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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • STEREO observes one of the fastest coronal mass ejections on record (w/ Video)

    On July 23, 2012, a massive cloud of solar material erupted off the sun's right side, zooming out into space, passing one of NASA's Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) spacecraft along the way. Using the STEREO data, scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. clocked this giant cloud, known as a coronal mass ejection, or CME, as traveling between 1,800 and 2,200 miles per second as it left the sun.
    a bit late don't you think


    Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post


    A coronal mass ejection (CME) blasted away from the sun this morning with rare speed: 2930 km/s or 6.5 million mph. CMEs moving this fast occur only once every ~5 to 10 years. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory recorded the cloud's emergence on July 23rd starting around 0300 UT.

    The source of the CME was sunspot AR1520, which sparked many bright auroras earlier this montth when it was on the Earthside of the sun. Now, however, the active region is transiting the sun's farside so this blast was not geoeffective. One can only imagine the geomagnetic storms such a fast CME could produce if it were heading our way.

    --------------------------------------------- Love these kind of findings as we have discussed them previously

    New system could predict solar flares, give advance warning

    ( -- Researchers may have discovered a new method to predict solar flares more than a day before they occur, providing advance warning to help protect satellites, power grids and astronauts from potentially dangerous radiation.
    The system works by measuring differences in gamma radiation emitted when atoms in radioactive elements "decay," or lose energy. This rate of decay is widely believed to be constant, but recent findings challenge that long-accepted rule ( same method used to carbon-date ancient artifacts . )

    The new detection technique is based on a hypothesis that radioactive decay rates are influenced by solar activity, possibly streams of subatomic particles called solar neutrinos. This influence can wax and wane due to seasonal changes in the Earth's distance from the sun and also during solar flares, according to the hypothesis, which is supported with data published in a dozen research papers since it was proposed in 2006, said Ephraim Fischbach, a Purdue University professor of physics.
    and it applies to you too Fellow Fractal Antenna see next post
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-13-2012, 11:54 PM.
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • from:

      Let's put together a few Patterns that have already been discussed :

      Cosmology group finds measurable evidence of dark matter filament

      ( -- As time passes and more research is done, more evidence is compiled supporting the theory that suggests that dark matter is a real thing, even though no direct evidence for its existence has ever been found. Instead, the evidence comes about as measurements of other phenomenon are taken, generally involving gravitational pull on objects in the universe we can see that cannot be explained by other means. One of these instances is where weak gravitational lensing occurs, which is where light appears to bend as it passes by large objects. Theory suggests that in cases where lensing occurs but there is no detectable object behind its cause, the reason for it is dark matter exerting a gravitational influence. That has been the case with what are known as filaments; gravitational effects that connect galactic superclusters, keeping them bound together.

      Now Jφrg Dietrich and colleagues have added credence to the theory by finding a measurable example of lensing in one specific supercluster that cannot be attributable to a visible object. They outline their findings in their paper published in the journal Nature.

      Plenty of dark matter near the Sun

      ( -- Astronomers at the University of Zόrich, the ETH Zurich, the University of Leicester and NAOC Beijing have found large amounts of invisible "dark matter" near the Sun. Their results are consistent with the theory that the Milky Way Galaxy is surrounded by a massive "halo" of dark matter, but this is the first study of its kind to use a method rigorously tested against mock data from high quality simulations. The authors also find tantalising hints of a new dark matter component in our Galaxy. The team's results will be published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.


      Researchers propose gold and DNA based dark matter detector

      ( -- One of the precepts of scientific theory is that at some point, physical evidence should become available to prove it true. In physics this is an ongoing process in many areas of study, one of which is the detection and measurement of so called dark matter. Most astrophysicists agree it exists, yet no one has been able to definitively prove it though the presentation of physical evidence. While there are some ongoing projects attempting to do just that, the results have not been strong enough to offer proof. To overcome that problem a team of physicists and biologists have proposed a new type of detector based on a thin sheet of gold with many strands of DNA dangling below. The idea the team says in its paper uploaded to the preprint server arXiv, is to follow the path of a gold nucleus after being struck by a dark matter particle as it makes its way through strands of DNA, severing them as it goes.
      I wonder if it would be the same ( on a lower subtle scale ) applies to Ayurveda~~Healing Properties of Gold, Copper and!! - YouTube

      The human body naturally contains deuterium equivalent to five grams of heavy water

      we can be perceive ourselves as Neutrino Detectors

      Neutrino detector

      The Sudbury Neutrino Observatory (SNO) in Sudbury, Ontario used 1000 tonnes of heavy water on loan from Atomic Energy of Canada Limited. The neutrino detector is 6,800 feet (2,100 m) underground in a deep mine, in order to shield it from muons produced by cosmic rays. SNO was built to answer the question of whether or not electron-type neutrinos produced by fusion in the Sun (the only type the Sun should be producing directly, according to theory) might be able to turn into other types of neutrinos on the way to Earth. SNO detects the Cherenkov radiation in the water from high-energy electrons produced from electron-type neutrinos as they undergo reactions with neutrons in deuterium, turning them into protons and electrons (only the electrons move fast enough to be detected in this manner).
      Piezoelectricity ( /piˌeɪzoʊˌilɛkˈtrɪsɪti/) is the charge which accumulates in certain solid materials (notably crystals, certain ceramics, and biological matter such as bone, DNA and various proteins
      DNA could act as an antenna in electromagnetic communications

      A theoretical physicist has presented research that shows bacteria might transmit electromagnetic signals to produce species-specific wavelengths.

      According to research presented by Northeastern University physicist Allan Widom, based on existing knowledge of DNA and electrons, bacteria can indeed communicate.
      Humans Have Ten Times More Bacteria Than Human Cells: How Do Microbial Communities Affect Human Health?

      The number of bacteria living within the body of the average healthy adult human are estimated to outnumber human cells 10 to 1.


      Russian scientist named Alexander Chizhevsky, who noticed that when the sun had solar flares, bacteria in water would have an instant reaction, not light years later, but at the exact moment

      Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
      one more for you:

      It is found that coaxial helices with optimally mated symmetries can lock into spatial resonance configurations that maximize their interaction. The resonances are represented as vectors in a discrete three-dimensional space[


      Water, Alpha Quartz and Dna are coaxial helices and also Chiral
      The sun is our primary natural source of UV radiation

      Strange Magic - YouTube

      Strange Magic lyrics
      You're sailing softly through the sun
      in a broken stone age dawn.
      You fly so high.
      I get a strange magic,
      oh, what a strange magic,
      oh, it's a strange magic.
      Got a strange magic,
      got a strange magic.
      You're walking meadows in my mind,
      making waves across my time,
      oh no, oh no.
      I get a strange magic,
      oh, what a strange magic,
      oh, it's a strange magic.
      Got a strange magic,
      got a strange magic.
      Oh, I'm never gonna be the same again,
      now I've seen the way it's got to end,
      sweet dream, sweet dream.
      Strange magic,
      oh, what a strange magic,
      oh, it's a strange magic.

      Got a strange magic,
      got a strange magic.
      It's magic, it's magic, it's magic.
      Strange magic,
      oh, what a strange magic,
      oh, it's a strange magic.
      Got a strange magic.
      Strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
      oh, what a strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
      oh, it's a strange magic.
      Got a strange magic.
      Strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
      oh, what a strange magic STRANGE MAGIC
      oh, it's a strange magic.
      Got a strange magic,
      got a strange magic,
      you know I got a strange magic,
      yeah, I got a strange magic,
      oo-o-o-oo, strange magic. (fade)
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • An interesting find

        Ramadan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

        Ramadan (Arabic: رمضان‎ Ramaḍān, IPA: [rɑmɑˈdˤɑːn]; variations Persian: Ramazān‎; Urdu: Ramzān; Turkish: Ramazan) is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar;[4] Muslims worldwide observe this as a month of fasting.[5][6]
        Pre-Islamic observation of Ramadan

        Abu Zanad, an Arabic writer from Iraq who lived around 747 A.D. (after the founding of Islam), wrote that at least one Mandaean community located in northern Iraq observed Ramadan.[45] Abdel Allah ibn Zakwan Abi al-Zanad claims that Ramadan originally had roots in India and the Middle East. He said that it is evident from Abu Zanad writings, that Ramadan was a pagan ceremony practiced by the Sabians, whether they were Mandaeans or Harranians.[46]

        Origin of the word Ramadan

        Ramadan, as a name for the month, is of Muslim origin. However, prior to Islam's exclusion of intercalary days from its calendar, the name of this month was called Natiq and [due to the intercalary days added] always occurred in the warm season.[36]
        so figured we could use our Chaldeans Goggles

        RAMADAN = 2+1+4+1+4+1+5 = 18 - Sun = 9 - Fortitude

        18 - Sun

        The holy place where dawn is never done,
        The garden wherein rebirth is begun,
        Is where the children dance the Dance of Life,
        With Love and Logic, reconciling strife.
        Enjoy the sacred Garden of the Sun!
        9 - Fortitude


        With gentle hand and eye she charms the beast
        And teaches him the time to speak. Released
        From fear of one another, freedom grows
        For each, a bond that blossoms like the rose.
        It's love, not force or fear, that tames the beast!
        see also : 27th of Ramadan Night of Power | Lailatul (Shabbe) Shabe Shab Qadr | Laylatul (Laila Tul) Qadar Qader

        ps: if you choose the Solar Path / Male Pole .... One always ends up like Icarus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ( same applies to the Lunar Path Only )
        The main story told about Icarus is his attempt to escape from Crete by means of wings that his father constructed from feathers and wax. He ignored instructions not to fly too close to the sun, and the melting wax caused him to fall into the sea where he drowned
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-14-2012, 06:56 PM.
        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • This seems to me like a reptilian Eye ...
          It reminded me of the fact that the Cat's eye is a reptilian eye, despite the fact that wild cats have eyes similar to humans. I read somewhere that cats are genetically engineered by reptilians and are used to monitor the humans! Maybe that is why cats like to "stare"?
          I wonder ...

          Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
          The Eye of the Sibyl - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

          The Eye of The Sibyl is a science fiction short story by Philip K. Dick. It was written sometime around 1975, but not published until 1987 when it was included in volume 5 (subtitled "The Little Black Box") of The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, and has been reprinted since in other editions of this book such as the U.S. edition The Eye of the Sibyl and Other Stories .

          This is said to have been Dick's first piece of fiction for publication after his "2-3-74" experience that was the basis for his Exegesis, and later the novels VALIS, the posthumously published precursor to VALIS, Radio Free Albemuth, and The Divine Invasion. Eventually rejected by the venue for which it was written, the major points of Dick's 1975 worldview are set forth, in a style reminiscent of his earlier work, and very similar to his treatment of this material in his later books.

          Table of Contents:

          Little black box p19

          War with the Fnools p41

          Precious artifact p53

          Retreat syndrome p67

          Terran odyssey p87

          Your appointment will be yesterday p115

          Holy quarrel p 135

          Game of unchance p157

          Not by its cover p175

          Return match p183

          Faith of our fathers p197

          Story to end all stories for Harlan Ellison's anthology 'Dangerous visions' p223

          Electric ant p225

          Cadbury, the beaver who lacked p241

          Little something for us tempunauts p257

          Pre-persons p275

          Eye of the sibyl p297

          Day Mr. computer fell out of its tree p307

          Exit door leads in p315

          Chains of air, web of aether p333

          Strange memories of death p353

          I hope I shall arrive soon p359

          Rautavaara's case p375

          Alien mind. p385

          Humility, an important property for a COP>1 system.


          • Originally posted by elias View Post
            This seems to me like a reptilian Eye ...
            It reminded me of the fact that the Cat's eye is a reptilian eye, despite the fact that wild cats have eyes similar to humans. I read somewhere that cats are genetically engineered by reptilians and are used to monitor the humans! Maybe that is why cats like to "stare"?
            I wonder ...
            good to read you elias .... been a while

            it is interesting to mention the term reptilian .... as the only reptilian i know that is doing a great job at it, is our fellow human being .... it is not necessary to look further than what other human beings can do to his brothers and sisters ... rather than "place" the blame on some reptilian master plan .... unless you mean humans who use their reptilian brain only .... slave to their red chakra

            Triune brain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

            Reptilian complex

            The reptilian complex, also known as the R-complex or "reptilian brain" was the name MacLean gave to the basal ganglia, structures derived from the floor of the forebrain during development. The term derives from the fact that comparative neuroanatomists once believed that the forebrains of reptiles and birds were dominated by these structures. MacLean proposed that the reptilian complex was responsible for species typical instinctual behaviors involved in aggression, dominance, territoriality, and ritual displays.
            ps: used to love the old tv show V for visitors , and my cat, the only time he stares at someone is when he wants something (usually food )
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-15-2012, 01:46 PM.
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Let's play with an ancient word :

              Elven ( elfen )

              Elven decomposed = El Ven

              can also be seen as El even = 11


              El :

              Main article: Poseidon

              A bilingual inscription from Palmyra (KAI. 11, p. 43; KAI 129) dated to the first century equates Ēl-Creator-of-the-Earth with the Greek god Poseidon. Going back to the eighth century BCE the bilingual inscription (KAI 26) at Karatepe in the Taurus Mountains equates Ēl-Creator-of-the-Earth to Luwian hieroglyphs read as da-a-ś,[24] this being the Luwian form of the name of the Babylonian water god Ea, lord of the abyss of water under the earth. (This inscription lists Ēl in second place in the local pantheon, following Ba`al Shamξm and preceding the Eternal Sun.)
              Though Sanchuniathon distinguishes Poseidon from his Elus/Cronus, this might be a splitting off of a particular aspect of Ēl in a euhemeristic account. Identification of an aspect of Ēl with Poseidon rather than with Cronus might have been felt to better fit with Hellenistic religious practice, if indeed this Phoenician Poseidon really is Ēl who dwells at the source of the two deeps in Ugaritic texts. More information is needed to be certain.


              ven - Wiktionary


              From Old Norse vinr, related to Latin venus (“beauty”)

              so Elven = Poseidon / Neptune + Venus

              Elves, Elf, Elven Folk including a look at Tolkien Elves

              Elves are mysterious, mystical beings, wrought from light during the birth of time. They are often arrogant and haughty as a result of their advanced age both as a race, and as individuals. They have seen the dawn of time, the birth of man, the changing of countless seasons, all blurred into a history remembered and revered in stories and songs.

              They are the wardens of nature, the children of the gods. Their lives are long and know no sickness or disease. They know much happiness but also carry great sorrow. They feel the joy of mother earth and her children but also feel all her grief, all throughout history. They are one with the Earth, Elfs were made from it and they shall return to it at the end of time ( or cycle ).

              In nature they find solace; and for the most part are a peaceful people and mean no harm to those who do no harm. But woe be to those who oppose the Elves, for to awaken the anger and fury is to most assuredly bring about your own destruction. Beneath the soft exteriors of the elves, beyond their songs of peace and tranquility lie skilled archers, powerful mages and deadly warriors. There is no more revered friend than an elf, and likewise, there is no more feared foe than an angry elf.

              Through the centuries they have learned to read the stars, nature and her animals, coming to an amazing understanding of all things around them. To be sure, one of the hardest things to understand were humans themselves. Many believe the humans were the reason the elfen folk mysteriously disappeared ( the passing of yugas Golden to iron / Kali ). Are they still there, just beyond our reach of comprehension, or were they wiped out by humans and their lack of understanding?
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-15-2012, 01:55 PM.
              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • talking about reptilian behavior

                Unlocking a major secret of the brain: Researchers uncover crucial link between hippocampus and prefrontal cortex

                (Medical Xpress) -- A clue to understanding certain cognitive and mental disorders may involve two parts of the brain which were previously thought to have independent functions, according to a McGill University team of researchers led by Prof. Yogita Chudasama, of the Laboratory of Brain and Behavior, Department of Psychology. The McGill team discovered a critical interaction between two prominent brain areas: the hippocampus, a well-known memory structure made famous by Dr. Brenda Milner’s patient H.M., and the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in decision-making and inhibiting inappropriate behaviours.
                “We had always thought that the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex functioned independently,” says Prof. Chudasama. “Our latest study provides the first indication that that is not the case.”

                The team’s finding, just published in the Journal of Neuroscience, reveals a critical interaction between these two brain areas and the control of behavior, and may advance the treatment of some cognitive and mental disorders including schizophrenia, and depression. The interaction between the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex shows that brain circuits function not just as specific parts of the brain, but are linked together and work as a system.

                “Although the prefrontal cortex has long been known to be the driving force that steers our behavior, pushing us to make good decisions and withhold improper actions, it turns out that it can’t do this unless it interacts with the hippocampus, ” added Prof. Chudasama. “We found that when we prevented these two structures from communicating with each other, like humans with compulsive disorders, rats persisted with behaviours that were not good for them; they didn’t correct their errant behaviours and could not control their natural urges.

                The ability to control impulsive urges or inhibit our actions allows us to interact normally in personal or social situations, and this type of behaviour depends on the normal interaction of the hippocampus and the prefrontal cortex. This result provides a means for understanding the neural basis for social and cognitive deficits in disorders of brain and behaviour, such as those with frontotemporal dementia”, concludes Prof. Chudasama.



                Third Eye | Energetics Institute

                Neuroscience also informs us of this reality. Brain scans done with PET imaging equipment show that when a person meditates there is a lot of activity triggered in the medial prefrontal cortex. The medial prefrontal cortex lies in the same general area of the “third eye” of occult and eastern spiritual literature. Brain research informs us that people who regularly meditate actually physically evolve their brain structures with neural changes that promote higher consciousness.

                Study offers new clue on how brain processes visual information, provides insight into neural mechanisms of attention

                Ever wonder how the human brain, which is constantly bombarded with millions of pieces of visual information, can filter out what's unimportant and focus on what's most useful?
                The process is known as selective attention and scientists have long debated how it works. But now, researchers at Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center have discovered an important clue. Evidence from an animal study, published in the July 22 online edition of the journal Nature Neuroscience, shows that the prefrontal cortex is involved in a previously unknown way.

                Two types of attention are utilized in the selective attention process – bottom up and top down. Bottom-up attention is automatically guided to images that stand out from a background by virtue of color, shape or motion, such as a billboard on a highway. Top-down attention occurs when one's focus is consciously shifted to look for a known target in a visual scene, as when searching for a relative in a crowd.

                Traditionally, scientists have believed that separate areas of the brain controlled these two processes, with bottom-up attention occurring in the posterior parietal cortex and top-down attention occurring in the prefrontal cortex.

                "Our findings provide insights on the neural mechanisms behind the guidance of attention," said Christos Constantinidis, Ph.D., associate professor of neurobiology and anatomy at Wake Forest Baptist and senior author of the study. "This has implications for conditions such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which affects millions of people worldwide. People with ADHD have difficulty filtering information and focusing attention. Our findings suggest that both the ability to focus attention intentionally and shifting attention to eye-catching but sometimes unimportant stimuli depend on the prefrontal cortex."

                ---------------------------- Think Bruce Lee

                Brain scans reveal clues to black belt punching power

                (Medical Xpress) -- Brain scans have revealed distinctive features in the brain structure of karate experts that are associated with how well they performed in a test of punching ability. It’s thought the findings could explain how black belts are able to punch powerfully from close range.
                Karate experts are able to generate extremely powerful forces with their punches, but how they do this is not fully understood. Previous studies have found that the force generated in a karate punch is not determined by muscular strength, suggesting that factors related to the control of muscle movement by the brain might be important.

                Researchers from Imperial College London and UCL looked for differences in brain structure between 12 karate practitioners with a black belt rank and an average of 13.8 years' karate experience, and 12 people of similar age who exercised regularly but did not have any martial arts experience.

                The researchers tested how powerfully the subjects could punch, but to make useful comparisons with the punching of novices they restricted the task to punching from short range - a distance of 5 cm.

                As expected, the karate group punched harder. The power of their punches seemed to be down to timing: the force they generated correlated with how well the movement of their wrists and shoulders were synchronised.
                An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-15-2012, 04:36 PM.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • view the following post as an indicator rather than a generalized view .... think of it as the Kali Yuga having hit its full peak (hopefully ) .... and it is not just American but more of a generalized worldly trend ( observation )

                  U.S. Women and the Princess syndrome, page 1

                  I just wanted to bring to attention that I have been noticing an increase of the egotistical "Princess Syndrome" in American Women.

                  The Princess syndrome is this whole persona that many women take on where they feel they should be treated like royalty, that they are in some kind of reality TV show, that they deserve the utmost attention, an entire paycheck spent on them, and only date the proverbial steroid jacked shallow douche-bags that we see on shows like Jersey shore.

                  I think it's a combo of the "American Dream" being instilled in them since birth coupled with all of these realty tv shows where the most abrasive and egotistical girl, becomes the most famous and most popular. It's literally polluted women's characters.

                  ps: Male pole are just as bad ..... both Poles are affected .... All is Analogy

                  An orderly arrangement between wave lengths establishes a connection between frequencies and fields. But for this connection to last, it must resonate to all frequencies and fields. This can only be accomplished through the resonate structure of golden mean pathways. a harmonic cascade effect
                  Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-15-2012, 10:18 PM.
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • today is the 15th :

                    Mercury is in the morning sky for most of the month, best observed from the southern hemisphere. Greatest western elongation from the Sun is on August 16.
                    Venus is now a morning “star,” shining brightly before sunrise. Greatest western elongation from the Sun is on August 15.

                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • just a side note observation :

                      wanted to check how many posts I made in our discussion :

                      Total Posts: 7,551 (13.58) posts per day
                      wow ..... quite a bit .... and check this out :

                      13.58 = 13 + 13 = HM 8 .:: Kenneth Bager - Fragment Eight (The Sound of Swing) ::. - YouTube

                      7551 = 7 + 2 = HM 9

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-16-2012, 03:26 AM.
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • here is a nice article on children with ADD / ADHD as we have also discussed it here :


                        How to Socially Engineer our ADD Children in Grade School: DRUG THEM UP!!! | Power Elite

                        an excerpt from the article:

                        In working with children as a volunteer tutor in math, I found that these kids during their “magical” period of development (between the ages of 5 and 8) are repressed like nothing I had ever seen before. They are beginning the process of arresting and traumatizing these kids using hand cuffs and rides in police cars like they are criminals, for a playground fist fight, (what a way to indoctrinate the child into fearing authority and thus learning early compliance) rather than teaching, counselling and otherwise assessing why the fight occurred and then determining the cause, like they used to do in the schools. Then in talking to teachers and parents of ADD diagnosed children, I found this was being used by both as a convenient way to avoid both parenting and teaching. If you drug up the child, you don’t have to deal with his or her “being a child”.
                        I was very successful in my tutoring bringing children back up to better grades by teaching from the right brain, instead of the left. Its the “all children left behind program”, that is ruining our education system. They are teaching them strictly from a left brain perspective.
                        Way back in the 50′s and 60′s a German psychologist wrote a book on raising children and how to redirect their magical period into one of left brain compliance with authority commands. It was an outrageous book and one to certainly destroy the advancement of creativity, intellectual curiosity and spirituality. Given Germany’s history as an illuminati stronghold, this does not surprise me.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • we have discussed quite a bit Pier Luigi Ighina -- magnetic atom

                          see :

                          what i have not read at the time (only picked the fruit of interest ) was the following :

                          Pier Luigi Ighina has always had a special provision to the study of phenomenology Electromagnetic and a lot of capacity in the execution of related mechanisms. But, according to he says, a lot of information and suggestions came directly from intelligence extraterrestrials , strongly affected by these attitudes and the depth of its insights in that sector Technical and Scientific. Of course not, however, that would have revealed numerous important secrets of electromagnetism if they had not been more than confident of his moral integrity moral, of his good temperament, of simple and friendly pacifism. Ighina recounts that his meeting with extraterrestrials took place almost ten years before, on the mountain at Castellaccio Imola. Today he is convinced of being a "planned" and that his task is to bring pursuing an important mission, that of regeneration of humanity into the well. He, therefore, would have the task of planting the seed act to sprout in the hearts of men to make them best. If men do not change and do not adjust to the pace of vital nature instead of destroy it, says Ighina, they will succumb before the final action of purifying Messengers of Cosmic Harmony. Even though the first Ighina had shown exceptional ability in his technical profession. They say he was able to identify failures in electrical without any instrumentation. It seems that only the tip of your finger is enough to discover the point and nature of the malfunction.

                          Coordinate: 44°09′42″N 11°31′39″E = HM 5 + HM 4 = HM 9

                          44°09′42″N = 44+9+41+91 = 185 = HM 5

                          11°31′39″E = 11+31+38+5= 85 = 13 = HM 4

                          Ighina says, then, that was the Madonna to inspire in the study of phenomena electromagnetic. He argues that the electromagnet is the crux of the existence and of nature. But Pier Luigi Ighina, a good man and simple as a child, as [infatigablecabile] still a man. While working even at night together with his collaborators and behind the precise instructions from the sky has noticed to be lagging behind in the construction of the mechanism designed. The times were accelerated the construction has made almost frantic and hurried accordingly.
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-16-2012, 04:23 PM.
                          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • a little crop circle update: Crop Circle at Wappenbury, Nr Royal Leamington Spa. Warwickshire. Reported 15th August   2012.

                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • The Sun's almost perfectly round shape baffles scientists

                              ( -- The sun is nearly the roundest object ever measured . If scaled to the size of a beach ball, it would be so round that the difference between the widest and narrow diameters would be much less than the width of a human hair.


                              Sunflowers inspire more efficient solar power system

                              ( -- A field of young sunflowers will slowly rotate from east to west during the course of a sunny day, each leaf seeking out as much sunlight as possible as the sun moves across the sky through an adaptation called heliotropism.


                              Turmeric spices up virus study: New research shows curcumin stops virus cells

                              ( -- The popular spice turmeric packs more than just flavor — it shows promise in fighting devastating viruses, Mason researchers recently discovered.
                              Curcumin, found in turmeric, stopped the potentially deadly Rift Valley Fever virus from multiplying in infected cells, says Aarthi Narayanan, lead investigator on the new study and a research assistant professor with Mason's National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases.

                              Mosquito-borne Rift Valley Fever virus (RVF) is an acute, fever-causing virus that affects domestic animals such as cattle, sheep and goats, as well as humans. The research appears this month in the Journal of Biological Chemistry.

                              "Growing up in India, I was given turmeric all the time," says Narayanan, who has spent the past 18 months working on the project. "Every time my son has a throat infection, I give (turmeric) to him."

                              There's more work to do before curcumin-based pharmaceuticals become commonplace, Narayanan emphasizes. She plans to test 10 different versions of curcumin to determine which one works the best. She also intends to apply the research to other viruses, including HIV.

                              Narayanan has long wanted to explore the infection-fighting properties of turmeric, in particular its key component, curcumin. "It is often not taken seriously because it's a spice," she says.
                              Turmeric - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                              Turmeric has been used in India for over 2500 years and is a major part of the Ayurvedic system of medicine. It was first used as a dye and then later for its medicinal properties.[12] The etymology of the word "turmeric" probably comes from the early French "terre merite" via the Latin "terra merita", literally "deserving earth".[13]
                              History Of Turmeric | LIVESTRONG.COM

                              Turmeric has played an important role in both Buddhist and Hindu ceremonies. The robes of the Buddhist monks were traditionally colored with a yellow dye made of turmeric. Because of its yellow-orange coloring, turmeric was associated with the sun in the mythology of Hinduism.
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-16-2012, 08:04 PM.
                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • New Report Highlights Space Weather Priorities for Next Decade | Heliophysics | LiveScience

                                A new report based on input from the science community outlines the most pressing objectives over the next decade for studying the sun and the far-reaching effects of solar activity. The report, which was released yesterday (Aug. 15) by the National Research Council, identifies specific science goals and provides recommendations for how to maintain robust and effective programs despite budgetary constraints.
                                you can also read it as we don't really know much about the sun and its effect .....


                                Pier Ighina's Cosmic Energy Inventions - The Tesla / Reich / Keely of Italy - English Subtitles - YouTube

                                Pierluigi Ighina - Le Leggi del Ritmo e altro dispositivi -

                                Ighina affirmed that we see only a part of the reality, from the moment that also the light of the Sun is rhythmic, pulsating, since it reabsorbs in itself as "shades" unnoticed from the human senses, the reflections of its light, that it not only receives from the Planets, but also from the Firmament, that is the screen on which the Sun projects the film of the Creation ( astrotheology ), that is underlined in apparent and deceptive way, in virtue of the retinic persistence as matter less or more in motion in the Space.

                                NASA is tracking electron beams from the Sun

                                ( -- In the quest to understand how the world's weather moves around the globe, scientists have had to tease apart different kinds of atmospheric movement, such as the great jet streams that can move across a whole hemisphere versus more intricate, localized flows. Much the same must currently be done to understand the various motions at work in the great space weather system that links the sun and Earth as the sun shoots material out in all directions, creating its own version of a particle sea to fill up the solar system.
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-17-2012, 02:54 AM.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

