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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • Michael C good to read you again

    Originally posted by Michael C View Post
    I simply love this thread, hadn't revisited it for a while but now I'm up front again, reading the 50+ pages since where I left...
    Greatly Appreciated

    Page 88 resonated particulary strongly, with this picture:

    I'm fascinated by dowsing and stone circles, it's quite hard to find any substantial info but they has connections to Chi/orgone or whatever one might want to call it. It's yet another way of working with these energys.

    From inspiration and with the help of my dowsers directing me how to do it, I built this stone circle sometime this spring:

    Even while still building it I started to pick up a vortex energy movement. I asked the dowsers to direct me where to put the next stone, and I was shown a path spiralling around inside the circle centrifuging out to the rim until I've arrived to the right spot for each stone. It took about 3 hrs to build. One hr to find the places for each rock, 2 hrs to adjust, turn and tweak every rock according to the dowser's instructions.

    Energy of the polarity of the Hartmann line are circulating and 'blowing' out of the opening. An energy beam from the group of three negative stones acts as a fine adjustment of direction to this beam and bends it. The stone circle are in a place from where I can't see my house, but the dowser's tell me this beam hits the corners of my house, exactly. While building, I didn't even know it was going to go anywhere or even that there would be a beam.
    If you Have GPS in your Mobile .... you can check the coordinate of each placed rock and the center HM 6 may not be too far

    The beam can be divided and sent to other objects of importance by this simple device made out of any regular planks. The flow will be aligned with the I in K and the < of the K is reflecting a part of the flow in a new desired direction.

    How did I come up with this? I was feeling a bit unsecure because of an attack and asked for help to build something 'suitable in my situation', and this is what I've got. This explains the entity providing force to the circle, I asked who to thank for it and came up with Tyr, Odins son, the guardian of justice and fairness, general of war and defence among the Asa gods. A rather anonymous god, I was very surprised, but it makes sense. He has his role in Ragnarök, leading the gods in the last battle against the giants of the other worlds.

    By spreading the knowledge, I honour Tyr and thank him.

    T represents victory
    Y upside down; death
    R is the spiritual warrior

    Also a few connections to 6 and 13 involved that might amuse

    There's lots of fun stuff to do with dowsers. Soon enough one may try doing it even without any tools at all.
    have you tried dowsing with a piece of gold in your mouth ( clean ) .... Ayurveda~~Healing Properties of Gold, Copper and!! - YouTube

    Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,


    You and Gold = Quartz and Gold

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-05-2012, 11:16 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Originally posted by Michael C View Post

      By spreading the knowledge, I honour Tyr and thank him.

      T represents victory 8 - Victory
      Y upside down; death 13 - Death
      R is the spiritual warrior 6 - Love

      13+6+8 = 19 + 8 = HM 9

      Yes you do Honor the Lone Wolf


      Upsilon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


      Upsilon is known as Pythagoras' letter, or the Samian letter, because Pythagoras used it as an emblem of the path of virtue or vice.[3]
      so if :

      Y upside down; death
      could be seen as Union of Virtue and Vice a Spiritual Warrior

      ps: the inverted Y looks also like an inverted Psi ( or Neptune's Trident )

      you noticed that a lot of the stories about the gods Norse / Greeks .... these "dudes" were quite the Horn Dogs if not they were in Battle in one form or another .... the control of the Red Chakra

      why do you think that is :

      6 - Love ..... were do you think Chi comes from .... isn't it also called Orgone as in Orgasm ( or transfered orgasm ) little death

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-06-2012, 12:12 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • And who is the Master of these Waters ..... chi / orgone


        as in

        Psi is a term from parapsychology derived from the Greek, ψ psi, 23rd letter of the Greek alphabet; from the Greek ψυχή psyche, "mind, soul".[1][2]

        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Thankyou so much Monsieur M, I was kind of hoping (feel no pressure ) that you would have something to say about this that helped me forward, and that was the case indeed. TYR also makes some sense using the artstrology date checker and the birth chart calculator you so kindly provided in this thread. 30/06/1969, that's me, please check your theories if you like, I see them as confirmed!

          I haven't tried dowsing with gold in my mouth, I'm biased by those who say that one should hold a piece of what's searched for but searching for water, minerals etc are the small part of dowsing, I hardly do that. This thought is blocking my understanding and development a bit so therefore I will just try it and see what happens!

          Actually I think I've made a mistake about the name of TYR, I'm not sure. I went for a google trip to collect a few facts but I'm not sure about what I came up with. The Y-rune may be inadequate in the way it's turned, I can't find historical references to it's direction in the name. Part of my experience and wishes support the upside down, other parts not. Both aspects are present in my circle, the upward turned and the downward turned Y.
          Upward it is Algiz, the 'elk' rune representing our protecting spirits, fylgjas.
          There's lots to it, the runes are more than language, their full of symbolism and a puzzle to describe things or create things with through different combinations!

          The similarity to Psi are no coincident. The upside down rune are also the opposite to 'psi force'.

          Talking of Tridents, there are a stone formation adjacent to some stone circles that i can't understand just yet. They are called 'treudd' which is the same word as trident.

          Somewhere in this thread there was a photo of the sun travelling the sky in a figure 8 during a year. It looked like this stone circle, one ellips called 'a ship' and here's two:

          Also I saw Carl Munck commented in the thread which made me happy, I think he has something going on.

          Same goes for Rob Bryanton who helped me a lot to understand the mechanisms of free will and, in my opinion, finally prooves there is such a thing (as if needed, but the veil of Kali Yuga seems thick and foggy ). Here's the short version, but don't miss the other parts of the story!
          Imagining the Tenth Dimension - 2012 Version - YouTube
          This make great sense, please connect it to what Tom Campbell tells us too!


          • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
            Thankyou so much Monsieur M, I was kind of hoping (feel no pressure ) that you would have something to say about this that helped me forward, and that was the case indeed. TYR also makes some sense using the artstrology date checker and the birth chart calculator you so kindly provided in this thread. 30/06/1969, that's me, please check your theories if you like, I see them as confirmed!

            I haven't tried dowsing with gold in my mouth, I'm biased by those who say that one should hold a piece of what's searched for but searching for water, minerals etc are the small part of dowsing, I hardly do that. This thought is blocking my understanding and development a bit so therefore I will just try it and see what happens!

            Actually I think I've made a mistake about the name of TYR, I'm not sure. I went for a google trip to collect a few facts but I'm not sure about what I came up with ( a Fractal Construct : what you found was meant for you ... as you search you will understand why ). The Y-rune may be inadequate in the way it's turned, I can't find historical references to it's direction in the name. Part of my experience and wishes support the upside down, other parts not. Both aspects are present in my circle, the upward turned and the downward turned Y.
            Upward it is Algiz, the 'elk' rune representing our protecting spirits, fylgjas.
            There's lots to it, the runes are more than language, their full of symbolism and a puzzle to describe things or create things with through different combinations!

            The similarity to Psi are no coincident. The upside down rune are also the opposite to 'psi force'.
            Experience comes before law

            Talking of Tridents, there are a stone formation adjacent to some stone circles that i can't understand just yet. They are called 'treudd' which is the same word as trident.

            these treuden ( p 408 ) resemble the following crop circle : (the inner geometric shape )


            Somewhere in this thread there was a photo of the sun travelling the sky in a figure 8 during a year. It looked like this stone circle, one ellips called 'a ship' and here's two:

            coordinates = HM 9

            Also I saw Carl Munck commented in the thread which made me happy, I think he has something going on.

            Same goes for Rob Bryanton who helped me a lot to understand the mechanisms of free will and, in my opinion, finally prooves there is such a thing (as if needed, but the veil of Kali Yuga seems thick and foggy ). Here's the short version, but don't miss the other parts of the story!
            Imagining the Tenth Dimension - 2012 Version - YouTube
            This make great sense, please connect it to what Tom Campbell tells us too!
            Carl Munck seemed to have had ET contact like Pier Luigi Ighina

            Michael C ..... or shall i say

            10/Ajpu = is Manifestation.

            Protectors of Life. Lords of Time or Lords of the Sun.

            It is always with great pleasure and honor to read your observations and results of your experiments

            Artstrology Date Checker"
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-06-2012, 11:13 AM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • Actually I think I've made a mistake about the name of TYR, I'm not sure. I went for a google trip to collect a few facts but I'm not sure about what I came up with ( a Fractal Construct : what you found was meant for you ... as you search you will understand why ).
              It makes perfectly sense, thank you so much, I needed to be reminded and confirmed in that knowledge.

              these treuden ( p 408 ) resemble the following crop circle : (the inner geometric shape )
              Ohh, what a revelation, that connection to crop circles and stone circles! It totally ends the question about man-made or not, it has no importance at all. It may be hard to discover because of the complexity in the elegant crop circle and the crudeness of the stone. They are simply coded strings of data in the great matrix. The living program that alter itself. They don't tell us anything, it's not necessarily a message, but they do something. Also, consider the impact from mosaic as an artform on this 'matrix'.

              It is with greatest pleasure and honour I follow your work with this thread, perhaps the most educating and evolving string of data on the internet ever. I can only hope to contribute in the humblest way with my tiny input of information, as it might inspire anyone to greater thoughts. A question is always needed in order to find answers.


              • just wanted to share with you a thought ...... as science is also exploring this capacity :

                Quantum Entanglement :

                New record in quantum communications

                using the principle of Correspondence :

                Any civilization who masters that technology .... won't have the need of using em waves to communicate ..... and Seti is searching the wrong wavebands as they would be using Quantum Entanglement to communicate over long distances

                Quantum entanglement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Quantum entanglement occurs when particles such as photons, electrons, molecules as large as buckyballs,[1][2] and even small diamonds[3][4] interact physically and then become separated; the type of interaction is such that each resulting member of a pair is properly described by the same quantum mechanical description (state), which is indefinite in terms of important factors such as position,[5] momentum, spin, polarization, etc.
                According to the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics, their shared state is indefinite until measured.[6] Quantum entanglement is a form of quantum superposition. When a measurement is made and it causes one member of such a pair to take on a definite value (e.g., clockwise spin), the other member of this entangled pair will at any subsequent time[7] be found to have taken the appropriately correlated value (e.g., counterclockwise spin).


                Whether we like someone affects how our brain processes movement ( another form of entanglement .... Fellow fractal Antenna )

                Hate the Lakers? Do the Celtics make you want to hurl? Whether you like someone can affect how your brain processes their actions, according to new research from the Brain and Creativity Institute at USC.
                to be continued .....
                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-06-2012, 01:05 PM.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • just a reminder

                  Crop Circle at Wanborough Plain, nr Liddington, Wiltshire. Reported 21st July. PHASE 2* 2012.

                  Wanborough Plain, nr Liddington, Wiltshire. Reported 21st July. PHASE 2

                  Map Ref: SU228807

                  OS X (Eastings) 422862
                  OS Y (Northings) 180770
                  Nearest Post Code SN4 0DZ
                  Lat (WGS84) N51:31:31 (51.525385) = HM 5
                  Long (WGS84) W1:40:19 (-1.671856) = HM 6

                  65 or 56

                  LR SU228807
                  mX -186110
                  mY 6681286

                  Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • Quantum communication and entanglement would be familiar to anyone with kids, tell them what they have to do and they will want to do the opposite Manifestation is when things spin in resonance

                    Rob Bryanton's theory gives food for thought and relates to quantum entanglement ideas. He explains it in terms of dimensions, like the physical world of 3D we experience around us. Also what Tom Campbell says in a link in this amazing thread relates to this: We experience reality in data packages.
                    Tom Campbell My Big TOE Toronto 2009 1/9 - YouTube

                    Now, with that in mind, what does Rob Bryanton have to tell us? I'll try to interpret what I see in it:

                    Imagine an infinite point, a singularity. It has no size, no limits, it's all we know of and therefore we can't compare it's size to anything else. We are experiencing 0 dimensions. (zero is nothing, but as well everything, just as Tom Campbell suggests. Remove 'something' from zero and get 'something else' as a product, that thing which is everything except what has been removed) For the time being, it's just a dot, for simplicity's sake.

                    Where do we go from there? All we know is a dot, and we are conciously trapped inside it. We can expand our view by imagining another dot next to the first one. Suddenly a new dimension appears. We can now find that there's a distance between the two dots. We have experienced 'length'. If we can invent one more dot, we can invent many dots and place them in different places of the length axis. Our length axis can be of infinite length and we can put infinite numbers of dots on it. We have invented the infinite line made out of those dots, as well as any line of any length. End of fun, we have reached our limits of understanding, we have reach the limits of 1D.

                    Where do we go from there? The recipe is 1, 2, Many. 1 line, then invent another line. Two lines, then many lines in all directions of the plane. For simplicity, imagine a square. Within that square, a line of any length or orientation are possible on the plane. North, south, left, right, long, short etc. We have infinite lines on a single plane. End of fun again, this time in 2D.

                    Where to now? Another square in any wanted other plane. 1 plane, 2 planes, infinite planes. Imagine a cube which can be cut in any plane, from any angle. This is 3D.

                    Remember, reality is experienced in quanta, one 3D cube is one frame in the film of life. This moment, 'now', are this cube, loaded with information of the things within it. A car going at 55 mph, a dog barking at a cat etc. Frozen in time.

                    What next? Time is a singularity in 3D, without known borders, without anywhere to go. We have one cube, so add one more cube outside the first, then another, then many... Line them up on the time axis and see the movie start it's projection upon conciousness. Each cube contains information that will affect the next cube. The driver of the car has his foot on the break pedal so in the next cube the car will have a lower speed. The energy of what happens everywhere has an impact on the next cube or timeframe. We have 4D. Then what?

                    We had one timeline, then add one more. Infinite time lines, all crossing the cube frame which represents ‘now’. You’re driving your car. Which time line will be your next to follow to your next cube of the infinite alternatives? That depends on you. Move your foot to the gas pedal and your car will accelerate. That’s a different timeline than the one where you keep your foot pressing the brake pedal.
                    The energies loaded in one frame, the quanta, will steer your movement to the next time line of your choice, and from the influence of others. Your beliefs are part of the energy. Do you believe that your car can fly right over the traffic jam? Then pick that time line where it does, you can do that as long as that energy is within the cube. Miracles explained. Law of attraction explained. Thought is energy, high energy allows ‘high end’ manifestations, overriding the collective beliefs of probability, which spins in another direction than the one you might prefer. Change the fractal pattern. This is 5D, and we live there every moment of our lives, more or less aware of it. Then what?

                    One ‘now’, two ‘now’, infinite ‘now’. How do we reach the other ‘now’s’? (Time travel, teleportation, parallell universes) Imagine a flat surface, the 2D square. Roll it up like a tube. 3D. Watch an ant walking into the tube, walking from point to point in a line, the time axis 4D, choosing different points along the way, 5D choices. Now watch a fly entering the tube. It lands just in front of the ant. From the ant’s view it appeared out of nowhere. Then it flys off and sits somewhere else in the tube, shouting ‘hellooo’ to the ant. The ant can hear it but not see it. Where is that damned fly? ‘Over here, look up!’ shouts the fly to the ant. Oh there you are says the ant and waves to the fly, who waves back. Communication between different parallel universas, between different ‘now’. Tarot explained, spiritism explained, ghosts explained. They show up from nowhere, and then gone. Where did they come from? Why so different from the ‘now’ situation I’m familiar with? Am I crazy? Are the world crazy? Lot’s and lot’s of info to consider 

                    How do I get there, to 6D? Well, what choice did you make in the 5D world? Did you pick the next cube where this travel where possible? Did you fill your ‘now’ with the energy of possibility, did you change the fractal pattern so it would come true?

                    This is why it’s not a matter of how, there’s an infinity of how’s, it’s about what.


                    • There's only one of you. What if there were two? What if there were many? Or infinite?

                      Who is God? Who are we?


                      • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                        There's only one of you. What if there were two? What if there were many? Or infinite?

                        Who is God? Who are we?

                        John Farnham - You're The Voice (lyrics) - YouTube


                        Experiments illuminate how order arises in the cosmos

                        (—One of the unsolved mysteries of contemporary science is how highly organized structures can emerge from the random motion of particles. This applies to many situations ranging from astrophysical objects that extend over millions of light years to the birth of life on Earth.
                        The surprising discovery of self-organized electromagnetic fields in counter-streaming ionized gases (also known as plasmas) will give scientists a new way to explore how order emerges from chaos in the cosmos. This breakthrough finding was published online in the journal Nature Physics on September 30.
                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-07-2012, 10:24 AM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Force + = transcendental evolution

                          Leila K: Ça plane pour moi

                          Ramonheurs de Menhirs: Bella Ciao

                          Nina Hagen: So Bad

                          Träd, Gräs och stenar: Punkrocker


                          • ....... Devo - Satisfaction (with lyrics) - YouTube


                            Theory: Music underlies language acquisition

                            (Medical Xpress)—Contrary to the prevailing theories that music and language are cognitively separate or that music is a byproduct of language, theorists at Rice University's Shepherd School of Music and the University of Maryland, College Park (UMCP) advocate that music underlies the ability to acquire language.
                            "Spoken language is a special type of music ," said Anthony Brandt, co-author of a theory paper published online this month in the journal Frontiers in Cognitive Auditory Neuroscience. "Language is typically viewed as fundamental to human intelligence, and music is often treated as being dependent on or derived from language. But from a developmental perspective, we argue that music comes first and language arises from music."
                            .... Check all the Great Souls we have discussed .... Most contributed to Music ( Khayyam .... Hildegard ..... etc .... ) .... they rediscovered the Music of the Spheres

                            Where Everything Is Music
                            Don't worry about saving these songs!
                            And if one of our instruments breaks,
                            it doesn't matter.

                            We have fallen into the place
                            where everything is music.

                            The strumming and the flute notes
                            rise into the atmosphere,
                            and even if the whole world's harp
                            should burn up, there will still be
                            hidden instruments playing.

                            So the candle flickers and goes out.
                            We have a piece of flint, and a spark.

                            This singing art is sea foam.
                            The graceful movements come from a pearl
                            somewhere on the ocean floor.

                            Poems reach up like spindrift and the edge
                            of driftwood along the beach, wanting!

                            They derive
                            from a slow and powerful root
                            that we can't see.

                            Stop the words now.
                            Open the window in the center of your chest,
                            and let the spirits fly in and out.

                            -- Jalaluddin Rumi

                            New intervention helps teens deal with their emotions through music

                            (Medical Xpress)—Using music to engage with and educate young people about their emotions, and how to tolerate and regulate their strong emotional states, is the focus of a new intervention developed by University of Queensland clinical psychologist Dr Genevieve Dingle.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-07-2012, 11:18 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              Theory: Music underlies language acquisition

                              .... Check all the Great Souls we have discussed .... Most contributed to Music ( Khayyam .... Hildegard ..... etc .... ) .... they rediscovered the Music of the Spheres

                              Musica universalis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                              Musica universalis (lit. universal music, or music of the spheres) is an ancient philosophical concept that regards proportions in the movements of celestial bodies—the Sun, Moon, and planets—as a form of musica (the Medieval Latin name for music). This 'music' is not usually thought to be literally audible, but a harmonic and/or mathematical and/or religious concept. The idea continued to appeal to thinkers about music until the end of the Renaissance, influencing scholars of many kinds, including humanists.
                              Music like Any Fractal Construct :

                              a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
                              .:: Kenneth Bager - Fragment Eight (The Sound of Swing) ::. - YouTube ...... 8*8 = 64 Codons

                              The Music of the Spheres incorporates the metaphysical principle that mathematical relationships express qualities or ‘tones' of energy which manifest in numbers, visual angles, shapes and sounds all connected within a pattern of proportion. Pythagoras first identified that the pitch of a musical note is in proportion to the length of the string that produces it, and that intervals between harmonious sound frequencies form simple numerical ratios.[1] In a theory known as the Harmony of the Spheres, Pythagoras proposed that the Sun, Moon and planets all emit their own unique hum (orbital resonance) based on their orbital revolution,[2] and that the quality of life on Earth reflects the tenor of celestial sounds which are physically imperceptible to the human ear.[3] Subsequently, Plato described astronomy and music as "twinned" studies of sensual recognition: astronomy for the eyes, music for the ears, and both requiring knowledge of numerical proportions.[4]
                              just play Harmonic Math
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-07-2012, 11:53 AM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Let's Resonate a few Fractal Constructs

                                key fractal word / frequency : Counter Streaming

                                Experiments illuminate how order arises in the cosmos

                                (—One of the unsolved mysteries of contemporary science is how highly organized structures can emerge from the random motion of particles. This applies to many situations ranging from astrophysical objects that extend over millions of light years to the birth of life on Earth.
                                The surprising discovery of self-organized electromagnetic fields in counter-streaming ionized gases (also known as plasmas) will give scientists a new way to explore how order emerges from chaos in the cosmos. This breakthrough finding was published online in the journal Nature Physics on September 30.



                                Why moderate beliefs rarely prevail

                                (—We live in a world of extremes, where being fervently for or against an issue often becomes the dominant social ideology – until an opposing belief that is equally extreme emerges to challenge the first one, eventually becoming the new social paradigm. And so the cycle repeats ( Anisotropy ), with one ideological extreme replacing another, and neither delivering a sustainable solution. Political revolutions, economic bubbles, booms and busts in consumer confidence, and short-lived reforms such as Prohibition in the US all follow this kind of cycle. Why, researchers want to know, does a majority of the population not settle on an intermediate position that blends the best of the old and new?
                                "For many political issues, economic policies, ethical questions, and allocations of funding, for example, the middle road or 'golden mean' between extremes has advantages over either extreme ," Seth Marvel of the University of Michigan, lead author of a recent study on moderation, told "Furthermore, there are cases – say, with economic policies for instance – where swinging between extremes is costly in itself."

                                In their paper published in Physical Review Letters, Marvel and his coauthors from the US and Korea explain that there are several ways to explain why few people embrace moderation, but here they give a purely mathematical answer using a "model of ideological revolution." The model reveals that successive ideological revolutions take place in an environment that is not conducive to moderate beliefs. Even when the researchers adjust the model to encourage moderation, eventually the moderate population will almost always either fail to sufficiently expand or collapse altogether.

                                from :

                                How to Become a Virtuoso: Start With Non-Conformity | Alternative

                                Are you willing to spend 14,500 hours at something, anything, to master it? Apparently, that is what it takes to become a virtuoso. While there are exceptions to this rule, it seems that it takes an exceptionally large amount of focus and dedication to become a virtuoso or a genius. Is it possible, however, that the process of mastery could be accelerated? Can we use unconventional tools to surpass mundane levels of skill? Are there secrets to going above the bar without frying our minds or suffering emotional or psychological burn out?
                                Franz Listz was playing the piano at the age of five. Yo-Yo Ma started playing the violin and viola at a very young age before he switched to the cello. The world-renown tenor, Luciano Pavarotti, started singing at a local church at the age of nine. Einstein apparently did not start reading until the age of nine, and spoke much later than most children, but when he did, he spoke in full sentences. Apparently it takes time for the mind to process creative ideas, and it can do so more easily without the interference of speech . Is it possible that each of these examples of virtuosity developed mental prowess with slightly different, but fascinatingly connected, experiences?
                                Doctor Who - All She Wants to do is Dance - YouTube ..... your imagination that is

                                from :

                                Our Conscious Mind Could Be An Electromagnetic Field

                                Our Conscious Mind Could Be An Electromagnetic Field
                                Are our thoughts made of the distributed kind of electromagnetic field that permeates space and carries the broadcast signal to the TV or radio.

                                Professor Johnjoe McFadden from the School of Biomedical and Life Sciences at the University of Surrey in the UK believes our conscious mind could be an electromagnetic field.

                                “The theory solves many previously intractable problems of consciousness and could have profound implications for our concepts of mind, free will, spirituality, the design of artificial intelligence, and even life and death,” he said.

                                Most people consider "mind" to be all the conscious things that we are aware of. But much, if not most, mental activity goes on without awareness. Actions such as walking, changing gear in your car or peddling a bicycle can become as automatic as breathing.

                                The biggest puzzle in neuroscience is how the brain activity that we're aware of (consciousness) differs from the brain activity driving all of those unconscious actions.
                                as you grow .... your "Tree of Knowledge" grows )

                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-07-2012, 12:46 PM.
                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

