I have a perhaps naοve layman theory about this, without other evidence than that it pleases me and seems congruent, that the universe expands 3-dimensionally at the rate and speed that we discover it. For each new discovery regarding distance, it grows. Which means, every time we're told what size our universe has, the statement is wrong. So what we're told are 10 out of 10 times wrong. Simple scientific facts
If I hold a ruler's end to a mirror, I should be able to measure the depth in the reflection in the mirror, yes? I certainly can get some kind of value out of such an operation. Because I can no doubt measure the width and height, right? So how deep is the universe within the reflection? Perhaps 3D space is an illusion altogether. Because forces can be found at 1 and 2 dimensions and information of different kind at higher levels, but 3D is the only dimension not contributing to the universe at all, it's just a symphtom. That could be explaining why space doesn't matter to higher dimensions.

Imagine the positive, contracting charge in it's ultimate state, a singularity or black hole.
Imagine the negative, diffusing, discharging force in it's ultimate state, entropy.
Imagine the two forces pulling in each other from different 'corners', thereby creating the illusion of 3D.
Information from other dimension giving it the shape it desires.
Thank you Walter Russell for the idea

What is it with all the 'crap DNA' in our bodies that seemingly has no use? What is it with the similarities in DNA between different species, even between plants, bacteria, and animals?
Is it the matrix, the uniting appreciation of the world, the common desicion to share a 3D impression, at some degree, with different levels of conformity between different species?

If I hold a ruler's end to a mirror, I should be able to measure the depth in the reflection in the mirror, yes? I certainly can get some kind of value out of such an operation. Because I can no doubt measure the width and height, right? So how deep is the universe within the reflection? Perhaps 3D space is an illusion altogether. Because forces can be found at 1 and 2 dimensions and information of different kind at higher levels, but 3D is the only dimension not contributing to the universe at all, it's just a symphtom. That could be explaining why space doesn't matter to higher dimensions.

Imagine the positive, contracting charge in it's ultimate state, a singularity or black hole.
Imagine the negative, diffusing, discharging force in it's ultimate state, entropy.
Imagine the two forces pulling in each other from different 'corners', thereby creating the illusion of 3D.
Information from other dimension giving it the shape it desires.
Thank you Walter Russell for the idea

What is it with all the 'crap DNA' in our bodies that seemingly has no use? What is it with the similarities in DNA between different species, even between plants, bacteria, and animals?
Is it the matrix, the uniting appreciation of the world, the common desicion to share a 3D impression, at some degree, with different levels of conformity between different species?
