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The Brain is an Advanced Fractal Antenna

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  • 45:XXXIII CIRCUMLOCUTIONS.--"Every time you find in our books a tale, the reality of which seems impossible, a story which repugnant both to reason and common sense, then be sure that tale contains a profound allegory veiling a deeply mysterious truth; and the greater the absurdity of the letter the deeper the wisdom of the spirit." RABBI MOSES MAIMONIDES.'s_Ark

    mostly centered around Turkey .... Mount Ararat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    'Tree of life' has Kurdish roots, study finds

    Seen by some as emblematic of the Mediterranean landscape and cuisine, the olive tree in fact has its domesticated roots in Kurdish regions, said a study Wednesday that seeks to settle an age-old debate.

    Read more at:

    Turkey the birthplace of Hindi, English: study

    Could the word for mother prove that Turkey was the birthplace of hundreds of languages as diverse as Hindi, Russian, Dutch, Albanian, Italian and English?

    Read more at:

    Man Gave Names To All The Animals. Jason Mraz-version - YouTube

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-06-2013, 05:01 PM.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


    • Solar flares online — February 06, 2013

      --------------------------------- continuing our journey

      thank you Dave

      February 3, 2013 – EARTH - Clouds of “cold plasma” reach from the top of Earth’s atmosphere to at least a quarter the distance to the moon, according to new data from a cluster of European satellites. Earth generates cold plasma—slow-moving charged particles—at the edge of space, where sunlight strips electrons from gas atoms, leaving only their positively charged cores, or nuclei. Researchers had suspected these hard-to-detect particles might influence incoming space weather, such as this week’s solar flare and resulting geomagnetic storm. That’s because solar storms barrage Earth with similar but high-speed charged particles. Still, no one could be certain what the effects of cold plasma might be without a handle on its true abundance around our planet. “It’s like the weather forecast on TV. It’s very complicated to make a reasonable forecast without the basic variables,’ said space scientist Mats André, of the Swedish Institute of Space Physics. “Discovering this cold plasma is like saying, Oh gosh, there are oceans here that affect our weather,” he said. Researchers already knew that some cold plasma existed in the ionosphere, about 60 miles (100 kilometers) above Earth’s surface. But few researchers had looked for the clouds between 12,400 and 60,000 miles (20,000 and 100,000 kilometers) high. André and his colleague Chris Cully suspected the plasma could be out there, but they knew the positive charge of spacecraft wasn’t helping any search efforts. Similar to the way cold plasma is created, sunlight strips electrons from spacecraft materials, making their hulls positively charged. Like two matching magnetic poles, a spacecraft would simply repulse any cold plasma around it. to find the stuff, André and Cully instead analyzed anomalies in data from the European Space Agency’s Cluster II spacecraft. This group of four satellites swings around Earth in a highly elliptical orbit. At the orbit’s peak, the probes reach nearly halfway to the moon. The enormous distance gives researchers a chance to sweep through and monitor Earth’s magnetic field and electrical activity, including the influence of “hot” charged particles emitted by the sun. Anomalies in the Cluster II data turned out to be shockwaves from cold plasma particles moving around the satellites. In the end, the pair found that cold plasma makes up between 50 and 70 percent of all charged particles within the farther reaches of Earth’s magnetic field. André says it’s now time to start updating space-weather models to take the extra cold plasma into account—at this point, for instance, nothing is known about how the plasma might affect solar storms. This influence is “not a minor thing in space weather,” André said. “It’s an elephant in the room.” –National Geographic

      a fractal construct has an 'efficient function', it has a fractal ergonomy to them, they function on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions:
      New 'retention model' explains enigmatic ribbon at edge of solar system

      (—The vast edges of our solar system—the boundary at the edge of our heliosphere where material streaming out from the sun interacts with the galactic material—is essentially invisible. It emits no light and no conventional telescope can see it. However, particles from inside the solar system bounce off this boundary and neutral atoms from that collision stream inward. Those particles can be observed by instruments on NASA's Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX). Since those atoms act as fingerprints for the boundary from which they came, IBEX can map that boundary in a way never before done. In 2009, IBEX saw something in that map that no one could explain: a vast ribbon dancing across this boundary that produced many more energetic neutral atoms than the surrounding areas.

      Read more at:
      In a paper published in the Astrophysical Journal, researchers propose a "retention theory" that for the first time explains the key observation of the unexplained ribbon's width. The paper appeared online on Feb. 4, 2013. Indeed, since the discovery of the ribbon, over a dozen competing theories seeking to explain the phenomenon have been put forth. The new theory builds on one that was first published along with the discovery of the ribbon in 2009 and then quantitatively simulated in 2010. This theory posited that the ribbon exists in a special location where neutral hydrogen atoms from the solar wind cross the local galactic magnetic field. Neutral atoms are not affected by magnetic fields, but when their electrons get stripped away they become charged ions and begin to gyrate rapidly around magnetic field lines. This process frequently aims ions back toward the sun. So those ions that pick up electrons at the right time might explain the extra boost of neutral atoms that create the ribbon. The problems were that physical processes might break down the distribution needed for it to work and that models based on this process showed a ribbon narrower than IBEX observed.

      Read more at:
      The new theory adds a key process: That rapid rotation creates waves or vibrations in the magnetic field, and the charged ions then become physically trapped in a region by these waves, which in turn would amplify the ion density and produce the broader ribbon seen. Read more at

      Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-07-2013, 06:23 AM.
      Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


      • Triangle coronal hole


        The Triangle coronal hole on the sun is back:

        3MIN February 7, 2013: Many Updates - YouTube



        • Originally posted by IndianaBoys View Post

          The Triangle coronal hole on the sun is back:

          3MIN February 7, 2013: Many Updates - YouTube

          thank you IndianaBoys

          figured as much ..... 6. Foo Foo - Santana - YouTube been trying to keep it under control

          A strange feeling in the air?, page 1

          ..... interesting Pattern .... when you know how to see them

          did you take the time to count them ......

          change one chord and it will reflect on the other chords Soul Know How To Make Music(70's Funk) - YouTube


          Donny Hathaway - Voices Inside (Everything is Everything) Live - YouTube


          Major Astrology Events in February 2013

          Major Celestial events – February 2013

          Mercury squares Dragon’s Head on February 1, 2013

          Mercury semi-squares Pluto on February 3, 2013; Mars conjuncts Neptune on February 5, 2013; Venus quintiles Dragon’s Head on February 5, 2013.

          Venus sextiles Uranus on February 7, 2013
          ; Mercury conjuncts Neptune on February 7, 2013; Mercury conjuncts Mars on February 8, 2013; Mercury squares Jupiter on February 9, 2013.

          Sun squares Dragon’s Head on February 10, 2013; Mars squares Jupiter on February 10, 2013.

          Mercury sex tiles Pluto on February 12, 2013; Mercury trines Saturn on February 13, 2013; Sun semi-squares Pluto on February 14, 2013.

          Mars trines Saturn on February 16, 2013.

          Saturn turns retrograde on February 18, 2013

          Venus squares Dragon’s Head on February 19, 2013; Sun conjuncts Neptune on February 21, 2013.

          Mercury turns retrograde on February 23, 2013; Venus semi-squares Pluto on February 23, 2013

          Mercury conjuncts Mars on February 26, 2013; Sun squares Jupiter on February 26, 2013.

          Mars trines Dragon’s Head on February 28, 2013; Venus conjuncts Neptune on February 28, 2013.


          Venus sextiles Dragon’s Head on January 27, 2013; Venus quintiles Uranus on January 28, 2013

          Sun squares Saturn on January 31, 2013.

          Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-07-2013, 10:46 PM.
          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


          • Watergeuzen Booker T & The Mg's - Back Home - YouTube

            PAWN = GEBO + NAUTHIZ + INGUZ + ALGIZ .... AGNI ..... THE SACRIFICE OF THE LAMB ie : AGNI agnus - Wiktionary




            was looking for a lighthouse (ROOK ) to illustrate and found the following ( check the numbers )

            Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-07-2013, 11:33 PM.
            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.



              In public relations, spin is a form of propaganda, achieved through providing an interpretation of an event or campaign to persuade public opinion in favor or against a certain organization or public figure. While traditional public relations may also rely on creative presentation of the facts, "spin" often, though not always, implies disingenuous, deceptive and/or highly manipulative tactics.[1]

              Politicians are often accused by their opponents of claiming to be honest and seek the truth while using spin tactics to manipulate public opinion. Because of the frequent association between spin and press conferences (especially government press conferences), the room in which these take place is sometimes described as a spin room. A group of people who develop spin may be referred to as "spin doctors" who engage in "spin doctoring" for the person or group that hired them.[2]

              PS: Baron Samedi when shortened ....... gives you B. S


              aime - Wiktionary


              aimer - Wiktionary

              Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-08-2013, 12:36 AM.
              Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


              • Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post

                Much has been said about the Pyramid of Giza .... but little has been said about the other pyramids

                one in particular :

                Pyramid of Menkaure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                what if they were older than the other two pyramids ........

                think on it ..... think of the size of the first computer and the size of your laptop today ..... with ancient history .... the more intricate the job is the older it is ......

                note the wall of the CROW


                Untitled Document

                THE WALL OF THE CROW

                One of the oldest monumental structures on the Giza Plateau is the Wall of the Crow. Believed to have been the original entrance to the Giza Plateau and the dividing line between the sacred precincts of Giza and the surrounding area, the surviving section of the Wall of the Crow is over 600 feet long and over 30 feet high. The megalithic passageway is one of the largest in the ancient world and the megalithic stone over the passageway is one of the largest stones at Giza. .
                The azimuth of the prehistoric alignment of world wonders as it crosses over the Giza Plateau is five degrees north of due east. Although all of the pyramids and temples on the Giza Plateau are very precisely aligned with the cardinal directions, the Wall of the Crow is aligned five degrees north of due east and five degrees south of due west, in alignment with the line of ancient sites as it crosses over the Giza Plateau.
                Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                • Ring Prominence on Sun

                  A stunning bit of footage of a ring prominence, thanks

                  Im not a scientific sort however I do have a look at the odd abstract from scientific journals. I was looking at one regarding plasma physics. It mentioned a Rankine Vortex- interesting shape, flow and radial symmetry is present. The title of the paper was 'Adiabatic transverse waves in a conducting gas' 1971 Journal of Plasma Physics, Roberts/Sozon. I was wondering if Rankine Vortexes were involved in the production of the ring?

                  Please forgive my nascent ideas, as I think like a musician/artist and have no scientific background other than what i try and understand from this forum.



                  • Originally posted by Sayana View Post
                    A stunning bit of footage of a ring prominence, thanks

                    Im not a scientific sort however I do have a look at the odd abstract from scientific journals. I was looking at one regarding plasma physics. It mentioned a Rankine Vortex- interesting shape, flow and radial symmetry is present. The title of the paper was 'Adiabatic transverse waves in a conducting gas' 1971 Journal of Plasma Physics, Roberts/Sozon. I was wondering if Rankine Vortexes were involved in the production of the ring?

                    Please forgive my nascent ideas, as I think like a musician/artist and have no scientific background other than what i try and understand from this forum.

                    Nothing to forgive ..... it is all natural and encouraged .... to have ideas that is

                    musician/ artist then you already have a leg up ( or is it leggings ) on a lot of scientist ..... you Flow

                    I'll try to have a look at it ..... but I am no plasma scientist


                    What meathead? Jocks perform best in brain test - NY Daily News

                    A group of athletes beat a group of non-sporty college students in a brain test, showing extraordinary skills for rapidly learning complex dynamic visual scenes. The study is the first cognitive test to give insight to why elite athletes are able to express great prowess in action.

                    Messi agility is all in the mind, scientists report



                    A short time ago I was returning to my hotel. It was a bitter cold night, the ground slippery, and
                    no taxi to be had. Half a block behind me followed another man, evidently as anxious as myself
                    to get under cover. Suddenly my legs went up in the air. In the same instant there was a flash in
                    my brain, the nerves responded, the muscles contracted, I swung thru 180 degrees and landed
                    on my hands. I resumed my walk as tho nothing had happened when the stranger caught up with
                    me. "How old are you?" he asked, surveying me critically. "Oh, about fifty-nine," I replied. "What
                    of it?" "Well," said he, "I have seen a cat do this but never a man."
                    Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-08-2013, 03:27 PM.
                    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                    • PLasma Physics

                      Nothing to forgive ..... it is all natural and encouraged .... to have ideas that is

                      musician/ artist then you already have a leg up ( or is it leggings ) on a lot of scientist ..... you Flow

                      I'll try to have a look at it ..... but I am no plasma scientist

                      LOL Thanks.

                      On the subject of the triangle in the middle of the sun, i was thinking or rather observed the following:
                      I make chapatti's, quite a lot and have noticed that the whole process revolves around circles, from rolling the dough into a ball using circular palm movements and even rolling it out, i roll in a circle- hard to describe- as i roll, the dough moves with the pin in a circular fashion. If during the cooking process things go wrong, then a flat triangle will form in the centre and the edges puff up, rather than the whole thing. Which made me think of the sun with the inner triangle.


                      • A

                        Originally posted by Sayana View Post
                        Nothing to forgive ..... it is all natural and encouraged .... to have ideas that is

                        musician/ artist then you already have a leg up ( or is it leggings ) on a lot of scientist ..... you Flow

                        I'll try to have a look at it ..... but I am no plasma scientist

                        LOL Thanks.

                        On the subject of the triangle in the middle of the sun, i was thinking or rather observed the following:
                        I make chapatti's, quite a lot and have noticed that the whole process revolves around circles, from rolling the dough into a ball using circular palm movements and even rolling it out, i roll in a circle- hard to describe- as i roll, the dough moves with the pin in a circular fashion. If during the cooking process things go wrong, then a flat triangle will form in the centre and the edges puff up, rather than the whole thing. Which made me think of the sun with the inner triangle.
                        a very insightful observation ..... cooking is but Alchemy .... the Art of Cooking ..... Life is the Greatest Alchemist of All

                        weren't we first simmering in the primordial soup .... and then "man was made of clay "( which is another type of dough ) "

                        that is quite an interesting process to learn from ..... the making of the correct chapattis ( Chapati - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )


                        The word "Chappathi" is derived from Kannada origin "Chappate thatti" meaning "flattened round". Chapati is noted in Ain-i-Akbari , a 16th century document, by Mughal Emperor, Akbar’s vizier, Abu'l-Fazl ibn Mubarak.[1]

                        on a side note : some people who encountered UFO have had triangular marks left on them which only appears at a certain time of the year ( usually in the same area as in the picture below with the triangle on it Chakra - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia )

                        Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-08-2013, 08:36 PM.
                        Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                        • Originally posted by Sayana View Post
                          A stunning bit of footage of a ring prominence, thanks

                          Im not a scientific sort however I do have a look at the odd abstract from scientific journals. I was looking at one regarding plasma physics. It mentioned a Rankine Vortex- interesting shape, flow and radial symmetry is present. The title of the paper was 'Adiabatic transverse waves in a conducting gas' 1971 Journal of Plasma Physics, Roberts/Sozon. I was wondering if Rankine Vortexes were involved in the production of the ring?

                          Please forgive my nascent ideas, as I think like a musician/artist and have no scientific background other than what i try and understand from this forum.


                          Wolfram Demonstrations Project

                          The Rankine vortex model is a simple two-equation parametric description of a swirling flow, characterized by a forced vortex in the central core and a free vortex with increasing distance from the center. The two parameters are the radius of maximum winds and the peak wind speed. The Rankine vortex is used as the basis for a number of simple descriptions of hurricane wind fields.

                          Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-08-2013, 11:39 PM.
                          Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                          • UFO Type: Small

                            a) An egg-shaped machine about 6- to 8-ft long that flies with the long axis
                            vertical, comparable in size to a compact sedan.


                            Egg-shaped UFO seen from mountain lodge, reacts to firing of signal flare - Hochries Mountain, Germany - December 10, 1973 - UFO Evidence



                            Know, therefore, that in the hen's egg is the greatest help with respect to the proximity and relationship of the matter in nature [B], for in it there is a spirituality and conjunction of elements, and an earth which is golden (yellow / golden ratio / 9 ) in its tincture.

                            Hermes Trismegistus

                            Egg white - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

                            Stabilizing egg white foam for culinary purposes
                            Copper bowl

                            Copper bowls have been used in France since the eighteenth century to stabilize egg foams. The copper in the bowl assists in creating a tighter bond in reactive sulfur items such as egg whites. The bond created is so tight that the sulfurs are prevented from reacting with any other material. A silver plated bowl will have the same result as the copper bowl as will a pinch of powdered copper supplement from a health store used in a glass bowl. Drawbacks of the copper bowl include the expense of the bowl itself, as well as the fact that the bowls are difficult to keep clean. Copper contamination from the bowl is minimal, as a cup of foam will contain a tenth of one's daily normal intake level.[8]
                            one more thing ( an old info )

                            Limestone Quartz Magnetite and Residual Paranormal Hauntings Study by Long Island Paranormal Investigators - Ghost Haunted Demonic Investigation Ghost Hunter New York NY

                            Limestone, a common sedimentary rock composed primarily of the mineral calcite (CaCO3).

                            Most limestone is formed with the help of living organisms. Many marine organisms extract calcium carbonate from seawater to make shells or bones. Mussels, clams, oysters, and corals do this.
                            What is Limestone?

                            Last edited by MonsieurM; 02-09-2013, 11:40 AM.
                            Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.


                            • Rankine Vortex

                              Originally posted by MonsieurM View Post
                              Thanks MrM, a simple explanation, i will have to look up some words
                              I like the visual link to the chakras, the spindles of our own sustenance.


                              • Chapatti Making

                                I hope you try it out for yourself, it's a good work out and therapeutic, you also know what ingredients you are adding, so healthy and there are many versions of roti (Urdu for bread in general) Getting the heat right during the process is key, as well as the flattened spiral forms

