Shall we continue with Earth Chakras: "Rock the Boat" by The Hues Corporation - YouTube

the chakra right Above The Sacral Chakra is the Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra
Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra

the Prophets of all three Abrahamic religions belong to this "geographic" Chakra ..... probably Buddha as well .....zoroastrianism as well ..... Confucius
The Hollies "The Air That I Breathe" - YouTube
Subtropics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

world religions map

Patriarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

6 Description of the chakras
6.1 Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra
6.2 Ajna: The Brow Chakra
6.3 Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra
6.4 Anahata: The Heart Chakra
6.5 Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra
6.6 Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra
6.7 Muladhara: The Root Chakra
6.1 Sahasrara: The Crown Chakra
6.2 Ajna: The Brow Chakra
6.3 Vishuddha: The Throat Chakra
6.4 Anahata: The Heart Chakra
6.5 Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra
6.6 Swadhisthana: The Sacral Chakra
6.7 Muladhara: The Root Chakra

Manipura: The Solar Plexus Chakra

Key issues governed by Manipura are issues of personal power, fear, anxiety, opinion-formation, introversion, and transition from simple or base emotions to complex. Physically, Manipura governs digestion, mentally it governs personal power, emotionally it governs expansiveness, and spiritually, all matters of growth.[39]
Manipura is considered the centre of dynamism, energy, willpower and achievement (Itcha shakti.), which radiates prana throughout the entire human body. It is associated with the power of fire, and digestion. It is also associated with the sense of sight, and the action of movement. Manipura is "the center of etheric-psychic intuition: a vague or non-specific, sensual sense of knowing; a vague sense of size, shape, and intent of being."[1] As such, some psychics recommend "listening" to it since it may help in making better decisions in one's life on many different levels.[2]
Through meditating on Manipura, one is said to attain the siddhi, or occult power, to create, destroy or save the world.
Manipura is considered the centre of dynamism, energy, willpower and achievement (Itcha shakti.), which radiates prana throughout the entire human body. It is associated with the power of fire, and digestion. It is also associated with the sense of sight, and the action of movement. Manipura is "the center of etheric-psychic intuition: a vague or non-specific, sensual sense of knowing; a vague sense of size, shape, and intent of being."[1] As such, some psychics recommend "listening" to it since it may help in making better decisions in one's life on many different levels.[2]
Through meditating on Manipura, one is said to attain the siddhi, or occult power, to create, destroy or save the world.

the Prophets of all three Abrahamic religions belong to this "geographic" Chakra ..... probably Buddha as well .....zoroastrianism as well ..... Confucius

The Hollies "The Air That I Breathe" - YouTube

Subtropics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The subtropics are climate zones typical of parts of the Earth immediately north and south of the tropical zone, which is bounded by the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn, at latitudes 23.5°N and 23.5°S. Subtropical regions are the climatic regions typically found adjacent to the tropics, usually between 23.5 and 40 degrees of latitude in both hemispheres, although such climates may occur at greater latitudes, or within the tropics themselves.

world religions map

Patriarchy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Patriarchy (rule by fathers) is a social system in which the male is the primary authority figure central to social organization and the central roles of political leadership, moral authority, and control of property, and where fathers hold authority over women and children. It implies the institutions of male rule and privilege, and entails female subordination. Many patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning that property and title are inherited by the male lineage. The female equivalent is matriarchy.
Originally posted by MonsieurM
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