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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • The Philosophy of Natural Magic: End Matter by Lawrence: A Message to All Mystics

    The Philosophy of Natural Magic, by Henry Cornelius Agrippa, L. W. de Laurence ed. [1913], at

    p. 288 ( HM 9 )

    Copyright, 1910, by de Laurence, Scott & Co., Publishing Department

    A sincere and true message to all faithful Brother Mystics and those who may wish to join this Occult Organization which exists here and in the Astral or unseen world.

    Given under and by the direction of the great Occult Organization and Brotherhood of Magic for the never ending advancement of human souls through Dr. L. W. de Laurence, whose supreme desire is to educate capable and sincere brothers and sisters to act in concert with our Brotherhood of unseen Mystics and teach them the work that they must do preparatory thereto.

    I, Dr. L. W. de Laurence, do hereby state, truly, and positively, that I know that the existence of a powerful Occult Organization and Brotherhood of Mystics, both here and in the great unseen world, to be an incontestable truth; and, furthermore, that I KNOW that the Science and Art of Magic as operated by these Mystics is worthy of faithful investigation.

    Furthermore, be it known to all the world, and especially so unto him or her into whose hands this message may come, not by reason of their own solicitation, or by advertisement, but by their own Astral influence and Occult magnetism, that the hereinafter simple message to Brother Mystics and those who desire to rid themselves of the bonds and shackles of gross ignorance, theology, superstition and materialism, regarding the famous "Magic Mirror," that wonderful Astral Instrument so long used by leading Mystics, Adepts, and Occult workers for communication and preparatory development for communication between the two worlds, will help all who heed.

    This message hereinafter written I have given verbatim as it has come to me, under the direction of the great Brotherhood of Mystics from the unseen Astral world.

    p. 289

    Every soul will rest at some mile-post in life
    Those never ending, unnumbered, unknown points
    All void, vacant, and dark.
    Yet, be still, for as it looks once more

    A multitude assembled;
    Unnumberable Astral souls reveal a force Supreme,
    Invincible for human advancement,
    The annulment of man-made law;

    The concert uplifting and educating of humanity.
    Listen, Oh ye capable brothers, for out of darkness
    Comes this Mystic Message.

    interesting ....

    Before the truths of our Brotherhood and Occult Organization the bonds and shackles of fettered humanity are destined to melt as snow beneath the Sun of Aries.
    Aries is the ruler of :

    Aries - head, face, brain, eyes

    Medical astrology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-10-2012, 01:13 AM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Unusual Summer Storm Blasts the Arctic | NewsFeed |

      A rare summer storm blasted the Arctic this week, beginning off the coast of Alaska, and moving over much of the Arctic Sea for several days before dissipating.

      Although the storm itself was uncommon — NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md., estimates that there have only been about eight similarly strong August storms in the last 34 years — the real news behind the meteorological event is the stunning Aug. 6 photo taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA’s Aqua satellite. The cyclone is spinning toward the North Pole, with Greenland visible in the bottom-left of the image. Scientists are left speculating what the impact of such a storm could be.
      Huge storms over both poles., page 1

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-10-2012, 05:56 PM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • The Prophecy of Hermes Trismegistus

        Asclepius III - A Fragment

        Scott translated ASCLEPIUS from Latin documents by Apuleius. The Greek original has been lost.

        Acclepius III, in which is found the Hermetic prophecy, is an exposition on the nature of cosmology and hence, on the nature of God, time, the cycles of life, the nature of the world, destiny, etc. A prophecy of Egypt emerges, given mainly as an example through which to express certain philosophical percepts. What follows now is a small fragment from Asclepius III which contains the prophecy:

        Do you not know, Asclepius, that Egypt is an image of heaven ( see use of Heliopolis in birth chart ) , or, to speak more exactly, in Egypt all the operations of the powers which rule and work in heaven have been transferred to earth below?

        Nay, it should rather be said that the whole Kosmos dwells in this our land as in its sanctuary. And yet, since it is fitting that wise men should have knowledge of all events before they come to pass, you must not be left in ignorance of this: there will come a time when it will be seen that in vain have the Egyptians honoured the deity with heartfelt piety and assiduous service; and all our holy worship will be found bootless and ineffectual. For the gods will return from earth to heaven.

        Egypt will be forsaken, and the land which was once the home of religion will be left desolate, bereft of the presence of its deities.

        This land and region will be filled with foreigners; not only will men neglect the service of the gods, but ... ; and Egypt will be occupied by Scythians or Indians or by some such race from the barbarian countries thereabout. In that day will our most holy land, this land of shrines and temples, be filled with funerals and corpses. To thee, most holy Nile, I cry, to thee I foretell that which shall be; swollen with torrents of blood, thou wilt rise to the level of thy banks, and thy sacred waves will be not only stained, but utterly fouled with gore.

        Do you weep at this, Asclepius? There is worse to come; Egypt herself will have yet more to suffer; she will fall into a far more piteous plight, and will be infected with yet more, grievous plagues; and this land, which once was holy, a land which loved the gods, and wherein alone, in reward for her devotion, the gods deigned to sojourn upon earth, a land which was the teacher of mankind in holiness and piety, this land will go beyond all in cruel deeds. The dead will far outnumber the living; and the survivors will be known for Egyptians by their tongue alone, but in their actions they will seem to be men of another race.

        O Egypt, Egypt, of thy religion nothing will remain but an empty tale, which thine own children in time to come will not believe; nothing will be left but graven words, and only the stones will tell of thy piety. And in that day men will be weary of life, and they will cease to think the universe worthy of reverent wonder and of worship. And so religion, the greatest of all blessings, for there is nothing, nor has been, nor ever shall be, that can be deemed a greater boon, will be threatened with destruction; men will think it a burden, and will come to scorn it. They will no longer love this world around us, this incomparable work of God, this glorious structure which he has built, this sum of good made up of things of many diverse forms, this instrument whereby the will of God operates in that which be has made, ungrudgingly favouring man’s welfare, this combination and accumulation of all the manifold things that can call forth the veneration, praise, and love of the beholder.

        Darkness will be preferred to light, and death will be thought more profitable than life; no one will raise his eyes to heaven ; the pious will be deemed insane, and the impious wise; the madman will be thought a brave man, and the wicked will be esteemed as good. As to the soul, and the belief that it is immortal by nature, or may hope to attain to immortality, as I have taught you, all this they will mock at, and will even persuade themselves that it is false. No word of reverence or piety, no utterance worthy of heaven and of the gods of heaven, will be heard or believed.

        And so the gods will depart from mankind, a grievous thing!, and only evil angels will remain, who will mingle with men, and drive the poor wretches by main force into all manner of reckless crime, into wars, and robberies, and frauds, and all things hostile to the nature of the soul. Then will the earth no longer stand unshaken, and the sea will bear no ships; heaven will not support the stars in their orbits, nor will the stars pursue their constant course in heaven; all voices of the gods will of necessity be silenced and dumb; the fruits of the earth will rot; the soil will turn barren, and the very air will sicken in sullen stagnation. After this manner will old age come upon the world. Religion will be no more; all things will be disordered and awry; all good will disappear.

        But when all this has befallen, Asclepius, then the Master and Father, God, the first before all, the maker of that god who first came into being, will look on that which has come to pass, and will stay the disorder by the counterworking of his will, which is the good. He will call back to the right path those who have gone astray; he will cleanse the world from evil, now washing it away with water-floods, now burning it out with fiercest fire, or again expelling it by war and pestilence. And thus he will bring back his world to its former aspect, so that the Kosmos will once more be deemed worthy of worship and wondering reverence, and God, the maker and restorer of the mighty fabric, will be adored by the men of that day with unceasing hymns of praise and blessing.

        Such is the new birth of the Kosmos; it is a making again of all things good, a holy and awe-striking restoration of all nature; and it is wrought in the process of time by the eternal will of God. For Gods will has no beginning; it is ever the same, and as it now is, even so it has ever been, without beginning. For it is the very being of God to purpose good.
        John Van Auken | Mysticism - Egyptian Gods as Metaphors

        The gods of ancient Egypt are metaphors for key aspects of the origin and destiny of humanity. According to Edgar Cayce’s discourses, the average citizen of ancient Egypt understood the hidden message better than we do today. Cayce further states that the characters and imagery in the Book of Revelation were also metaphors for hidden messages, and some disciples knew that and understood the Revelation better than we do today.
        ps: Kali Yuga

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Hindu Prophecies always keep in mind the perspective of the Seer

          "In the Kali Yuga, wealth alone will be the deciding factor of nobility [in place of birth, righteous behavior or merit]. And brute force will be the only standard or deciding what is righteous or just."

          "Mutual liking [and not family pedigree, social status, etc.] will be the deciding factor in choosing a partner in marriage; cheating will be the order of the day in business relations; satisfaction of sexual pleasure will be the only consideration of male or female excellence and worthiness; and the wearing of the sacred thread (Yajnopavita) [and not pious behavior or Vedic or Shastric learning] will be the outward index of being a Brahmin.

          In the Kali Yuga, only one quarter of each of the four feet of Dharma [panance, truthfulness, compassion and charity] remains. And that too goes on decreasing day by day while the feet of Adharma [unrighteousness] increase greatly. So that in the end Dharma becomes extinct."

          "In that [Kali] age, people will be greedy. They will take to wicked behavior. They will be merciless, indulge in hostilities without any cause, unfortunate, extremely covetous for wealth and women. High social status will be attained by Sudras, fisherman and such other classes..."

          "When deceit, falsehood, lethargy, sleepiness, violence, despondency. grief, delusion, fear, and poverty prevail, that is the Kali Yuga..."

          "...mortal beings will become dull-wittwd, unlucky, voracious, destitute of wealth yet voloptuous, and women, wanton and unchaste.

          Countries will be laid waste by robbers and vagabonds; the Vedas will be condemned heretics; kings will exploit their subjects, and twice-borns like Brahmanas will only think of the gratification of their sexual desires and other appetites.

          "Celibates [of the Brahma Carya ashrama] will cease to observe their vows of study, purity and celibacy; householders will take to begging [instead of giving alms]; hermits [of the vanaprastha ashrama] will resort to villages [leaving their retreats in the forests]; and Sannyasins will be extremely greedy for money.[in short, the whole system of the Varnashrama Dharma will have broken down.]"

          "Petty - minded people will conduct business transactions and merchants will be dishonest."

          In the Kali Yuga, men will abandon their parents, brothers, friends, and relatives. They will occupy high seats [and pulpits] and will [pretend to] preach religion.

          People will have their minds weighed down with constant anxiety and fear. This will be due to devastating famines and heavy taxation. The land will not grow food-crops, and the people will always be in fear of impending droughts.

          There are similar prophecies in many other passages of the Hindu scriptures such as the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the Vishnu Purana. Baha is believe that all of the conditions described in these books have come about today.

          The doctrines of false teachers will be held to be scripture... In the Kali Yuga, those who practice fasting, austerity and liberality will do so in whatever way they please [and not according to the law]. And men will call this righteousness...

          Men of all degrees, filled with conceit, will consider themselves to be equal with Brahmins...

          In the Kali Yuga, men, corrupted by unbelievers, will refrain from adoring Vishnu, the Lord of sacrifice, the creator and lord of all. They will say: Of what authority are the Vedas? What are gods, or Brahmins? What need is there for purification with water?

          "When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma, and who is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon the earth. He will be born as Kalki in the family of an eminent brahmin of Sambhala village, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties. By his irresistible might he will destroy all the barbarians and thieves, and all whose minds are devoted to iniquity. He will then re-establish righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age, the Age of Purity." --- Hinduism- Vishnu Purana 4.24

          = HM 1

          chastity of the spirit ( and the rest will follow ... ie women won't sale themselve short) .... imho

          An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect
          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-11-2012, 12:28 AM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • just tuned in to the Olympics .... have you noticed the main color .... Purple

            ps :

            Spice Girls, The Who, Muse to rock Olympic closing ceremony | Fox News

            The Who, George Michael, Muse and Ed Sheeran have all said they will take part in a show that will include performances of 30 British hit singles from the past five decades.

            Muse - Feeling Good (Video) - YouTube

            Origin of Symmetry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            also I love this one Muse We Are The Universe (Album Version) + Uprising - YouTube


            The White Stripes - YouTube

            Seven Nation Army lyrics

            I'm gonna fight 'em off
            A seven nation army couldn't hold me back
            They're gonna rip it off
            Taking their time right behind my back

            And I'm talking to myself at night
            Because I can't forget
            Back and forth through my mind
            Behind a cigarette

            And the message coming from my eyes
            Says leave it alone

            Don't want to hear about it
            Every single one's got a story to tell
            Everyone knows about it
            From the Queen of England to the hounds of hell

            And if I catch it coming back my way
            I'm gonna serve it to you
            And that ain't what you want to hear
            But that's what I'll do

            And the feeling coming from my bones
            Says find a home

            I'm going to Wichita
            Far from this opera for evermore
            I'm gonna work the straw
            Make the sweat drip out of every pore

            And I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding, and I'm bleeding
            Right before the Lord
            All the words are gonna bleed from me
            And I will think no more

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-10-2012, 11:52 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Here it comes ..... a solar pop

              ps: check out the length of the music vid posted



              "Walkin' On The Sun (Shams / Shamash )"

              It ain't no joke I'd like to buy the world a toke
              And teach the world to sing in perfect harmony
              And teach the world to snuff the fires and the liars
              Hey I know it's just a song but it's spice for the recipe
              This is a love attack I know it went out but it's back.
              It's just like any fad it retracts before impact
              And just like fashion it's a passion for the with it and hip

              If you got the goods they'll come and buy it just to stay in the clique

              So don't delay act now supplies are running out
              Allow if you're still alive six to eight years to arrive
              And if you follow there may be a tomorrow
              But if the offer is shun you might as well be walkin' on the sun

              Twenty-five years ago ( H.M 7 )they spoke out and they broke out
              Of recession and oppression and together they toked
              And they folked out with guitars around a bonfire
              Just singin' and clappin' man what the hell happened
              Then some were spellbound some were hellbound
              Some they fell down and some got back up and
              Fought back 'gainst the melt down
              And their kids were hippie chicks all hypocrites
              Because fashion is smashin' the true meaning of it

              [Repeat Chorus]

              It ain't no joke when a mama's handkerchief is soaked
              With her tears because her baby's life has been revoked
              The bond is broke up so choke up and focus on the close up
              Mr. Wizard can't perform no godlike hocus-pocus
              So don't sit back kick back and watch the world get bushwhacked
              News at 10:00 your neighborhood is under attack
              Put away the crack before the crack puts you away
              You need to be there when your baby's old enough to relate

              [Repeat Chorus]

              Animals - House Of The Rising Sun - YouTube

              The House Of The Rising Sun lyrics

              There is a house in New Orleans
              They call the 'Rising Sun'
              And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy
              And, God, I know I'm one

              My mother was a tailor
              Sewed my new blue jeans

              My father was a gamblin' man
              Down in New Orleans
              Now the only thing a gambler needs
              Is a suitcase and a trunk
              And the only time he's satisfied
              Is when he's all drunk

              Oh, Mother tell your children
              Not to do what I have done
              Spend your lives in sin and misery
              In the House of the Rising Sun
              Well, got one foot on the platform
              The other foot on the train
              I'm going back to New Orleans
              To wear that ball and chain

              Well there is a house in New Orleans
              They call the 'Rising Sun'
              And its been the ruin of many a poor boy
              And God, I know I'm one

              My Name is Nobody...Ennio Morricone - YouTube

              Ten Years After - Love Like a Man - YouTube

              Love Like A Man lyrics
              You roly-poly
              All over town
              But you come on back to me
              When things are down

              Love like a man
              Love all you can

              Your satisfaction
              Is growin' less
              If you come on back to me
              Use my address and let you

              Love like a man
              Love all you can

              You are the woman
              You can't deny
              You look so good to me, girl
              You make me high

              I'll tell you something
              I think you know
              When you flash those eyes at me
              All systems go, yeah

              Love like a man
              Love all you can

              Love like a man
              Love all you can

              Love like a man
              Love all you can
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-11-2012, 12:57 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Who's Honoring Me Now? - Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - The Colbert Report - 2012-09-08 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

                Pictures Power 'Truthiness' - science |

                Looking at pretty pictures helped a great many of us learn to read, but New Zealand research is showing the power of an illustrated prompt may extend into adulthood.

                A study has now found that people are far more likely to accept something is true or legitimate if there is an accompanying picture beside it.

                Victoria University of Wellington PhD student Eryn Newman has been examining the validity of "truthiness", and her surprising results are set to be published in international psychological journal Psychonomic Bulletin & Review.

                Coined by US political satirist Stephen Colbert, truthiness is the "gut feeling" something is right because it looks or feels legitimate, without regard to evidence or fact.

                In the study, Newman, along with colleagues at Canadian University of Victoria, showed people a number of claims such as "the liquid metal inside a thermometer is magnesium" and asked them to agree or disagree.

                "We wanted to examine how the kinds of photos people see everyday - the ones that decorate newspaper or TV headlines, for example - might produce truthiness.

                "We were really surprised by what we found," Newman said.

                The research showed when a claim was accompanied by a picture, people were more likely to agree that the claim was true, regardless of whether it was or not.

                Newman said findings fitted with the idea that photos helped people conjure up more easily their own images and ideas about what was being claimed, rather than forcing them to think for themselves without a visual prompt.

                "We know that when it's easy for people to bring information to mind, it 'feels' right", she said.

                The research raised significant questions about the use of pictures in the media. Wellington's Victoria Faculty of Graduate Research professor Maryanne Garry said although decorative photos grabbed people's attention, "this research suggests that these photos might have unintended consequences".

                She said it could lead to people accepting information because of their feelings rather than the facts.

                The research is part of a wider study which looks at how images influence people's beliefs and memories.


                just a side note : adding colors to posts adds new dimension to it
                in our discussion
                just like a fractal antenna

                A fractal antenna is an antenna that uses a fractal, self-similar design to maximize the length, or increase the perimeter (on inside sections or the outer structure), of material that can receive or transmit electromagnetic radiation within a given total surface area or volume.
                so it resonates better with you ( ie the receiving fractal antenna ) ...Fulcanelli

                so no i did not go color / image crazy

                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Amen-Amin Qawwali Gospel Faiz Ali Faiz Holy Ecstasy - YouTube


                  Music, the word we use in our everyday language, is nothing less than the picture of our Beloved. It is because music is the picture of our Beloved that we love music. But the question is what is our Beloved and where is our Beloved? Our Beloved is that which is our source and our goal; and what we see of our Beloved before our physical eyes is the beauty which is before us; and that part of our Beloved not manifest to our eyes is that inner form of beauty of which our Beloved speaks to us. If only we would listen to the voice of all the beauty that attracted us in any form, we would find that in every aspect it tells us that behind all manifestation is the perfect Spirit, the spirit of wisdom..
                  What do we see as the principal expression of life in the beauty visible before us? It is movement. In line, in color, in the changes of the seasons, in the rising and falling of the waves, in the wind, in the storm, in all the beauty of nature there is constant movement. It is movement which has caused day and night, and the changing of the seasons; and this movement has given us the comprehension of what we call time. Otherwise there would be no time, for actually there is only eternity; and this teaches us that all we love and admire, observe and comprehend, is the life hidden behind it and this life is our being.
                  As to what we call music in everyday language, to me architecture is music, gardening is music, farming is music, painting is music, poetry is music. In all the occupations of life where beauty has been the inspiration, where the divine wine has been poured out, there is music. But among all the different arts, the art of music has been specially considered divine, because it is the exact miniature of the law working through the whole universe. For instance, if we study ourselves we shall find that the beats of the pulse and the heart, the inhaling and exhaling of the breath are all the work of rhythm. Life depends upon the rhythmic working of the whole mechanism of the body. Breath manifests as voice , as word, as sound; and the sound is continually audible, the sound without and the sound within ourselves. That is music; it show that there is music both outside and within ourselves.


                  from: Walter and Lao Russell

                  To describe the type of spirituality that arises from the consciousness of the later stages, we quote Richard Maurice Bucke, the author of Cosmic Consciousness (a book that probably influenced the above model to some degree):

                  In contact with the flux of cosmic consciousness all religions known and named today will be melted down. The human soul will be revolutionized. Religion will absolutely dominate the race. It will not depend on tradition. It will not be believed and disbelieved. It will not be a part of life, belonging to certain hours, times, occasions. It will not be in sacred books nor in the mouths of priests. It will not dwell in churches and meetings and forms and days. Its life will not be in prayers, hymns nor discourses. It will not depend on special revelations, on the words of gods who came down to teach, nor on any bible or bibles. It will have no mission to save men from their sins or to secure them entrance to heaven. It will not teach a future immortality nor future glories, for immortality and all glory will exist in the here and now. The evidence of immortality will live in every heart as sight in every eye. Doubt of God and of eternal life will be as impossible as is now doubt of existence; the evidence of each will be the same. Religion will govern every minute of every day of all life. Churches, priests, forms, creeds, prayers, all agents, all intermediaries between the individual man and God will be permanently replaced by direct unmistakable intercourse. Sin will no longer exist nor will salvation be
                  desired. Men will not worry about death or a future, about the kingdom of heaven,
                  about what may come with and after the cessation of the life of the present body.
                  Each soul will feel and know itself to be immortal, will feel and know that the
                  entire universe with all its good and with all its beauty is for it and belongs to it
                  . The world peopled by men possessing cosmic consciousness will be as far
                  removed from the world of to-day as this is from the world as it was before the
                  advent of self consciousness
                  now read the following: Hazrat Inayat Khan Volume Index

                  There is One Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature, the only scripture which can enlighten the reader.’

                  Most people consider as sacred scriptures only certain books or scrolls written by hand of man, and carefully preserved as holy, to be handed down to posterity as divine revelation. Men have fought and disputed over the authenticity of these books, have refused to accept any other book of similar character, and, clinging thus to the book and losing the sense of it have formed diverse sects. The Sufi has all ages respected all such books, and has traced in the Vedanta, Zendavesta, Kabala, Bible, Qur’an, and all other sacred scriptures, the same truth which he reads in the incorruptible manuscript of nature, the only Holy Book, the perfect and living model that teaches the inner law of life: all scriptures before nature’s manuscript are as little pools of water before the ocean.

                  To the eye of the seer every leaf of the tree is a page of the holy book that contains divine revelation, and he is inspired every moment of his life by constantly reading and understanding the holy script of nature.

                  When man writes, he inscribes characters upon rock, leaf, paper, wood, or steel. When God writes, the characters He writes are living creatures.

                  It is when the eye of the soul is opened and the sight is keen that the Sufi can read the divine law in the manuscript of nature; and they derived that which the teachers of humanity have taught to their followers from the same source. They expressed what little it is possible to express in words, and so they preserved the inner truth when they themselves were no longer there to reveal it.
                  and From The Codex of Love:

                  The laws of men are bound by the rocks of their churches, and
                  chains of their minds. The laws of women are held by the knots of
                  their hearts, and the bonds of their fears and desires.
                  The laws of the
                  stars bind the angels and the spirits of peace. The fi res of faith hold
                  the shades and shadows at bay. All is bound by a word and a sigh.
                  The word is ‘ I’ and the sigh is ‘Am’
                  . The breath became the Word,
                  and stood by the I. The I expanded the Am, and became the Lord
                  and Lady of time
                  . The Word contemplated its meaning, and formed
                  the Scale and the Law. The Breath chanted the Word, and the Light became the ink of its pen. All belong to the I before the Am. Pay heed,
                  for nothing in the world is greater than its sigh. Do you not sigh, O
                  lover, for your beloved? The Am sighs for the I. Love is the chain of
                  law, and hate is the elixir of death. Sing to the I Am, and let the wine
                  of ecstasy be your rapture.
                  I am bewildered by the magnificence of your beauty,
                  and wish to see you with a hundred eyes....
                  I am in the house of mercy,
                  and my heart is a place of prayer.


                  Ki Dam Da Bharosa Yaar - Faiz Ali Faiz Qawwal - YouTube Sun today — solar flares online

                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-11-2012, 04:54 PM.
                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • The Vatican’s woes: God’s bankers | The Economist

                    A beleaguered papacy is embroiled in intrigue. Some scent a succession struggle
                    if you check the magazine .... it is on page 54
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • just wanted to mention the following .... found it while rechecking some facts

                      Berber calendar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                      The she-camel constellation (Ursa Major plus Arcturus), whose appearance int the sky marks the beginning of the Tuareg astronomical year

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-11-2012, 08:35 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • have you ever checked the coordinates of sacred places using Harmonic Math ( ie HM )

                        Vatican City - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        41° 54′ 14.4″ N, 12° 27′ 10.8″ E

                        41° 54′ 14.4″ N = 41+54+14+4 = 113 = 5 + 9 + 9 = HM 5

                        12° 27′ 10.8″ E = 12+27+10+8 = 57 = 3 + 9 + 9 = 12 = HM 3

                        41° 54′ 14.4″ N, 12° 27′ 10.8″ E = HM 8


                        Jabal al-Nour - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Jabal an-Nour (also Jabal an-Nur or Jabal Nur), (Arabic: جبل النور‎), meaning "The Mountain of Light", is a mountain near the city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia. It houses the Hira cave where Muhammad is said to have received his first revelation from God (Arabic Allah) through the angel Gabriel[1].
                        21° 27′ 29″ N, 39° 51′ 41″ E

                        21+27+29 = 77 = 14 = 3 + 9 + 11 = HM 5
                        39+51+41 = 113 = 3 + 6 + 5 = HM 5

                        21° 27′ 29″ N, 39° 51′ 41″ E = HM 5 + HM 5 = HM 1

                        interestingly 113 appears twice

                        The Emerald Tablet :

                        ]Four is it in qualities,
                        shining in each of the planes of existence,
                        but thirteen in one
                        the mystical number.
                        Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
                        each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
                        each shall channels be of the Great One.
                        a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:

                        Temple Mount - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                        Coordinates: 31°46′40.7″N 35°14′8.9″E

                        = 31 + 46 + 40 + 7 = 124 = HM 7
                        35°14′8.9″E = 35 + 14 + 8 + 9 = 66 = HM 3

                        Coordinates: 31°46′40.7″N 35°14′8.9″E = HM 1
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-11-2012, 10:20 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • one more info for you
                          What did Gabriel say to Muhammad on first Quran revelation

                          The first God word revealed by the Angel Gabriel to prophet Muhammad (PBUH), while in cave Hira in Mecca, was 'Iqra' that means read or recite. The first verses revealed by God to the Prophet through the angel Gabriel are that of chapter 96, named 'Al-Alaq
                          When did Muhammad receive his first revelation

                          Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation in the cave of Hira which is some kilometers off Makkah in the year 612 AD. It was month of Ramadan.
                          Ki Dam Da Bharosa Yaar - Faiz Ali Faiz Qawwal - YouTube Sun today — solar flares online

                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • let's try it with someone else ...... .... who also changed the course of History

                            Joan of Arc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Joan was born the daughter of Jacques d'Arc and Isabelle Romée.[17] in Domrémy, a village which was then in the French part of the duchy of Bar, or Barrois mouvant, situated West of the Meuse River, while the rest of the duchy (East of the Meuse) was a part of the Holy Roman Empire.
                            Domrémy-la-Pucelle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Coordinates: 48°26′35″N 5°40′33″E

                            48°26′35″N = 48+26+35 = 109 = HM 1
                            5°40′33″E = 5+40+33 = 78 = 15 = HM 6

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-11-2012, 11:18 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • an excellent website covering the use of the Enneagram:

                              Welcome to the Enneagram Wiki | The Enneagram Wiki

                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • one more :

                                one of the most visited places in India :

                                Elephanta Caves - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                The Elephanta Caves (Marathi: घारापुरीची लेणी, Gharapurichya Lenee) are a network of sculpted caves located on Elephanta Island, or Gharapuri (literally "the city of caves") in Mumbai Harbour, 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) to the east of the city of Mumbai in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The island, located on an arm of the Arabian Sea, consists of two groups of caves—the first is a large group of five Hindu caves, the second, a smaller group of two Buddhist caves. The Hindu caves contain rock cut stone sculptures, representing the Shaiva Hindu sect, dedicated to the god Shiva.[1][2]

                                The rock cut architecture of the caves has been dated to between the 5th and 8th centuries, although the identity of the original builders is still a subject of debate. The caves are hewn from solid basalt rock. All the caves were also originally painted in the past, but now only traces remain.

                                The island was called Gharapuri and was a Hindu place of worship until Portuguese rule began in 1534. The Portuguese called the island Elephanta on seeing its huge gigantic statue of an Elephant at the entrance. The Statue is now placed in the garden outside the Bhau Daji Lad (erstwhile Victoria & Albert) Museum at the Jijamata Udyan (erstwhile Victoria Gardens) at Byculla in Mumbai. This cave was renovated in the 1970s after years of neglect, and was designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1987 to preserve the artwork. It is currently maintained by the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI).[1][2]
                                Coordinates: 18°57′30″N 72°55′50″E

                                18°57′30″N = 18+ 57+ 30 = 105 = HM 6
                                72°55′50″E = 72+ 55+ 50 = 177 = HM 6

                                Coordinates: 18°57′30″N 72°55′50″E = HM 3

                                HIRAPUR: le temple des Déesses-Mères - YouTube


                                Since no inscriptions on any of the caves on the island have been discovered, the ancient history of the island is conjectural, at best. Pandava, the hero of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, and Banasura, the demon devotee of Shiva, are both credited with building temples or cut caves to live. Local tradition holds that the caves are not man-made.[3][7]
                                Ganesha's elephant head makes him particularly easy to identify.[9] Ganesha is widely revered as the Remover of Obstacles[10] and more generally as Lord of Beginnings and Lord of Obstacles (Vighnesha (Sanskrit: विघ्नेश; IAST: Vighneśa), Vighneshvara (Sanskrit: विघ्नेश्वर; IAST: Vighneśvara),[11] patron of arts and sciences, and the deva of intellect and wisdom.[1

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-12-2012, 02:27 AM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

