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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

    Nice job on calling our attention to the Sun being a Stargate.

    Adjusted the light levels of a recent picture the other day when the sun flared!


    One act of remembering can influence future acts: study

    Can the simple act of recognizing a face as you walk down the street change the way we think? Or can taking the time to notice something new on our way to work change what we remember about that walk? In a new study published in the journal Science, New York University researchers show that remembering something old or noticing something new can bias how you process subsequent information.
    This novel finding suggests that our memory system can adaptively bias its processing towards forming new memories or retrieving old ones based on recent experiences. For example, when you walk into a restaurant or for the first time, your memory system can both encode the details of this new environment as well as allow you to remember a similar one where you recently dined with a friend. The results of this study suggest that what you did right before walking into the restaurant can determine which process is more likely to occur.
    from: Fulcanelli - The Mystery Of The Cathedrals book

    Pink Martini - City of Night - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 11:24 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Pink Martini - Lilly - YouTube

      Lilly lyrics

      Lilly comes when you stop to call her
      Lilly runs when you look away
      Lilly leaves kisses on your collar
      Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, stay!

      Lilly comes when you stop to call her
      Lilly runs when you look away
      Lilly leaves kisses on your collar
      Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, stay!

      One day she passed him by
      A twinkle in her eye
      He said " she was meant for me!"
      But when he turned around
      He lost what he had found
      Oh where can his Lilly be?

      Lilly comes when you stop to call her
      Lilly runs when you look away
      Lilly leaves kisses on your collar
      Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, stay!

      He searched the city streets
      He tempted her with treats
      But nobody stopped to taste them
      Some are in his pocket
      Some are in a locket
      He couldn't bring himself to waste them

      Ever since she's gone
      Some days he can't go on
      She runined for another
      Pressed up against the glass
      He prays that she will pass
      Now he's living with his mother

      Lilly comes when you stop to call her
      Lilly runs when you look away
      Lilly leaves kisses on your collar
      Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, stay!

      Lilly comes when you stop to call her
      Lilly runs when you look away
      Lilly leaves kisses on your collar
      Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, Lilly, stay!

      Stay, stay, stay, stay
      from :

      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post


      Greek lore associates lily meaning with birth and it is a symbol for motherhood because the flower was said to be created from the breast milk of Hera.

      In esoteric and mystery teachings, lily meaning s include:

      Specifically, we see the lily in several Tarot cards,namely the Magician card, Temperance card, and the Ace of Pentacles card (in traditional Rider-Waite deck renditions).

      1 - Magician

      7 - Temperance

      In the symbolic language of the Tarot, the lily also holds symbolism of purity, innocence and fertility. Additionally, the lily symbolizes vulnerability, and the freedom to be ourselves, as well as allowing others to be as they are too. The lily is a symbolic flower of health and provision. In a reading, the lily can signal growth, development, and a quality of innocence in our lives. Depending on the surrounding cards, the lily may also indicate new relationships and births.

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-29-2012, 11:39 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Wikileaks UFO: Julian Assange's secret messages released in Vancouver


        Hold on to your hat!

        Wikileaks UFO: Julian Assange's secret messages released in Vancouver
        Wikileaks UFO: Julian Assange's secret messages released in Vancouver - YouTube

        Wikileaks founder Julian Assange unconsciously released intelligence regarding the ET presence on Earth during a recent interview on CBS Television's 60 Minutes. Secret messages encrypted backwards in the voice of Mr. Assange were detected by a Vancouver-based mobile audio lab monitoring his statements through a digital audio mirror filter. The secret messages reflect data from a European Union Times report describing a secret US war against a UFO base in the South Pacific. Since last December's publication of Mr. Assange's remarks confirming the future release of Cablegate UFO information in Britain's Guardian newspaper, the search string 'Wikileaks UFO' is now tasked to military intelligence agencies including the US Navy Network Information Center or NNIC, based in Camp Pendleton, CA as online website visitor logs show. If the EU Times article is correct, recent and highly provocative appearances of UFO's in sensitive airspace over Jerusalem, Victoria BC, New York and Dallas TX must be re-evaluated in terms of peaceful political public actions from ET's intent upon sharing the potential resources of the world with human beings. This story is the subject of a new article in the Vancouver UFO Examiner for and can also be heard on today's Secret Message Report -- Podcast Edition.


        • Huge UFOs caught on Telescope - 2011

          Huge UFOs caught on Telescope - 2011
          Huge UFOs caught on Telescope - 2011 - YouTube


          • Homeric Hymns - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            The Homeric Hymns are a collection of thirty-three anonymous Ancient Greek hymns celebrating individual gods. The hymns are "Homeric" in the sense that they employ the same epic meter—dactylic hexameter—as the Iliad and Odyssey, use many similar formulas and are couched in the same dialect. They were uncritically attributed to Homer himself in Antiquity—from the earliest written reference to them, Thucydides (iii.104)—and the label has stuck. "The whole collection, as a collection, is Homeric in the only useful sense that can be put upon the word;" A. W. Verrall noted in 1894,[1] "that is to say, it has come down labeled as 'Homer' from the earliest times of Greek book-literature."
            Classical E-Text: THE HOMERIC HYMNS 1 - 3

            trying to find the original order or the order presented in the early 20th century translations

            Hesiod, Homeric Hymns, Epic Cycle, Homerica. Translated by Evelyn-White, H G. Loeb Classical Library Volume 57. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press; London, William Heinemann Ltd. 1914.

            HYMNS 1 - 3

            1. To Dionysus
            2. To Demeter
            3. To Apollo

            HYMNS 4

            4. To Hermes

            HYMNS 5 - 33

            5. To Aphrodite
            6. To Aphrodite
            7. To Dionysus
            8. To Ares
            9. To Artemis
            10. To Aphrodite
            11. To Athena
            12. To Hera
            13. To Demeter
            14. To the Mother of the Gods
            15. To Heracles
            16. To Asclepius
            17. To the Dioscuri
            18. To Hermes
            19. To Pan
            20. To Hephaestus
            21. To Apollo
            22. To Poseidon
            23. To the Son of Cronus
            24. To Hestia
            25. To the Muses and Apollo
            26. To Dionysus
            27. To Artemis
            28. To Athena
            29. To Hestia
            30. To Earth, Mother of All
            31. To Helius
            32. To Selene
            33. To the Dioscuri


            they can also be presented in cycles

            1. To Dionysus
            2. To Demeter
            3. To Apollo

            4. To Hermes
            5. To Aphrodite
            6. To Aphrodite
            7. To Dionysus
            8. To Ares
            9. To Artemis

            10. To Aphrodite
            11. To Athena
            12. To Hera
            13. To Demeter
            14. To the Mother of the Gods
            15. To Heracles
            16. To Asclepius
            17. To the Dioscuri
            18. To Hermes

            19. To Pan
            20. To Hephaestus
            21. To Apollo
            22. To Poseidon
            23. To the Son of Cronus
            24. To Hestia
            25. To the Muses and Apollo
            26. To Dionysus
            27. To Artemis

            28. To Athena
            29. To Hestia
            30. To Earth, Mother of All
            31. To Helius
            32. To Selene
            33. To the Dioscuri

            --------------------- another way is

            3. To Apollo
            6. To Aphrodite
            9. To Artemis
            12. To Hera
            15. To Heracles
            18. To Hermes
            21. To Apollo
            24. To Hestia
            27. To Artemis
            30. To Earth, Mother of All
            33. To the Dioscuri

            1. To Dionysus
            2. To Demeter

            4. To Hermes
            5. To Aphrodite

            7. To Dionysus
            8. To Ares

            10. To Aphrodite
            11. To Athena

            13. To Demeter
            14. To the Mother of the Gods

            16. To Asclepius
            17. To the Dioscuri

            19. To Pan
            20. To Hephaestus

            22. To Poseidon
            23. To the Son of Cronus

            25. To the Muses and Apollo
            26. To Dionysus

            28. To Athena
            29. To Hestia

            31. To Helius
            32. To Selene

            a fractal construct


            5. To Aphrodite
            6. To Aphrodite
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-30-2012, 03:42 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • how was your mood today ....

              Sun today — solar flares online

              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • MonsieurM,

                I believe you will appreciate some of the fractals in this video:

                Humoral Pathology by Bernhard Muschlien - Grayfield Optical Inc - High Resolution Optical Microscopes

                This film shows the correlation between fluid balance and pathologic processes, which is related to the existence and the metamorphosis of a viroid endobiont.

                Deviations from the normal body fluid environment inevitably cause cyclogenetic mutations in the endobiontic viroid microbe which then mutates from the symbiontic state to parasitical forms and thus indicates the degree of pathologic state. Filmed through the Ergonom microscope.

                This film shows the correlation between fluid balance and pathologic processes, which is related to the existence and the metamorphosis of a viroid endobiont.

                22:34 min. Copyright 2003, Bernhard Muschlien, Kurt Olbrich and Grayfield Optical Inc.


                PS - I am feeling the hot flashes from the coronal mass ejections arriving to Earth today


                • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post


                  PS - I am feeling the hot flashes from the coronal mass ejections arriving to Earth today
                  Thank you IndianaBoys for reposting the link ...will check it out my apologies if it is not right away ....
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Isn't it interesting when you read the Electric universe Theory ( which makes a lot of sense )

                    The Electric Universe
                    Electric Universe theory

                    The Electric Universe theory highlights the importance of electricity throughout the Universe. It is based on the recognition of existing natural electrical phenomena (eg. lightning, St Elmo's Fire), and the known properties of plasmas (ionized "gases") which make up 99.999% of the visible universe, and react strongly to electro-magnetic fields. Much of the material considered by the Electric Universe is peer-reviewed, but not all (see Speculative Theories, below).


                    Blood plasma - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Blood plasma is the straw-colored/pale-yellow liquid component of blood that normally holds the blood cells in whole blood in suspension. It makes up about 55% of total blood volume. It is the intravascular fluid part of extracellular fluid (all body fluid outside of cells). It is mostly water (93% by volume)
                    and now consider the following :

                    WATER IN THE UNIVERSE

                    The Paper

                    Amount of water in the Solar System

                    On our local (very local, indeed) scale, water appears to be in sufficient quantities to satisfy any conceivable needs of the present and future inhabitants of the Solar System. From the whole mass of this cosmic entity, 2 x 1033 g, of which 99.87% is concentrated in the Sun, the amount of water in planets, moons and comets at 1029 g is a formidable quantity, exceeding 20 times the mass of the Earth or some 100 000 times the mass of the World Ocean. Based on existing knowledge, the ratio of the mass of the Sun to the mass of all other objects to the mass of water is of the order of 20 000:20:1. What should be remembered is that the present estimates of the mass of comets may be very conservative and that one day we may find that they outweigh the Sun.

                    Just for illustration and a homely comparison it can be visualised that water circulates in the Solar System in a manner, which to some extend resembles our beloved Earth's hydrological cycle. One can imagine that water droplets (comets) form a cloud (Oort cloud) from which they fall to the centre of gravity if specific conditions are met. They can fall onto the Sun and evaporate, blown away by the solar wind back towards their place of rest. The cloud itself can lose or gain some comets from other stars or from molecular clouds through which our Sun passes. Comets falling towards the Sun can be intercepted and find temporary storage on planets and their moons - however, they eventually evaporate back to the cloud. And then, a comet one day appears again.

                    WATER IN THE UNIVERSE

                    Everyone who ever studied astronomy for fun or profit knows that the Universe is big. What conclusions could be drawn from this fact in respect to water?

                    As hydrogen (from Greek "hudor" - "water") is so plentiful in the Universe, the synthesis of water depends on the supply of oxygen. The quantity of this element, recalculated from Press and Siever (1978) and shown in Table 5 is probably underestimated. Just recently, for example, astronomers have found that oxygen exists in the so-called "cooling flows" - a heavy rain of gas that is falling into many galaxies from the supposedly empty space around them. The amount of this intergalactic "rainfall" can be anything from one to 1000 solar masses per galaxy each year, which is sufficient to double the mass of the largest galaxy over the lifetime of the Universe.
                    wait....... one more piece of old info

                    Water on the Sun?

                    An international team of scientists, including a University of Waterloo chemistry professor, has conclusively demonstrated that water (actually steam) does exist on the sun, confirming a breakthrough finding made two years ago.

                    The team used an innovative method to calculate the water spectrum at sunspot temperatures. The method will be useful in modelling systems with an abundance of extremely hot water molecules, such as forest fires.
                    Water Found on Sun

                    and from Pier Ighina's Cosmic Energy Inventions - The Tesla / Reich / Keely of Italy - English Subtitles - YouTube

                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • from the same source as Benjamin Solari Prophecies

                      A Quiet Invasion | Articles | Features | Fortean Times UK

                      s Eugenio Siragusa, an obscure contactee from the slopes of Mt Etna, with his quips from beyond.
                      Messaggio di Eugenio Siragusa: Il Sole del vostro Sistema Planetario

                      google translated

                      The Sun of your Planetary System

                      The Sun of your planetary system, as well as being the Divine Logos Intelligence, is a container and processor of ideas and Manifest Manifesting.

                      Extraterrestrials/ EBE say:

                      This is the energy that allows us to achieve what, for you land , is Miracle and Wonder. In it you instruct the elements psichizzati acts to manipulate their bodies and make them functional on the various plans Dimensional Energy Physicists.
                      The ancient inhabitants of the Earth were a perfect knowledge of the Art of Wise and Eternal Sun They had full knowledge of its Nature and Living knew also that it resided in all bodies Thought of God
                      we know from very remote time the immutable and eternal laws that govern the creative activities of the Suns scattered in the Universes.
                      Our Devotion to these laws, is unconditional because we are fully aware that these laws are the expression of the One who is Pure Intelligence and Before The Eternal Power of Becoming.
                      Energy psichizzante that secrete Suns, is still unknown to your science. Some scholars have identified the vehicle corpuscles, but are unaware of the particular structure and the nature contained and transported.
                      psichizzante It is this energy that has the unique ability to inform the Cosmic Matter of structural genetic values. The laborious task of this solar energy produces the " How-Sens "are the values ​​that materials on the various plans psichizzati Dimensional known and unknown to your science.
                      These "How-Sens (6th sense maybe )", besides producing psichizzati values ​​of various dimensional planes, instruct and determine " How much Memories- "bodies that are thought or rather, the images of the values ​​tested and adapted to be absorbed by the accumulator memory" Sun ".
                      "Energy - Matter, Matter - Energy"
                      "Psyche Psyche = untried Proven"
                      "Potential Value = Value Psichizzato not manifested Psichizzato Manifested and Educated.

                      I say again:
                      We use remotely-time Energy of the Sun
                      We use not only the energy that your science knows, but what you land, yet, sconoscete, namely, the psychic who is also produced by the Suns.
                      Energy Coordinator (Intelligence);
                      Energy Manufacturer (Astral-Dynamics).
                      There are also the Secondary Energy is not less important than primaries.
                      Energies Secondary modifiers are accumulated in the structures of the elements. They are closely related Primary Energy Coordinator.
                      land you can use the energy of your sun without fear. "Elios is Life!"
                      Pay no attention to those who say nonsense only for purposes of speculative interests. Dedicate yourselves diligently to put in orbit of your planet transformers Solar Energy.
                      You Clean energy and everything that is born and lives on Earth will live long and healthily.
                      Debiliterete dynamic forces negative and your lives will enjoy Great Benefits.
                      Peace. Adoniesis Nicolosi , Jan. 8, 1976

                      interesting ......01/08/76 = 9+13 = 13 = HM 4


                      Tinariwen Imidiwan Afrik Tendam HD - YouTube

                      Tinariwen Imidiwan Afrik Tendam HD
                      My Friends From all over Africa, I Have a question ...
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-31-2012, 01:46 AM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • enjoy the pattern matching

                        thank you IndianaBoys for the pic

                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • sometimes it is good to go back to your source that got you started :

                          EBNER EFFECT - YouTube

                          Guido EBNER - Morphogenetic Fields - Electrostatic enhancement of plant and animal development

                          World Mysteries Forum :: Daniel M. Ebner

                          "Primeval Code" reactivated: Living archetypes of plants and animals created at the laboratory.


                          In laboratory experiments the researchers the Dr. Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch exposed cereal seeds and fish eggs to an "electrostatic field" – in other words, to a high voltage field, in which no current flows. Unexpectedly primeval organisms grew out of these seeds and eggs: a fern that no botanist was able to identify; primeval corn with up to twelve ears per stalk; wheat that was ready to be harvested in just four to six weeks. And giant trout, extinct in Europe for 130 years, with so-called salmon hooks. It was as if these organisms accessed their own genetic memories on command in the electric field,

                          The Swiss pharmaceutical group patented the process – and then stopped the research in 1992.
                          Why? The discovery was soon forgotten, without the global scientific community taking any notice. But this changed: In collaboration with the researchers involved – or rather their sons - author Luc Bürgin has for the first time now disclosed in detail how the principle of this revolutionary bio-experiment works.

                          Nevertheless many scientists who think along conventional lines may remain sceptical about this inexplicable biological effect. But now for the first time, renowned German expert botanists such as Professor Edgar Wagner of the University of Freiburg and Professor Gunter Rothe from the University of Mainz make positive statements about it in the book. Rothe even had replicated the Ciba experiments in detail at his university in 2001 – and was successful. And also for the first time, even a Nobel laureate – the world-famous Swiss microbiologist Werner Arber – is taking up the cudgels for this controversial discovery. Back then, Arber had given an expert opinion on the Ciba experiments in person in the laboratory. The professor said to the author: "I was impressed!"

                          After Guido Ebner and Heinz Schürch both passed away unexpectedly in 2001, their experiments were continued by Guido Ebner's son, Daniel – himself a biologist – on a private basis. Daniel M. Ebner (studies of biology, chemistry and biostatics at the Universities of Basel and Montreal) works as Management Consultant at the Swiss Arcondis company ("Art of Consulting and Development for Information System", CH-Reinach) in the fields of pharmaceutical validation processes and information technology. At the WMF 2008 he will present facts, reasonings and perspectives of the discovery of his father. Ebner’s involvement belongs especially in the practical usage of the discovery for food production of countries in the Third World.
                          ----------------------------- also you are familiar with Walter Russell's Law of Crystalisation

                          In the Beginning Was the Structure of theVacuum: The square "fractal like extensions" in the Hunab Ku

                          "It is presumed by Man that light travels (in straight lines, rays), because the evidence if his senses so convinces him. Light does not travel and the appearance of its doing so is another of the many illusions of dimension which deceive Man. All light units of matter are given the appearance of form by the magnetic reaction of the attempt of electricity to seek higher pressures. This attempt is registered by magnetism and the resistance is registered in electricity as heat. The rebound into lower pressures and the sudden cooling of the electric whirling particle by the expansion of the lower pressure causes it to solidify. It is turned into ice. It freezes. It becomes what is known as crystallic. All matter is crystallic. Crystallization is a dimension. It is the first appearance of form. Matter registers its energy through the temperature dimension of heat and cold in solids of light which Man calls 'crystals'. Crystals are but 'solids of light' sustained in that illusion of appearance by motion". (The Universal One, Pg. 60)
                          well then .... let's change perspective and view ourselves as crystals it should be possible to overlay a birth chart on top of the law of crystalization table

                          March 13 2012

                          the result (not perfect but you get the idea )

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-31-2012, 02:07 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • a documentary on Kozyrev Mirrors

                            Mirrors - Breaking the Future - YouTube!

                            Is it possible to achieve altered states of consciousness by means of mirrors and travel in time? The film shows the results of Russian researchers in the field experiments with concave mirrors.
                            in time 6.00 should be - ( what happens with man under the influence of concave mirrors?)
                            Director: Vitalij Pravdivcev
                            Production: Goldmedium 2011


                            Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                            as i was running a search on Aluminium on Rexresearch ... found the following article :

                            V. KAZNACHEEV : Kozyrev mirrors


                            ----------------------------------- a repost from
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-31-2012, 05:32 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • V. KAZNACHEEV : Kozyrev mirrors

                              According to Vernadsky, the “natural science crisis is the main cause of the close doom of humanity and the planet.” This summary reflection of Vernadsky’s forms the basic premise of the research at ISRICA. “As a matter of fact,” write Kaznacheev and Trofimov, ‘”in the XXth century, Mankind’s world culture and its total intellectual space diverge in the direction of the Necrosphere. The world of the unknown is the only world of our possible salvation. ” (p.9)

                              ps: check out the Russian Doc ..... Kozyrev Mirrors linked to Norwegian like light effect

                              which makes me think that a Kozyrev Mirror placed in the Norway Area below would give some interesting results


                              for those interested in the Norwegian Spiral

                              Hessdalen Live TV, page 1

                              Greetings ATSers

                              Project Hessdalen, a scientific endevour in trying to learn more about a recurring luminous aerial phenomena in Norway, has set up a new live streaming server. It streams from three different cameras. The streams also work on the iPad which is a plus for many.
                              we have talked about it before

                              link to the doc

                              The Portal - The Hessdalen Lights Phenomenon - FULL - YouTube

                              one more thing :

                              Hessdalen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              — Village / Valley —

                              Location in Sør-Trøndelag

                              Coordinates: 62°47′35″N 11°11′17″E

                              62°47′35″N = 62 + 47 + 35 = 144 = 81 = HM 9 ( number 144 is important see Bruce Cathie )

                              11°11′17″E = 11 + 11 + 17 = 39 = 12 = HM 3
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 07-31-2012, 04:01 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Kozyrev Mirrors would also work for places like :

                                James Gilliland & Enlightened Contact with Extraterrestrial Intelligence

                                the ECETI ranch is a geographical place where strange lights also appear

                                also from the doc

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

