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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • the following flow led to an interesting find

    started the wave( surfing ) with this article

    Hidden Truth: 'Jesuit-Vatican Connection' To The Unfolding 2012 New World Order Agenda.

    Before It's News

    led me to search : Ignatius of Loyola - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Ignatius of Loyola (Basque: Ińigo Loiolakoa, Spanish: Ignacio de Loyola) (1491[1] – July 31, 1556) was a Spanish knight from a Basque noble family, hermit, priest since 1537, and theologian, who founded the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and was its first Superior General.[2] Ignatius emerged as a religious leader during the Counter-Reformation. Loyola's devotion to the Catholic Church was characterized by unquestioning obedience to the Catholic Church's authority and hierarchy.[3]
    The youngest of 13 children
    If you have followed our discussion , you would know we covered the Basque region quite extensively ( starting here )

    what caught my I is the following :

    Upon recovery, he visited the Benedictine monastery, Santa Maria de Montserrat (March 25, 1522)
    so a little search :

    Santa Maria de Montserrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Santa Maria de Montserrat (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈsantə məˈɾi.ə šə munsəˈrat]) is a Benedictine abbey located on the mountain of Montserrat, in Monistrol de Montserrat, in Catalonia, Spain.

    Virgin of Montserrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    See also
    Llibre Vermell de Montserrat
    Llibre Vermell de Montserrat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Llibre Vermell de Montserrat (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈʎiβɾə βərˈmɛʎ də munsəˈrat], "Red Book of Montserrat") is a manuscript collection of devotional texts, containing amongst others some late medieval songs. The 14th century manuscript was compiled in and is still located at the monastery of Montserrat outside Barcelona in Catalonia
    The manuscript

    The manuscript was prepared in approximately 1399. It originally contained 172 double pages, of which 32 have been lost. 6 folios contain music. The title "The Red Book of Montserrat" describes the red binding in which the collection was placed in the 19th century. No composer is identified for any of the songs it contains.

    The monastery holds the shrine of the Virgin of Montserrat, which was a major site of pilgrimage during the time it was compiled.
    The surviving songs

    The ten songs in the collection that survive are:

    1 Song: O Virgo Splendens (fol. 21v-22) ("O Splendid Virgin")
    2 Virelai/danse: Stella Splendens (fol. 22r) ("Splendid Star")

    3 Song: Laudemus Virginem (fol. 23) ("Let us praise the Virgin")

    4 Song: Splendens Ceptigera (fol. 23) ("Splendid ruler")
    5 Virelai: Mariam, Matrem Virginem, Attolite (fol. 25r) ("Praise Mary, the virgin mother")

    6 Virelai/danse: Polorum Regina (fol. 24v) ("Queen of the Poles")

    7 Virelai: Cuncti Simus Concanentes (fol. 24) ("Let us sing together")
    8 Ballad/danse: Los Set Gotxs (fol. 23v) ("The seven joys")

    9 Motet: Imperayritz de la ciutat joyosa / Verges ses par misericordiosa (fol. 25v)
    ("Empress of the happy city" / "Virgin, out of mercy")

    10 Virelai: Ad Mortem Festinamus (fol26v) ("We hasten towards death")

    and that is how you Ride the Tube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2012, 12:42 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • one more thing:

      results of a youtube search on UFO Montserra

      montserra ovni ufo - YouTube

      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • just a repost on the Solfeggio Tones :

        take the example of the Healing Solfeggios...and reduce them

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Michael Schneider - Constructing The Universe - YouTube

          vid created by theduderinok. Michael Schneider - Constructing The Universe. Red Ice Radio, interview by Henrik Palmgren (July 2010) - theduderinok's archive - - We look into numbers, structure, patterns, geometry, math and how the universe is constructed using the most simple yet energy efficient means. We'll discovering the geometric code of nature with Michael S Schneider, author of "A Beginner's Guide to Construction the Universe - the Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art and Science - A Voyage from 1 to 10". Michael S. Schneider is an educator and writer who encourage a "love of learning" through an appreciation of mathematics, nature, art and science. He holds workshops for teachers, artists, architects, and children on natures numerical language. He has a bachelors of science degree in mathematics from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn and a Master's Degree in Math Education from the University of Florida. He was a Fulbright-Hayes Scholar in India and taught in public schools for eleven years. Topics Discussed: The Mathematics of Nature, Energy Conserving Construction, Nature, Art, Human, Archetypal Patterns, Circle, triangle, Trinity, Math, Geometry, Art, Architecture, Proportions, Ancient Egypt, Why are we attracted to certain shapes and patters, harmonious proportions, modern architecture, 11 the Daath in Kabala, Digital Root, 1 and 2 Giving Birth to Numbers, 3,6 & 12, 4, 5 and 10 Life Numbers, 7,9,11 Numbers of Mystery, Wisdom, Matter, Pattern, Platonic Solids, The Heart of Every Atom, Pentagram, Golden Ration, Spiral, Fibonacci Numbers, Holographic, Fractal, Proportions, Fractal Plants, Romanesco Broccoli, Energy, Photosynthesis, Circle, Sacred Architecture, Religion, Seven, Islamic Art, Cathedrals, Corporate Logos, Manipulation, Church, Attraction to Sacred Shapes and more.
          if you wan to explore more :

          The Universe may be a Mystery, but it's no Secret!

          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • We know the series : Fibonacci Series

            but what do we know about the Dude

            Fibonacci - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Leonardo Pisano Bigollo (c. 1170 – c. 1250)[1] also known as Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Fibonacci, or, most commonly, simply Fibonacci, was an Italian mathematician, considered by some "the most talented western mathematician of the Middle Ages."[2]

            Fibonacci is best known to the modern world for [3] the spreading of the Hindu–Arabic numeral system in Europe, primarily through the publication in 1202 of his Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation), and for a number sequence named the Fibonacci numbers after him, which he did not discover but used as an example in the Liber Abaci.[4]

            Liber Abaci - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia HM time

            also known as Leonardo of Pisa, Leonardo Pisano, Leonardo Bonacci, Leonardo Fibonacci, or, most commonly, simply Fibonacci,
            a little play on words

            Fibonacci = Phi Bonacci
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2012, 03:48 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

              Michael Schneider A Beginner's Guide To Constructing the Universe: The Mathematic Archetypes of Nature, Art and Science

              3 Trinity: Tri-Unity

              The birth of the number 3 and triangle enables opposites to balance and transcend to a new wholeness they couldn't achieve by themselves. A third leg makes a tripod stable, and a third strand of hair allows a braid to knot as one whole, just as neutral judges balance opposing parties, neutrons balance atoms, and the Supreme Court plays the role of the balancing, transcendent third force. This class surveys the appearance of trinities in nature and as worldwide religious symbols, investigating spiritual art which uses the unseen triangular frame to convey this archetypal power.

              6: The Joy Of Six

              The principle of sixness is that of structure, function and order, the efficient properties of space, power and time. It appears as the close-packed crystalline patterns of snowflakes, diamonds, chicken wire and honeycombs, as well as the underlying pattern within much spiritual art including the Sphinx and Egyptian jewelry and painting, Chinese sculpture and the U.S. Great Seal.. Multiples of six (especially 12, 24, 30, 36 and 60) provide the sacred measures of space, weight and time, from rulers and protractors to clocks and calendars. Participants will explore the mystery of the sixfold pattern as it appears in many of its universal guises.

              9: The Horizon

              In traditional worldwide number lore, nine, or thrice three, was referred to as “the horizon” symbolizing the ultimate, the maximum, “the whole nine yards”. This class will look at the ways people have revered the number nine and its principles through their arts, crafts, architecture, literature, mathematics, mythology, religion and folk-sayings, from "cloud nine" and a pagoda’s nine levels to a cat’s nine lives. Casual attire: no need to “dress to the nines”


              8: Periodic Renewal

              What is it about the number eight and the geometry of the octagon which makes it so popular in the design of sacred buildings around the world? Participants will tour various expressions of the properties of this fascinating number and see how it reveals the principle of the musical octave, periodic renewal, at work through the universe, from the mythology of Grandmother Spider and the Siberian Shaman’s eight-legged horse, the pattern of rhythmic flow symbolized in the I Ching, in computer chips, the Taoist "Eight Immortals" and Buddhist mandalas which make visible the "Eightfold Path". We'll look at sacred architecture including mosques, ancient temples and even the U. S. Capitol Building to discover the principle of "periodic renewal" at work.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • check out this thread for some after effect of the recent solar flare


                thank you IndianaBoys

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Mathematics: First-ever image of a flat torus in 3D

                  Just as a terrestrial globe cannot be flattened without distorting the distances, it seemed impossible to visualize abstract mathematical objects called flat tori in ordinary three-dimensional space. However, a French team of mathematicians and computer scientists has succeeded in constructing and visually representing an image of a flat torus in three-dimensional space. This is a smooth fractal, halfway between fractals and ordinary surfaces. The results are published in PNAS.

                  Image showing the isometric embedding of a square flat torus in 3D space, seen from the outside (above) and from the inside (below). Different oscillation waves, called corrugations, can be distinguished. Together, the corrugations form an object that resembles a fractal and has a rough appearance
                  In the 1950s, Nicolaas Kuiper and the Nobel laureate John Nash demonstrated the existence of a representation of an abstract mathematical object called flat torus, without being able to visualize it. Since then, constructing a representation of this surface has remained a challenge that has finally been met by scientists in Lyon and Grenoble.

                  On the basis of the Convex Integration Theory developed by Mikhail Gromov in the 1970s, the researchers used the corrugation technique (oscillations). This reputedly abstract mathematical method helps to determine atypical solutions to partial differential equations. This enabled the scientists to obtain images of a flat torus in 3D for the first time. Halfway between fractals and ordinary surfaces, these images show a smooth fractal.

                  These findings open up new avenues in applied mathematics, especially in the visualization of the differential equations encountered in physics and biology. The astounding properties of smooth fractals could also play a central role in the analysis of the geometry of shapes.


                  Modeling the demise of migrating brain tumor cells

                  An Israeli physicist has developed a theoretical model to simulate the evolution of highly proliferating brain tumour core cells subjected to treatment by alternating radio frequency electric field. The research, by Alexander Iomin from the Israel Institute of Technology Technion in Haifa, is about to be published in European Physical Journal E. In another model, the author examines the possibility of enhancing the level of treatment by targeting the outer area of the tumour.
                  Iomin introduced a theoretical evaluation of the effect of a standard treatment known as tumour-treating-field (TTF) on the speed of development of a type of brain tumour called glioma. To do so, he adapted a well-established model -- the so-called fractal comb model, which looks like the regularly spaced teeth of a comb -- based on a mathematical approach called fractional calculus. This model is based on the hypothesis that TTF treatment had limited efficiency in the outer region and would only be effective on the inner part of the tumour, which is characterised by a higher proliferation rate of cancer cells.

                  By contrast, the peripheral part of the tumour is characterised by high migration and low proliferation rates of cancer cells. In his second model, the author considered glioma cancer as a composite of cancer cells and normal tissue cells. Each cell type exhibits a distinctive polarisation by an electric field, following a pattern similar to fractal geometry. He established a model reflecting the difference between the two types of cells and applied fractal calculus to their geometry. Iomin suggested that because of the fractal nature of cancer cells the TTF treatment might be enhanced at certain frequencies. As a result, the cancer cells' plasma membrane permeability would irreversibly increase, which could lead to their demise. This approach may constitute an effective non-invasive method for treating brain cancer.
                  see T Moray
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2012, 09:13 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Physicist uses art to make physics more accessible

                    Based on research she conducted for her doctoral dissertation several years ago, Jatila van der Veen, a lecturer in the College of Creative Studies at UC Santa Barbara and a research associate in UC Santa Barbara's physics department, created a new approach to introductory physics, which she calls "Noether before Newton." Noether refers to the early 20th-century German mathematician Emmy Noether, who was known for her groundbreaking contributions to abstract algebra and theoretical physics.

                    Using arts-based teaching strategies, van der Veen has fashioned her course into a portal through which students not otherwise inclined might take the leap into the sciences — particularly physics and mathematics. Her research appears in the current issue of the American Educational Research Journal, in a paper titled "Draw Your Physics Homework? Art as a Path to Understanding in Physics Teaching."

                    Van der Veen, who is also the education and public outreach coordinator for NASA's Planck Mission, said her initial research came out of her desire to make physics more accessible to female students. "I started out in gender studies, and then saw that the problem of gender in physics is just too broad and too ill-defined," she explained. "So I was looking for something else."

                    A dancer as well as a scientist, van der Veen was struck by the fact that, while seemingly divergent, each of those elements had been present in her life for as long as she could remember. In addition, many of her fellow recreational dancers also have jobs in science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. "I thought, if people in the sciences enjoy the arts, is it possible to go the other way? Can arts-based strategies help bring people into the sciences?"

                    While traditional introductory physics courses focus on 17th-century Newtonian mechanics, van der Veen takes a contemporary approach. "I start with symmetry and contemporary physics," she said. "Symmetry is the underlying mathematical principle of all physics, so this allows for several different branches of inclusion, of accessibility."

                    Much of van der Veen's course is based on the principles of "aesthetic education," an approach to teaching formulated by the educational philosopher Maxine Greene. Greene founded the Lincoln Center Institute, a joint effort of Teachers College, Columbia University, and Lincoln Center. Van der Veen is quick to point out, however, that concepts of physics are at the core of her course. "It's not simply looking at art that's involved in physics, or looking at beautiful pictures of galaxies, or making fractal art," she said. "It's using the learning modes that are available in the arts and applying them to math and physics."

                    Taking a visual approach to the study of physics is not all that far-fetched. "If you read some of Albert Einstein's writings, you'll see they're very visual," van der Veen said. "And in some of his writings, he talks about how visualization played an important part in the development of his theories."

                    Van der Veen has taught her introductory physics course for five years, and over that time has collected data from one particular homework assignment she gives her students: She asks them to read an article by Einstein on the nature of science, and then draw their understanding of it. "I found over the years that no one ever produced the same drawing from the same article," she said. "I also found that some students think very concretely in words, some think concretely in symbols, some think allegorically, and some think metaphorically."

                    Adopting arts-based teaching strategies does not make van der Veen's course any less rigorous than traditional introductory courses in terms of the abstract concepts students are required to master. It creates a different, more inclusive way of achieving the same end.

                    "If you start with contemporary physics, instead of 17th-century physics, you start with what's relevant today," van der Veen said. "You give students an opportunity to dialogue with what's current today. That makes physics real, and makes people want to study it."

                    Kama Sutra - Part 1 - Chapter 3 - On the study of the Sixty-four Arts

                    Chapter 3 - On the study of the Sixty-four Arts

                    HM 3 + HM 1 = 13 .............. Principle of Gender

                    MAN should study the Kama Sutra and the arts and sciences subordinate thereto, in addition to the study of the arts and sciences contained in Dharma and Artha. Even young maids should study this Kama Sutra along with its arts and sciences before marriage, and after it they should continue to do so with the consent of their husbands.

                    all truth is half truth or fractal

                    a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • don't recall having posted the following ( if so it does not hurt to repeat it )

                      Tiny fractal trees for solar power

                      Microscopic "fractal trees" grown from silver could be the basis of a new type of solar cell, say chemists at the University of California, Davis.

                      As Above so Below

                      "We expect these structures will allow us to make better, more efficient solar cells," said Professor Frank Osterloh, a principal investigator on the $100,000 grant.

                      Fractals are patterns that repeat over multiple length scales. In this case, branches of silver 1-50th the width of a human hair are themselves branched, and smaller branches grow on those branches, forming a treelike pattern.

                      In a solar cell application, the silver trees are coated with light-absorbing polymers. When light particles (photons) hit the polymer coat, they produce short-lived electrons and holes in the polymer. The positively charged holes are collected through the silver branches, while the electrons move to the counterelectrode to create an electrical potential.

                      Osterloh compared the structures to real trees, which use a fractal structure of branches to twigs to spread a wide canopy of leaves for sunlight collection. Similarly, the nanosized silver trees will have a large surface area.

                      Osterloh's lab at UC Davis will fabricate the solar cells, which will be characterized by collaborators Sean Shaheen at the University of Denver and Richard Taylor, University of Oregon. Boaz Ilan, UC Merced, will carry out computer modeling on the systems.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • Just linking Pattern

                        those " wires" on the Tori don't they resemble the Mobius Wire ( sort of )


                        a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                        If you understood the above statement , you'll understand the following

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        just on a side note: the double spiral water closely resembles the double mobius coil mentioned earlier

                        Step 1

                        2 wires of six feet each to be made into 2 mobius wires (you end up with 2 mobius wires that are 1/4 the length of 6 feet )coiled at 45 degrees (see how to build a mobius coil Mobius Coil Tutorial )

                        enjoy the experimentation

                        An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
                        . a harmonic cascade effect

                        here is how they use the Mobius wire to make a coil from the website ( note that one side is tight and the opposite "expanded" like a ouroboros )

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-15-2012, 10:45 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways
                          . a harmonic cascade effect

                          here is a beautiful example of it

                          Waterdrop shot in 10000 frames a second - YouTube

                          The folks at MIT having some fun. From the Discovery Showcase: Invisible Worlds In the Water.
                          Scientist call it : coalescence cascade

                          you can also call it the Russian Dolls Effect

                          originally found : holy bouncing water droplet vid, page 1
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Just wanted to Add

                            A Crystal Emits / Receives Fractal Field

                            so when the Spark Gap Plays the Solfegio know that the Crystal will receive it and emit it + quartz is Piezoelectric and triboelectric ( Triboelectric effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

                            and quartz is used in old crystal Radios Crystal radio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            wanted to mention the following THE PRIORE MACHINE

                            and remembered the Healing Solfeggio Tones see:

                            if it works for humans should work for potted plants / Seeds / Trees

                            you know that Spark Gaps can play Music :

                            Using the Spark Gap/ Jacob's Ladder to play music - YouTube

                            Spark gap - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            or just a spark gap with a Vogel Crystal ( coiled up or not ...experience will tell ) placed int front of it ..... as the Vogel Crystal has an effect on water flowing through it ( see post on Marcel Vogel ) .... likely the same happens with all the Solfeggio waves emitted by the Spark Gap ......

                            Vogel Crystal made of Left Chiral Quartz
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Here we go again .....

                              the following Book caught my Attention as it was presented here :

                              Coast to Coast AM - July 11 2012 - Urantia Revelations - YouTube

                              Noted author, editor and publisher, Byron Belitsos, discussed revelations from the celestial authors of the mysterious Urantia Book, including newer material transmitted by channels such as Jerry Lane. The original Urantia Book is infused with divine truths like the Bible or the Koran, and contains four sections-- one is about God, theology and the angelic hierarchy, the second is about our local universe with about 4 million inhabited planets, the third covers the history of humanity and Earth, and the last section is about the life and teachings of Jesus, Belitsos detailed.

                              According to the book, Earth (or Urantia which is their name for our planet) has a unique history, in which a "Lucifer Rebellion" took place 200,000 years ago, with a large number of angels going over to the dark side. Among the tenets in the book is that a divine spark dwells within each person, and our soul is created through our free will decisions, and grows and evolves, Belitsos detailed. The 11:11 time prompt (people frequently seeing this number on a clock) is connected to a group of 1,111 angels, who did not go over to the dark side in the Lucifer Rebellion, he said. These "midwayer angels" dwell on our planet, and when digital clocks began, they started to use the prompt to remind people of their presence, Belitsos explained.

                              During the third hour, Jerry Lane spoke about his ability to transmit and receive supplemental material from the "two creator beings" named in the Urantia Book-- "Christ Michael" and "Mother Spirit." They view humans as unique beings who co-create their own reality while growing a soul, Lane said. Part of his supplemental transmission included indications that a planetary collapse is coming as an outgrowth of the Lucifer Rebellion, but this is a necessary reboot of the planet. Halbert Katzen, who works to verify the history and science of the Urantia Book, also phoned in during the third hour, to discuss his research into the Urantia accounts of Adam & Eve, and the Garden of Eden.
                              The Foreword to Part I: Paper 0, The Urantia Book

                              Urantia Book: English edition

                              Paper 0, The Foreword to Part I
                              Paper 1, The Universal Father
                              Paper 2, The Nature of God

                              Paper 3, The Attributes of God

                              Paper 4, God's Relation to the Universe
                              Paper 5, God's Relation to the Individual

                              Paper 6, The Eternal Son

                              Paper 7, Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe
                              Paper 8, The Infinite Spirit

                              Paper 9, Relation of the Infinite Spirit to the Universe

                              Paper 10, The Paradise Trinity
                              Paper 11, The Eternal Isle of Paradise

                              Paper 12, The Universe of Universes

                              Paper 13, The Sacred Spheres of Paradise
                              Paper 14, The Central and Divine Universe

                              Paper 15, The Seven Superuniverses

                              Paper 16, The Seven Master Spirits
                              Paper 17, The Seven Supreme Spirit Groups

                              Paper 18, The Supreme Trinity Personalities

                              Paper 19, The Co-Ordinate Trinity-Origin Beings
                              Paper 20, The Paradise Sons of God

                              Paper 21, The Paradise Creator Sons

                              Paper 22, The Trinitized Sons of God
                              Paper 23, The Solitary Messengers

                              Paper 24, Higher Personalities of the Infinite Spirit

                              Paper 25, The Messenger Hosts of Space
                              Paper 26, Ministering Spirits of the Central Universe

                              Paper 27, Ministry of the Primary Supernaphim

                              Paper 28, Ministering Spirits of the Superuniverses
                              Paper 29, The Universe Power Directors

                              Paper 30, Personalities of the Grand Universe

                              Paper 31, The Corps of the Finality
                              Paper 32, The Evolution of Local Universes

                              Paper 33, Administration of the Local Universe

                              Paper 34, The Local Universe Mother Spirit
                              Paper 35, The Local Universe Sons of God

                              Paper 36, The Life Carriers

                              Paper 37, Personalities of the Local Universe
                              Paper 38, Ministering Spirits of the Local Universe

                              Paper 39, The Seraphic Hosts

                              Paper 40, The Ascending Sons of God
                              Paper 41, Physical Aspects of the Local Universe

                              Paper 42, Energy—Mind and Matter

                              Paper 43, The Constellations
                              Paper 44, The Celestial Artisans

                              Paper 45, The Local System Administration

                              Paper 46, The Local System Headquarters
                              Paper 47, The Seven Mansion Worlds

                              Paper 48, The Morontia Life

                              Paper 49, The Inhabited Worlds
                              Paper 50, The Planetary Princes

                              Paper 51, The Planetary Adams

                              Paper 52, Planetary Mortal Epochs
                              Paper 53, The Lucifer Rebellion

                              Paper 54, Problems of the Lucifer Rebellion

                              Paper 55, The Spheres of Light and Life
                              Paper 56, Universal Unity

                              Paper 57, The Origin of Urantia

                              Paper 58, Life Establishment on Urantia
                              Paper 59, The Marine-Life Era on Urantia

                              Paper 60, Urantia During the Early Land-Life Era

                              Paper 61, The Mammalian Era on Urantia
                              Paper 62, The Dawn Races of Early Man

                              Paper 63, The First Human Family

                              Paper 64, The Evolutionary Races of Color
                              Paper 65, The Overcontrol of Evolution

                              Paper 66, The Planetary Prince of Urantia

                              Paper 67, The Planetary Rebellion
                              Paper 68, The Dawn of Civilization

                              Paper 69, Primitive Human Institutions

                              etc ...........................

                              Paper 193, Final Appearances and Ascension
                              Paper 194, Bestowal of the Spirit of Truth
                              Paper 195, After Pentecost
                              Paper 196, The Faith of Jesus

                              may post some more later ....The Urantia Book - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              The Urantia Book (sometimes called the Urantia Papers or The Fifth Epochal Revelation) is a spiritual and philosophical book that discusses God, Jesus, science, cosmology, religion, history, and destiny.[1] It possibly surfaced sometime between period of 1924 and 1955 in Chicago, Illinois. The authorship remains unverified.[2]

                              The authors introduce the word "Urantia" as the name of the planet Earth and state that their intent is to "present enlarged concepts and advanced truth" in an "endeavor to expand cosmic consciousness and enhance spiritual perception." Among other topics, the book expounds on the origin and meaning of life, humankind's place in the universe, the relationship between God and people, and the life of Jesus.

                              The Urantia Foundation, a U.S.-based non-profit group, first published The Urantia Book in 1955 in English and has since translated it into 14 other languages.[3] In 2001, a jury found that the English book's copyright was no longer valid after 1983.[4][5][6] The English text is a public domain work in the United States,[2] and in 2006, the international copyright on the English text expired.[7]
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-16-2012, 06:41 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • The Foreword to Part I: Paper 0, The Urantia Book

                                The Urantia Book

                                I. DEITY AND DIVINITY
                                II. GOD
                                III. THE FIRST SOURCE AND CENTER
                                IV. UNIVERSE REALITY
                                V. PERSONALITY REALITIES
                                VI. ENERGY AND PATTERN
                                VII. THE SUPREME BEING
                                VIII. GOD THE SEVENFOLD
                                IX. GOD THE ULTIMATE
                                X. GOD THE ABSOLUTE
                                XI. THE THREE ABSOLUTES
                                XII. THE TRINITIES

                                VI. ENERGY AND PATTERN

                                0:6.1 Any and all things responding to the personality circuit of the Father, we call personal. Any and all things responding to the spirit circuit of the Son, we call spirit. Any and all that responds to the mind circuit of the Conjoint Actor, we call mind, mind as an attribute of the Infinite Spirit—mind in all its phases. Any and all that responds to the material-gravity circuit centering in nether Paradise, we call matter—energy-matter in all its metamorphic states.

                                0:6.2 ENERGY we use as an all-inclusive term applied to spiritual, mindal, and material realms. Force is also thus broadly used. Power is ordinarily limited to the designation of the electronic level of material or linear-gravity-responsive matter in the grand universe. Power is also employed to designate sovereignty. We cannot follow your generally accepted definitions of force, energy, and power. There is such paucity of language that we must assign multiple meanings to these terms.

                                0:6.3 Physical energy is a term denoting all phases and forms of phenomenal motion, action, and potential.

                                0:6.4 In discussing physical-energy manifestations, we generally use the terms cosmic force, emergent energy, and universe power. These are often employed as follows:

                                1. Cosmic force embraces all energies deriving from the Unqualified Absolute but which are as yet unresponsive to Paradise gravity.

                                2. Emergent energy embraces those energies which are responsive to Paradise gravity but are as yet unresponsive to local or linear gravity. This is the pre-electronic level of energy-matter.

                                3. Universe power includes all forms of energy which, while still responding to Paradise gravity, are directly responsive to linear gravity. This is the electronic level of energy-matter and all subsequent evolutions thereof.

                                0:6.8 Mind is a phenomenon connoting the presence-activity of living ministry in addition to varied energy systems; and this is true on all levels of intelligence. In personality, mind ever intervenes between spirit and matter; therefore is the universe illuminated by three kinds of light: material light, intellectual insight, and spirit luminosity.

                                0:6.9 Light—spirit luminosity—is a word symbol, a figure of speech, which connotes the personality manifestation characteristic of spirit beings of diverse orders. This luminous emanation is in no respect related either to intellectual insight or to physical-light manifestations.

                                0:6.10 PATTERN can be projected as material, spiritual, or mindal, or any combination of these energies. It can pervade personalities, identities, entities, or nonliving matter. But pattern is pattern and remains pattern; only copies are multiplied.

                                0:6.11 Pattern may configure energy, but it does not control it. Gravity is the sole control of energy-matter. Neither space nor pattern are gravity responsive, but there is no relationship between space and pattern; space is neither pattern nor potential pattern. Pattern is a configuration of reality which has already paid all gravity debt; the reality of any pattern consists of its energies, its mind, spirit, or material components.

                                0:6.12 In contrast to the aspect of the total, pattern discloses the individual aspect of energy and of personality. Personality or identity forms are patterns resultant from energy (physical, spiritual, or mindal) but are not inherent therein. That quality of energy or of personality by virtue of which pattern is caused to appear may be attributed to God—Deity—to Paradise force endowment, to the coexistence of personality and power.

                                0:6.13 Pattern is a master design from which copies are made. Eternal Paradise is the absolute of patterns; the Eternal Son is the pattern personality; the Universal Father is the direct ancestor-source of both. But Paradise does not bestow pattern, and the Son cannot bestow personality.


                                The Urantia Book is 2,097 pages long, and consists of an introductory foreword followed by 196 "papers" divided into four parts:
                                The Foreword is presented as a guide to the terminology developed in greater detail in Part I, and provides an explanation for words and phrases that are "in designation of Deity and certain associated concepts of the things, meanings, and values of universal reality."
                                Part I consists of 31 papers that address what are considered the highest levels of creation, beginning with the eternal and infinite "Universal Father", his Trinity associates, and the "Isle of Paradise".

                                Part II is composed of 25 papers pertaining to the origin, administration and personalities of "local universes," in particular the local universe of "Nebadon" that is said to contain Urantia. It presents narratives on the inhabitants of local universes and their work as it is coordinated with a scheme of spiritual ascension and progression of different orders of beings, including humans.

                                Part III includes 48 papers that compile a broad history of the Earth, presenting a purported explanation of the origin, purpose, evolution, and destiny of our world and its inhabitants. An additional 15 papers cover various topics such as "Religion in Human Experience", the concept of the Thought Adjuster, "Personality Survival", and "The Bestowals of Christ Michael".

                                Part IV is presented in 77 papers and narrates "The Life and Teachings of Jesus". Included are papers about his childhood, teenage years, family life, public ministry, and the events that led to his crucifixion, death, and resurrection. It continues with papers about appearances after he rose, Pentecost, and finally, "The Faith of Jesus". Part IV illustrates many of the concepts presented in the first three parts through the story of Jesus' life.
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-16-2012, 06:45 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

