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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • I will watch this, thanks Monsieur!

    There is something with aluminium, it seems to have dielectric proportions relative to chi/orgone, exemplified by the Joe cell which uses aluminium as a sort of hose between cell and engine. It's not 'alive' in the same way other materials could be said being. Therefore, it can hold and distribute certain energys without interacting with them or alter them. The magic of aluminium in a magic world is that it doesn't seem to have any magic, which makes it ideal to contain (from a technocratic viewpoint) magic within it or along it as it is a 'different material' altogether!


    • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
      I will watch this, thanks Monsieur!

      There is something with aluminium, it seems to have dielectric proportions relative to chi/orgone, exemplified by the Joe cell which uses aluminium as a sort of hose between cell and engine. It's not 'alive' in the same way other materials could be said being. Therefore, it can hold and distribute certain energys without interacting with them or alter them. The magic of aluminium in a magic world is that it doesn't seem to have any magic, which makes it ideal to contain (from a technocratic viewpoint) magic within it or along it as it is a 'different material' altogether!
      Element 13 ..... the mystical one
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • a bit of info update:

        Large water reservoirs at the dawn of stellar birth

        (—ESA's Herschel space observatory has discovered enough water vapour to fill Earth's oceans more than 2000 times over, in a gas and dust cloud that is on the verge of collapsing into a new Sun-like star.

        previously posted :

        Water on the Sun?

        An international team of scientists, including a University of Waterloo chemistry professor, has conclusively demonstrated that water (actually steam) does exist on the sun, confirming a breakthrough finding made two years ago.

        The team used an innovative method to calculate the water spectrum at sunspot temperatures. The method will be useful in modelling systems with an abundance of extremely hot water molecules, such as forest fires.
        Water Found on Sun


        The Shining Queen, who rules the velvet night,
        And nurtures nascent change, concealed from sight,
        Transforms and changes, wheeling light and dark,
        And seeks the Sun to sire the unseen spark.

        The watery depths bring forth the Child of Light.
        sonoluminescence - YouTube

        Loopholes discovered in Sun's magnetic belt

        (—The mystery surrounding how an electrically charged solar wind can be unleashed from around the Sun's equator – an area where strong magnetic fields should strap it to the surface – has been solved by an international team of researchers.
        Using data from the Hinode telescope, researchers have been studying the 'slow' solar wind, which comes from the aptly named 'equatorial belt' of the Sun where the magnetic field is strapped to the surface of our local star.

        The paradox has been that these equatorial regions are full of closed magnetic structures that are confined to the Sun, which should prevent gasses from escaping. Published today in the journal Solar Physics, the answer to how the slow solar wind escapes into the universe turns out to be linked to regions where the magnetic field vanishes altogether, regions called null points.( sounds similar to ley lines and their "null point" pyramid )

        Negative news stories affect women's stress levels but not men's

        Bad news articles in the media increase women's sensitivity to stressful situations, but do not have a similar effect on men, according to a study undertaken by University of Montreal researchers at the Centre for Studies on Human Stress of Louis-H. Lafontaine Hospital.
        let's put some colors to it :

        Bad news articles in the media increase women's sensitivity to stressful situations, but do not have a similar effect on men, according to a study undertaken by University of Montreal researchers at the Centre for Studies on Human Stress of Louis-H. Lafontaine Hospital.
        makes sense
        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-11-2012, 12:16 AM.
        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


        • Hypothesis: Aluminium reflects/deflects chi. Surrounded by it, it will reflect your inner core back to you. Inside you, it will deflect chi coming in and perhaps even reflect some of it out of you. Just a thought. There might be several more alchemic and chemical (al.../ ) things to take into consideration too.

          Aluminium and water combined seems to be an interesting field of investigation!


          • A Swedish monthly magazine called Good News Magazine | Good News Magazine are growing fast these days. It will even be distributed free onboard of passenger trains for a few months to come.

            It only contains good stuff about people doing good things or succeeding in turning bad into good.

            The editor had a rough time in his life earlier on but made a choice, started this magazine and are gaining success after success with it.

            It is very popular with women especially, judged by the reactions but I think just as many men appreciate the idea too, perhaps more silently. It doesn't fit in any male role model so to speak. But it makes great sense in a human point of view.


            • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
              A Swedish monthly magazine called Good News Magazine | Good News Magazine are growing fast these days. It will even be distributed free onboard of passenger trains for a few months to come.

              It only contains good stuff about people doing good things or succeeding in turning bad into good.


              Excellent info Michael C


              Einstein's math suggests faster-than-light travel - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience | NBC News

              Despite an apparent prohibition on such travel by Einstein’s theory of special relativity, the scientists said the theory actually lends itself easily to a description of velocities that exceed the speed of light.
              Yet special relativity breaks down if two people's relative velocity, the difference between their respective speeds, approaches the speed of light. Now, Hill and Cox have extended the theory to accommodate an infinite relative velocity.
              All Truth is Half Truth ....... it is all about Perspective

              ---------------------- let's talk about epigenetics :

              Evidence of biological process that embeds social experience in DNA that affects entire networks of genes

              October 11, 2012 in Genetics

              (Medical Xpress)—Early life experience results in a broad change in the way our DNA is "epigenetically" chemically marked in the brain by a coat of small chemicals called methyl groups, according to researchers at McGill University. A group of researchers led by Prof. Moshe Szyf, a professor of Pharmacology and Therapeutics in the Faculty of Medicine, and research scientists at the Douglas Institute have discovered a remarkable similarity in the way the DNA in human brains and the DNA in animal brains respond to early life adversity. The finding suggests an evolutionary conserved mechanism of response to early life adversity affecting a large number of genes in the genome.

              ------------------------ instant gratification ...... a society we live in today .... at all levels ( materialism in its many forms... )

              The Marshmallow Study revisited: Delaying gratification depends as much on nurture as on nature

              Now a new study demonstrates that being able to delay gratification is influenced as much by the environment ( without ) as by innate ability (within ) . Children who experienced reliable interactions immediately before the marshmallow task waited on average four times longer—12 versus three minutes—than youngsters in similar but unreliable situations.

              ps: the same applies for the economic crisis ..... finding short term / instant gratification solutions ...... fellow consumers / Cattle ( that is how you are perceived by your respective leaders )
              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-11-2012, 11:47 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                Hypothesis: Aluminium reflects/deflects chi. Surrounded by it, it will reflect your inner core back to you. Inside you, it will deflect chi coming in and perhaps even reflect some of it out of you. Just a thought. There might be several more alchemic and chemical (al.../ ) things to take into consideration too.

                Aluminium and water combined seems to be an interesting field of investigation!
                Quick search on Aluminum and Rexresearch ( Fringe Science ) :


                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                  Hypothesis: Aluminium reflects/deflects chi. Surrounded by it, it will reflect your inner core back to you. Inside you, it will deflect chi coming in and perhaps even reflect some of it out of you. Just a thought. There might be several more alchemic and chemical (al.../ ) things to take into consideration too.

                  Aluminium and water combined seems to be an interesting field of investigation!

                  YES! That is why they spray it and get it into us any which way they can so we do not absorb the chi but deflect it!


                  • Link to papers

                    Hi there - here is a link to some papers I have put up

                    Internet Archive Search: creator:"Anthony Morris"

                    New development in Primes I think could be something special but I will let you be the judge of that
                    Attached Files


                    • Originally posted by Harmonic View Post
                      Hi there - here is a link to some papers I have put up

                      Internet Archive Search: creator:"Anthony Morris"

                      New development in Primes I think could be something special but I will let you be the judge of that
                      Thank you Harmonic for the link and my apologies for forgetting to post it

                      ps: Aluminum is just a tool ..... like a screw driver .... can be useful or can be harmful .... it all depends on your intentions (within ) ..... don't give too much creedence to the PTB .... because they are as much clueless as we are .... and probably we should call them the Power that Were

                      we live in a Fractal Universe ...... There is more than one way to absorb Chi ....... make yourself an Orgone Pyramid .... it can only help ( first learn about orgone ......then ...... make one yourself with good intent in your mind .... find your GPS HM 6


                      Legacy Admit Rate at 30 Percent | News | The Harvard Crimson

                      ask yourself the following do you think intelligence can be passed on genetically

                      have you seen how Fraternities and Sororities work ( ie: Bush Junior etc...)

                      the seed of their demise is already within . The Doors - The End (full version) - YouTube ..... their minions have been through the same school as you with the same brainwashing as you have been through ( they want you to be Paranoid )

                      the bottom line is don't overestimate them and don't underestimate their stupidity / Ignorance

                      Rolling Stones-Time Is On My Side - YouTube

                      and also their interbreeding habit to keep the money within the family ..... usually gives rise to some genetic problems
                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-12-2012, 12:59 PM.
                      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • a reminder from

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        - Ben Rich, the “Father of the Stealth Fighter-Bomber” and former head of Lockheed Skunk Works

                        When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, “Let me ask you. How does ESP work?” The questioner responded with, “All points in time and space are connected? Rich then said, “That’s how it works!
                        Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real : Ben Rich Lockheed Skunk Works Director Admitted In His Deathbed Confession |Latest UFO News| UFO 2011 Sightings|Alien Pictures|2011 Solar Flares|Disclosure Project|Web Bot

                        Isn't he describing this:

                        Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                        Just wanted to post this info because its representation is nothing more than a Fractal representation:

                        Multiverse = Many Worlds, Say Physicists - Technology Review

                        Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                        The Effects of Magnetic Water

                        The Effects of Magnetic Water
                        By John V. Milewski

                        What I think is happening is that the magnetite which is a strong magnetic suscepter is concentrating the earth's magnetic fields into it's cylindrical shape and the shape effect, in turn, sets up a magnetic spiral vortex in the core of the cylinder in which the water is stored. This in turn activates the water with the magnetic energy.

                        just reposting :

                        as i was running a search on Aluminium on Rexresearch ... found the following article :

                        V. KAZNACHEEV : Kozyrev mirrors

                        ISRICA - Institute for Scientific Research in Cosmic Anthropoecology - is an organization within the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Siberia, with which the Research and Development Center of the Foundation for the Law of Time has entered into a collaborative relationship. The work at ISRICA is largely based on original research of N. A. Kozyrev, and to a lesser degree, V. I. Vernadsky, as elaborated upon by V.Kaznacheev and Alexander Trofimov.

                        Kozyrev’s work in particular has been of interest to the Foundation’s Research and Development Center because of his extensive investigations into the nature of time. Through his astronomical and mathematical studies, Kozyrev concluded that time is actually a kind of information frequency beam transmitted from stellar cores (synchronicity ) (which his studies showed to be not hot and dense but relatively cool and more hollow, though quite complex in nature). Based upon Kozyrev’s findings, the second axiom of the Law of Time states: The velocity of time is instantaneously infinite. It is this principle of time that accounts for the transmission of telepathy.

                        The Kozyrev mirrors are installed in such a way as to create a closed space in which there is a weakening of the magnetic field of the Earth, and which thereby provides more human access to solar and galactic information. Through numerous experiments using the mirrors with this intention, the ISRICA has focused studies in a number of areas, including human psychophysiology, pathology of disease and health, and the evolvement of telepathic fields and remote sensing. In 1990-91, a precursor of the rainbow bridge experiment was conducted entitled, “The ‘Aurora Borealis’ Global experiment on Investigation of Distant-Informational Interactions in the Noosphere and their Role in the Planet-Biospheric Homeostasis of the Earth.” The conclusions the ISRICA scientists have drawn from the experiments with the Kozyrev Mirrors are often startling to the Western mind, and can best be understood within the context of the Russian school of thought known as Cosmism.

                        We are shown the hypo-magnetic chambers and Professor Kaznacheev says that when scientists looked at a number of prehistoric sites they found that the special power spots --- like altar stones --- tended to be bang on magnetic anomalies ( see Granite chemical make up ) . We try out the chambers one switched on, the other not. They look like big bodyscanners. Immediately I felt a tingling on my hands in one, but nothing in the other. Then he talked about Kozyrev's mirrors --- a kind of room where aluminium sheets distort time and space. They use the room for distant viewing experiments.

                        Kozyrev's space was invented by Russian astro-physicist Nicolai Kozyrev (left) who believed that time was a conduit for energy. Like a lot of scientists, he spent time in the gulag --- where he was said to have had discussions on time and energy and transferring thoughts over a distance with shamans who were also prisoners.
                        Medical Applications - WikiRota

                        The universal currents conditioning the movement of worlds, they affect the earth and we must be grateful for without them we would go into the infinite.
                        What are the Universal Currents

                        According to M. Rota they are constant in their direction, but variable in their intensity and density, depending on the time and place. They are at the origin of worlds, assuring the mechanism of the universe and dispensers of life and death.

                        The characteristic of a current at a given époque ( see our discussion and Harmonic Math ) and in a given place are reproduced with a frequency which it has been possible to determine. The laws which govern them are in effect immutable.

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-12-2012, 12:53 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Love his articles

                          Who’s fuel are you? “Human Resources� Powering an Insane Matrix | Power Elite

                          Who’s Fueling Who?
                          Who’s Fueling Who? « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions
                          By Zen Gardner, ”Just Wondering”

                          Where’s our energy going? What has each of us consented to giving ourselves to?

                          “Human Resources” Powering an Insane Matrix

                          Just step back and “follow the energy” and see where it goes. This is where much of humanity’s energy gets absorbed and eventually dissipated.

                          Do you really want to contribute to all of this in any way shape or form?
                          Bloated overreaching governments sucking economies dry while riding high on their people’s backs.
                          Robber baron banksters bleeding the world while protected and encouraged by governments and courts that they own.
                          Self-serving dehumanizing corporations exploiting nations worldwide with hardly a thought for the betterment of humanity.
                          A military machine powered by power mad murderous idiots militarizing anything in sight, using our youth and the innocents of the world as fodder.
                          Mad scientists with unlimited budgets encouraged to experiment on humanity with germs, altered food, water and skies, and out of control technology used to enhance their war machine while imprisoning humanity.
                          A manipulative media, to which billions devote their time and energy following scripted news, mental programming, disinformation and mindless “amusements”.
                          Conditioned, repetitive, rote, dumbing down and disempowering de-education.
                          Fruitless, pagan religions sucking on the masses’ hunger for spirituality and directing it toward a controlling hierarchy built on fear and submission.

                          The list goes on. That’s not even touching on the spiritual levels of energy vampirism going on, but these are clear manifestations of it
                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-12-2012, 01:24 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • Linking Patterns :

                            Medical Applications - WikiRota

                            It required years of perseverant research to identify the force, the mysterious “x” in the equation. It would need more time than we have at our disposal to describe the stages which lead M. Rota to discover the existence of the 361 currents which he described as Universal.
                            It has taken him many years to educate his ear to recognize the timbre, intensity of the 361 currents that he has identified, using a chronometer to note their delicate variations. If doctors desired to assimilate his methods, it would take them ten or twenty years to acquire enough virtuosity to get practical results.


                            Psychologists find meditation increases awareness of subliminal messages

                            ( -- In our busy world most rarely have time to ponder the intricacies of subliminal messaging, despite the fact that it goes on all around us every day, in many cases as a direct means to incite us to buy an advertised product. Advertisers use hidden images embedded in photographs, for example, to cause reactions that we are generally unaware of, until we’re walking the aisles of a supermarket and suddenly find ourselves desiring a certain product. Now, new research by a team of psychologists and anthropologists from the Netherlands and Britain have found that practitioners of meditation appear to be more susceptible to subliminal messages than are those who don’t practice the ancient art. They have, as they describe in their paper published in Consciousness and Cognition, found through running two experiments, that engaging in meditation appears to open the mind to new insights which allows people to better remember subliminal messages they have received.
                            Now you can always choose which subliminal message you receive ... Electro Culture of the Heart

                            Bounce FM Track 10 George Clinton - Loopzilla - YouTube track 10

                            More bounce to the Ounce


                            Legend Of a Fire: An understanding of the Chakra

                            A chakra is believed to be a center of activity that receives, assimilates, and expresses life force energy. The word chakra literally translates as wheel or disk and refers to a spinning sphere of bioenergetic activity emanating from the major nerve ganglia branching forward from the spinal column. Generally, six of these wheels are described, stacked in a column of energy that spans from the base of the spine to the middle of the forehead, the seventh lying beyond the physical world. It is the six major chakras that correlate with basic states of consciousness...

                            Once moulded, it can be channelled through the chakra circulatory system, which is to chakra as the regular circulatory system is to blood, to any of the 361 chakra points in the body. Through various methods, the most common of which is hand seals, the chakra can then be manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as walking on water, exhaling fire or creating illusions.

                            A Proposed Standard International Acupuncture Nomenclature: Report of a WHO Scientific Group: 3. Proposed standard international acupuncture nomenclature: 3.3 The 361 classical acupuncture points

                            A Proposed Standard International Acupuncture Nomenclature: Report of a WHO Scientific Group
                            (1991; 36 pages)
                            Table of Contents WHO Scientific Group on International Acupuncture Nomenclature
                            1. Introduction
                            2. Background
                            3. Proposed standard international acupuncture nomenclature
                            3.1 Structure of the proposed nomenclature
                            3.2 The 14 main meridians
                            3.3 The 361 classical acupuncture points
                            3.4 The 8 extra meridians
                            3.5 The 48 extra points
                            3.6 Scalp acupuncture lines

                            4. Recommendations for further action by WHO in the field of acupuncture
                            Back cover

                            Modern Talking - Brother Louie lyrics (Extended Version) - YouTube

                            Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,

                            24 / 42 where did we see these numbers .....


                            The Different Modes of Revelation to the Prophets - Al-Shooraa 42: 51 - 52 [5201] -Islamic Beliefs - Understanding Islam

                            The Different Modes of Revelation to the Prophets - Al-Shooraa 42: 51 - 52

                            In Surah Shoora, verses 51-52 ( 6 7 = 13 13 / 6 ), Allah Almighty states:

                            "And it is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by revelation; from behind a veil, or by sending a Messenger to reveal by His Permission, what He pleases; surely He is the High, Wise.

                            And thus have We inspired in you a Spirit of Our Command. You knew not what the Book was, nor the Faith, but We have made it a Light, whereby We guide whom we please of Our Servants; and Indeed you do guide to the Straight Way."

                            linking Pattern :


                            Arabic Quran Surah 24. Light

                            24:35 Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The Parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche and within it a Lamp: the Lamp enclosed in Glass: the glass as it were a brilliant star: Lit from a blessed Tree, an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil is well-nigh luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light: Allah doth set forth Parables for men: and Allah doth know all things.

                            from : Reading the Green Language of Light - Vincent Bridges

                            In Islam, the mithrab is the prayer doorway to Mecca and the inner mysteries of Mohammed's revelation. In many Sufi sects, the mithrab has the geometric pattern of the Tree of Life, without Malkuth, inscribed in its niche. This is usually coupled with the Light Verse from the Qu'ran - Sura 24, verse 35. To the Sufis, this verse exemplifies the very idea of illumination. Idries Shah called the verse "the essence of Sufism," and goes on to suggests that it "conceals the nature of the cognition of the extra dimensions of the human consciousness which comes beyond the intellect."


                            by Fulcanelli p112 ( or 13 ): The Dwellings of the Philosophers

                            antemon, designates through a pun familiar to philosophers, the ane-Timon (32), the guide which in the Bible leads the Jews to the Fountain. It is the mythical Aliboron, [*236-1], horse of the sun. One more word. You probably know that in primitive language, Greek cabalists used to substitute numbers for certain consonants, for words whose common meaning they wanted to veil under a hermetic meaning. And so they used the epistimon ([*236-2]--- stagion)(33), Koppa, sampi, digamma (34)
                            , to which they granted a conventional value. The names modified by this process formed
                            genuine cryptograms, although their form and their pronunciation did not seem to have
                            undergone any alteration. Furthermore, the word, antimony Group 15, [*236-3], stimmi, when it was
                            used to signify the hermetic subject, was always written with the episemon ([*236-4],
                            equivalent of the consonants sigma and tau together. Written in this manner [*236-5] ---
                            simmi, it is no longer the stibnite of mineralogists, but indeed a matter signed by nature, or still better, a movement, a dynamism, or a vibration, a sealed life ([*236-6 --- simenai) so as to allow a man to identify it, a very peculiar signature submitted to the rules of the number six. In addition, a close term frequently used in phonetic cabala for assonance, the word [*236-7] --- epistemon indicates one who knows, one whois informed of, one who is skilled at. In Rabelais’ book Pantagruel, one of the main characters, the man of science, is called Epistemon. He is the seret artisan, the spirit, the mind enclosed in raw substance as translated by the Greek epistemon, because the spirit can single-handedly perform and perfect the entire work without any other help apart from elementary fire
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-12-2012, 06:46 PM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Who’s Fueling Who? « Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

                              Dance on it. They are the fools!

                              The big one to learn to stay distanced from is this societal matrix we’re told to assume is normal and right. Live outside their world through being conscious and reacting to your inner voice. Give your energy to Love and Truth and those that come into your life, as well as others investing in consciousness and loving reality. Learn to liberate minds and shatter false paradigms as a way of life. The released energy is the solution to everything and beginning to will be seriously encouraged!

                              Being awake and aware and communicating fearlessly is the whole shebang. Do that and “all will be revealed” as synchronicity comes alive for you!

                              “The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tsu

                              “It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.” - Jiddu Krishnamurti.

                              Love always, Zen

                              Just Wondering – Alternative News and Opinions

                              Beautiful Art

                              Cameron Gray

                              Cameron Gray
                              (1 votes, average: 4.00 out of 5)
                              No comments // Aug 31st, 2010 // Artista, Digital Art, Ilustración

                              Cameron Gray was born in Melbourne, Australia in 1984 and currently resides in Tasmania studying Contemporary Art at the University of Tasmania Academy of Arts.

                              Known primarily as a graphic artist and photographer emerging, Cameron has recently returned to a passion, the video. He studied Graphic Design and Multimedia Design and has shown interest in drawing, sculpture, jewelry, painting, experimental video, sound design and digital imaging. In 2002 he won the AGFA Australia award for best photography with digital art at Launceston College.

                              He has been influenced by the work of David Ho Danzig, Steve, Mike Bohatch, Fabrice Lavollay, Stephen Kasner and Gulnar Guvenc name a few. In 2003 his work was exhibited in Art Rage and published by the Queen Victoria Museum and Art Gallery and in 2005 Cameron was admitted to the guest gallery of the Museum of Computer Art.

                              At the age of 21 years, Cameron published his first book of illustrations (Parable Visions, the art of Cameron Gray) and to date has published four books and worked with a lot of magazines, authors, bands and underground publications. Cameron Gray is the founder and editor of Parable Visions Magazine which features art and literature from various parts of the world.

                              Its tools and equipment used include an Intel Macbook with Photoshop, Illustrator, Bryce, Poser, Gimp, Apophysis, Final Cut Pro, Vue, a Wacom tablet, Canon G10 Camera, Canon G5 infrared camera, a digital microscope, JVC HD30 camera Pentax K20D DSLR camera and a changed underwater high definition video.

                              Ps: for the french speaking seekers .... you may find this interesting :


                              Ce site est un outil collectif d'évolution des consciences individuelles
                              a bit of learning and fun :

                              The Word - Meducation - The Colbert Report - 2012-10-10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

                              Naomi Wolf - The Colbert Report - 2012-10-10 - Video Clip | Comedy Central

                              Naomi Wolf
                              Naomi Wolf explores low sexual desire among women, vaginal anatomy and America's outdated cultural script on sex.
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-12-2012, 06:03 PM.
                              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • the following is pure speculations :

                                are you familiar with :

                                Water birth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                                Water birth is childbirth that occurs in water. Proponents believe water birth results in a more relaxed, less painful experience that promotes a midwife-like model of care.[1] Critics argue that the safety of water birth has not been scientifically proven and that a wide range of adverse neonatal outcomes have been documented[2] including increased mother or child infections and the possibility of infant drowning. A 2009 Cochrane Review of water immersion in the first stages of labour found evidence of fewer epidurals and few adverse effects but insufficient information regarding giving birth in water.[1] Parent, child and birthing organizations have produced statements both supporting and criticizing water birthing.
                                SilverMoon Midwifery - Water Birth


                                wondering if a water that has been vortexed and passed though a Vogel Crystal ..... resulting in a Lourdes Spring Water Like (see previous posts on Lourdes ) .... would not prove to be useful for Water Birth

                                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

