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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • linking Pattern :

    Ajna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Ajna (Sanskrit: आज्ञा, ājňā, [aːɟɲʌ], meaning 'command' or 'summoning') is the sixth primary chakra according to Hindu tradition.

    24 / 42 where did we see these numbers .....


    from : Reading the Green Language of Light - Vincent Bridges

    In Islam, the mithrab is the prayer doorway to Mecca and the inner mysteries of Mohammed's revelation. In many Sufi sects, the mithrab has the geometric pattern of the Tree of Life, without Malkuth, inscribed in its niche. This is usually coupled with the Light Verse from the Qu'ran - Sura 24, verse 35. To the Sufis, this verse exemplifies the very idea of illumination. Idries Shah called the verse "the essence of Sufism," and goes on to suggests that it "conceals the nature of the cognition of the extra dimensions of the human consciousness which comes beyond the intellect."
    Ajna / Jannah


    Ajna translates as 'command', and is considered as the eye of intuition. When something is seen in the mind's eye, or in a dream, it is being 'seen' by Ajna. It is a bridge that links gurus with disciples, allowing mind communication to occur between two people. The sense organ and action organ associated with Ajna is the mind in both cases.

    Hindus believe that spiritual energy from the external environments enter their body through this gateway and hence take utmost precaution in protecting it with spiritually positive protecting forces. The various religious marks one sees on the foreheads of men and women belonging to the Hindu faith (like holy ash,namam, vermilion etc.) are thus the blessed spiritual prasadam of their respective form of the Hindu gods.

    Meditation upon Ajna supposedly grants the following siddhis or occult powers: to quickly enter anothers body at will; to become omniscient; he realizes unity with Brahman; and he has the ability to create, preserve and destroy the three worlds.
    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • did you know ....

      How does one arrive at the exact number of cycles of radiation a cesium-133 atom makes in order to define one second?: Scientific American

      "The second is the duration of 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom."


      Radioactive decay rates vary with the sun's rotation: research

      Radioactive decay rates, thought to be unique physical constants and counted on in such fields as medicine and anthropology, may be more variable than once thought.
      A team of scientists from Purdue and Stanford universities has found that the decay of radioactive isotopes fluctuates in synch with the rotation of the sun's core.

      The fluctuations appear to be very small but could lead to predictive tools for solar flares and may have an impact on medical radiation treatments.
      Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-01-2012, 11:08 AM.
      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • As always, great information! I love the path delivered through the discussion about Ajna.

        Yesterday, a heavy snowfall started in the evening, in the light of the full moon. I was suggested to go to a place in the forest where I, standing in the moonlight and peaceful snow fall (no wind), recieved the feeling of gratefulness and love to the existence. That was what the forest wanted to show me. It doesn't take more to make a miracle. However, on the way to that place, my path was crossed by many symbols in the snow that I didn't recognize, except for the rune 'Odal'.

        I have no idea what the six-pointed symbols are. 'Odal' speaks of heritage, to be the rightful owner of land you had to be able to name your relatives at least 5 generations back in time, also owners of the same land. My association is that those six-pointed symbols are our heritage in some way. 'Odal' is both a square and a six-pointed symbol in a way. My association is that we are moving from a squared to a hexagonal energy, which is our heritage and ours to harvest. Got to work a bit more on that thought to come up with something more hands-on.

        Today, when I turned the key to my car, this came up:

        Do the maths

        Something is definetly going on.


        • Originally posted by Michael C View Post
          As always, great information! I love the path delivered through the discussion about Ajna.

          the rune 'Odal'.

          I have no idea what the six-pointed symbols are. 'Odal' speaks of heritage, to be the rightful owner of land you had to be able to name your relatives at least 5 generations back in time, also owners of the same land. My association is that those six-pointed symbols are our heritage in some way. 'Odal' is both a square and a six-pointed symbol in a way. My association is that we are moving from a squared to a hexagonal energy, which is our heritage and ours to harvest. Got to work a bit more on that thought to come up with something more hands-on.

          Something is definetly going on.
          Hexagonal like this : Beautiful images of Saturn., page 1

          as above so below

          The Elder Futhark Odal rune (ᛟ) represents the o sound. Its reconstructed Proto-Germanic name is *τώalan. The corresponding Gothic letter is 𐍉 o, called oώal. Variations of the name include Othila and Othala. The letter may be derived from a Raetian o letter variant, ultimately cognate with Greek Ω.

          Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love - YouTube

          Originally posted by Michael C View Post

          Saturn storm cranks the heat WAY up : Bad Astronomy

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-01-2012, 05:26 PM.
          “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • not surprising ....

            Originally posted by Michael C View Post

            Something is definetly going on.
            Uncle Thor's Lessons, Anecdotes and Humor » Blog Archive Cycling the Odal Rune » Uncle Thor's Lessons, Anecdotes and Humor

            Cycling the Odal Rune


            The Odal Rune has more than one place here. On one hand, it is the unchanging thing that does not move, but remains constant. From another perspective, it is a cycle that repeats. The repetition has two motions: first by rolling back and then by returning forward. In a way, Odal’s cycle is similar to the Rune’s propensity to connect the present with the past.

            There is another cycle related to Odal which is an excruciatingly slow one. Its progress is inexorable and constant, but very slow and ponderous. The route is within its own circle / arc. Those with experience in the attributes assigned to the Seven Planets might sense a similarity to Saturn. However, I doubt that the Odal cycle, though similar, is identical to Saturn’s.

            14 - Devil = Robert Palmer - Addicted To Love - YouTube


            The Master of the melting blaze creates
            Material things, and draws together mates
            In hot embrace. He works from depths obscure;
            To bring him to the Light, the only cure,
            Reveal and seize the force he radiates
            The Devil represents material creation in all its manifestations, including sex as a means of natural generation, metabolism as a means of growth, fire as a means of artistic creation, technology, art, craft - and the alchemical Great Work. Material creation is necessary for life, and may even be a path to enlightenment, but fascination with it can entrap us. If these acts of creation are undertaken unconsciously and negligently, as the two thralls do, then they deliver themselves into bondage, for the golden chain is loose, and only their own ignorance and reluctance to see keeps them bound in slavery, like zombies or automata.

            The Devil - human, beast and god in one - is Nature, and there is much power and beauty in our instincts, appetites and drives in the material world. But Nature, as a component of the psyche, is mostly unconscious, and operates behind our backs. Thus it is with all the shadowy components of ourselves, all the disowned parts of our psyches; they make themselves visible by being projected onto other people and onto the world at large. This trump calls on each of us to confront our Shadow, not to deny or destroy it, but to acknowledge its reality, own it as a part of us, understand its nature and reorient it toward the good.

            a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
            The whole universe is sum up in the human being. Devil is not a monster waiting to trap us, he is a voice inside. Look for your devil in yourself, not in the others. Don’t forget that the one who knows his Devil, knows his God. Rumi
            ---------- sounds like :

            The Heat is On - Glenn Frey - YouTube = Sun today — solar flares online


            14 - Devil

            The Arcadians called Pan by the title Ton tes Hules Kurion, which Macrobius (Saturnalia i.22) translates, "the Lord of Matter" (Knight & Wright 71). Knight (71-2) conjectured that Latin Sylvanus is related to Greek Hyle, since the Greeks tend to drop S, but that relation is no longer accepted (Tucker s.v. silva).

            one more thing :

            Erotic aspects Pan with a goat, statue from Villa of the Papyri, Herculaneum. Pan is famous for his sexual powers, and is often depicted with a phallus. Diogenes of Sinope, speaking in jest, related a myth of Pan learning masturbation from his father, Hermes, and teaching the habit to shepherds.[17] Pan's greatest conquest was that of the moon goddess Selene. He accomplished this by wrapping himself in a sheepskin[18] to hide his hairy black goat form, and drew her down from the sky into the forest where he seduced her
            Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-01-2012, 08:27 PM.
            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


            • and drew her down from the sky into the forest where he seduced her

              All of it makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much for sending me in the right direction to understand this.


              • Originally posted by Michael C View Post

                All of it makes a lot of sense. Thank you so much for sending me in the right direction to understand this.

                Pan's greatest conquest was that of the moon goddess Selene. He accomplished this by wrapping himself in a sheepskin[18] to hide his hairy black goat form, and drew her down from the sky into the forest where he seduced her
                Medical astrology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                Aries - head, face, brain, eyes

                Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn.

                note where Scorpio is ....

                Scorpio - reproductive system, sexual organs, bowels, excretory system

                Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-01-2012, 09:10 PM.
                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • from :

                  Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post
                  Did anyone experience the subtle energies on Nov 29 & 30th?

                  These energies were really resonating in the 3rd eye/pineal gland area.

                  Dream clarity/sensation was way up as well as sense of time disappeared.

                  More indications we are moving into a 5th dimension energy

                  Here is the link to see this incredible spiral:
                  Ultraviolet Flash from the sun on November 27, 2012 - YouTube

                  Good reading you IndianaBoys

                  It actually started being felt on the 24th ....... it played quite a bit with my chakras
                  “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                  • are you familiar with :

                    Orichalcum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    Orichalcum is a metal mentioned in several ancient writings, most notably the story of Atlantis as recounted in the Critias dialogue, recorded by Plato. According to Critias, orichalcum was considered second only to gold in value, and was found and mined in many parts of Atlantis in ancient times. By the time of Critias, however, it was known only by name. In numismatics, orichalcum is the golden-colored bronze alloy used for the sestertius and dupondius coins.
                    Orichalcum is first mentioned in the 7th century BC by Hesiod and in the homeric hymn dedicated to Aphrodite, dated to the 630s.
                    just sound similar to Ormus .... don't think it is the same though .... not familiar with it though

                    According to the Critias by Plato, the three outer walls of the Temple to Poseidon and Cleito on Atlantis were clad respectively with brass, tin, and the third, which encompassed the whole citadel, "flashed with the red light of orichalcum."

                    --------------------- an interesting fact


                    In the modern esoteric theory of theosophy, orichalcum is described as a metallic pink-colored metal mined in Atlantis; another name for it is said to be mountain copper. The Lord of the World, Sanat Kumara, has a magic wand made of it called the Rod of Power that is the symbol of the authority of his office.[3]

                    Firestone was an ore that was extensively mined by the Atlanteans to the point of extinction. The only place, he says, that it could be found, is somewhere under the grounds of India. At the beginning of the Atlantean civilisation, the Firestone was used as a prayer shrine in temples. Edgar Cayce writes[4] that the Atlanteans believed that the firestone acted like an accumulator of prayer thought wave energy[citation needed]. The more prayers it gets, the more powerful it gets in acting like a transducer of mental thought wave energy[citation needed]. Later, when they evolved[citation needed] into a more technological society, they used this Firestone as an accumulator of universal energy[citation needed], that they could wirelessly redirect this energy from one firestone to another, to be able to use it in houses, airships, land ships, marine ships and even on all-in-one vehicles[citation needed]. From the book A Dweller on Two Planets, the energy that was used was called “Navaz”: The Night-Side of Nature. At one time, Nikola Tesla was working on a similar[citation needed] Wireless Energy Transfer; he called it Free Energy.[5]

                    Tempered brass, on the other hand, is the lost art of making the alloy of copper ( group 11 , 29 ), aluminum (group 13 , 13 ) and uranium ( group n/a , 92 )[citation needed]. On what Cayce writes[6], it seems that this alloy acted like a superconductor of magnetic energy fields[citation needed], that when fashioned in a special shape configuration and under the influence of an electrical and-or magnetic energy pulsating at a certain frequency depending on the Earth location and the volume of the shape, this ship-shape was forced to accelerate in a certain direction given its shape[citation needed].

                    Probably, both firestones and tempered brass had the same compositions on some level.[citation needed]

                    There is a theory that the Firestone crystal is still partially active till this day, it randomly activates and it creates the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle

                    ------------------------- now the following phenomena exists today :

                    the Atlanteans believed that the firestone acted like an accumulator of prayer thought wave energy[citation needed]. The more prayers it gets, the more powerful it gets in acting like a transducer of mental thought wave energy[citation needed].

                    Black Stone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    The Black Stone (Arabic: الحجر الأسود‎ al-Ḥajar al-Aswad, Urdu: سنگ سیاہ Sang-e-Sayah‎) is the eastern cornerstone of the Kaaba, the ancient stone building toward which Muslims pray, in the center of the Grand Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is revered by Muslims as an Islamic relic which, according to Muslim tradition, dates back to the time of Adam and Eve.[1]

                    The stone was venerated at the Kaaba in pre-Islamic pagan times. It was set intact into the Kaaba's wall by the Islamic prophet Muhammad in the year 605 A.D., five years before his first revelation. Since then it has been broken into a number of fragments and is now cemented into a silver frame in the side of the Kaaba. Its physical appearance is that of a fragmented dark rock, polished smooth by the hands of millions of pilgrims. Islamic tradition holds that it fell from Heaven to show Adam and Eve where to build an altar. Although it has often been described as a meteorite, this hypothesis is now uncertain.[2]


                    Black Madonna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                    and probably

           Environment | Update On Alleged Underground Alaskan “Dark Pyramid” Is there a link to Highpower Creek and Farewell Airport?

                    too .... Artefacts of the Ancients

                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-02-2012, 09:02 PM.
                    “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • Firestone was an ore that was extensively mined by the Atlanteans to the point of extinction. The only place, he says, that it could be found, is somewhere under the grounds of India
                      another possibility is the Swedish Stone found by Thomas Moray


                      On India-China border, reports of UFOs skyrocket - Los Angeles Times

                      NEW DELHI — Adding to the litany of issues besetting neighboring nuclear rivals China and India, ranging from border disputes to the Dalai Lama to trade deficits, is a new one: UFOs.

                      "Over 100 UFOs seen along China border," said a headline in Tuesday's Times of India.

                      Indian troops guarding the often-tense 2,100-mile border between the two Asian giants say the objects seen in recent months are yellow spheres that appear to lift off from the Chinese side, slowly traversing the sky for three to five hours before disappearing. Indian military officials have reportedly ruled out Chinese drones — 99 of which reportedly were documented during the first 10 months of 2012 — or low-orbit satellites.

                      we seem to be in synch see +

                      A new crop picture near Boorowa on November 23, 2012 shows a “Seed of Life” ( six Petals ) inside of a nested “Vesica Piscis”
                      Crop Circle at Boorowa, Lachlan Valley, Nr Yass, New South Wales. Reported 23rd November 2012

                      Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-02-2012, 09:47 PM.
                      “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                      • linking patterns :

                        Orichalcum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


                        In the modern esoteric theory of theosophy, orichalcum is described as a metallic pink-colored metal mined in Atlantis; another name for it is said to be mountain copper.

                        from :

                        Btw there is a sacred Mount too:

                        The tribes that formed and still form the backbone of "federation Regraga" live down both sides of Jbal lahdid to Akermoud, north of Essaouira. Toward the eastern side of the "Holy Mountain" is a rural town called Oulad M'Rabet (the son of Almoravid).

                        Jbal lahdid = Iron Mountain

                        ...Did you know that in the region of Essaouira, there is a legend about the 7 Saints

                        so i searched some more Zawiyah, and found a peculiar photo...the least you could say...I'll keep you hanging a bit...

                        The Region it was found in , is known for a long historical presence of a Jewish population and Jewish Saints, which to this day is visited

                        7 Saints Regraga

                        The spring Regraga

                        Annually in Morocco, is held in late March by the brotherhood popular Regraga Daour a year. This pilgrimage, which takes place on the territory of Chiadma in the province of Essaouira, lasts 44 days and involves 40 steps. A singular event popular, religious, economic ...

                        The fabulous tour of the Seven men Regraga According to an immutable tradition, was launched, as every spring for forty-four successive days, the pilgrimage circular Regraga around the tombs of the Seven Saints.

                        The fascinating history of Regraga is maintained by a living tradition which makes Haouariyoun (the apostles), followers of Sidna Aissa (Jesus) through Saint-Jean (Sidi Yahya).

                        Rites and observed in their songs Moussem by Abdelkader Mana, recorded in his famous book on Regraga also strangely remind the biblical story of the Table Spread. Arrived in Andalusia according to this legend, the ancestors of these four Regraga fled by sea the persecution they endured in their monotheistic faith, to land on the banks of Oued Tensift to Kouz they have established a place of prayer, called Berber Timzkden n'houren (Mosque of the Apostles).

                        Disciples of Jesus, professing a belief similar to Arianism, the Regraga particularly proud of their second top-fact: their encounter with the Prophet Mohamed and Islam Sidna in Arabia, which makes them companions, first introducers of Islam in Morocco. However, a thesis put into question by the ulama of Fez of the seventeenth century, but still strongly defended by Regraga.

                        According to this belief: seven men reportedly went to Saudi to meet the chosen of God, which they expected Sidna Mohamed prophecy. Converted to Islam, they receive the blessing of the Prophet to spread the new religion among their countrymen. Mission accomplished if one believes the legend that the jumper would have found Oqba Ibn Nafii Haha Islamized the country on entry into Morocco.

                        As warrior monks, followers of orthodoxy, the Regraga also illustrated by their struggle against heretics Berghouata, introduction of legal chadilite rite in Morocco and later, their battles against the Portuguese occupiers, while up to the present, their baraka fertilization is earnestly invoked by the tribes and Chiadma Haha.


                        Sept saints des Regraga - Nature et Culture en Hautes-Terres

                        This pilgrimage is performed by thirteen circular zaouias, down or affiliates of seven saints. It takes place in forty-four steps and thirty-eight days. Reference to the forty days of flood and saints hidden apotropιens who took turns to carry the burden of the mystical world. From the outset, we are in the mystical symbolism of numbers. The 40 days of the flood, the 40 hidden saints apotropιens who take turns to carry the burden of the mystical world.

                        There are only thirteen zaouias (sanctuaries of direct or indirect descendants of the seven holy founders). But the other steps are either Seyyed (sanctuaries without descendants), or a simple cenotaph (where lords hoarding their money in troubled times, they say). Or without domes catafalques, tombs disproportionately located near a major Argan Tree, a cave or atop a sacred mountain.

                        Legend of the Seven Saints is quite answered in the Mediterranean. One of the best known versions is that the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus in Turkey mentioned in Sura of the Cave:
                        On the heels of their trajectory, the Regraga draw on the geographical area of Chiadma two huge wheels that seem to reproduce a cosmic constellation on earth. It is perhaps no coincidence that one of the tribes called Njoum precisely: the stars.

                        %3D30th_parallel_north%26usecache%3D1]30th parallel north - Google Maps[/url]

                        The Name of the Area shown below is: The Mouth of the Serpent "Foum Hanch" which is right next to the 30th parallel on Google Map

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-02-2012, 10:32 PM.
                        “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                          from :

                          Good reading you IndianaBoys

                          It actually started being felt on the 24th ....... it played quite a bit with my chakras

                          You find some great parallels as well.

                          I think you will like this"

                          Grounding the body to the Earth for better health



                          • excellent find IndianaBoys


                            MichaelC the following may interest you as it corresponds with the celebration you mentioned earlier

                            NASA: Strange Object Debris Coming, Will Hit Earth December 13th and 14th | Space

                            The 2012 Geminid meteor shower peaks on the night of Dec. 13-14, The Geminids are a unique meteor shower in that their identified parent body is not a comet, but what seems to be an asteroid! Of the meteor showers with known parent bodies studied by meteor scientists, the Geminids are the only shower to have an asteroidal parent body; all others have a cometary origin. 3200 Phaethon measures 5.10 km in diameter which increases the ‘unique’ factor; considering the amount of debris we see, we would expect Phaethon to be a much larger body!

                            Originally posted by Michael C View Post
                            As we are approaching the 13 of december, the traditional celebration of Saint Lucia of Syracuse are coming about. Saint Lucia, represented by a whiteclad girl with burning candles on her head will sing for us, and give us saffron wheat buns to eat, the so called 'Lucifer's cat'.
                            Please note the spiral wound shape of the bun

                            Pablo Cruise _ Ocean Breeze - YouTube

                            a reminder

                            Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza.

                            Planets inline: Mercury / Venus / Saturn

                            while we are still talking planets

                            NASA discovers ice on the planet closest to the sun - The Independent Florida Alligator: Local & State

                            Tests run by NASA’s MESSENGER spacecraft, which arrived on Mercury last year, show there may be several inches of ice insulated by carbon-based organic material deep in northern craters, according to a NASA news release.
                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-03-2012, 01:18 PM.
                            “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • btw: I think i can give you my take on 12 / 21 /12 ..... I just think it is a wave worth riding ... in Soul Surfer Term .... some will understand ..... it is one of those Special Wave ... for now i keep it as my prime theory .... will evolve as time gets closer

                              Pablo Cruise | El Verano - YouTube

                              learn to know the words you use ( their roots / Aark )



                              apo - Wiktionary


                              calypsis - Wiktionary

                              ------------------------------- Interesting show :

                              Hopi Wisdom : The Book of Truth - YouTube

                              and some info :

                              Team uses fractal geometry to build lighter structures

                              (—A team made up of members from several European countries has published a paper in Physical Review Letters describing a technique they've developed for using fractal geometry to build structures that maintain their strength despite weighing significantly less.

                              The researchers began their study by noting that many structures in the world already demonstrate some degree of fractal geometry. The Eifel Tower for example, they note was essentially built using a single type of metal rod that is replicated in different sizes throughout the tower to minimize weight. What's not been the case however, they add is a predefined way to implement fractal geometry into structures in general. To rectify that, they have come up with a process that allows for creating metal beams that take advantage of fractal properties.

                              The first step is to create a hollow metal beam of the size desired for a given project. Next, reengineer the beam by changing its diameter and thickness such that the beam weighs as little as possible but is still able to withstand the weight or pressure it will be subjected to as a final structure. Once that is achieved, label it generation-0 ( MINERAL ). The next step is to create a larger beam made out of generation-0 beams arranged using triangular subdivisions. This next beam is labeled a generation-1 beam ( VEGETABLE ). Generation-2 beams would be constructed by replacing all of the generation-1 beams with full scale versions of itself, only in a larger construct ( ANIMAL .... ALL IS ANALOGY ). Theoretically, the process can be repeated as many times as is desired or is possible, depending on scale.

                              The resulting structures weigh less than those made with solid steal because they contain less of it – the more generations used, the lighter the structure becomes proportionally to one made of solid steel. As an example the researchers suggest that a solar sail made with a solid metal 100 meter boom (not that anyone is proposing that) could be made to be 10,000 times lighter if a generation-3 beam were used instead.
                              Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-03-2012, 03:31 PM.
                              “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                                btw: I think i can give you my take on 12 / 21 /12 ..... I just think it is a wave worth riding ... in Soul Surfer Term .... some will understand ..... it is one of those Special Wave ... for now i keep it as my prime theory .... will evolve as time gets closer

                                Pablo Cruise | El Verano - YouTube

                                learn to know the words you use ( their roots / Aark )



                                apo - Wiktionary


                                calypsis - Wiktionary


                                Here is someone living his Apo Calypsis ( Unveiling ) ... many will recognize themselves in that post

                                The "I Told You So" Thread You May Never Read!, page 1

                                Personally, I dont believe in any doomsday or apocalyptic events, but I do believe something will happen that lies between apocalypse and sentimental newage nothingness, something in the middle. It frustrates me when people say nothing will happen at all, and that nothing will ever happen at all, and etc, yet how long have all of us been here on this planet for? probably no more than a few decades if any. Some folks say, "it is arrogant and foolish to believe something will happen." I am saying then it is arrogant and foolish to believe something wont happen. So many cultures, ancient cultures that is, have put significance on this date, deep down many of us feel something about that date, something unusual not felt before. How many thousands of years, even hundreds of years have we lived on this planet to say by experience nothing will happen? Few of us are even that old at all really, from what I gather our age ranges from 20-60, so thats not a whole lot of experience on earth to know for a fact Dec 21st will just be another day.
                                read on ......
                                Last edited by MonsieurM; 12-03-2012, 05:08 PM.
                                “Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

