Original Title: Venus-Neptune contacts and the divinity of love
Aphrodite / Venus
Pythagorean Numerology : 51
Pythagorean Absolute : 96
(Unreduced Serial Order)
Poseidon / Neptune
Pythagorean Numerology : 43
Pythagorean Absolute : 97
(Unreduced Serial Order)
51 43 = 9 4 = 13

Original Title: Venus-Neptune contacts and the divinity of love
Many astrologers like to emphasize the illusory nature that characterizes Venus-Neptune aspects. Apparently Venus-Neptune people don’t like the mundane, daily gestures that mark a long term relationship, they say. These people need fantasy, romance, escape. They’d rather pine than have the real deal. While that can be true, I’d add that those aspects present the possibility of having a direct romantic relationship (Venus) with the divine (Neptune). This is hardly a fantasy relationship, even if it doesn’t involve a blood and flesh human. Moreover, maintaining this relationship requires incredible discipline exacted upon a quotidian level.
A perfect example of this can be found in celebrated female Christian mystics. I looked at the natal charts of four famous women in the Middle Ages who had notable numinous experiences, and discovered three had Venus-Neptune contacts and to my surprize, all had at least one or more aspects that would indicate a strong libido or a more intense sexuality (e.g. Venus-Pluto, Mars-Venus, Mars-Pluto). While three examples hardly make a rule and the data may be debatable given how old these women are, it’s fair to say that finding birth data for such women is rare, and three for four isn’t bad.
Aphrodite / Venus
Pythagorean Numerology : 51
Pythagorean Absolute : 96
(Unreduced Serial Order)
Poseidon / Neptune
Pythagorean Numerology : 43
Pythagorean Absolute : 97
(Unreduced Serial Order)
51 43 = 9 4 = 13
