HEBREW GEMATRIA File #1: Values from 1 - 99
60 > 6 - 60 - 60 = 22x3x5
--- Samekh.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; , , ; , , , ).
(May be added initially or finally.)
(Samekh = --- 120/600 --- A Prop or Support).
--- (620 w/f); pr.n. "Father's Brother".
--- (710 w/f); to bind, to plait.
--- (710 w/f); to try; to make glow, to melt; to purify ( see also surah 112 / 114
) (by fire); to test or prove; to watch.
--- Samekh.
(In spelling, interchanges with: , , ; , , ; , , ; , , , ).
(May be added initially or finally.)
(Samekh = --- 120/600 --- A Prop or Support).
--- (620 w/f); pr.n. "Father's Brother".
--- (710 w/f); to bind, to plait.
--- (710 w/f); to try; to make glow, to melt; to purify ( see also surah 112 / 114

The Symbol ..... How many bars do you see

The Djed is the supreme symbol of unification of all polarities, it links to the transcendental reality of the One. It symbolises the micro and macrocosmic axis
13 - Ascension. Rules all other numbers. try it in numerology .......
