doth partly by the influence of the Heaven, and partly through that obedientialness of the matter of things to be generated, to the Soul of the World, which obedientialness indeed is such as that of our bodies to our souls.

                            For we perceive that there is this in us, that according to our conceptions of things, our bodies are moved, and that cheerfully, as when we are afraid of, or fly from any thing. So many times when the Celestiall souls conceive several things, then the matter is moved obedientially to it: Also in Nature there appear divers prodigies, by reason of the imagination of superiour motions. So also they conceive, & imagine divers vertues, not only things naturall, but also sometimes things artificial, and this especially if the Soul of the operator be inclined towards the same.

                            Whence Avicen saith, that whatsoever things are done here, must have been before in the motions, and conceptions of the Stars, and Orbes. So in things, various effects, inclinations, and dispositions are occasioned not only from the matter variously disposed, as many suppose, but from a various influence, and diverse form; not truly with a specifical difference, but peculiar, and proper. And the degrees of these are variously distributed by the first Cause of all things, God himself, who being unchangeable, distributes to every one as he pleaseth, with whom notwithstanding second Causes, Angelical and Celestial, cooperate, disposing of the Corporeal matter, and other things that are committed to them. All vertues therefore are infused by God, through the Soul of the World, yet by a particular power of resemblances, and intelligences over-ruling them, and concourse of the rayes, and aspects of the Stars in a certain peculiar harmonious consent.

                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Chapter lx. Of Madness, and Divinations which are made when men are awake, and of the power of a Melancholy humor, by which Spirits are sometimes induced into mens bodies.

                              It happens also sometimes, that not only they that are asleep, but also they that are watchfull do with a kind of instigation of minde, Divine, which Divination Aristotle cals ravishment, or a kind of madness, and teacheth that it proceeds from a melancholy humor, saying in his Treatise of divination: Melancholy men, by reason of their earnestness, do far better conjecture, and quickly conceive a habit, and most easily receive an impression of the Celestials.

                              And in his Problemes saith, that the Sibyls, and the Bacchides, and Niceratus the Syracusan, and Amon, were by their naturall Melancholy complexion Prophets, and Poets. The cause therefore of this madness, if it be any thing within the body, is a melancholy humor, not that which they call black choller [choler], which is so obstinate, and terrible a thing, that the violence of it is said by Physitians [physicians], and Naturall Phylosophers [philosophers], besides madness, which it doth induce, also to entice evill spirits to seize upon mens bodies. Therefore we understand a melancholy humor here, to be a naturall, and white choller [choler]. For this, when it is stirred up, burns, and stirs up a madness conducing to knowledge, and divination, especially if it be helped by any Celestiall influx, especially of Saturn, who seeing he is cold, and dry, as is a melancholy humor, hath his influence upon it, increaseth, and preserveth it. Besides, seeing he is the Author of secret contemplation, and estranged from all publike [public] affairs, and the highest of all the planets, doth alwaies as with call his mind from outward businesses, so also makes it ascend higher, and bestows upon him the knowledge, and passages of future things.

                              By Melancholy, saith he, some men are made as it were divine, foretelling things to come, and some men are made Poets. He saith also, that all men that were excellent in any Science, were for the most part melancholy.

                              Democritus, and Plato attest the same, saying, that there were some melancholy men, that had such excellent wits, that they were thought, and seemed to be more divine then humane. So also there have been many melancholy men at first rude, ignorant, and untractable, as they say Hesiod, Ion, Tynnichus, Calcinenses, Homer, and Lucretius were, who on a suddain were taken with a madness, and became Poets, and prophecied wonderfull, and divine things, which they themselves scarce understood. Whence divine Plato in Ion saith, many Prophets, after the violence of their madness was abated, do not well understand what they wrote, yet treated acurately [accurately] of each Art in their madness, as all Artists by reading of them judge. So great also they say the power of melancholy is of, that by its force, Celestiall spirits also are sometimes drawn into mens bodies, by whose presence, and instinct, antiquity testifies men have been made drunk, and spake most wonderful things

                              And that they think happens under a threefold [three-fold] difference, according to a threefold apprehension of the soul, viz. imaginative, rationall, and mentall.

                              ..... continued
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy, Book I, (part 3)

                                They say therefore, when the mind is forced with a melancholy humor, nothing moderating the power of the body, and passing beyond the bonds of the members, is wholly carried into imagination, and doth suddenly become a seat for inferior spirits, by whom it oftentimes receives wonderfull wayes, and forms of manuall Arts. So we see that any most ignorant man doth presently become an excellent painter, or contrivers of building, and to become a master in any such Art. But when these kinds of spirits portend to us future things, they shew those things which belong to the disturbing of the Elements, and changes of times, as rain, tempests, innundations, earthquakes, great mortality, famine, slaughter, and the like. As we read in Aulus Gelius, that Cornelius Patarus his Priest did at the time, when Cesar, and Pompey were to fight in Thessalia, being taken with a madness, foretell the time, order, and issue of the battell [battle]. But when the mind is turned wholly into reason, it becomes a receptacle for midle [middle] spirits. Hence it obtains the knowledge, and understanding of natural, and humane things. So we see that a man sometimes doth on a suddain become a Philosopher, Physitian [physician], or an excellent Orator, and foretels [foretells] mutations of Kingdomes, and restitutions of Ages, and such things as belong to them, as the Sybill [Sibyl] did to the Romanes; but when the mind is wholly elevated into the understanding, then it becomes a receptacle of sublime spirits, and learns of them the secrets of divine things, such as the Law of God, the orders of Angels, and such things as belong to the knowledge of things eternall, and salvation of souls. It foresees things which are appointed by Gods speciall predestination, as future prodigies, or miracles, the prophet to come, and the changing of the law. So the Sybills [Sibyls] Prophecyed of Christ a long time before his coming. So Virgil understanding that Christ was at hand, and remembring what the Sybill [Sibyl] Cumaea had said, sang thus to Pollio.

                                Last times are come, Cumæa's prophesie
                                Now from high heaven springs a new progenie,
                                And times great order now again is born,
                                The Maid returns, Saturnian Realms return.

                                And a little after intimating that originall sin shall be of no effect, saith,
                                If any prints of our old vice remain'd
                                By thee they'r voyd, and fear shall leave the Land;
                                He a Gods life shall take, with Gods shall see
                                Mixt Heroes, and himself their object be,
                                Rule with paternall power th' appeased earth
                                He shall ----------

                                Then he adds, that thence the fall of the Serpent, and the poison of the tree of death, or of the knowledge of good, and evill shall be nulled, saying,
                                ---------- The Serpent shall
                                And the deceitfull hearb [herb] of venome fall.

                                Yet he intimates that some sparks of originall sin shall remain, when he saith,
                                Some steps of ancient fraud shall yet be found.

                                And at last with a most great hyperbole cryes out to his child, as the off-spring [offspring] of God, adoring him in these words,
                                Dear race of Gods, great stock of Jupiter,
                                Behold! the world shakes on its ponderous axe,
                                See earth, and heavens immense, and th' Ocean tracts,
                                How all things at th' approaching Age rejoyce!
                                Oh! that my life would last so long, and voyce,
                                As would suffice thy actions to rehearse.

                                There are also some prognosticks, which are in the midle [middle], betwixt naturall, and supernaturall divination, as in those who are neer to death, and being weakened with old Age, do sometimes foresee things to come, because as saith Plato, by how much the more men are less hindred by their sence, so much the more acurately they understand, and because they are neerer to the place whither they must go, and their bonds being as it were a little loosed, seeing they are no more subject to the body, easily perceive the light of divine revelation.

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

