Fehu Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets
Fehu Fay-Who and FULCANELLI
------------------------- BTW
just wanted to Mention it ...... ORGONE ..... like KARMA ......
from: The Alchemist's Handbook- FRATER ALBERTUS .............. Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,
so if you are full of Sh** ...... ORGONE will Amplify it DOR ..... purity of the mind ..... and Sharing
The Great Work (Latin: Magnum opus) is an alchemical term for the process of creating the philosopher's stone. It has been used to describe personal and spiritual transmutation in the Hermetic tradition, attached to laboratory processes and chemical color changes, used as a model for the individuation process, and as a device in art and literature. The magnum opus has been carried forward in new age and neo-hermetic movements which sometimes attached new symbolism and significance to the processes. It originally had four stages:[1][2]
nigredo, a blackening or melanosis
albedo, a whitening or leucosis
citrinitas, a yellowing or xanthosis
rubedo, a reddening, purpling, or iosis
The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. Zosimus of Panopolis wrote that it was known to Maria the Jewess.[3] After the 15th century, many writers tended to compress citrinitas into rubedo and consider only three stages.[4] Other color stages are sometimes mentioned, most notably the cauda pavonis (peacock's tail) in which an array of colors appear.
The magnum opus had a variety of alchemical symbols attached to it. Birds like the raven, swan, and phoenix could be used to represent the progression through the colors. Similar color changes could be seen in the laboratory, where for example, the blackness of rotting, burnt, or fermenting matter would be associated with nigredo.
nigredo, a blackening or melanosis
albedo, a whitening or leucosis
citrinitas, a yellowing or xanthosis
rubedo, a reddening, purpling, or iosis
The origin of these four phases can be traced at least as far back as the first century. Zosimus of Panopolis wrote that it was known to Maria the Jewess.[3] After the 15th century, many writers tended to compress citrinitas into rubedo and consider only three stages.[4] Other color stages are sometimes mentioned, most notably the cauda pavonis (peacock's tail) in which an array of colors appear.
The magnum opus had a variety of alchemical symbols attached to it. Birds like the raven, swan, and phoenix could be used to represent the progression through the colors. Similar color changes could be seen in the laboratory, where for example, the blackness of rotting, burnt, or fermenting matter would be associated with nigredo.


Fehu Rune Meaning | Rune Secrets
Fehu Fay-Who and FULCANELLI

------------------------- BTW
just wanted to Mention it ...... ORGONE ..... like KARMA ......
from: The Alchemist's Handbook- FRATER ALBERTUS .............. Sun Angel Creations - Law of Attraction Secrets - NumberQuest Numerology - NQ-Multi Numerology Calculator - Calculate Pythagorean, Chaldean, Kabbalah and Gematria Numerology Numbers! :: 123 Free Numerology Reports! :: Unlimited Free Numerology Name,
Hermetic philosophers have taught the very same fundamentals
even as philosophers of the future will do, for that which constitutes
truth will remain truth. It cannot be changed. But the theories of men
and their opinions, which are incorrectly given by some as truth, are
subject to change. Because one calls himself a philosopher does not
necessarilv make him such. Only he is a philosopher who has a sincere
love for the wisdom that manifests universally and who strives as
sincerely to apply it in his daily life. Wisdom is acquired through
righteous living. It is understanding applied. The acquisition of a
degree of Doctor of Philosophy, as conferred upon graduates in
institutions of higher learning, does not make one a philosopher, as
much as those in possession of such a degree may believe in their
right to such a title.
To be acquainted with the history of philosophy, the lives and
teachings of those called philosophers, is only a study and knowledge
of their universal concepts and what has been derived from them.
To be a philosopher, therefore, means to understand and live according
to that understanding, knowing well that only by giving unhesitatingly
and unselfishly will our belief in mankind be justified. When this
has been realized, then only will Alchemy become something real.
Transmutation always takes place on a higher plane, and in the physi-
cal world laws cannot be adhered to or violated without producing
karmic manifestations. Beneficial karma, if it is permissible to use a
term, because karma is impartial, is brought about by harmonious
applications of natural laws. These natural laws must be adhered to if,
according to predestined results, we wish to obtain what nature has
even as philosophers of the future will do, for that which constitutes
truth will remain truth. It cannot be changed. But the theories of men
and their opinions, which are incorrectly given by some as truth, are
subject to change. Because one calls himself a philosopher does not
necessarilv make him such. Only he is a philosopher who has a sincere
love for the wisdom that manifests universally and who strives as
sincerely to apply it in his daily life. Wisdom is acquired through
righteous living. It is understanding applied. The acquisition of a
degree of Doctor of Philosophy, as conferred upon graduates in
institutions of higher learning, does not make one a philosopher, as
much as those in possession of such a degree may believe in their
right to such a title.
To be acquainted with the history of philosophy, the lives and
teachings of those called philosophers, is only a study and knowledge
of their universal concepts and what has been derived from them.
To be a philosopher, therefore, means to understand and live according
to that understanding, knowing well that only by giving unhesitatingly
and unselfishly will our belief in mankind be justified. When this
has been realized, then only will Alchemy become something real.
Transmutation always takes place on a higher plane, and in the physi-
cal world laws cannot be adhered to or violated without producing
karmic manifestations. Beneficial karma, if it is permissible to use a
term, because karma is impartial, is brought about by harmonious
applications of natural laws. These natural laws must be adhered to if,
according to predestined results, we wish to obtain what nature has