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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Pumapunku - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Pumapunku also called "Puma Pumku" or "Puma Puncu", is part of a large temple complex or monument group that is part of the Tiwanaku Site near Tiwanaku, Bolivia. In Aymara, its name means, "The Door of the Puma". The Pumapunku complex consists of an unwalled western court, a central unwalled esplanade, a terraced platform mound that is faced with megalithic stone, and a walled eastern court.[1][2][3] The Pumapunku is a terraced earthen mound that is faced with megalithic blocks. It is 167.36 meters wide along its north-south axis and 116.7 meters long along its east-west axis. On the northeast and southeast corners of the Pumapunku it has 20-meter wide projections that extend 27.6 meters north and south from the rectangular mound. The eastern edge of the Pumapunku is occupied by what is called the "Plataforma Lítica." The Plataforma Lítica consists of a stone terrace that is 6.75 by 38.72 meters in dimension. This terrace is paved with multiple enormous stone blocks. The Plataforma Lítica contains the largest stone slab found in both the Pumapunku and Tiwanaku Site. This stone slab is 7.81 meters long, 5.17 meters wide and averages 1.07 meters thick. Based upon the specific gravity of the red sandstone from which it was carved, this stone slab has been estimated to weigh 131 metric tons.[4] The other stonework and facing of the Pumapunku consists of a mixture of andesite and red sandstone. The core of the Pumapunku consists of clay. The fill underlying selected parts of the edge of the Pumapunku consists of river sand and cobbles instead of clay. Excavations at the Pumapunku have documented “three major building epochs, in addition to small repairs and remodeling.”[1][2][3][4][5]

    Coordinates: 16°33′42″S 68°40′48″W

    16+33+42 = 91 = HM 1
    68+40+48 = 156 = 12 = HM 3

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Correlation between fluid balance and pathologic processes


      I believe you you will appreciate this video:

      Humoral Pathology by Bernhard Muschlien - Grayfield Optical Inc - High Resolution Optical Microscopes

      This film shows the correlation between fluid balance and pathologic processes, which is related to the existence and the metamorphosis of a viroid endobiont.

      Deviations from the normal body fluid environment inevitably cause cyclogenetic mutations in the endobiontic viroid microbe which then mutates from the symbiontic state to parasitical forms and thus indicates the degree of pathologic state. Filmed through the Ergonom microscope.

      This film shows the correlation between fluid balance and pathologic processes, which is related to the existence and the metamorphosis of a viroid endobiont.

      22:34 min. Copyright 2003, Bernhard Muschlien, Kurt Olbrich and Grayfield Optical Inc.

      Note: The early Ergonom microscopes (mainly the Ergonom 400) used to make this documentary, have now been replaced by the Ergonom 4000 series which has comparable and enhanced capabilities. All images are made in real time and natural colors without staining or oil immersion. Due to the extended working distance, the objective does not actually touch the slide at any time (max. NA 0.95).

      Most microscope images in this film, with resolution of 200nm or greater, could have also been made with the Ergonom 3000 series of microscopes. Like the Ergonom 4000, the 3000 series also features enhanced DOF and full color contrast without the need for staining or oil immersion.



      • Thank you IndianaBoys .... will check it out


        - July 18, 2012, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: A team of scientists has created an “MRI” of the Sun’s interior plasma motions, shedding light on how it transfers heat from its deep interior to its surface. The result upends our understanding of how heat is transported outwards by the Sun and challenges existing explanations of the formation of sunspots and magnetic field generation. This means the conventional theory about heat transfer in the sun from the interior to the surface has not been confirmed, leaving the electric universe researchers proposing that the sun could be externally powered like a “light bulb on a wire.”

        Pleiades in folklore and literature - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


        In Theosophy, it is believed the Seven Stars of the Pleiades focus the spiritual energy of the Seven Rays from the Galactic Logos to the Seven Stars of the Great Bear, then to Sirius, then to the Sun, then to the" god" of Earth (Sanat Kumara) and finally through the seven Masters of the Seven Rays to us.[19]

        Seven Masters

        The Seven Hermetic Principles, upon which the entire Hermetic Philosophy is based, are as follows: Gnostic.Org: The Kybalion


        The high visibility of the star cluster Pleiades in the night sky has guaranteed it a special place in many cultures, both ancient and modern.

        The astrological Pleiades
        was originally described in Three Books of Occult Philosophy by Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa (Köln, 1533, but published manuscript as early as 1510).

        The heliacal( as in Helix like your DNA or Alpha Quartz ) rising of Pleiades often marks important calendar points for ancient peoples.[1]
        Berber people

        The Tuareg Berbers living in the desert of North Africa call the Pleiades Cat iheḍ (pronounced: shat ihedd), or Cat ahăḍ (pronounced: shat ahadd). The name means in Berber: "daughters of the night". Other Berbers call this star cluster: Amanar (meaning: "the guide") or Tagemmunt (meaning: "the group").
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 12:24 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • I have to be honest about some phenomena :

          the modern channeling of so called Alien being through some human bodies representing some light federation (don't think Cayce ever mentioned any light Federation ) .... i'll just say my intuition does not allow me to believe wholeheartedly ... all truth is half truth ... those guys seem to be the other half ....imo


          If you look throughout history ( Principle of Correspondence / Ajna Chakra ) Freedom in all its forms ( enlightenment included ) is earned through Knowledge .... Libre

          not with someone giving you false promess to come save you on their space ship ... not denying the existence of UFO .... but in that instance don't think so ...

          from another Sacred Book: 965

          Al-Alaq - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          SURAH 96

          Sūrat al-ʿAlaq (العلق"The Clot"), is the 96th sura or chapter of the Qur'an. It is composed of 19 Ayat (verses or "signs"), and is traditionally believed to have been revealed at Mecca at cave Hira. It is sometimes also known as Sūrat al-Iqrā (إقرا, "Read").

          The first five verses of this sura are believed by nearly all sources, to be the first verses of the Qur'an to be revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

          In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

          96:1 Read in the name of your Lord, Who created-

          96:2 Created man, out of a (mere) clot of congealed blood ['alaq علق]:

          96:3 Read! And thy Lord is Most honourable,-

          96:4 He Who taught (the use of) the pen,-

          96:5 Taught man that which he knew not.


          so 96 = 15 = HM 6

          13 = HM 1 + HM 3 = Read in the name of your Lord, Who created + Read! And thy Lord is Most honourable = 13 - Death ( or alchemical death )

          in Arabic the word Read (iqra ) stand also for Study / Acquire Knowledge

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 01:10 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

            M6-CLASS FLARE: Solar activity is picking up. For the second day in a row, sunspot AR1532 has unleashed a moderately-strong solar flare. The latest, an M6-class eruption, occurred on July 28th at 2056 UT. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the extreme UV flash.

            It is too soon to say if the eruption produced a coronal mass ejection (CME). If it did, Earth would likely receive no more than a glancing blow from the cloud. The sunspot is too far off disk center to be very geoeffective. This could change in the days ahead, however, as the sunspot turns toward Earth.


            a double whammy
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • you know how you can tell when the sun is going to pop before hand :

              if you observe closely your two chakras and how they affect your pattern

              Chakra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

              6 Description
              6.1 Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra
              6.2 Ajna: The Brow Chakra
              6.3 Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra
              6.4 Anahata: The Heart Chakra
              6.5 Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra
              6.6 Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra
              6.7 Muladhara: The Root Chakra

              just posting the last three but all play a role ... but only if you know thyself as the Sybil said

              Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra

              Manipura or manipuraka is symbolized by a downward pointing triangle with ten petals, along with the color yellow. The seed syllable is Ram, and the presiding deity is Braddha Rudra, with Lakini as the Shakti.

              Manipura is related to the metabolic and digestive systems. Manipura is believed to correspond to Islets of Langerhans,[34] which are groups of cells in the pancreas, as well as the outer adrenal glands and the adrenal cortex. These play a valuable role in digestion, the conversion of food matter into energy for the body. The colour that corresponds to Manipura is yellow. Key issues governed by Manipura are issues of personal power, fear, anxiety, opinion-formation, introversion, and transition from simple or base emotions to complex. Physically, Manipura governs digestion, mentally it governs personal power, emotionally it governs expansiveness, and spiritually, all matters of growth.[35]

              Muladhara: The Root Chakra

              Muladhara is related to instinct, security, survival and also to basic human potentiality. Physically, Muladhara governs sexuality, mentally it governs stability, emotionally it governs sensuality, and spiritually it governs a sense of security.[37] Muladhara has a relation to the sense of smell.[38]


              Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra

              Swadhisthana, Svadisthana or adhishthana is symbolized by a white lotus within which is a crescent moon, with six vermillion, or orange petals. The seed mantra is Vam, and the presiding deity is Brahma, with the Shakti being Rakini ( or Chakini ). The animal associated is the crocodile of Varuna.

              The Sacral Chakra is located in the sacrum (hence the name) and is considered to correspond to the testes or the ovaries that produce the various sex hormones involved in the reproductive cycle. Swadisthana is also considered to be related to, more generally, the genitourinary system and the adrenals. The key issues involving Swadisthana are relationships, violence, addictions, basic emotional needs, and pleasure. Physically, Swadisthana governs reproduction, mentally it governs creativity, emotionally it governs joy, and spiritually it governs enthusiasm.[36]

              if you know yourself well enough .... any changes in your mood .... inspiration / sex / mood swings / back pain / stomach pain etc.....

              any slight changes becomes a pattern that matches another external pattern ... or at least that is how I think it works

              just got to learn to observe

              crescent moon, with six vermillion,

              at the moment i am posting right now there are 6 guests reading ... synchronicity is fun ... and you guys are part of it
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 02:17 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • just a thought for you :

                According to Walter Russell .... Radiation voids Matter or if you prefer raises matter closer to Spiritual Form

                we are living the Iron Age ( where matter rules ) going to a higher / more Spiritual Age ...

                Twin Opposing Vortexes and the Illusion of Pull

                a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                note WR drawing is Fig 52 = HM 7
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 02:49 AM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • just discovered this song thought i'd share it :

                  AWOLNATION "Sail" (Lyrics) - YouTube



                  This is how I show my love
                  I made it in my mind because
                  I blame it on my A.D.D. baby

                  This is how an angel cries
                  I blame it on my own sick pride
                  Blame it on my A.D.D. baby


                  Maybe I should cry for help
                  Maybe I should kill myself
                  Blame it on my A.D.D. baby

                  Maybe I'm a different breed
                  Maybe I'm not listening
                  So blame it on my A.D.D. baby


                  La la la la la la oh!

                  La la la la la la oh!


                  Sail with me into the dark
                  Sail with me into the dark
                  Sail with me into the dark
                  Sail with me, sail with me

                  Sun today — solar flares online

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 11:53 AM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • linking previously posted patterns

                    Newly Discovered Artifacts Prove Mayans Had Alien Contact! |

                    Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                    Crosby,Stills & Nash - Dear Mr. Fantasy - YouTube

                    Birth Chart Calculator - An Interactive Birth Chart Wheel

                    birth of this pattern ( solar triangle ) 13 / 03 / 12 for experiment's sake

                    so for the birth Chart area i picked Heliopolis egypt ( city of of the sun ) ...........check out the result ..... might surprise some

                    Coordinates: 30°07′46.3″N 31°17′20″E

                    30+7+46+3 = 86
                    31+17+20 = 68

                    86+68= 154 = 1

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Study shows people view women as a collection of body parts

                      (Medical Xpress) -- A small group of researchers has found that true to stereotype, people really do tend to look at women as a collection of body parts, rather than as a whole person. What’s perhaps most surprising though, is that the phenomenon is not confined to men, women do it too. The research team made up of Sarah Gervais, Theresa Vescio, Jens Förster, Anne Maass and Caterina Suitner, set out to see if the commonly held belief that women are objectified by others was true or if it was just myth. They set up experiments using undergraduate student volunteers of both genders using photographs and found, as they describe in their paper published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, that not only does the belief hold true, but that the conventional mode of viewing can be switched off given the right circumstances.

                      Many studies have been conducted regarding the impact feeling objectified by others has on women. Most commonly it can lead to negative body issues and eating and mood disorders. But, the researchers found, little work has been done to find out if the feeling of being objectified is something that exists only in the minds of those that feel it, or if in fact, it’s really the way people look at women.
                      After reviewing the results, the researchers found a clear difference between the way people of both genders view women. They found that the volunteers were better at recognizing body parts of women versus men when viewing both whole images, and images of just those body parts. When viewing pictures of men, they found things were reversed, most of the volunteers were much better at recognizing men if they saw the whole person.

                      Next, the researchers tried something else. They showed volunteers pictures of letters that were made up of other different tiny letters before showing them the pictures in the first experiments. Some were asked to identify the tiny letters inside the letters, others were asked to identify which letter the little ones formed as a whole. One forced local brain processing the other global. They found that those that were forced to think globally before viewing the photographs were much less likely to objectify the women in the pictures ( with your 7 chakras )

                      ps : Principle of correspondence : applicable to your Right brain as well or if you prefer your South Pole / Female Pole

                      As within so without
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 04:49 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • AWOLNATION "Sail" (Lyrics) - YouTube

                        Maybe I'm a different breed
                        Maybe I'm not listening
                        So blame it on my A.D.D. baby

                        Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        See also: Hunter vs. farmer hypothesis and the alchemist

                        As ADHD is more common than 1 percent of the population, researchers have proposed that due to the high prevalence of ADHD that natural selection has favoured ADHD possibly because the individual traits may be beneficial on their own, and only become dysfunctional when these traits combine to form ADHD.[56] The high prevalence of ADHD may in part be because women in general are more attracted to males who are risk takers, thereby promoting ADHD in the gene pool.[57]

                        Further evidence showing hyperactivity may be evolutionarily beneficial was put forth in 2006 in a study that found it may carry specific benefits for certain forms of society. In these societies, those with ADHD are hypothesized to have been more proficient in tasks involving risk, competition, and/or unpredictable behavior (i.e. exploring new areas, finding new food sources, etc.), where these societies may have benefited from confining impulsive or unpredictable behavior to a small subgroup. In these situations, ADHD would have been beneficial to society as a whole even while severely detrimental to the individual.[57] More recent research suggests that because ADHD is more common in mothers who are anxious or stressed that ADHD is a mechanism of priming the child with the necessary traits for a stressful or dangerous environment, such as increased impulsivity and explorative behaviour etc.[58] A genetic variant associated with ADHD (DRD4 48bp VNTR 7R allele) has been found to be at higher frequency in more nomadic populations and those with more of a history of migration.[59] Consistent with this, another group of researchers observed that the health status of nomadic Ariaal men was higher if they had the ADHD associated genetic variant (7R alleles). However in recently sedentary (non-nomadic) Ariaal those with 7R alleles seemed to have slightly worse health.[60]
                        now you understand why they are not welcome in today's society yet they are the holders of humanity's survival thanks to their unpredictable behavior .... a predictable behavior is one of a sheep .... you want to be sheep/wolf ....

                        the Wandering Wolf

                        Wandering Wolf's Messages | Shift of the Ages

                        most of the Mystics were wanderers (check Count St Germain or Pythagoras ) ( ps not talking about the extreme case of ADD ) ..... today you can be a digital and real world wanderer

                        side note : a third solar pop coming up
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 06:32 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Allington, Nr All Cannings, Wiltshire. Reported 29th July

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Singing the Blues: August Will Be a Blue Moon Month |

                            The month of August brings us not one, but two full moons. The first will kick off the month on Wednesday (Aug.1), and will be followed by a second on Aug. 31.

                            Some almanacs and calendars assert that when two full moons occur within a calendar month, the second full moon is called a "blue moon."

                            The full moon that night will likely look no different than any other full moon. But the moon can change color in certain conditions.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM;
                              linking previously posted patterns


                              Nice job on calling our attention to the Sun being a Stargate.

                              Adjusted the light levels of a recent picture the other day when the sun flared!



                              • excellent find IndianaBoys ... so the "portal" is still open

                                ------------------------- wait till you see what follows ( note the blue triangle )

                                August 13: Day time occultation of Venus by the moon (moon passes in front of Venus).

                                August 13-16: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter are in conjunction (grouped together) in predawn sky.

                                same experiment as the solar "portal"

                                Birth Chart Calculator - An Interactive Birth Chart Wheel

                                13/08/12 birthdate ............ city Heliopolis

                                March 13 2012

                                Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                                Major Astrology Events in August 2012

                                Sun sextiles Jupiter on August 2, 2012.

                                Mars sesquiquadrates Neptune on August 3, 2012; Mercury trines D.H. on August 3, 2012.

                                Mercury quincunxes Neptune on August 4, 2012; Neptune squares Dragon’s Head on August 5, 2012.

                                Mercury quincunxes Pluto; Mercury sextiles VenusMercury quincunxes Pluto on July 4, 2012; Mercury sextiles Venus on august 4, 2012; Mercury trines Uranus on august 4, 2012.

                                Sun parallels Mercury on August 7, 2012.

                                Mercury turns direct on August 8, 2012 in the 8th degree of sidereal Cancer.

                                Venus quincunxes Dragon’s Head on August 9, 2012.

                                Venus trines Neptune on August 10, 2012; Moon is at apogee position (farthest distance from earth on August 10, 2012; Mercury trines Dragon’s Head on August 11, 2012; Mercury quincunxes Neptune on August 12, 2012.

                                Sun sesquiquadrates Pluto on August 14, 2012; Venus opposes Pluto on August 15, 2012.

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 11:03 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

