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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • MonsieurM
    ...the longer served as a mere passive repository of human information (the "Seas of Knowledge" which ancient Sumer believed in) but, due to the incredible surge of charge from our electronic signals and information-rich material therein, we have given it power to cross a vast threshold; we have, so to speak, resurrected what Philo and other ancients called the Logos ( 13 in 1 ). Information has, then, become alive..."

    - Philip K. Dick - _Man, Android & Ma chine
    Wamdue Project - King of my castle [1999] HD remaster - YouTube

    28 solar flares in the last seven days, and more may be coming - ... Kodo - Lion - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 11-01-2013, 12:29 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by BBX View Post
    Thank you BBX

    and i raise you :

    - Tesla's overly enhanced scientific mind led him to the idea that all living beings are merely driven by external impulses. He stated: "I have by every thought and act of mine, demonstrated, and does so daily, to my absolute satisfaction that I am an automaton endowed with power of movement, which merely responds to external stimuli." Thus, the concept of the robot was born. However, an element of the human remained present, as Tesla asserted that these human replicas should have limitations -- namely growth and propagation. Nevertheless, Tesla unabashedly embraced all of what intelligence could produce. His visions for a future filled with intelligent cars, robotic human companions, and the use of sensors, and autonomous systems are detailed in a must-read entry in the Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering, 2006

    and living in a society of instant gratification .... ... Isley Brothers - Pop That Thang - YouTube

    Direct link established between stimulus-response learning and substance abuse

    Véronique Bohbot, PhD, neuroscientist at the Douglas Mental Health University Institute, found that the region of the brain involved in stimulus-response learning is directly linked to the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. More specifically, she discovered that people who resorted to stimulus-response learning smoked more, had double the consumption of alcohol and were more likely to use cannabis. Her findings have been published in the most recent issue of Hippocampus.
    We rely on one of two strategies to navigate through our surroundings. One is called the spatial strategy, where we use visual cues and landmarks to develop cognitive maps that enable us to know where we are and how to get where we want to go. This process occurs in the hippocampus. The other is the stimulus-response strategy, which is a kind of auto-pilot: after travelling along the same route on a regular basis, we end up taking it out of habit. This process occurs in the striatum.

    People who resort to stimulus-response learning have a more developed striatum and would consume more alcohol, tobacco or drugs. Factors such as routine, stress and reward-seeking behaviour also contribute to stimulating the striatum, at the expense of the hippocampus. "The literature indicates that children engage in stimulus-response strategies from a very young age," Véronique Bohbot explains. "Reward-seeking behavior in childhood, especially for immediate rewards like candy or playing action video games, stimulates the striatum and encourages stimulus-response strategies during navigation. This would predispose the child to drug seeking behaviour."

    Previous studies have shown that an atrophied hippocampus increases the risk of developing a mental illness such as schizophrenia, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder or Alzheimer's disease

    Tesla used his Instant Gratification to learn more about the World and develop his spatial strategy He was hooked on Vibes

    " Give me some Flute "

    James Brown - Mind Power - YouTube

    Urban Dictionary: shakuhachi

    1. shakuhachi

    1) Traditional Japanese wooden flute.

    2) Blowjob.

    .... HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 60 - 69

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2013, 10:53 PM.

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  • BBX
    That a sequence of unusually strong physiological reactions accompanies the rise of Kundalini we already know from Tantric texts, from which we also learn to expect a series of unusual psychological changes.

    Most meditators understand these to be the effect of the meditation process and so are not unduly alarmed. However, among non-meditators or among socio-cultural groups who do not have access toinformation about Kundalini energy, similar reactions may be triggered off by environmental stimuli.

    The experiements of Bentov show that exposure to certain mechanical vibration, electromagnetic waves or sonic vibration can be responsible. The resultant symptoms, presented for medical attention, have not till recently been fully recongnized or understood for what they are. It is Itzhak Bentov who in his various experiements indicates that far from being a neurotic aberration, these 'kundalini' states indicate an alteration in consciousness linked to alterations in bodily rhythm and bio-magnetic field.

    Bentov's observations (using ballistocardiogram) of the seated subject engaged in deep meditation reveal a rhythmic sine wave pattern. He attributes this to the development during the course of meditation of a 'standing wave' in the aorta, the main artery from the heart, that is reflected in rhythmic motion of the body. This resonating oscillator -the heart aorta system- in turn 'entrains' further bio-oscillators -the brain, the cerebral ventricles and the sensory cortex of the brain- which together effect a modification of the cerebral magnetic field.

    fUSION Anomaly. Antennae

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  • MonsieurM

    .... the funky muchachos - Spooky - YouTube .... Happy 13 in 1 or :

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  • BBX

    "I have developed a link gate... complex enough to regulate the forces, the field energies surrounding us... these waves are all around us now... radio waves, television channels, x-rays, the sun... the entire electromagnetic flux... I have no actual power myself... by using my brain patterns as a sort of focusing device I'm able to direct electromagnetic field energy into a discreet feeling... It's as though my brain were a lens... lens..."

    The mind, like a computer with unlimited access to any programs, roams freely. A present event becomes charged with profound emotional significance, a cosmic phenomenon becomes identical with some personal quirk. Metaphysical realities are juggled and bounced around. Listening to this music initiates us into illumination, the power generated by the absolute universal goddess, a heady mix of exaltation and horror that accompanies her. Each party a ceremony, each piece of music a ritual which blasts us through dimensions, galaxies unknown, to places deep within our own consciousness.

    Dedicated to the spirit of Timothy Leary.

    fUSION Anomaly. Noosphere

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  • MonsieurM
    .... Lucy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    Faraday cage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    on higher vibratory Scale ..... Lovestruck - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Faraday cage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Faraday cages cannot block static or slowly varying magnetic fields, such as the Earth's magnetic field (a compass will still work inside). To a large degree, though, they shield the interior from external electromagnetic radiation if the conductor is thick enough and any holes are significantly smaller than the wavelength of the radiation

    Editor, Scientific American:

    Engineers attach no importance whatever to static electricity generated by belt friction or otherwise. They are apt to dismiss it with the thought that the energy is infinitesimal. That is true. A little water pumped through some joint in a big low-pressure main is of no consequence, but in a pump designed for an extremely high pressure and very small delivery it is all-important. Exactly so in the electrical case. The belt or equivalent device is simply a pump capable of forcing the minute quantity of electricity produced into a condenser against a pressure and increasing the power up to a limit of working capacity of the means employed. Thus mechanical energy, in any desired amount, can be transformed into electric energy yielding direct and constant currents of many millions of volts

    Nikola Tesla Writes (Additional Comments on Electro-Static Generators) from Scientific American, April, 1934.
    when you look at Tesla's Tower ... it is a huge Faraday Cage

    “This is the greatest of my inventions,” Tesla went on with great enthusiasm. “Now take my ‘rotating field’ — do you know my rotating field — are you familiar at all with electricity? There are millions invested in it already. Well, that is a very useful thing, but the field is limited to dynamos and motors. But here you have a new power for pumps, steam engines, gasoline motors, for automobiles, for airships, for many other uses, and all so simple.”

    Dr. Tesla Talks of Gas Turbines from Motor World, September 18th, 1911
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2013, 08:12 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Undisputed Truth Showtime - YouTube ....

    Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

    I don't think we have to make this more complicated because the simplicity of it is mind boggling enough. Fractal antenna's, geometry, spirituality, science and technology pale in comparison to the simple fact that everything which defines us relates to a supposedly empty space between some atoms in the cells of our brain.



    from :

    Editor, Scientific American:

    Engineers attach no importance whatever to static electricity generated by belt friction or otherwise. They are apt to dismiss it with the thought that the energy is infinitesimal. That is true. A little water pumped through some joint in a big low-pressure main is of no consequence, but in a pump designed for an extremely high pressure and very small delivery it is all-important. Exactly so in the electrical case. The belt or equivalent device is simply a pump capable of forcing the minute quantity of electricity produced into a condenser against a pressure and increasing the power up to a limit of working capacity of the means employed. Thus mechanical energy, in any desired amount, can be transformed into electric energy yielding direct and constant currents of many millions of volts

    Nikola Tesla Writes (Additional Comments on Electro-Static Generators) from Scientific American, April, 1934.

    Originally posted by Michelinho View Post
    Merci pour la lecture. (En train de lire la serie de Bob Moranne par Henri Verne).

    Hi machinealive,

    The gap between the coils.

    As an example, my partner in our common research did buy a somewhat expensive Gaussmeter, and as a proud new owner of one, started to play around with magnets and coils. Taking measures left and right, up and down, in and out, noting the results he was seing in his little black book. One of his experiment was with air gap in opposing magnetic fields. With a specific air gap he saw, noted and replicated many times the same experiment and showing for an opposing magnetic field of 200 Gauss to another magnetic field of the same strenght (200 Gauss) not 400 Gauss but 800 Gauss resulted. I tend to believe what he says because of his rigourous application of the scientific protocol. One thing is that I am sure it is wider than his probe thickness(~1mm). Hope this may help.

    I told this fact once to a member and it seems it was not forwarded to other (He did not believe maybe) or at least I never saw any post later on with mention and It slipped my mind for some times. Getting old and feeling it. But anyway, it might be good to also vary the size of the air gap.

    On this, I bid all g'night,


    earphones are just coils


    Interpersonal Distance

    Interpersonal Distance People surround themselves with a "bubble" of personal space that they claim as their own, and they tend to become stressed when other people invade their "bubble." Our personal space protects us from too much arousal and helps us feel comfortable when we communicate with other people. Hall (1966) called the study of interpersonal distance proxemics.

    see also :


    ... The Packers - Pure Soul.(Rare Track) - YouTube ... The Packers - Hole In The Wall - YouTube

    When the great truth accidentally revealed and experimentally confirmed is fully recognized, that this planet, with all its appalling immensity, is to electric currents virtually no more than a small metal ball and that by this fact many possibilities, each baffling imagination and of incalculable consequence, are rendered absolutely sure of accomplishment; when the first plant is inaugurated and it is shown that a telegraphic message, almost as secret and non-interferable as a thought, can be transmitted to any terrestrial distance, the sound of the human voice, with all its intonations and inflections, faithfully and instantly reproduced at any other point of the globe, the energy of a waterfall made available for supplying light, heat or motive power, anywhere — on sea, or land, or high in the air — humanity will be like an ant heap stirred up with a stick: See the excitement coming!

    Nikola Tesla - Wikiquote

    Tesla’s Egg of Columbus from Electrical Experimenter, March, 1919

    Even more interesting than the spinning egg was the exhibition of planetary motion. In this experiment one large, and several small brass balls were usually employed. When the field was energized all the balls would be set spinning, the large one remaining in the center while the small ones revolved around it, like moons about a planet, gradually receding until they reached the outer guard and raced along the same.
    Use the Force .... Lucy Shirley & Co - Shame Shame Shame - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-31-2013, 03:18 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    did some of you dream ( or felt the presence ) of a cat lately .... Parov Stelar - Catgroove - YouTube






    Civil Engineer.

    "There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are
    dreamt of in your philosophy.' 1 — Shakespeare.


    Interestingly, London, England's 1912 edition of "Mining Magazine" published the first translation of a Latin Opus into English. It was called "On Metals" in praise of dowsing which had been first published 356 years earlier. The translators were a professional American mining engineer and his wife. The engineer later gained fame and won notoriety as the 31st President of the U.S. -- Herbert Clark Hoover. As Chris Bird notes, "God knows, had President Hoover been an expert dowser himself, he might have predicted, and therefore, prevented the great stock market crash of 1929."

    page 40

    With regard to deflection of branches of trees they say nothing and adhere to their opinion.

    Those interested in the strange persistence of this superstition down to the present day—and the files of the patent offices of the world are full of it—will find the subject exhaustively discussed in M. E. Chevreul's "De la Baguette Divinatoire," Paris, 1845; L. Figuier, "Histoire du Merveilleux dans les temps moderne II.", Paris, 1860; W. F. Barrett, Proceedings of the Society of Psychical Research, part 32, 1897, and 38, 1900; R. W. Raymond, American Inst. of Mining Engineers, 1883, p. 411. Of the descriptions by those who believed in it there is none better than that of William Pryce (Mineralogia Cornubiensis, London, 1778, pp. 113-123), who devotes much pains to a refutation of Agricola. When we consider that a century later than Agricola such an advanced mind as Robert Boyle (1626-1691), the founder of the Royal Society, was convinced of the genuineness of the divining rod, one is more impressed with the clarity of Agricola's vision. In fact, there were few indeed, down to the 19th Century, who did not believe implicitly in the effectiveness of this instrument, and while science has long since abandoned it, not a year passes but some new manifestation of its hold on the popular mind breaks out.
    a little side note ...... you'll understand : ( from : )

    Researchers suggest Victorian-era people more intelligent modern-day counterparts

    ( May 17, 2013 —In a new study, a European research team suggests that the average intelligence level of Victorian-era people was higher than that of modern-day people. They base their controversial assertion on reaction times (RT) to visual stimuli given as tests to people from the late 1800s to modern times—the faster the reaction time, they say, the smarter the person.
    The Victorian era has been highly touted by historians as one of the most productive in human history—inventions, observations and highly acclaimed art and music from that time still resonate today. The era was defined by Queen Victoria's reign in England which ran from 1837 until her death in 1901. Comparing the average IQ of people from that time with that of modern-day people is, of course, impossible—at least using traditional methods. The researchers suggest that reaction times to stimuli can be used as an alternative way to compare relative IQ levels

    IQ tests themselves have come under scrutiny of late because they quite often reflect bias, such as education levels, societal norms, and other not-easily defined factors. Other research has shown that overall health, nutrition levels and degree of fatigue can impact IQ scores as well. For this reason, the team has turned to RT as a means of evaluating what they call general intelligence, which they claim to be a measure of elementary cognition.
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-29-2013, 02:18 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Originally posted by Allcanadian View Post

    I don't think we have to make this more complicated because the simplicity of it is mind boggling enough. Fractal antenna's, geometry, spirituality, science and technology pale in comparison to the simple fact that everything which defines us relates to a supposedly empty space between some atoms in the cells of our brain.

    good reading you Allcanadian

    so in a way we are looking at : Casimir effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia .... of sort

    Neuroscientists discover new 'mini-neural computer' in the brain .... Study with totally blind people shows how light helps activate the brain

    Casimir effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... .... Flash Light - Parliament (1977) - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-28-2013, 01:31 PM.

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  • Allcanadian
    I was watching a documentary the other night on the placebo effect at which point I learned that all new medicines must go through a placebo test. As it turns out the test is not so easy as many new medications have the same effectiveness rating as sugar pills in a double blind test. Now how is it that a sugar pill could produce the same clinical effects as a medicine in so many cases?. Is it the medicine or is it the mind causing the body to create the chemicals needed to heal itself?.

    Now consider the mind, I touch an object and the pressure produces an electrical signal in the nerve endings. The signal makes over 90% of it's journey to the brain as an "electrical impulse". It is not a "feeling" it is an electrical impulse then once at the brain it modulates electrical signals firing between neurons. It seems so real to us and yet in reality the whole of the process does not seem much more difficult to understand than a telephone. So how is it that it feels like so much more to us?.

    Which leads to the question .... what are we?. As it turns out the part that makes us who we are which relates to what we think is little more than a series of electrical signals firing between packets of matter or cells in our brain. Take away the electrical signals and we are effectively dead, kill the cells and we are just as dead. Imagine that, everything we know and everything that we are relates directly to the charged state between some cells in our brain... fundamentally we are electric.

    This would be the point where science falls flat on it's face in my opinion because it has literally no explanation for us. We are impossible because you cannot conceivably take a bunch of electrical signals between some cells and call it intelligence nor life so what is it and what are we?. It may be we have confused matter and energy with life because intuitively and scientifically we know we are more than simply the sum of our parts.

    I don't think we have to make this more complicated because the simplicity of it is mind boggling enough. Fractal antenna's, geometry, spirituality, science and technology pale in comparison to the simple fact that everything which defines us relates to a supposedly empty space between some atoms in the cells of our brain.


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  • MonsieurM
    so fellow Magnifying transmitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    let's expand the subject a bit ....



    Red Ice Radio - Ibrahim Karim & Pier Paolo Alberghini - Hour 1 - BioGeometry

    Ibrahim Karim & Pier Paolo Alberghini - Hour 1 - BioGeometry
    June 7, 2013

    With his experience as an architect and a scientist Ibrahim Karim has synergized aspects of Pythagorean harmonics, subtle energy sciences, radiesthesia, geobiology, building biology, sacred architecture & modern wave theories to produce a new Physics of Quality from which the science of BioGeometry has emerged. Since 2002 Pier Paolo Alberghini has been working with a new approach to achieve well-being for the users of the buildings he designs, by applying the science of BioGeometry. Alberghini and Karim have collaborated successfully in BioGeometry projects in Europe and North America. We’ll discuss how BioGeometry bridges science and spirituality to produce a natural harmony into the environment. In the first hour, Ibrahim and Pier Paolo explain how BioGeometrical shapes interact with Earth's energy to produce a balancing effect on all energy levels of biological systems. Karim talks about his research into shapes of body organs which led to the discovery of the relationship between organ function, energy pattern, and shape. These patterns called "BioSignatures" produce, through resonance, a balance of energy and immunity that support orthodox and alternative medicine. We’ll discuss how BioGeometry provides a viable solution in transforming the quality of the effect that electromagnetic radiation has on living systems. In the second hour, we’ll discuss the Physics of Quality in more detail. We’ll also hear about the relationship between electromagnetic fields and morals. Karim and Alberghini discuss their solutions to rebalance with nature

    Master Yuvaraj Sowma Official Website................

    Vasthu Sastra highlights sleep as an important aspect of good health. In order to enjoy sound sleep, one must have a bedroom with a peaceful environment.

    Sleeping in the wrong direction can also cause health problems. Vasthu Sastra recommends that the head must be placed towards the east for undisturbed sleep. The second best sleeping direction is with the head towards the west, the third choice is south.

    People who observe these directions will receive positive energy when they wake up. These positions will also enhance the person's blood circulation.

    The head should never be towards north while sleeping. Never sleep with the head towards the north because the magnetic field of the earth lies in a north-south direction energy levels can be thrown out of balance by this strong field. Sleeping in this direction may cause difficulties in having children, nightmare and disturbed sleep.

    Our head is considered north and if we place our head towards north, the magnetic repulsion between similar poles occurs.

    This position can also result in the dweller experiencing physically low or high blood pressure, insomnia or a high level of cholesterol. This can be prevented by rotating the head position to south. Vasthu Sastra recommends the right location or quadrant a couple should sleep in.

    The south-west sector is the most powerful quadrant in Vasthu Sastra because it is the area where positive energy is stored. (For this reason, the extreme south-west corner must not have windows or doors; as such openings will release the energy that has gathered in the house).
    + .... Body earthing ...... Parliament - Deep - YouTube ....

    Earthing and TCM Acupuncture | Acupuncture and Earthing Grounding Products

    ..... Hidden Magnetic Portals Around Earth Discovered By Scientists -
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-26-2013, 05:24 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    the emerald tablets:

    Four is it in qualities,
    shining in each of the planes of existence,

    but thirteen in one (HM 4 + HM 1 = HM 5) ,
    the mystical number.
    Based on the qualities of man are the Brothers:
    each shall direct the unfoldment of being,
    each shall channels be of the Great One
    Mahdi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In Islamic eschatology, the Mahdi (Arabic: مهدي‎ / ISO 233: mahdī / English: Guided One) is the prophesied redeemer of Islam who will rule for seven, nine or nineteen years (according to various interpretations)[1] before the Day of Judgment (yawm al-qiyamah / literally, the Day of Resurrection)[2] and will rid the world of evil.[3]
    مهدي‎ mim he dal ye

    13 in 1 .... .... nun ... Guem Et Zaka Percussion - ‎L'Abeille (1978) - YouTube

    The Kenneth Bager Expierence ft. Aloe Blacc - The Sound Of Swing Part 2 (Album version) - YouTube

    just a little update : ABRA QAD A BRA

    Artstrology Date Checker

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-25-2013, 05:41 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Dowsing by Wilhelm Reich - The World of T.C.Lethbridge

    The discovery of water veins or concealed springs in the earth occupied a peculiar position in natural research for a long time. On the one hand, the use of the dowsing rod was laughed at; ‘divining’, as it is called, was discarded as mystical or charlatanry by ‘rigorous, objective, physical scientific research’.

    To summarize: the dowsing rod does not move to the water, but is attracted by the body of the dowser.
    Not the dowsing rod, but the bio-energetic life apparatus of the dowser reacts to the water in the ground.

    The attractive reaction of the dowser apparently depends upon excitation of the bio-energetic system, which is accompanied by increased attraction in the orgonotic field surrounding the body. The organism and the water react upon one another as any two orgonotic systems with excitation and attraction. The dowsing organism must apparently be orgonotically vigorous in order to react with excitation to water and to attract the dowsing rod. An orgonotic or armoured organisms will get little or no reaction since the attraction in the orgone energy field is too weak to attract the branch.

    Solar flares today ..... Sun today — solar flares online

    Today, 4 solar flares were observed:
    Active region Begin, UT Max, UT End, UT

    Flare of class M2.9 1882 02:48:00 03:02:00 03:12:00

    Flare of class C3.4 1875 06:10:00 06:27:00 06:30:00

    Flare of class C3.2 0 06:49:00 07:01:00 07:10:00

    Flare of class X1.7 1882 07:53:00 08:01:00 08:09:00 Sun's magnetic poles fully reversed in October ....


    how do you think all those ancient sacred places were built .... first you needed to dowse the right spot ( pyramids etc .... )

    see also : Zamzam Well - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Arabic : زمزم

    ..... Ramsey Lewis Trio - Wade In The Water - MY FAVOURITE DANCE INSTRUMENTAL - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-25-2013, 10:48 AM.

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  • MonsieurM
    Sun today — solar flares online .... Soul Sacrifice ~ Santana - YouTube

    .... Pierre Alain Dahan Pierre Hollassian - Jungle Melody - YouTube .... Using heat to make magnets .... Chakra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    ie : Burning sensation in my chest when i think about her? - Yahoo! Answers

    just another way of looking at it The Revelations - Soul 111 [1974] - YouTube .... Magnifying transmitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... Nikola Tesla’s Fountain from Scientific American, February 13th, 1915 .... Psalm 36:9 For with you is the fountain of life; in your light we see light.

    In the 1700's and 1800's in England, Germany and France various books on mining and engineering referred extensively to dowsing, including the "1747 Mining Dictionary" and again in Bordlase's 1758 "Natural History of Cornwall", and also "The 1831 Quarterly Mining Review". Because the ancient art was widely used by miners in Germany for hundreds of years to locate water and ore deposits, today in that country libraries and museums of natural history, science, mining and engineering, private collections of art and sculptures have displays of woodcarvings, paintings and drawings, porcelain creations, coins, etc ... featuring dowsers holding forked sticks.

    Interestingly, London, England's 1912 edition of "Mining Magazine" published the first translation of a Latin Opus into English. It was called "On Metals" in praise of dowsing which had been first published 356 years earlier. The translators were a professional American mining engineer and his wife. The engineer later gained fame and won notoriety as the 31st President of the U.S. -- Herbert Clark Hoover. As Chris Bird notes, "God knows, had President Hoover been an expert dowser himself, he might have predicted, and therefore, prevented the great stock market crash of 1929."

    History of Dowsing

    fellow Magnifying transmitter .... or Empath

    ABRA QAD A BRA ( Brassiere - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

    One World

    In the business world, unwise men take more that they give. They do not realize that they are breaking the Universal Law which will eventually break them to an equal extent. It may not be balanced in the form of dollars and cents but in the loss of good-will upon which their future business depends.
    Man’s ignorance of the Law of Love in personal and world relationships will not serve as an excuse to save him from disaster. Wealth cannot be acquired from others by might, for wealth thus taken will impoverish him who takes anything which is not given. Nor can power be thus acquired, for the weakness of the despoiled will prevail against the might of the despoiler.
    Everywhere in the world this law is seen working out its inexorable certainty. Empires built by might are dissolving. Rich world treasuries are disgorging their gold and piling up debt. The blood of every man killed by the sword has been paid for by ten – perchance ten times ten – of those who killed. Nations which have fattened on the food taken from others are starving amid the ruins of palaces in which they feasted.

    A new world – one world – cannot grow out of a universe built on the foundations of hate and fear by unbalanced taking.
    A new world must have new foundations. An eternal foundation is not built as one whole – it is built lovingly stone by stone. Thus must man rebuild his world.

    Walter Russell, “The Message of the Divine Iliad.” Vol. I, pp 89-90

    Great Art is Simple

    Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple.
    Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity.
    My universe is one in which many things have majestic measure; and again another many have measure too fine for sensing. Yet I have not one law for majestic things, and another low for things which are beyond the sensing.
    I have but one law for all My opposed pairs of creating things: and that law needs but one word to spell it out, so hear Me when I say that the one word of My one law is Balance. And if man needs two words to aid him in his knowing of the workings of that law, these two words are Balanced Interchange.
    If man still needs more words to aid his knowing of My one law, give to him another one, and let those three words be Rhythmic Balanced Interchange.

    (Walter and Lao Russell, Home Study Course in Cosmic Consciousness, Unit 4, Lesson 13

    Cymande - Dove - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-24-2013, 11:01 PM.

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  • MonsieurM
    .... The Correspondents - I Wanna Be Like You - YouTube

    Thank you BBX .... Beautiful

    It is both simple and complicated. Simple because creation is, first and foremost, play. Not worthy, sensible, serious stuff but simple child- like wonder and playfulness. Complicated because we grow so far from our simple selves and the world demands so much that goes against the grain of that simplicity and inner freedom that we are often in danger of draining the life out of ourselves and our creative natures.

    .... The Revelations - Soul 111 [1974] - YouTube
    Last edited by MonsieurM; 10-23-2013, 09:36 AM.

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